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  • yes, i saw them - i dont know how much stock i would put into secular psychology freeing one from demonic influence or possession though. Hope all is well with you also :)
    Believe it or not I was indeed actually speaking from the scripture there in that thread. However most neither know it nor believe it when they see it and hear it because they have been trained to call such thinking "gnosticism" and all manner of other modern labels meant to discredit people. I will attempt to show you in my next post therein. :)
    The 3 concentric rings of Machiventa Melchizedek, symbolizing the Paradise Trinity :) - The UB

    Lol! Good luck with that. If you ever discover anything new that you can prove to me in my world then be sure let me know. But do it before you collect your Nobel prize so I can brag to my friends about it.

    All the best :cheers:
    That's Ok. But you know me too. My aim in the only life I know for sure is real, is to live as close to reality as I can. In my 65 years I've found nothing works to that end better than taking a sceptical approach. Just believing stuff is fun an all but I've never found any merit in it. For me there is no other way to get to the truth but through genuine, open minded scepticism, and if that doesn't work then I'm happy to accept ignorance, in the full knowledge that no one else really knows either, regardless their, devoid of evidence, claims.
    Research my dear

    Thank you dear, but there is no scientific "research" in the difference between mental disorders and demonic possession. One has been shown to be real and deserves professional medical attention. The other....? Well, it's just plain daft and deserves the derision it attracts. I bet you know which is which :)
    I did, freelight. I thanked you for your kindness in a rep comment. To be honest, I don't think that's something for me, but I appreciate your good heart. Thank you.
    All I see is where you posted only the saying itself, here. Did you elaborate on it somewhere else or are you introducing the saying for the first time there for comments? If you already offered more on this saying please send me a link if you remember where it is. :)
    I see you must have read a post to a certain lioness where I posted Thomas#7, (in the Septuagint it is a female lioness in Daniel 7:4). At least I assumed you saw that when I saw your message pointing me to the Thomas thread, (thanks again). What I said to the lioness is true because Yeshua says, "Therefore all things whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets", (Matthew 7:12) and you know what precedes that verse, (beginning in Matthew 7:1). The Prophets are not for predicting the future of the whole globe all at once where God destroys millions of people, (as the carnal futurists believe) but rather to each in his or her own appointed times, individual and personal, as is all of the Gospel, (it is all for the good in the End to them that love God). I likewise have learned what I have the hard way being the jerk that I used to be. Hmmm, or did you say "on a roll" because that was my post #360? (circle). :)
    Thanx, also perhaps you may have noticed then, regarding John 8:58, that the form of ginomai, (which is genesthai) is generally not even rendered correctly. It actually does not say "Before Abraham was, (genesthai) I am" but rather "I am before Abraham comes to pass, (genesthai)". But this is not an allowable rendering to the carnal mind because it views Abraham as dead and past. However, viewing Abraham as representing the covenant itself, and believing the Testimony of Yeshua when he says all the prophets and Torah prophesied until John, the normal rendering makes sense because the Abrahamic covenant was not fully implemented until Golgotha and then the Resurrection. I have posted some about this and will go see if I can find it ...

    "Jesus is God" thread Page 230 - Post #3445 and several other replies thereabout. :)
    Haha, yep, but as for myself I just want to be sure I do not wake up one day to find my own carcass buried in Kibroth HaTaavah, (and me still in it). :)
    That's up two if you keep reading beyond the exclamation point in that post. :crackup:
    Hmmm, something else perhaps to practice: try clicking on the sheep and see if it does not open a portal, (sometimes when sheep jump rope they have something to hide). :)

    Yah, I see it showed up on your page but not mine because I have it here in the "view conversation" apartment compartment department. Thanks again. :)
    Ah, you're right, I did not know this, so thanks! After I post this I will go back to see if it posts on my visitor page and then I will check yours. :)
    Hey there, freelight :) .

    I've mostly been into Taoism lately. I like the simplicity you find on the surface, yet deep down there is much to learn from the teachings. As long as it helps on the path of peaceful living, I like it. How about yourself?
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