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  • Thank you ... May light and truth always prevail for you and your family as you travel the road of life.
    Yea but one should be able to see the point, it isn't like it can't be tested to see if what I am saying is unprovable.
    Seems my legal name theory isn't to popular with the children of Babylon.
    Hey freelight, feel free to chime in :)
    Hope things are going well in your end.
    The thing with paul is that his way of using koine greek is hard to translate, thus the deluded mistakes in translating his epistles. But not just paul, but Hebrews and James show signs of antinomian tendencies. Pauls letters are considered more timely and numerous, hence they have the most mistakes anyway.
    Yes, I think we do. :cheers: In fact, I think we have a hefty majority on our side--and a majority of blue collar folks at that, not just the intellectuals. :e4e:
    Yeah seen some of your exchange in Damian's thread :)

    No new turns in the journey, things just keep unfolding :p
    It depends on when you start counting. I was raised Lutheran, but it's a bit uncertain why I started taking it at all seriously. I was an evangelical Christian throughout high school, and for the first year of college, although not too far into my college career, I'd pretty well decided I didn't really believe any longer.
    I barely have time to read and answer my small part these days, but I'll try to give them more than the brief glance I throw at random bits. Lights? I forgot to pay the bill again. :eek:
    While I admit Paul is a question? I think that him having certain antinomian dogmas is questionable. Perhaps plagiarizing translators have not removed doctrines which only go as far back as Tyndale.
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