Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Once Kit warms up and feels at home here on TOL, perhaps he'll share with us his "sexual orientation". I'll give you a hint, it's "fluid".

available for various uses

Thanks for your honesty Kit (the "B" in the LGBT acronym). Arthur Brain is heterosexual, in fact in Part 1 of this now 5 Part thread he mentioned it eight times in a post where he was conversing with a defender of homosexuality.

Has the LGBTQ flag waving APA done any pro homosexual studies on bisexuality, i.e. are they spending millions and millions of dollars attempting to find a "bisexual gene"? Or perhaps there are many genetic factors that lead to your "fluid" sexual desires?

Please don't lie. The APA doesn't fund any research at all.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Oops, looks like your latest replies have been swept up and away aCW but to address some of your first and then about Irving Bieber.

Kit has probably already realized that you're a pompous, self aggrandizing windbag and nobody whatsoever has "failed" when it comes to debating you. You've had your head handed to you on a plate so many times in this trainwreck, had your numerous gaffes pointed out and your feeble innuendo and projecting lunacy dismantled time and time again. The only person who takes you seriously on this forum is...you.

Bieber's "findings" were long since discredited so if that's all ya got then it ain't much, as usual. Oh, and your projecting bit about how such "findings" could give me insight into my own problems? Just yet more projecting innuendo on your part. Hardly behaviour indicative of a heterosexual man or reflective of Christian values either. Just how claustrophobic is that closet of yours?


Oops, looks like your latest replies have been swept up and away aCW but to address some of your first and then about Irving Bieber.

I just happened to save one of them.

Kit has probably already realized that you're a pompous, self aggrandizing windbag and nobody whatsoever has "failed" when it comes to debating you. You've had your head handed to you on a plate so many times in this trainwreck, had your numerous gaffes pointed out and your feeble innuendo and projecting lunacy dismantled time and time again. The only person who takes you seriously on this forum is...you.

Yes, I take God's Word and the molestation/indoctrination of children by the LGBTQ movement "seriously".

Bieber's "findings" were long since discredited so if that's all ya got then it ain't much, as usual. Oh, and your projecting bit about how such "findings" could give me insight into my own problems? Just yet more projecting innuendo on your part. Hardly behaviour indicative of a heterosexual man or reflective of Christian values either. Just how claustrophobic is that closet of yours?

Granted, those studies were done before Frank "I see nothing wrong with sex with animals, as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and his LGBTQ allies helped hijack the APA's. BTW, other studies were mentioned in the articles that I posted as well. After you're done with explaining how those studies were discredited and replaced with your non scientific theory that "homosexuality just happens", perhaps we can do a "Dear Uncle Art" scenario and show Kit what kind of ally he has.
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Of course it [being overly mothered] doesn't "make" someone have same sex desires, but as we'll seen through scientific studies that I posted numerous times (and can be found in Part 4's index) and umpteen personal testimonies, those who are overly mothered (and hence aren't allowed to mix it up with other boys) can lead to same sex desires.
Dude, your idea of "scientific study" is anything that comes off a far right blog or a crisp packet.

I've shared numerous studies with you on the subject of those with same sex desires who were overly mothered, here's some of them again:

Childhood experiences of homosexual men
Bieber's study of homosexual male patients found that in many cases the detached, hostile father was matched by a mother who was "close-binding and intimate with her son." About 70% of the mothers of Bieber's patients met this criteria. The analysts also reported their patients' mothers were more restrictive of active play, over-anxious concerning health, more afraid of injury, and more overprotective than the controls' mothers.

