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  • Often, to answer your question. But to add to it: the reason was always so dumb**** stupid I never even checked into why. Nor should you.
    Did I make a post with an oops in it?

    Asking because of your chat box comment, and I don't know how to respond???
    :chuckle: Yeah, actually I've had this theme on my page for quite awhile. I think I was going through a psychedelic phase. :) Things are going well with me (as can be expected I suppose) Hopefully, all is well with you?
    Not too much interaction going on there. Just a few posts from wordbasedmystic (WBM) and I.

    I stay away from some folks too. :)
    Welcome back. Was totally taken aback over your banning. But, we both know how it is here.
    Thanks, I've read the thread and totally agree with your posts.... further more I've added one of your sentiments to my signature: ie: "Using reason, intelligence and healthy skepticism is a noble endeavor in the search for truth". But please note, I further endorse those very words to your own beliefs.... all the best :up:
    I can't find the thread, got a link? I'll take a read though I may not join in on the discussion. I find threads in which a bunch of fundies preach at each other mind numbingly tedious. But you are on the button about them preferring cherished belief before having the guts to examine other avenues that might be true. Take them out of their comfort zone and their only defence is blanket denial. Pathetic really.
    Religious tradition.... bah! It's done nothing through the ages but divide people and create ill feeling, even among themselves. Islam comes to mind but they're only living through a dark age that the West suffered 500 years ago. It's such a vile meme when it attaches itself to the hearts and minds of human beings. There is no reason why people can't be good, kind, moral, ethical and loving in a purely secular environment, because only then will they finally free themselves of the ridiculous notion that they alone have a special transcendent "Truth". As sure as night follows day the human spirit will one day be free of it. It cannot fool all the people all the time :up:
    Yes, my last green subscriber status was a gift.

    And thank you for letting me know!

    "Well, you know those trins"


    Say... do you know what got her banned?

    I too thought that lifetime members were exempt from banning.

    thanks for the message. once i look at incoming message and leave it once. I can't access prior messages. where do i look?
    Sure thing :) . I don't get on Facebook much anymore, so I'd probably be easier to reach with a PM on here. Just let me know, Paul :)
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