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  • As for the debate, I wandered away at some point, just like I did for the second GOP debate. I don't know if it's me or them, but they're not holding my interest for the entire shebang. This debate was definitely more traditional in tone without Trump to make it a circus. I mentioned to rex in a rep comment that I knew so little about Sanders that I had an almost spotlessly blank slate going in where he was concerned. No preconceived conceptions other than he was pretty progressive, but this is the Democrat primary, after all. I didn't know what to expect so I was interested in what I was going to think. Hillary was a known, he was an unknown.
    :eek: I didn't always sleep like this. I found out later, much later (so there's no chance of the power of suggestion going), that one of the hallmarks of depression is early morning insomnia, where you have no trouble falling asleep but wake up in the early morning hours and can't get back to sleep. Bingo... so every morning around 3 or 4 but occasionally 2, I wake up and that's it. Nothing to do but go ahead and make the coffee... But you know, I've learned to embrace it. I enjoy the quiet time, it's very peaceful. Sometimes I get a good creative streak and write quite a bit. But on the flip side, I have to say I'm not much of a party animal. :chuckle:

    So now that I've bored you with my sleep habits... :eek: I only told you that because just knowing that it's related to depression, having a reason for it, helps a lot. So if you know anyone with a similar problem in real life, pay attention to that. :)
    One of the advantages to living on the west coast - if it's 9 there it must be 6 here. Which is good, because 9 is past my bedtime. :eek:

    I'd like to watch it too, just to see what Sanders is like.

    As for TOL:


    I know the answer to that. :eek:


    I can't stop laughing... :chuckle:

    Thanks for reminding me, I'd forgotten about it, I've been at school all day. I need to check when it's on.

    Yeah, they are scary, aren't they? Do what you can now to take care of your brain.
    Thank you, kmo. I very much appreciate your kindness.

    I'm glad you reminded me about your grandmother, and I can only imagine what that must have been like for your family and your mom in particular. I've learned that it can take years to develop, but by age 65 one in nine people will have Alzheimer's, and by age 85 the odds are one in three. With people living longer these days, it casts a long shadow.

    Thank you again, you're such a thoughtful person. I hope you're doing well too. :)
    Just one, I think. And no worries on that, I myself have been owing Sela a reply. :chuckle:

    I'm doing okay.. thanks for asking, and I hope you are too. :)
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