Why men won't marry you


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Not in relation to motherhood, but you knew that already.
My comment wasn't about motherhood, nor was his. His was a blanket statement regarding the qualities of woman from which he concluded that the only saving grace a woman posses is her ability to have babies.


New member
No. I'm saying that women should be encouraged to realize that motherhood is one of the superpowers that women have.

But some women want to think they have greater aspirations in their lives, like becoming a pharmacist. :peach:

And also one of the greatest things that can be done in a society.

You mean greater than the pyramids? :shocked:

And that they have few other advantages if any.

Better at a few things, I'd say, like surviving disasters, sometimes because a man is protecting them but even alone they can be quite physically robust. Women certainly survive the womb more often, when not aborted.

Also, I'd say women are better at social networking. In general. Unless we are talking about bullies dominating facebook or something.

Also, women tend not to avoid the doctor so much when help is really needed.

They aren't as smart.

Behind the bell curve. But the anomalous women can be smarter than men. Last count the world's highest IQ holder was female.

They aren't as strong.
Totally true and not as fast.

They aren't as focused on work.

Depends on how you qualify work. Also women tend to slow down before burning out totally.

They aren't as rational.

I'd agree. But we both also agree they can be rational.

They can not only be rational, the hormones that make them irrational are part of their superpower and can also be called spirit and intuition.

They should capitalize on their superpower and if they want to marry young, they should be free to do so.

I agree. God wants more laborers for the harvest, so godly young women should have babies whenever they reasonably can.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No. I'm saying that women should be encouraged to realize that motherhood is one of the superpowers that women have. And also one of the greatest things that can be done in a society. And that they have few other advantages if any. They aren't as smart. They aren't as strong. They aren't as focused on work. They aren't as rational. They should capitalize on their superpower and if they want to marry young, they should be free to do so.

You really are one of the biggest misogynist idiots on this entire board. If you think women aren't at least equally as smart and rational as men then you clearly haven't met many. All of the women I've developed rapports with have been ten times smarter than you for a start.


New member
Do you consider yourself to be less smart than men? Do you think that women in general have less brains than their male counterparts?

Brains don't impress me. The mind does. Stupid is as stupid does.

I am an anomaly. I may be smarter than the average male, since I think the average male is 105 and I'm.... it's not important. But smarts are a limited value kind of thing. And though I may be smarter in some ways, I think I have such a different experience than most men that I could respect their intelligence and experience even if the IQ was less than 100.


New member
You really are one of the biggest misogynist idiots on this entire board. If you think women aren't at least equally as smart and rational as men then you clearly haven't met many. All of the women I've developed rapports with have been ten times smarter than you for a start.

You have him confused with someone else, like Truster, maybe?


Why would a woman wish to marry a man who thinks that she is dumb, week, incapable of focus, irrational and should strive to be only bare foot and pregnant?

He didn't say dumb or weak or irrational. He said not as smart and weaker and not as rational. A scientific study comparing all males to all females will show higher marks overall for the men. It doesn't mean they have no ability at all. He is saying that if they really want to make their mark in this life, they should capitalize on their strength. Being a mother will accomplish a far greater good in this life than any other endeavor. The sorry state of american society today is a direct result of the denigration of motherhood in comparison to other endeavors a woman could pursue. I can see in it a reason for the abortion rate in this country as well. If you don't see the great gift you give society in a well raised child, then you are less likely to see the great harm you do to society by aborting your child. But since you view motherhood as somehow an insult to an otherwise brilliant and creative and powerful woman, you cannot help but misunderstand yorzhik.


How do you interpret "she shall be saved in childbearing?"

For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety [1 Tim. 2:13–15].

"It was the sin of Eve that brought sin into the world. Now every time a woman bears a child, she brings a sinner into the world—that is all she can bring into the world. But Mary brought the Lord Jesus, the Savior into the world. So how are women saved? By childbearing—because Mary brought the Savior into the world. Don’t ever say that woman brought sin into the world, unless you are prepared to add that woman also brought the Savior into the world. My friend, no man provided a Savior: a woman did. However, each individual woman is saved by faith, the same as each man is saved by faith. She is to grow in love and holiness just as a man is." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (1 and 2 Timothy/Titus/Philemon) (electronic ed., Vol. 50, pp. 45–46). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

Good religion (Jas 1:27) starts at home (2 Tim. 1:5; 2 Tim. 3:15).


