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I simply read HER DEFINITION of science.If that's what you gleaned from AO's thread then you really weren't paying attention to it.
And there is an abundance of evidence that refutes it, regardless of how much that may irk you.Science itself is entirely neutral on the topic of evolution. It didn't come about by atheistic philosophy by way of. The theory became established because of the abundance of evidence that supports it, regardless of how much that may irk you.
Then perhaps, for the FIRST time, you'd like to bring up a SPECIFIC claim of evidence that supports ONLY your goo to you evolution and not the creationist view. [Instead of your vague claims that "she schooled us", pick a SPECIFIC post and/or a SPECIFIC claims and we can discuss it].Alate showed that there isn't any need for cognitive dissonance with accepting such and having faith while simultaneously explaining in painstaking detail as to how young earth creationism doesn't hold up to scientific scrutiny. She's not a deist and neither am I.
There's nothing 'childish' about anything I'm posting to you here but if snark is your 'go to' then hey, have at it as you will.

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