Why men won't marry you


Hall of Fame
You made it about me. Perhaps you forgot how wide you cast your net.

No ... you have made it about you. As for my part, I have made myself clear about what I think of the motives and lack of self respect of those who participate in such a *relationship*.

IF someone loves someone, they do NOT need or wish to have another sexual partner in their relationship. THAT is a fact. It's unfortunate that such a statement would offend you so greatly.


New member
Oh get a grip. I didn't mention YOUR family ... unless you are in one of *those* type of relationships, you have nothing whatsoever to be so defensive about.

I'm in a non-judgmental polygamy-friendly relationship that let's God call the shots. You described women like me in reply to truthjourney's reaction to my polygamy suggestion to my husband.

Remember the slanderous comment in the spoiler?

However, I will give you an example of what polygamy represents in the here and now and why it is viewed as being abusive towards women:

That's like saying guns can kill so lets just ban them.

That dog don't hunt.


New member
That's direct ... and accurate.

So you, an unbeliever, thinks it's okay to be bisexual but not in a marriage that supports their bisexual nature? That's perverted.

[disclaimer; I'm not asserting polygamy is for bisexual relationships, but why would Rusha call that kind of thing perverted?]


Hall of Fame
Oh get a grip. I didn't mention YOUR family ... unless you are in one of *those* type of relationships, you have nothing whatsoever to be so defensive about.

I'm in a non-judgmental polygamy-friendly relationship

Until the time you allow it to be practiced in your own marriage, you are not part of the polygamous cult that we are speaking of.


Hall of Fame
So you, an unbeliever, thinks it's okay to be bisexual but not in a marriage that supports their bisexual nature? That's perverted.

What in the world are you going on about NOW? I never mentioned bisexuality in any way, shape or form.

Desperate much?


New member
Hall of Fame
So you, an unbeliever, thinks it's okay to be bisexual but not in a marriage that supports their bisexual nature? That's perverted.

[disclaimer; I'm not asserting polygamy is for bisexual relationships, but why would Rusha call that kind of thing perverted?]

More spin, has nothing to do with this topic, its just another bob and weave on your part - you sit there daily with a wheelbarrow filled with strawmen to toss out when you cant lie your way out of something you said.


New member
Hall of Fame
What in the world are you going on about NOW? I never mentioned bisexuality in any way, shape or form.

Desperate much?

yes, just like her desperation claimed you said things you didnt. She doesnt care that other people can read.


Hall of Fame
I didn't expect you to understand.

How come some friends invite their single friends to share in their marriage?

Horrible people who share.

Seriously. You expect me to defend open marriages? Let me put this as simply as I can:

Only an IDIOT would share her husband. Only an idiot would be fine with their significant other sleeping with other people.

Only a creep would demand that his spouse allow a third person into their marriage.

Are those words too big for you?


New member
More spin, has nothing to do with this topic, its just another bob and weave on your part - you sit there daily with a wheelbarrow filled with strawman when you cant lie your way out of something you said.

Don't you think Rusha can handle herself, or do you think her arguments are that weak?


New member
Seriously. You expect me to defend open marriages? Let me put this as simply as I can:

Only an IDIOT would share her husband. Only an idiot would be fine with their significant other sleeping with other people.

Are those words too big for you?

You just defined a lot of people as idiots. I thought this was about a certain phenomina you want to stamp out, not attacking Hannah, Sarah, Rachel, or any of the rest of the godly people who gave women more children through sharing marriage for the Promise of Abraham.


New member
Hall of Fame
I'm in a non-judgmental polygamy-friendly relationship that let's God call the shots.

Gods shots are that adultery is wicked and a sin and brings downfall and heartache, and that a man and woman are called to be joined as one, not 3 or more.

Your want doesnt = Gods will. I see you havent adressed this yet in response to your claim that Ishamels nations were a result of Abrahams being blessed promise:

yes, they threw a party when Abraham put them out for his wife because of her jealousy - He and she suffered because of her own doing.

The jews still suffer today from it all as do others at the hand of ishamels offspring.

Of Ishamel, God says:

Genesis 16:12 He will be a wild donkey of a man; his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand against him, and he will live in hostility toward all his brothers."

The only blessing given to Ishmael was for Hagar, because of sarah and abraham using her then throwing them out - (promise made to HAGAR, by God, not the original promise made for the son that God later provided to abraham)

Genesis 17:20 As for Ishmael, I have heard you(Hagar); behold, I have blessed him and will make him fruitful and multiply him greatly. He shall father twelve princes, and I will make him into a great nation.

Clearly this is not the fulfillment of the promise made to abraham, God promised Him descendants of one nation - Israel.

The other was an entirely different promise. Keep showing your ignorance of scripture, loads of men and women like you twist the word, to self fulfill and teach doctrines of demons, nothing new.


New member
Hall of Fame
Seriously. You expect me to defend open marriages? Let me put this as simply as I can:

Only an IDIOT would share her husband. Only an idiot would be fine with their significant other sleeping with other people.

Only a creep would demand that his spouse allow a third person into their marriage.

Are those words too big for you?

Thats the truth, my words would call it pervert.


New member
It depends on who that bisexual is kissing. IF it's me, they would get punched in the face.

Clear enough?

Not at all.

If I had to guess --- you are basically saying if a bisexual woman loves her husband she wouldn't have a female in her life.


New member
Hall of Fame
You just defined a lot of people as idiots. I thought this was about a certain phenomina you want to stamp out, not attacking Hannah, Sarah, Rachel, or any of the rest of the godly people who gave women more children through sharing marriage for the Promise of Abraham.

Ive also showed your "promise to abraham" is NOT what happened with Ishmael, that was a promise to Hagar.

To the rest:

Sarah suffered so much from her decision to get her husband to sleep with her handmaid, that she later had her husband toss out the woman and her child.

God showed His love and mercy to Hagar.

Rachels situation was not a result of chosen polygamy, nor Gods will, Leah her sister, suffered greatly as a result and because of her suffering God blessed her, Rachel was not blessed because of the situation, she is shown to be very jealous.

Her husband didn't invite other wives, he was tricked by their father who made a lying promise.

thanks for another example that shows heartache and suffering in a multiple wife situation, you could read about solomon also and the many wives and suffering situation where God even warned about multiplying wives to oneself.

Hannahs story also shows heartbreak because she at first couldnt bear children and her husband favored another wife for children.

All your examples show anguish lies and heartache. You ideally should be coming away with how many problems it (polygamy) creates.

Lastly if it were Gods will for marriage, a bishop should be the husband of many wives, not one expressly stated - being he is Gods representative, and Christ Himself wouldnt point back to creation itself and intent of a man and woman being one, not many.