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  • WELLLLL!!!!

    Is this hidden from the - "Others"? Would it not be better for the - "Others" if they were forced to Reject what God expect His people to do?
    Oh, I think Damian has a very interesting advance, but he's killing himself methodologically...the problem with holding that there is no personal merit in salvation is that answering how salvation is arrived at becomes problematic. The Calvinist says it's predetermined, making God appear to be responsible for a great deal of suffering that doesn't seem to have a real point. But the universalist, recognized or not, has precisely the same problem, unless he posits that suffering is more or less necessary and then the question of why begin with the crudely material that invites additional suffering is in play. Why not a gentler method?

    No one has a truly satisfactory answer, though his polar notion seems mistaken to me for a number of reasons.

    Whose? :) If you mean I was abrupt or rough it's a distinct possibility, but then it's a response to his ongoing, which is and has been an invitation to it. Read my opening correction on his Calvinist point and then watch where he goes with it.

    Ah, such is life. Remind me to tell you about a parade I watched the other day and how it kicked me into an understanding of attachment. :)
    even though I have to suffer in life and from tol idoits, I have to least shorten or stop some sort of reliving afterlife when its not nessessary. Enlightenment solves this problem and takes me straight to some sort of forever bliss.
    Kate of Gaia writings page as the info on the legal name and the fraud attached to it, Lose the name web site also as her writings and question section where the most ask ones are dealt with, and the victories of folks doing it, Kate recommends baby steps out of the matrix and it is the intent that matters . I don't have any ID of any kind anymore and have been working on a cash only bases for the last 5 years, and have learned that Creation will supply what we need if we lose the fear and the bad habit of scripting our lives.

    Taking that leap is scary but the Creation will catch those who do.
    You know what, I know you're dead wrong about "everything Spiritual"
    and I know at this time, if you were to leave this world, you will stand
    before God some day and be judged. However, there's still time for you
    to come to the truth of God's Grace towards man!

    I have to admit though, you are a civil poster and
    you are respectful of your fellow posters. In that
    respect, you have my respect. I'll pray for your
    eternal destination! GM
    I host them either here or on photobucket and then use img tags (image tags like quote brackets but use img instead then /img in the last quote tag and in the center of them put in the address to where your image is.

    From the faq here: How do I add an image to a post?

    If you have uploaded an image as an attachment, you can click the arrow next to the 'Attachment Icon' and select it from the list. This will be inserted into your post and can be located where you want it displayed.

    To include an image that is not uploaded as an attachment and is located on another website, you can do so by copying the full URL to the image, (not the page on which the image is located), and either pressing the 'Insert Image' icon or by typing
    Paul was at least literate. Many in those ages were not. If you, however, remove the road to Damascus episode then Paul loses all legitimacy. And, of course, only one can testify to that event and that is Paul himself. Why he would be banned after one day on TOL for making such a claim.
    In my experience most people have no idea why they are experiencing an Earth incarnation.
    I've always respected how mellow you can be during pretty serious debates... I may just watch and learn from here on out. :chuckle:
    I've debated closing it, but I've never had a thread last so long or get this many responses, so I'm kinda torn. :p
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