Why men won't marry you


Hall of Fame
You just defined a lot of people as idiots.

I did. In the discussion of the HERE AND NOW, anyone who has sex with someone other than their spouse is a idiot. Creep. Buffoon.

I thought this was about a certain phenomina you want to stamp out, not attacking Hannah, Sarah, Rachel, or any of the rest of the godly people who gave women more children through sharing marriage for the Promise of Abraham.

When you are embarrassed because you have showed your lack of maturity, you add quite a lot to the discussion and pretend that the person made an argument they have not.

I am UNWILLING to discuss the Bible and the players insofar as polygamy. THAT is a discussion that belongs in the Exclusively Christian section.

This thread is about men, women and relationships.


Well-known member
Sarah suffered so much from her decision to get her husband to sleep with her handmaid, that she later had her husband toss out the woman and her child.

God showed His love and mercy to Hagar.

Rachels situation was not a result of chosen polygamy, nor Gods will, Leah her sister, suffered greatly as a result and because of her suffering God blessed her, Rachel was not blessed because of the situation, she is shown to be very jealous.

Her husband didn't invite other wives, he was tricked by their father who made a lying promise.

thanks for another example that shows heartache and suffering in a multiple wife situation, you could read about solomon also and the many wives and suffering situation where God even warned about multiplying wives to oneself.

Hannahs story also shows heartbreak because she at first couldnt bear children and her husband favored another wife for children.

All your examples show anguish lies and heartache.

Oh my goodness. I don't think I even want to read what that poster is saying. Thank you, Angel, for your words of wisdom which kept me from wasting a moment on such garbage.


New member
Sarah suffered so much from her decision to get her husband to sleep with her handmaid, that she later had her husband toss out the woman and her child.

Actually, this is a case of emotional abuse forcing Sarah to choose to send her away.

Emotional abuse matters to God in marriages, even polygamous marriages.


Hall of Fame
Not at all.

If I had to guess --- you are basically saying if a bisexual woman loves her husband she wouldn't have a female in her life.

WHY are you now changing this to a discussion about bisexuals? The reason for marriage is to make a commitment to the ONE person you are marrying.

So no, a woman in a heterosexual marriage should not have any type of sexual relationship with someone other than their spouse. It's adultery ... and WRONG.


New member
In the discussion of the HERE AND NOW, anyone who has sex with someone other than their spouse is a idiot. Creep. Buffoon.

I am UNWILLING to discuss the Bible....

This thread is about men, women and relationships.

Don't judge Christian culture you don't understand. You are judging acts that were done in relation to the Bible and gospel, so just refrain from disparaging and surmising.


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Actually, this is a case of emotional abuse forcing Sarah to choose to send her away.

Emotional abuse matters to God in marriages, even polygamous marriages.

Please adress the scriptures i provided, showing that Ishmael being blessed was NOT part of Gods promise to abraham, but instead it was God giving grace to HAGAR, for her prayers after she and ishmael was tossed out.

They are 2 different promises completely. Ishamel fulfilled no part of the promise of God to abraham. Scriptures show that the children of Abrahams promised son from God, suffered greately at the hands of the children from hagar. Their sin (Sarahs and Abrahams in trying to self fulfill, caused many problems for them and generations to come)

Im sorry you are unable to read.

Your want doesnt = Gods will. I see you havent adressed this yet in response to your claim that Ishamels nations were a result of Abrahams being blessed promise:

yes, they threw a party when Abraham put them out for his wife because of her jealousy - He and she suffered because of her own doing.

The jews still suffer today from it all as do others at the hand of ishamels offspring.

Of Ishamel, God says:

Genesis 16:12 He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers."

The only blessing given to Ishmael was for Hagar, because of sarah and abraham using her then throwing them out - (promise made to HAGAR, by God, not the original promise made for the son that God later provided to abraham)

Genesis 17:20 As for Ishmael, I have heard you(Hagar); behold, I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and multiply him greatly. He shall father twelve princes, and I will make him into a great nation.

Clearly this is not the fulfillment of the promise made to abraham, God promised Him descendants of one nation - Israel.

The other was an entirely different promise. Keep showing your ignorance of scripture, loads of men and women like you twist the word, to self fulfill and teach doctrines of demons, nothing new.


New member
WHY are you now changing this to a discussion about bisexuals?

Because your logic about marriage is like swiss cheese. I like to stick my fingers through the holes.

The reason for marriage is to make a commitment to the ONE person you are marrying.

The reason for marriage is actually spiritually based for believers.

So no, a woman in a heterosexual marriage should not have any type of sexual relationship with someone other than their spouse. It's adultery ... and WRONG.

Refrain from teaching theology. It doesn't suit you yet.


Hall of Fame
Don't judge Christian culture you don't understand. You are judging acts that were done in relation to the Bible and gospel, so just refrain from disparaging and surmising.

Is that what you need to tell yourself to justify the nuttiness I am speaking of. You know ... relationships NOW ... not in the Biblical times.

Once again, I did NOT mention the Bible. Or Sara. You did.