According to Bieber:
By the time the H[omosexual]-son has reached the preadolescent period, he has suffered a diffuse personality disorder. Maternal over-anxiety about health and injury, restriction of activities normative for the son's age and potential, interference with assertive behavior, demasculinizing attitudes, and interference with sexuality -- interpenetrating with paternal rejection, hostility, and lack of support -- produce an excessively fearful child, pathologically dependent upon his mother and beset by feelings of inadequacy, impotence, and self-contempt. He is reluctant to participate in boyhood activities thought to be physically injurious -- usually grossly overestimated. His peer group responds with humiliating name-calling and often with physical attack which timidity tends to invite among children... Thus he is deprived of important empathic interaction which peer groups provide. (Bieber 1962, p.316) …
Read more: http://www.fathersforlife.org/dale/childhood_of_homosexual_men_3.htm

Now, about the fathers of males with same sex desires:

Childhood experiences recalled
In 1962 members Society of Medical Psychoanalysts lead by Irving Bieber published the results of a comprehensive study of 106 male homosexuals and 100 heterosexuals controls, both groups drawn from the patients in psychoanalysis clinics. This was not a one shot questionnaire, but one of the most in depth and authoritative studies of its kind ever done. The study involved over seventy therapists, 10 years of work, multiple evaluations and follows-ups. The questionnaires were filled out by the analysts with information gained in hours of patient sessions. The report provided numerous case histories and sought in every case to answer the question: Why did this man become homosexual?...
Bieber, et al., found a pattern of detached and/or hostile-detached fathers. They concluded that: "Profound interpersonal disturbance is unremitting in the homosexual father-son relationship. Not one of the fathers (of homosexual sons)... could be regarded as reasonably 'normal' parents'."(Bieber 1962, p.114)
In a 1979 article Irving and Toby Bieber reported that in their evaluations of over 1,000 male homosexuals, they did not find one "whose father openly loved and respected him." (Bieber, 1979)
Other studies reported similar findings. Sherman (1985) found that homosexual sons "perceived their relationship with their fathers as distant, negative, and conflicted." Saghir and Robins conducted extensive interviews with 86 homosexual men and 35 single heterosexual controls, the results of which they published in a book length report Male and Female Homosexuality: A Comprehensive Investigation (1973)…
Read more: http://www.fathersforlife.org/dale/childhood_of_homosexual_men_2.htm

Wow, out of 1,000 males with homosexual desires, not one of them had a "father that openly love and respected him".

Not one Arthur, not even one ;)


Quote: Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The statement that he [Kit the Coyote] made lead me to believe that he's not only a bisexual (the "B" in the LGBT acronym) but a swinger.

After telling you that I was happily married and 'monogamous' for over 30 years you replied that I rejected my wife for 15 year old boys. When I replied that the only real impact was an ability to compare notes on sexy male entertainers, my wife and I of being swingers and that I betrayed her by 'sharing' with mulitple men.

I see that you've met your allies here on TOL. I have to give them credit, when it comes to debate, they know their limitations. Many have tried, all have failed. But then when you go against someone armed with the truth, you're going to fail every time.

Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, authors of "After the Ball: How America Will Conquer it's Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's" would be proud of you Kit, as you play the victim card superbly.

During our conversation, the pedophiles and pederasts of the LGBTQ movement were mentioned. Most if not all either were involved with child rape or supported it. I noted that you didn't chastise your "leaders" for that. Here's your opportunity.

How monogamous and just talking about the attractiveness of other men translates into meaning wild swingers and polygamoury in your mind, I don't know.

When we started our debate in another forum, you stated that you have two sons and that one has same sex desires. You later mentioned that you were bisexual (the "B" in the LGBT acronym), but never mentioned that they were just homosexual desires.

You are aware that "swinging" is not only acceptable in the movement that you defend, but encouraged. LGBTQ icon Dan Savage and his 'husband' do it. Surely you're not calling Savage and what'shisname perverts are you Kit?

I marvel how you borrow off of biblical principles (monogamy) yet defend a behavior and lifestyle that God abhors.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Considering it took days for Kit to admit that he's sexually aroused by both women and men, honesty isn't his forte'.

I don't start every conversation with "Hi I'm a bi-sexual"

I invited you to TOL because I want to help you, not subject you to the hate that the LGBTQ movement consists of.

Perhaps you can find a good therapist through this Christian therapy organization and after you've understood why you have homosexual desires, you can say

"Hi, thanks to spiritual and psychological therapy, I'm an EX bisexual."



I bet that they even help atheists Kit ;)




Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If you're not interested in the indoctrination of innocent children by proud and unrepentant perverts, then that's on you, not me.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your battle with alcoholism.

