Why would any conservative support Donald Trump?


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Hall of Fame
Wait now I'm really confused. Aren't you the guy who says vote Republican regardless of the candidate???
he has said it many times.
-you shouldn't be confused
-you think for yourself
You have to admit, sometimes you are a little goofy. You have said that anyone who cares about conservative values needs to vote Republican. Now, it sounds like you think Trump is such a rare breed; perhaps he is a secret agent for the Democratic party who came in from the night to sabotage the Republican party?

You never said this, I have just now, although I am not convinced. The point is you have not given a convincing reason, as to why you will not vote for Trump, is based in anything not contradictory to what you have been saying all along?


I think he described it as a "big, beautiful wall". Does it bother you at all that there's more detail in your post here trying to imagine the wall than there is in any of his descriptions of it? He's awfully big on hand-waving...
He's also demonstrably big on actually getting impressive structures built. It's not like he's saying that we're going to put a man on the Moon.
Also, how was it that El Chapo escaped again? It seems like there were some walls around him.
We've tried not having a wall. It's not working.


Um, I doubt the first consideration of most people buying a firearm is how proportional it is to blowing one's head off with it...
Statistics indicate what we would expect, that people don't tend to use a longgun (shotgun or rifle) nearly as frequently as a handgun. Snubnosed revolvers are among the guns that are plentiful, and are used for suicides and crime.
Why? You surely lean in the direction of it being a good one so why so hesitant?
I'm not hesitant about trying it. I'm just not arrogant.
Okay, maybe your hesitancy to accept ownership of an idea is now well placed.
I'm not hesitant, I'm just not arrogant.
This is just a dumb statement to make. Mexico - like your own country - is full of people of all stripes, including drug 'lords', cartels and the like.
The crime in and coming from Mexico is a known fact, don't be dense.
That's like placing a bet on a horse you happen to like the name of without knowing whether it's still got four legs or even what race it might happen to be running in anyway...
No, it's not.
Oh, so you need someone in power to determine whether a policy is 'good or bad'? You don't have any ideas on what constitutes either yourself?
Why are you so contentious. We need to analyze meaningful data and make a reasoned decision about whether or not a policy is in the public interest or not. We can't just have our opinion and force it on everybody else, especially not in spite of evidence that may suggest the opposite of our present opinion on the matter. It's scientific to analyze the results of an experiment. It's pig headed and arrogant to order the troops to charge a hill that isn't worth taking.
Say I think it's a good idea to exterminate the crippled because they're a tax burden on the economy. Good or bad idea in your opinion?
What are you even talking about.
That's a whole load of non specific guff any back bench politician would shy away from spouting dude. Specifics...
In order to participate as a supplier in a market, there are regulatory requirements. Every nation has them. And, separately, rich, successful companies have the luxury to hire expert business consultants to help them further in their endeavors. Large companies have advantages in both of these areas, and it's fundamentally unfair that SMEs must devote so much of their resources as a percentage on meeting these requirements and hiring these consultants. I would like to see government helping SMEs to grow into large enterprises by subsidizing independent professional consultancy and/or independent professional firms that assist SMEs in meeting regulator requirements.

You'll note that I accept the regulatory requirements as for the good of the public---I don't agree that bars should be lower, just that we should help everybody get over them so that SMEs can focus more on providing their goods or services safely, and environmentally and socially consciously.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Statistics indicate what we would expect, that people don't tend to use a longgun (shotgun or rifle) nearly as frequently as a handgun. Snubnosed revolvers are among the guns that are plentiful, and are used for suicides and crime.
True. handguns, pistols and small revolvers are used in most crimes and in suicide. Rifles are the least used when we control for type of crime and rule out some rifles. Shotguns are many used in crime when they are short.


True. handguns, pistols and small revolvers are used in most crimes and in suicide. Rifles are the least used when we control for type of crime and rule out some rifles. Shotguns are many used in crime when they are short.
Right. And the SCOTUS has ruled that short-barreled ("sawed-off") shotguns are not guns protected by the Second Amendment, since only firearms of military significance are protected, and no military ever uses short-barreled shotguns.

Or tiny handguns.


New member
He's also demonstrably big on actually getting impressive structures built.

He actually didn't build most of them. He just licensed his name. A lot of the ventures he actually entered have failed.

It's not like he's saying that we're going to put a man on the Moon.