This thread is in the politics section. Go to the Exclusively Christian and start a thread there if you wish to change the perimeters of the discussion

Also, don't ever tell me what to refrain from. You are not in a position to give orders.


Well-known member
Don't judge Christian culture you don't understand. You are judging acts that were done in relation to the Bible and gospel, so just refrain from disparaging and surmising.

Just refrain from acting like you know things you clearly don't.

And who made you queen here?


New member
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Because your logic about marriage is like swiss cheese. I like to stick my fingers through the holes.

She can see that inviting others into your marriage is wrong, its your logic that has holes as ive already shown and you fail to address.

The reason for marriage is actually spiritually based for believers.

You are on the wrong side of the biblical argument and are ignoring the many scriptures that show you there.

Refrain from teaching theology. It doesn't suit you yet.
Shes more qualified than you are, even though she has not even tried to teach it, your lying about what she said, doesnt mean she did what you claim, she never even brought up anything biblical, you did.

Why are you still pushing that lie?


Well-known member
Is that what you need to tell yourself to justify the nuttiness I am speaking of.

Once again, I did NOT mention the Bible. Or Sara. You did.

This thread is in the politics section. Go to the Exclusively Christian and start a thread there if you wish to change the perimeters of the discussion

Also, don't ever tell me what to refrain from. You are in position to give orders.

Great minds think alike. God Rusha! :thumb:


New member
Hall of Fame
Is that what you need to tell yourself to justify the nuttiness I am speaking of.

Once again, I did NOT mention the Bible. Or Sara. You did.

This thread is in the politics section. Go to the Exclusively Christian and start a thread there if you wish to change the perimeters of the discussion

Also, don't ever tell me what to refrain from. You are in position to give orders.

Thats correct, you never ever mentioned anything biblical, shes falsely claimed you did, and lied and said she wanted polygamy for the same reasons as sarah, then SHE got caught in her lie, yet shes still pushing it, even though everyone saw it.


New member
Is that what you need to tell yourself to justify the nuttiness I am speaking of.

Christian cultures allowing polygamy are nutty to you. I get it.

Once again, I did NOT mention the Bible. Or Sara. You did.

Which is what makes your couching of religiously chosen polygamy in secular ideas of dirtiness, abuse and adultery so slanderous in relation to the choosers/openminded.

This thread is in the politics section. Go to the Exclusively Christian and start a thread there if you wish to change the perimeters of the discussion

Don't pretend religious choices/beliefs in marriage are cults of sexual perversion, abuse and adultery and you'll be fine on that point.

Also, don't ever tell me what to refrain from. You are in position to give orders.

I can make whatever suggestion I feel like, but you are free to flip out and/or ignore it.


Hall of Fame
Because your logic about marriage is like swiss cheese. I like to stick my fingers through the holes.

Yes, children enjoy sticking their fingers in things, like the holes in swiss cheese. Your understanding and ability to follow a conversation is like swiss cheese. Because you still reason as a child.

The reason for marriage is actually spiritually based for believers.

That's lovely ... and would make a dandy discussion in the Exclusively Christian Section.

Refrain from teaching theology. It doesn't suit you yet.

Shut up. I did no such thing. We are in the politics sections discussing relationships. It's pretty obvious to all that are reading that you feel the need to lie and misrepresent what others are speaking of because you realize you are in over your head.


New member
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Christian cultures allowing polygamy are nutty to you. I get it.

The only culture that calls itself christian that allows polygamy anymore is the flds, whose leader is in prison because of child marriage (something else you promote in addition to polygamy)

Lets face it, you are a cultist, outside of 'christian culture'

Which is what makes your couching of religiously chosen polygamy in secular ideas of dirtiness, abuse and adultery so slanderous in relation to the choosers/openminded.

Hey braindead, what part of Rusha has not ever once here brought this discussion to the bible, and hasnt tried to teach anything about christianity, are you missing, why do you keep lying?

Do you care that loads of other people have been watching this and see you blatantly lie?

Don't pretend religious choices/beliefs in marriage are cults of sexual perversion, abuse and adultery and you'll be fine on that point.

I can make whatever suggestion I feel like, but you are free to flip out and/or ignore it.

You are a sick woman, you keep pretending people said things they didnt even come close to saying, and press on even when corrected, seems you believe your own lies.

*I* am who have adressed your false biblical teachings that YOU brought up, not Rusha.


New member
Hall of Fame
Shut up. I did no such thing. We are in the politics sections discussing relationships. It's pretty obvious to all that are reading that you feel the need to lie and misrepresent what others are speaking of because you realize you are in over your head.

How completely insanely bizarre that she keeps openly pretending like this after others even mentioning that you did no such thing.


New member
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Let's talk about monogamy and the heartache it caused.


No, make a thread in the religious section. Not playing with your litany of lying strawmen, when you cant even address whats already been discussed. Ive already shown biblically all the problems with your lying claim that ishmael fulfilled the promise to abraham.

Please apologize to Rusha for your lying claim that she said anything about God, the bible or christianity here. Are you woman enough to come off your lie?