I trust in the absolute Sovereignty of the Eternal and know for an absolute fact He will not lose one of His sons. I also know He will not miss any of His enemies when He lets loose His judgements.

Could you imagine what recovering alcoholics would have to go through if they were subjected to the same HATE that those who are attempting to overcome/understand their homosexual desires are subjected to?

Could you imagine being told that you were born with a alcoholism 'gene' and laws were passed where you couldn't seek therapy to overcome those desires?

Could you imagine people standing outside of your therapy sessions with bullhorns SCREAMING at you and the people inside that you're frauds?



What do you think the success rate for alcoholics would be if they were subjected to the same HATE that those wishing to overcome/understand their homosexual desires are subjected to?

Kit the Coyote

New member
During our conversation, the pedophiles and pederasts of the LGBTQ movement were mentioned. Most if not all either were involved with child rape or supported it. I noted that you didn't chastise your "leaders" for that. Here's your opportunity.

I have no 'leaders' that I would follow that are involved in child rape or support it. If there were I would certainly chastise them and support their arrest. I, after all, came to this debate to defend children from harmful treatments.

But you are making a mistake of inclusion by assuming there is some homogenous group that includes all LGBT, pedophiles, and pederasts and any other group that you want to toss in. There certainly isn't one that all represent the same view. There are no 'leaders' that all LGBT people 'follow'.

When we started our debate in another forum, you stated that you have two sons and that one has same sex desires. You later mentioned that you were bisexual (the "B" in the LGBT acronym), but never mentioned that they were just homosexual desires.

Since I find my wife desirable, enough to have two children, the flaw in your statement is obvious.

You are aware that "swinging" is not only acceptable in the movement that you defend, but encouraged. LGBTQ icon Dan Savage and his 'husband' do it. Surely you're not calling Savage and what'shisname perverts are you Kit?

"Swining" is fairly acceptable in heterosexuals as well. I don't know how much it is encouraged anymore, I suspect a check of numbers will find it in decline and I favor social tools and pressures that discourage it such as allowing same-sex marriage.

I really don't care about Don Savage and his husband, if they chose to have an open marriage that is their issue, take it up with them.

I marvel how you borrow off of biblical principles (monogamy) yet defend a behavior and lifestyle that God abhors.

I think you will find that monogamy is not 'owned' by Judeo-Christian faiths exclusively. And I've said before that I feel that multi-partner sexual lifestyles are not beneficial to the individuals that practice them or society as a whole. It is perfectly logical to use the same social tools that society has developed to discourage such behavior, namely monogamy, and marriage, wherever you borrow it from.

I invited you to TOL because I want to help you, not subject you to the hate that the LGBTQ movement consists of.

Perhaps you can find a good therapist through this Christian therapy organization and after you've understood why you have homosexual desires, you can say

"Hi, thanks to spiritual and psychological therapy, I'm an EX bisexual."



I bet that they even help atheists Kit ;)

Thank you for your concern. I'm good though.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
During our conversation, the pedophiles and pederasts of the LGBTQ movement were mentioned. Most if not all either were involved with child rape or supported it. I noted that you didn't chastise your "leaders" for that. Here's your opportunity.

I have no 'leaders' that I would follow that are involved in child rape or support it.
But you are making a mistake of inclusion by assuming there is some homogenous group that includes all LGBT, pedophiles, and pederasts and any other group that you want to toss in. There certainly isn't one that all represent the same view. There are no 'leaders' that all LGBT people 'follow'.

If you want to identify with a movement that has amongst other things made homosexuality legal and opened up/took control of invaluable institutions (government, marriage, the family, youth mentor groups, entertainment/media, Education, the Church, the military, mental health, etc.) to those with homosexual desires and gender confusion then you better acknowledge the men and women that fought hard (assaulted harassed, etc. etc.) for those so-called "rights. As mentioned most if not all were either pedophiles/pederasts or supported adult child rape.

If there were I would certainly chastise them and support their arrest. I, after all, came to this debate to defend children from harmful treatments.

