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  • Hadn't heard about that. Have to check out the primary sources though, always a bit weary when it comes to newspapers reporting on religion :chuckle:

    I would be more worried about H&G. They are outside, setting a horse carriage on fire, attaching it to your car, putting a stone on the gas pedal and then riding it down the road... :plain:
    Thank you :)

    Went out for dinner with the other candidates and our teachers. Not more today, need some rest now. There will be further celebrations on sunday evening :chuckle:

    H&G are very creative...

    The craziness here is a little bit over the top at the moment. Sometimes it feels more like a mix between stormfront and the Westboro baptists.
    Kmo :D I've been charting the extremely solid football your boys have been playing. Nice. :cheers: Too bad you can't be in another division.
    I'm doing good. Wrapping up this final semester, so it has been around the clock for me these last 2 weeks :eek:

    Just calculated. This year I've written nearly 100 000 words of theses, articles, reports and speeches....

    How are you?

    Sorry you have a cold. I hate getting colds. :eek:

    At least being on TOL is better than Vick's Vaporub to get things moving, so there's that. :chuckle:
    :chuckle: Of course you'd never... :chuckle:

    And you do that, because I'll probably still be there, still looking. :)
    You are, thanks, kmo. Not sure when I'll make it back around, but I know never to say never... again. :eek:

    ... And you know never to tease me about that, right?

    Oh wait... :chuckle:
    Will get back to you soon. Been busy. Caught a nasty cold, so the days drain all my energy :chuckle:
    In all seriousness, remember: this too shall pass. Something that's helped me a lot is a small but powerful instruction. "Do the next thing." Those are the words of a missionary's wife whose husband was murdered in the course of his mission work. Just do the next thing you have to do, don't look beyond it. You can start with the simple act of getting out of bed. :) Then do the next thing. And the next. You can do this. :)
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