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  • just thought i would comment that you seem to always respect and build up.
    you seem to be patient with name callers and those who condescend. much appreciated.
    Right. I used to just say: God is.

    Now I use a couple of scriptures to say that while God is, He is also all.

    Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord. Jeremiah 23:24

    Yes, yes He does.

    Then also:

    For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. Acts 17:28

    Though, all is God, God also exists outside of time and space.

    For those who have experienced the oneness with God also find that there is no time or space, but are just useful constructs for me/us... all the me-s. Nevertheless, these persons can be anywhere at anytime in Spirit.

    But, of course, you already know these things. :)
    What is not understood is feared.

    Yet, if one's own personal religion were truly understood, then all the other true religions are also understood: for at their core, they are all the same. Just using different words.

    All who truly seek God will find Him. (Of course God's not lost ;) )
    I'll look forward to it. My favorites were/are: Hindu, Buddhism, Baha'i, American Indian, Tao, and of course Judaism and Christianity.

    We are all one. This, I have experienced.
    Hey Freelight :)

    Just wanted to stop by and say: Don't let them get you down.

    Things generally get the darkest before the dawn. Just keep on keepin the love in your heart. Of course, correct discipline is very loving.

    God bless!
    Freelight, you're becoming a serial "neg-repper!"
    If you should decide to continue, you will be
    reported to Inzl Kett! She told me to let her
    know if another poster starts to serial neg-rep!
    I have Massey's free writings bookmark, I know Acharya thinks he was good, He thought much of christian doctrine was based on Egyptian motifs which I would agree on, is take on Paul/Peter is interesting, Kuhn was also influenced by his writings and mentioned in them.
    It's a beautiful idea: "I bow to the divine in you." Yes, brother, let us recognize the Spirit in each other. :cheers:
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