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  • Thank you, kmo, that was really wonderful to receive. Will reply in due time. Hope you have a good day today. :)
    I was kind of incredulous when I heard it, to tell you the truth. I probably posted while I was still recovering. :chuckle:

    I'm doing all right, thanks. Hope you are too.
    You appear to be saying that religious beliefs can be protected only if it's a widely held belief with a long history.
    Good point. I, for one, would add to that protection anyone with a football team standing a realistic chance of serious post season contention. :plain: That ought to round it out...because otherwise, they're really asking to be ridiculed.

    Hi kmo, I'm having a good holiday weekend, thanks. I hope you are too. :)

    I'll return your PM when I've finished my coffee and the caffeine's kicked in. (Words are great. I love words... when they're in the right order...)
    Hey, you could pick up Tim Tebow now. He's up for grabs and by all accounts playing better ball than he did for Denver...think how ironic and funny that would be if you did and he won for you. :D
    Yeah, one of the few teams playing another ranked opponent. Traditionally that hasn't gone well for us, but I like the call. A good, physical team to play that will allow us to run first and pass when we need to...which given our qb situation might be the best way to go. I'm nervous, but looking forward to it.
    Yeah, it's going to be great, and oh boy, did I think of TOL. :chuckle:

    But not you, you're safe. :chuckle:

    And thanks. :) I'm pretty happy to be there.

    Go Aztecs. :eek:
    Yes thanks, glad to be back in school. 16 units this semester, and of them the two classes I'm going to enjoy the most are abnormal psy and social psy.
    I don't find that curious given their vulnerability and the general lack of democratic foundation in most of the region from which that element is emerging. And Turkey is, of course, the democratically aligned exception, comparatively.
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