Here's your chance. "Pride parades" will be going on all over the US (and most of the world) this summer. At these parades all kinds of moral depravity will be done in front of children (children like "Desmond is amazing" are also used to entertain the perverts who attend these parades) BTW Kit, if you want to have these degenerates arrested, I doubt that you'll get cooperation from the Governors, Mayors, Police Chiefs and Police Officers attending:


We can talk about the indoctrination of children by the LGBTQ movement in schools and every aspect of society later.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
When we started our debate in another forum, you stated that you have two sons and that one has same sex desires. You later mentioned that you were bisexual (the "B" in the LGBT acronym), but never mentioned that they were just homosexual desires.

Since I find my wife desirable, enough to have two children, the flaw in your statement is obvious.

Yet you have stated that you have homosexual desires, i.e. find other males sexually attractive. One would think that if you're just dealing with being sexually attracted to other males, that you wouldn't embrace the child molesting/indoctrinating LGBTQ movement. I find women attractive, but as my pastor says when he sees a beautiful woman: "Nice job God, and then I move onto other things".

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You are aware that "swinging" is not only acceptable in the movement that you defend, but encouraged. LGBTQ icon Dan Savage and his 'husband' do it. Surely you're not calling Savage and what'shisname perverts are you Kit?

"Swining" is fairly acceptable in heterosexuals as well.

I noted that you didn't condemn someone cheating on their spouse, even if it was consensual. Christians call those people perverts who need God's Word in their lives, LGBTQ'ers call them "allies".

I don't know how much it is encouraged anymore, I suspect a check of numbers will find it in decline and I favor social tools and pressures that discourage it such as allowing same-sex marriage.

I talked about the Ashley Madison website in an earlier thread. To my knowledge it's still as popular as ever. Regarding homosexual promiscuity, I can pull up article after article in homosexual periodicals that will never condemn such. Remember this Kit:

The thief doesn't condemn the burglar, as the burglar doesn't condemn the robber, i.e. one proud and unrepentant sinner doesn't condemn another.

Catholic Randy Engel explained it in an interview for her book "The Rites of Sodomy":
[The Homosexual Collective] " I am simply referring to the organized “Gay Liberation Movement” as opposed to the individual homosexual. There is a symbiotic relationship between the Collective and the individual — each feeds off the other. The latter looks to the Collective to affirm his identity as a “gay” man and for support to sustain his habituated vice. The Collective, on the other hand, derives its power, prestige and income from the individual homosexual. Defections from its ranks are frowned upon and seen as a threat."

I really don't care about Don Savage and his husband, if they chose to have an open marriage that is their issue, take it up with them.

i.e. "Do your own thing".

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I marvel how you borrow off of biblical principles (monogamy) yet defend a behavior and lifestyle that God abhors.

I think you will find that monogamy is not 'owned' by Judeo-Christian faiths exclusively.

Other major religions in the world embrace it as well. What a coincidence, those same religions condemn homosexuality!

And I've said before that I feel that multi-partner sexual lifestyles are not beneficial to the individuals that practice them or society as a whole. It is perfectly logical to use the same social tools that society has developed to discourage such behavior, namely monogamy, and marriage, wherever you borrow it from.

Since you brought up what's not beneficial to individuals and society, how about we talk about how harmful homosexuality is to individuals and to society as a whole? (After all, you are in thread that has given a vast number of reasons "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!".

12 Ways Adult Homosexuals Endanger Children


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I invited you to TOL because I want to help you, not subject you to the hate that the LGBTQ movement consists of.

Perhaps you can find a good therapist through this Christian therapy organization and after you've understood why you have homosexual desires, you can say

"Hi, thanks to spiritual and psychological therapy, I'm an EX bisexual."



I bet that they even help atheists Kit

Thank you for your concern. I'm good though.

I didn't post the site so much for you as I did parents out there that want to seek a legitimate therapist for their sexually/gender confused child.

Oh and Kit: a male who finds another male sexually attractive is far from being "good".


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...Has the LGBTQ flag waving APA done any pro homosexual studies on bisexuality, i.e. are they spending millions and millions of dollars attempting to find a "bisexual gene"? Or perhaps there are many genetic factors that lead to your "fluid" sexual desires?

Please don't lie. The APA doesn't fund any research at all.

Take it up with the rainbow flag waving APA.

