Why men won't marry you


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Shame on you 1PM. You blatantly lied about what Rusha said. Her full response was:

Rusha knows that you will not listen to her so she knows that she is not the one to be able to help you. Rusha went on to say that she would not abandon you, she would contact a third party whom you might be more inclined to talk to to get the help you need.

You chose to take the first three words of Rusha's response and treat them as if they were the entirety of her response. You lied and you should be ashamed for doing so.

She also lied earlier and claimed Rusha spoke against God, Christianity and the bible in this thread, which also was a blatent bold faced lie, and she wouldnt come off of it and ran with it knowing it was a lie and kept repeating it.

Shes shown clearly shes nothing but a shameful liar. (shes still running with that earlier lie, in that post you quoted too, at the bottom, shes claiming Rusha called the gospel foolish and she certainly did no such thing)


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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She said she would not help me. I think contacting a third party is just a dodge. She would suggest "counseling" not run as fast as my legs will carry.

She doesn't see how serious it is.
That is not what she said at all. I posted her full response. Read it.


I identify as a Christian
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I predict you would encourage any woman to stay in an emotionally abusive marriage if the kids were doing fine. Even if it might kill her.

There is no need for making such slanderous predictions about other users. This is a strategy that atheists usually use. Christians should not be resorting to it.


Hall of Fame

Now it's not me . It's somebody you KNOW would listen.

Yes. I do see. I see how thoroughly and intentionally deceptive you are.

Why did you post only the first three words of my response?

Here is the whole conversation:

Now the question is this - under that hypothetical scenario - would you tell me to stay with him or have some self respect and end the marriage?

Put another way, would you tell me to stay in a marriage of destructive emotional abuse?

Rusha said:
I would not take on the task of helping you myself for the obvious fact that you simply do not listen.

What I WOULD do is ask a neutral party to intercede on your behalf. Domestic abuse as well as emotional abuse is an issue I am extremely passionate about and I have learned long ago that some people are simply unwilling to listen.

The first three words that are in red are the only words of my whole response that you posted. The very fact that you so blatantly misrepresented my explanation shows confirms the rest of my response. I clearly stated the help you would receive would be from a neutral third party.

You had no intention of ever accepting any response I was giving because your mind is like that of an unruly child.

Some people refuse help ... IMO, you would be one of them.


Hall of Fame
She said she would not help me. I think contacting a third party is just a dodge. She would suggest "counseling" not run as fast as my legs will carry.

She doesn't see how serious it is.

With you, it would be like speaking to Helen Keller. I am not equipped for such a conversation. That doesn't mean others are not equipped.

Now, IF you wish to add yet another qualifier, I will tell you straight up that if this were about the abuse of children, it wouldn't matter who the person was. I would call CPS so fast it would make their head spin.


Hall of Fame
The gospel IS foolishness to all who don't believe.

Does she believe?

I'm not telling others she made that claim; it's implicit in her affiliation.

I didn't mention the Bible. You did. We were discussing a form of marriage that is ABUSIVE in today's society.


Hall of Fame
yes, she did and then made false claims about you over and over.

I know, which is why I made the qualifier of having a neutral party intervene.

For the record, IF she were my next door neighbor and was having the stuffing beat out of her, the cops would be at her door within minutes.


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I know, which is why I made the qualifier of having a neutral party intervene.

For the record, IF she were my next door neighbor and was having the stuffing beat out of her, the cops would be at her door within minutes.

I know, most people here know without a doubt that you stand up for women and children and know much better than her purely slanderous lie.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
For the love of people and kids. Because it's not good for men and women to be alone.

And in my case you are asking why would I want to share him?

Why would sharing him harm my intimate relationship with him or make him love me any less?

If you're with someone then you're not alone so I don't get that bit.

If you love someone then that's the only person you want to be intimate with and them with you. I simply wouldn't be interested in anyone else.


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I will tell you straight up that if this were about the abuse of children, it wouldn't matter who the person was. I would call CPS so fast it would make their head spin.

I know, which is why I made the qualifier of having a neutral party intervene.

For the record, IF she were my next door neighbor and was having the stuffing beat out of her, the cops would be at her door within minutes.

Exactly. The dodge.

The advice for leaving an emotionally abusive marriage to someone who asks you and you know they would listen is what?

You cant read, or are a disingenuous or blatent liar. I know which one i think you are.