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  • The journey seems never ending.

    However I do stop to visit places and realities.

    I perceive that earth is primarily for physically expressing and physically materializing the things which are the fabric of my own spirit.

    This can and must be done in perfect harmony with all other things. The entire God given mission of the Spirit, Son of God, Lord Jesus is to make this perfectly possible by interceding between the spirit of each human and the Holy Spirit.

    From this the Spirit of the Lord Jesus come up with what I must know, pray for, say and do. I discern this by searching my own heart. Then I am led into my works (on earth) by precisely this.

    Therefore I pause my never ending journey so as to have a life on earth according to the above. Then I serve my own spirit, intricately, in perfect harmony with the Holy Ghost.

    One should not hustle through the journey to achieve some final and big end.

    Kindest regards,
    if you are led by God's Spirit, you will naturally obey his laws and principles....your will will be God's will, when they are one. Beyond any concept of 'salvation',....if one is abiding in God and God in him,....he will bear the fruit of the Spirit, and naturally be 'saved' from 'sin'. "If you love me, keep my words (obey my instructions)". Love naturally inspires the perfect action, fulfilling itself wholly.
    a page from Jesus' book.
    nothing personal, just your words - i pray someday you can spread love, peace, joy and light; without attacking the Bible, Jesus and specifically Paul. is that possible ? you might even seem more credible, unless your entire belief system centers on and revolves around contemplating errors in the Bible - peace
    I don't have to research. I can see clearly how inconsistent Paul's teachings are, if you read Jesus' word.
    Here's my bio of the Urantia book (UFO Cult)

    The "Urantia Book" garbage is known as a "UFO Cult!" Although,
    those who are believers in it, will tell you different! It has its
    beginnings in the mid-1950s. The same time Scientology came
    about! It's made up of occult writings! They believe in supposed
    alien entities (just like Scientology) who spoke though a chosen
    human conduit while he was in a deep sleep. Supposedly, a
    secretary stood by his bed and wrote down whatever the
    entities said! They then placed the writings in a book entitled;
    "The Urantia Book!"
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