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  • Neither, strictly speaking, contains the teachings of Jesus Christ, but rather a perversion and bastardization of them. I've asked mods to help you and Caino to set up your own website someplace else. I don't believe the Urantia threads serve any purpose on TOL but a conflict of interest. It is more of a Urantia "promo" than an actual TOL debate/discussion thread.

    I just think you guys would be happier without all the interference with your thread and it is obvious it is not welcomed on TOL.
    Hey! :) Really liked that emoticon that sticks it's tongue out. Ha! :) (As you can tell, I didn't go see the html for it.)
    Thanks, ill check them out, ive kind of dropped out of that thread, since it was clear that its ignored even when one posts evidence that even the kjv varies in several places from the original texts. Some people act like the kjv english is the original. Odd huh.
    Yea he had the christian perspective, I was still in that phase when I first discovered him, I wouldn't agree with the plot or model anymore either, I liked his presentations on Cydonia and Roswell but haven't really kept up with the subject in the last few years. Wintering here in Arizona where there is a lot of vortex energy in certain spots one could encounter some benevolent and not so benevolent spirits, some don't like trespassing into to there space while others if tapped into supply an energy boast that you can ride along with. I have thought about visiting these type of areas in the western states, There are some spots where the natives went to have their vision quest, some report star man experience etc...
    I'm just not all that well-informed about it. I was in Roswell years ago, and took a look at the site and so on, but nothing really there to see.
    Yea, the humanoid sentient beings that live within the earth. I think it's interesting if you consider even people like Columbus saw saucers and lights emerge from the ocean during his travels.
    Hello freelight! I was wondering if you've heard about the theory of intraterrestrials? If I made a thread about it, would you be interested in discussing it?
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