The objection that I have isn't that we shouldn't build a wall because it's impossible, or even too difficult. The objection I have is that we shouldn't build a wall because it's impractical, wouldn't solve the problem, and it's a distraction from things we probably should be a lot more worried about.

We've tried not having a wall. It's not working.

How are you judging that? The net migration is actually out of the country. And since a fairly small percentage of people actually just run across the border, it seems kinda irrelevant.


He actually didn't build most of them. He just licensed his name.
He has plenty of experience building things, big things. And that does distinguish him among all the other candidates, so coming from him, it's easier to believe that he'd be able to actually do it. He's jumped through some of the toughest hoops to build what he has built, and those are the skills and experiences that anybody needs to do what he's saying he'll do.

He's credible in this regard.
A lot of the ventures he actually entered have failed.
But he has not failed to build.
The objection that I have isn't that we shouldn't build a wall because it's impossible, or even too difficult. The objection I have is that we shouldn't build a wall because it's impractical, wouldn't solve the problem, and it's a distraction from things we probably should be a lot more worried about.
Fair enough. I think it's worth a try.
How are you judging that? The net migration is actually out of the country. And since a fairly small percentage of people actually just run across the border, it seems kinda irrelevant.
It's the violent crime that's in view when I say that the wall is worth a try.


New member
Vote for Ted Cruz if you want a Conservative Christian with a proven track record. Polls also indicate that Cruz can beat Clinton. Polls indicate that Donald Trump can't beat Clinton. I'm a Cruz supporter if you can't tell.


New member
He has plenty of experience building things, big things. And that does distinguish him among all the other candidates, so coming from him, it's easier to believe that he'd be able to actually do it. He's jumped through some of the toughest hoops to build what he has built, and those are the skills and experiences that anybody needs to do what he's saying he'll do.

I guess I don't see the relevance. But ok.

But he has not failed to build.

Neither have I, if that's the standard.

Fair enough. I think it's worth a try.

It's a very expensive try. And it's not a great message to send to one of our largest trading partners and one of two nations we border.

It's the violent crime that's in view when I say that the wall is worth a try.

We'd be better off deporting citizens, if that's your pain point. Undocumented immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes, violent or otherwise. Of course, there are people who come here to commit crimes and do harm, but most of the people who come here illegally just want to work a job no one else wants, and maybe send some remittance back home.



New member
Hall of Fame
You cannot reason anyone out of a position that they arrived at emotionally.

And I think you laid out some pretty good reasons for why Trump is getting so much support, but that support is more in spite of conservatism rather than because of it.


I think conservatives are being stubborn and doing nothing more than acting like the Left. I see mostly petty or obsolete reasons which conservatives consistently count and recount to avoid supporting Trump.
Vote for Ted Cruz if you want a Conservative Christian with a proven track record. Polls also indicate that Cruz can beat Clinton. Polls indicate that Donald Trump can't beat Clinton. I'm a Cruz supporter if you can't tell.

yeh people talk about how Dump gets all these people in the R party who didn't normally vote. But what good is that if a bigger number, or even an equal # leave, or refuse to vote for Dump?

Fox News is SO dishonest. They plug Dumb.. give him millions in free advertising. They don't want Cruz and you can just SOOO tell. They dont want him, i am sure, b/c he would cut out all the tax loopholes for the wealthy. Fox is a big business, so we know why they don't want that

pathetic.. how so many vote self-interest and self-interest alone


And I think you laid out some pretty good reasons for why Trump is getting so much support, but that support is more in spite of conservatism rather than because of it.

yeh, for sure b/c that "man" (using the term loosely) is about as far from a Republican, as far from being Christian as you can possibly get (without being in prison, that is--and there may be many in prison who are closer 2 being both)

Dump financially supported the corruption in DC!!! He voted for Carter over Reagan! He supported Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, the Gang of 8 (the hypocricy!!)

And people think he is some kind of outsider/crusader who will... what?? make things better for them ??? No, Dump is running to make things better for himself. We all see how the president and his cabinet can get away with all kinds of violations of the law, which of course the "ordinary" people cannot get away with. DT needs the protection of the office. He is being sued by workers who weren't paid.. He is in court on fraud charges.. He was CONVICTED of conspiracy to hire illegals...

Yes, he needs the protection afforded to all those who obtain the White House
