Why men won't marry you


Hall of Fame
Because your logic about marriage is like swiss cheese. I like to stick my fingers through the holes.

The reason for marriage is actually spiritually based for believers.

Refrain from teaching theology. It doesn't suit you yet.

Is that what you need to tell yourself to justify the nuttiness I am speaking of. You know ... relationships NOW ... not in the Biblical times.

Once again, I did NOT mention the Bible. Or Sara. You did.

This thread is in the politics section. Go to the Exclusively Christian and start a thread there if you wish to change the perimeters of the discussion

Also, don't ever tell me what to refrain from. You are not in a position to give orders.

Just refrain from acting like you know things you clearly don't.

And who made you queen here?

Hey braindead, what part of Rusha has not ever once here brought this discussion to the bible, and hasnt tried to teach anything about christianity, are you missing, why do you keep lying?

Do you care that loads of other people have been watching this and see you blatantly lie?

You are a sick woman, you keep pretending people said things they didnt even come close to saying, and press on even when corrected, seems you believe your own lies.

*I* am who have adressed your false biblical teachings that YOU brought up, not Rusha.

Indeed. There is a reason why polygamous relationship are no longer supported or legal. It has nothing to do with the Bible, but rather because the present is so different from the past.

Presently, these relationships have a high incident of abuse. Anyone who is capable of participating in a discussion forum should be capable of verifying or disproving my claim.


New member
How many women do you have, and are they all women?

You and the other trolls need to decide whether you want to frame me as a polygamist or a guy whose wife suggested polygamy to him but he wasn't interested. Pick.
I'm not saying this is the case but in my understanding women don't usually make suggestions like that out of the blue. It is usually because their husband has made statements and/or otherwise given the impression that this is something that they want.
Because most women don't come up with suggestions for discussion based on Bible-reading. They wait for their husbands to announce a conclusion or make the suggestion to consider something. :dizzy:

Are you going to suggest now that Abraham was manipulating Sarah?

And if my husband manipulated me into suggesting it, why did he turn it down while remaining passionately devoted to me? He seems so content.

What would such a charade be for?

I consider any woman who doesn't love herself enough to say "NO" to being part of some egomaniacs little harem as both insecure and unintelligent. However, we all understand that that is what you need to keep telling yourself.

So Sarah (Mrs. Abraham) of the Bible just couldn't say no, huh?

You mean, I defended myself so well, thank you. That's a Biblical argument, for you, a very sound defense. :)

Listen, heathen, mocking faith in God has taken out bigger goliaths than you.

no one mentioned Sarah.

I did. It was my study of Sarah, other women in the Bible and polygamy that led me to suggest polygamy in the first place. My faith in God led to me to prayerful consideration of the idea, to see the will of God.

That is what you have been mocking.


New member
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Why men won't marry is over spiritual issues. Even if it bleeds all over the politics section.

Asserting polygamy is adultery and calling it wrong is waxing pretty spiritual sounding.

No it isnt psycho. There are even atheists who practice polygamy and adultery, mind blowing huh.. Adultery is also still against the law in many states. Polygamy till recently in Utah, is illegal in all US states, and you dont have to be religious to know what adultery is.

You are desperate to keep from admitting Rusha didnt bring up anything about the bible, you did.

Sad, sick woman.


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long list of posts

Clearly even in your own posts you brought up the bible, not rusha and nowhere has she done what you claimed.

Since you want to talk about the bible though, heres a verse for you.

Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom.


Hall of Fame
Why men won't marry is over spiritual issues. Even if it bleeds all over the politics section.

Your opinion has been noted and disregarded.

1PeaceMaker said:
Asserting polygamy is adultery and calling it wrong is waxing pretty spiritual sounding.

This thread did not mention anything about religion or spirituality.

This is the FIRST post from the thread:


Please don't blame others for your inability to stay on topic.


New member
Indeed. There is a reason why polygamous relationship are no longer supported or legal. It has nothing to do with the Bible, but rather because the present is so different from the past.

Now this is a political subject. My understanding: It has to do with Mormons, but not because of religion or human rights, but politics and controlling Utah.

Presently, these relationships have a high incident of abuse.

Like monogamy? One in five are physically abusive. 50% involve emotional abuse.



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Rusha, personally i wouldn't give the little nut the time of day if i were you, since she keeps lying about what you said and wont come off it.

PM, you owe Rusha an apology, we all watched you lie about what she said, then run with it. She never at any time, said anything against Christianity here, against God, or the bible, or even brought them up in this thread, you did and then feigned outrage over your own nuttiness. Period.


New member
Divorce, IMO, is for marriages that become so toxic that one of the marital partners as well as the children are in physical danger.

What if there are no children?

What if it harms the spouse while not detectibly threatening the children?

What if.....

It's emotional abuse?

Emotional abuse can have lethal consequences.
Why would I do that? YOU are the only person who wishes to play word games.

The use of grammar and logic are central to every debate. Care to disagree?

Also, it's a waste of time. Once it is defined, you would just arguing until you are blue in the fact that the definition is wrong.

So basically you believe emotional abuse should be tolerated. Correct?

Are you saying they should?

I've already stated what I believe. If you would like me to quote myself, I will do so after your response to my questions.

I'll make it easier for you.

A friend confides in you that her husband is constantly emotionally abusing her and you've seen her get trashed publicly. She says she thinks the marriage is harming her health, possibly to a fatal end, and she wants out.

Are you going to tell her to stay in that marriage because the kids are not threatened or being targeted?


New member
You say that as though I care about goes on in your household. I don't.

I'm sure you don't care. The answer you give to this question will prove it.

Imagine I came to you and said that my husband emotionally abused me (which he does not, btw, this is a hypothetical) and it was harming my health, causing systemic lupus flare-ups and could kill me. You've seen him publicly "trash" me - the claim you and A4T appear to stand by. Meanwhile, like in real life, he's a really wonderful father and the kids get along with him just fine.

