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  • Sorry to hear work is frustrating right now. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday for you, hope it's a good weekend to unwind. :)

    I'm doing all right thanks. School is interesting, and sometimes mentally tiring. But I love it. :)
    Pewdiepie (who is Swedish), Jacksepticeye (who is Irish) and Markiplier (an Asian-American) are youtube personalities...they are "famous" primarily due to their "let's play" videos, i.e., where they play video games and comment on them. They do other stuff (generally comedic), but that's about it in a nutshell. Pewdiepie in particular is the most popular youtuber on youtube. He has over 40 million subscribers.

    Undertale is a game about a child who falls into a cavern underneath a mountain, a cavern full of monsters.

    Despite this, it's not a horror game. It's more "cute" than anything and feeds into the liberal "violence is never the answer" agenda. Despite this latter fact, it's still an amazing game which will, as I said, "hit you in the feels."

    Check it out.
    Completely unrelated: are you by chance familiar with the game Undertale? Pewdiepie and Jacksepticeye (youtube personalities) both have walkthroughs of it...Markiplier might.

    I think that you would really like character Sans.

    I warn you, though. The game will hit you in the feels. Over and over again.
    Kmo: with respect to your last thread comment: fair enough. I do want to know this, though: did you laugh at my comment about how the liberals are going to be angry with you? :p
    I don't know that they get there without home field or his performance against New England. I'm just saying it was a team effort. :D Bradshaw won at least one of his rings by the grace of a defense. So did Wilson and so have a number of qbs. No shame in that. :cheers:
    I wish! Haha.

    But in all seriousness, fair point about the "tone," so to speak. A lot of it is contextual. If the conversation were: "Here is the problem in Syria, what should be done about it," my tone would be very different.

    But that's not the conversation. The conversation is: "Hey, let's ship in all of these Muslims," to which my only answer can be: "NEVER! REPEL THE INVADERS! :madmad: "

    That's a very large part of the reason why I sound much less charitable than you otherwise might expect.
    Before I comment further, I just want to definite "no" on sending the black people your way, huh? :p

    The food sounds good, enjoy. :) Are you rooting for either team? (I know the Panthers are playing (I think I know, anyway), but I don't remember the other team for sure... Broncos? I'm right, aren't I? Right? :eek:
    Thanks. That was a profoundly disturbing, but very helpful read. I suspect we have a couple followers of his here, in ideology if not in actuality, because they're following the script pretty closely.

    I'm doing okay. Are you all set for the Super Bowl?
    Kmoney, one final posting. Here are my general views. Scientifically confirmed. 100 percent. :p

    The Catholic influence, in all seriousness, on my political opinions is often negative. It acts as a corrective knife to rule certain things out for me. Though, again, if any opinion of mine is directly contrary to the Catholic Faith, then you most certainly should agree with the Faith and disagree with me, and not only that, but bring my attention to my error.

    And I wish finally to note that the Catholic Faith is not my only intellectual influence. I'm not simply rehashing Catholic dogma when I have discussions. There are other things I have in mind, man. :p

    Edit: One final point. Chances are, you disagree with me about black people because you live further up north where there aren't a whole lot of them. So, I have a proposal: if you disagree with me, how about we "move them north" to where you live? If you have to deal with them, you might change your tune awful quick. :p

    Part 4/4
    The Church is generally silent. If Pope Francis speaks, he's simply giving his own educated opinion. Don't get me wrong, of course: if there's any serious doubt, it's safer to go with Pope Francis' opinion than mine.

    I don't think that anything I've said lately flat out contradicts the Catholic Faith (though, of course, I wouldn't put them forward as Catholic opinions, or even opinions of Catholic inspiration).

    I fully grant that Syrian migrants should be treated with charity, that they need some kind of help, etc...I simply deny that they should be permitted to set even their little pinky toe on Western soil.

    Part 3/4 - continued
    That's all well and good, of course, for theological discussions. But when it comes to concrete, "particular" matters of politics, that just doesn't cut it. The Church speaks to us in broad, general terms. It tells us things like: "It is not true that some races of men are naturally inferior to others: for all men have been created in the image and likeness of God." Again, it will tell us things like: "There is, among men, a natural right to migrate."

    I could go on, but I think you will understand my meaning.

    What does these mean in the particular circumstances? That's a tricky issue which requires political prudence (which, let us note, is a virtue). In the concrete instances here and now, how do we bring 1. the right of a nation-state to safeguard the well-being of its own citizens with 2. the general natural right to do we bring these to bear, I ask, with respect to this country, with respect to these migrants, etc?

    Part 2/4 - continued

    I hope you'll accept my apologies for not replying to these messages sooner. So, before I give you a serious reply, I hope you'll accept two joke answers:

    1. To your former message: "You should see the stuff I don't say. :p"

    2. To your latter message: "No, no. I'm actually in favor of beating sense into many, many more people than that. :p"

    Now to more serious answers. Do you know why, Kmo, you'll likely never see Cruciform posting controversial things? It's because he practically never gives his own views, and he pretty much never posts his political opinions. He only sticks to the doctrines of the Catholic Faith.

    Part 1/4 - continued
    Yeah, Barth wrote quite a bit. There is a joke that says that God was looking forward to Karl Barth's death, so He could learn something new about himself...

    Nice, got both volumes then?

    Haven't been able to do any heavy reading the last week, been occupied with pastoral duties. Reading a book that is a letter exchange on there parables of Jesus between an agnostic historian and a professor of theology though. Quite interesting to read.

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