New member
For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety [1 Tim. 2:13–15].

"It was the sin of Eve that brought sin into the world. Now every time a woman bears a child, she brings a sinner into the world—that is all she can bring into the world. But Mary brought the Lord Jesus, the Savior into the world. So how are women saved? By childbearing—because Mary brought the Savior into the world. Don’t ever say that woman brought sin into the world, unless you are prepared to add that woman also brought the Savior into the world. My friend, no man provided a Savior: a woman did. However, each individual woman is saved by faith, the same as each man is saved by faith. She is to grow in love and holiness just as a man is." McGee, J. V. (1991). Thru the Bible commentary: The Epistles (1 and 2 Timothy/Titus/Philemon) (electronic ed., Vol. 50, pp. 45–46). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.

Good religion (Jas 1:27) starts at home (2 Tim. 1:5; 2 Tim. 3:15).

I don't believe the commentary is perfectly good theology, even if the sentiment is warm.

Problem is, no baby is born a sinner. Babies are of the kingdom and that's where we are returning, to where they are. They are at that highest place and have not yet been brought down.


New member
He didn't say dumb or weak or irrational. He said not as smart and weaker and not as rational. A scientific study comparing all males to all females will show higher marks overall for the men. It doesn't mean they have no ability at all. He is saying that if they really want to make their mark in this life, they should capitalize on their strength. Being a mother will accomplish a far greater good in this life than any other endeavor. The sorry state of american society today is a direct result of the denigration of motherhood in comparison to other endeavors a woman could pursue. I can see in it a reason for the abortion rate in this country as well. If you don't see the great gift you give society in a well raised child, then you are less likely to see the great harm you do to society by aborting your child. But since you view motherhood as somehow an insult to an otherwise brilliant and creative and powerful woman, you cannot help but misunderstand yorzhik.

POW! Potent post. I like the way you worded it.


Hall of Fame
He is saying that if they really want to make their mark in this life, they should capitalize on their strength.

Thankfully the only person who is allowed to determine their own strength and what they *wish* to capitalize on ... is the person making the decision.


New member
Thankfully the only person who is allowed to determine their own strength and what they *wish* to capitalize on ... is the person making the decision.

(So how about post #1083?)

Do you think that your strengths will help you determine what is real abuse in a marriage?

And last I checked we have all kinds of professionals and elders to give us their assessments of strength. Otherwise if you said your strength was being Miss America, we'd just have to take your word for it.


New member
You really are one of the biggest misogynist idiots on this entire board. If you think women aren't at least equally as smart and rational as men then you clearly haven't met many. All of the women I've developed rapports with have been ten times smarter than you for a start.

Why do you think women are at least equally smart if not smarter than men? Do you say this to appear to be a fair minded man or are you a self-flogging misandrist?


Hall of Fame
(So how about post #1083?).

How about it? You have a hand, mouse and computer. I suggest you look it up if it interests you that much.

Do you think that your strengths will help you determine what is real abuse in a marriage? .

I think the question is not only insulting, but ignorant as well.

And last I checked we have all kinds of professionals and elders to give us their assessments of strength..

By all means, feel free to apply their assessments to yourself.

Otherwise if you said your strength was being Miss America, we'd just have to take your word for it.

Yet again, another silly distraction.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
He didn't say dumb or weak or irrational. He said not as smart and weaker and not as rational. A scientific study comparing all males to all females will show higher marks overall for the men. It doesn't mean they have no ability at all. He is saying that if they really want to make their mark in this life, they should capitalize on their strength. Being a mother will accomplish a far greater good in this life than any other endeavor. The sorry state of american society today is a direct result of the denigration of motherhood in comparison to other endeavors a woman could pursue. I can see in it a reason for the abortion rate in this country as well. If you don't see the great gift you give society in a well raised child, then you are less likely to see the great harm you do to society by aborting your child. But since you view motherhood as somehow an insult to an otherwise brilliant and creative and powerful woman, you cannot help but misunderstand yorzhik.
I didn't misunderstand him and I stand by what I said. He saying that without a man the average woman can't accomplish much of anything. He is saying that woman should go find a man and get pregnant because that is all they are good for. You can put any spin on it you wish but what he said is disgusting to me. And my wife. And my daughters.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Why do you think women are at least equally smart if not smarter than men? Do you say this to appear to be a fair minded man or are you a self-flogging misandrist?
Before you answer this Arther, you might want to pin down how she defines smart.