Now the question is this - under that hypothetical scenario - would you tell me to stay with him or have some self respect and end the marriage?

Put another way, would you tell me to stay in a marriage of destructive emotional abuse?


Hall of Fame
Now the question is this - under that hypothetical scenario - would you tell me to stay with him or have some self respect and end the marriage?

Put another way, would you tell me to stay in a marriage of destructive emotional abuse?

I would not take on the task of helping you myself for the obvious fact that you simply do not listen.

What I WOULD do is ask a neutral party to intercede on your behalf. Domestic abuse as well as emotional abuse is an issue I am extremely passionate about and I have learned long ago that some people are simply unwilling to listen.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Christian cultures allowing polygamy are nutty to you. I get it.

I think you'll find it's nutty to a lot of people and for pretty obvious reasons too. If you honestly love someone and are in a relationship with them then why the hell would you want to have extra marital relations with anyone else?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I think you'll find it's nutty to a lot of people and for pretty obvious reasons too. If you honestly love someone and are in a relationship with them then why the hell would you want to have extra marital relations with anyone else?

the spirit is willing
the flesh is weak


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
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Bump for 1PM
What are my qualifications for getting married. I will tell you what I have told my daughters, in no particular order;

You should be at least 22 or 23. {My reasoning: By this age the brain is pretty will fully developed and you have completed college, assuming you went. You have experienced much and grown into an adult.}

You should have been dating for at least two years. {My reasoning: It takes time to get know somebody. Studies have shown that those who dated for a minimum of 2 years prior to marriage have a lower divorce rate.}

Listen to your friends and family about your choice. {My reasoning: We sometimes get so wrapped up with the emotions of being in a relationship we fail to see what is clear to others. You don't have to follow their advice, but you should listen.}

Marry somebody close to your own age. {My reasoning: Life's a dance you learn as you go. Its nice to go through it with somebody who is in the same place in life as you are.}

Pray about it. {My reasoning: I believe in God and think that it is wise to pray about big decisions.}

Be friends first and best. {My reasoning: I have heard it said that after about two years of marriage, that romantic notion of love has all but expired and all your left with is the person as they actually are. If you don't like that person, tings will end badly. If you life that person, if they are your friend, then you can always talk to them and its much easier to stay in love with them over time.}

Ideally, you should both be virgins {My reasoning: You will have the rest of your lives together to figure out sex. If you have no preconceived notions about what sex should be, then you have something to look forward to figuring out together.}

Be prepared to compromise and live as one. {My reasoning: You are going to be living with another person and you will need to be able to say I'm sorry and you're forgiven and compromise on what to buy and where to go on vacation.}

Talk about do you squeeze the toothpaste from the middle or end and does toilet paper come off the front or back of the roll.{My reasoning: As funny and superficial as this may sound, some of the worst fights couples have are over these two very issues. What happens is that they never learned to talk and these little pet peeves build up until one day the toilet paper sets them off and a major blow up follows. By talking about it before hand you learn to talk to each other about the most trivial of things and work out your differences.}

There may be more but that is where I start. Each relationship is different and they need to find their own way. That said, I can hope to provide some hard one wisdom to save them from the mistakes I made.

I forgot to add this to my original list, a discussion about kids. It is a good idea to start a marriage with an idea of how many kids you want and when. It will probably change as time goes by but it is good to be on the same page at the start of your journey.


Bump for 1PM

I forgot to add this to my original list, a discussion about kids. It is a good idea to start a marriage with an idea of how many kids you want and when. It will probably change as time goes by but it is good to be on the same page at the start of your journey.

The most important thing is to marry a true blue Christian (2 Co 6:14, Am 3:3). :straight:
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New member
You say that as though I care about goes on in your household. I don't.
I'm sure you don't care. The answer you give to this question will prove it.

Imagine I came to you and said that my husband emotionally abused me .....

Now the question is this would you tell me to stay with him or have some self respect and end the marriage?

I would not.


Now it's not me . It's somebody you KNOW would listen.

I predict you would encourage any woman to stay in an emotionally abusive marriage if the kids were doing fine. Even if it might kill her.

Empotional abuse is a predicter for future physical violence and is a harmful type of violence itself.

You are no secular champion of women. Or marriage. Or children.

You would do better with a "foolish" gospel.


New member
I think you'll find it's nutty to a lot of people and for pretty obvious reasons too. If you honestly love someone and are in a relationship with them then why the hell would you want to have extra marital relations with anyone else?

For the love of people and kids. Because it's not good for men and women to be alone.

And in my case you are asking why would I want to share him?

Why would sharing him harm my intimate relationship with him or make him love me any less?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Shame on you 1PM. You blatantly lied about what Rusha said. Her full response was:
I would not take on the task of helping you myself for the obvious fact that you simply do not listen.

What I WOULD do is ask a neutral party to intercede on your behalf. Domestic abuse as well as emotional abuse is an issue I am extremely passionate about and I have learned long ago that some people are simply unwilling to listen.

Rusha knows that you will not listen to her so she knows that she is not the one to be able to help you. Rusha went on to say that she would not abandon you, she would contact a third party whom you might be more inclined to talk to to get the help you need.

You chose to take the first three words of Rusha's response and treat them as if they were the entirety of her response. You lied and you should be ashamed for doing so.


Now it's not me . It's somebody you KNOW would listen.

I predict you would encourage any woman to stay in an emotionally abusive marriage if the kids were doing fine. Even if it might kill her.

Empotional abuse is a predicter for future physical violence and is a harmful type of violence itself.

You are no secular champion of women. Or marriage. Or children.

You would do better with a "foolish" gospel.