Understanding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality
This pamphlet is designed to provide accurate information for those who want to better understand sexual orientation and the impact of prejudice and discrimination on those who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. The brochure is also available in Russian and Spanish.
Answers to Your Questions About Transgender People, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression
Transgender is an umbrella term used to describe people whose gender identity (sense of themselves as male or female) or gender expression differs from socially constructed norms associated with their birth sex. This includes androgynous, bigendered and gender queer people, who tend to see traditional concepts of gender as restrictive.
Answers to Your Questions About Same-Sex Marriage
The psychological and social aspects of committed relationships between same-sex partners resemble those of heterosexual partnerships, living in a state where same-sex marriage is outlawed can lead to chronic social stress and mental health problems, and same-sex couples are as fit and capable parents as heterosexual couples.
Just the Facts about Sexual Orientation and Youth: A Primer for Principals, Educators and School Personnel
Just the Facts provides information and resources for principals, educators and school personnel who confront sensitive issues involving gay, lesbian and bisexual students.

Kit the Coyote

New member
If you want to identify with a movement that has amongst other things made homosexuality legal and opened up/took control of invaluable institutions (government, marriage, the family, youth mentor groups, entertainment/media, Education, the Church, the military, mental health, etc.) to those with homosexual desires and gender confusion then you better acknowledge the men and women that fought hard (assaulted harassed, etc. etc.) for those so-called "rights. As mentioned most if not all were either pedophiles/pederasts or supported adult child rape.

That is your assertation, if you are going to prove it you will have to do better than a few names of people you say are leaders of the LGBT movement. There are bad apples in any group. I just did a Google search and found a listing of 24 different Christian preachers who were guilty of raping and sexually molesting underage girls. These were found all over the US, and they all committed their crimes in one month in 2015. Work out the statistics on that and you will get that there is a lot of Christian 'leaders' who are pedophiles. Yet only an idiot or someone who lives in a world of stereotypes would extend that to say that 'most if not all' Christian leaders support raping underage girls.

Here's your chance. "Pride parades" will be going on all over the US (and most of the world) this summer. At these parades all kinds of moral depravity will be done in front of children (children like "Desmond is amazing" are also used to entertain the perverts who attend these parades) BTW Kit, if you want to have these degenerates arrested, I doubt that you'll get cooperation from the Governors, Mayors, Police Chiefs and Police Officers attending:


Have to say I've never really been to a pride parade but I've seen lots of pictures. Of course, the most of the picture takers are seeking out the wildest thing they can find to take pictures of. Best I can tell nowadays they are a lot tamer than most people think. There are still some big party events in some cities just like Mardi Gra and Spring Break events, but a quite a few have become simple parades with normal looking people like most parades. A trend I expect to continue as the LGBT folks become more accepted as regular people.

As for Desmond, I have no idea who this person is other than what is in the video. He seems to be doing what he wants to do. I can see some concerns but lacking any real details about what is going on around him it is really between him and his parents.

Yet you have stated that you have homosexual desires, i.e. find other males sexually attractive. One would think that if you're just dealing with being sexually attracted to other males, that you wouldn't embrace the child molesting/indoctrinating LGBTQ movement. I find women attractive, but as my pastor says when he sees a beautiful woman: "Nice job God, and then I move onto other things".

I am not embracing child molestation, indoctrination or actively part of any movement LGBTQ or otherwise. I engage in discussions in forums like this because I believe in civil rights and freedoms and seek to promote such. And frankly, I enjoy expressing my opinions and reasonable debate.

I too find women attractive, I just don't limit that appreciation of human form to just women.

I noted that you didn't condemn someone cheating on their spouse, even if it was consensual. Christians call those people perverts who need God's Word in their lives, LGBTQ'ers call them "allies".

I do condemn it particularly if the spouse is not aware of it. In my honest opinion, a couple entering into marriage should include monogamy in their vows. Multipolar relationships are not going to tend to be stable over the long haul. But it is not my place to dictate to them how they run their marriage.

I notice a lot of infidelity among 'Christians' with God's word in their lives, Mr. Kettle.

I talked about the Ashley Madison website in an earlier thread. To my knowledge it's still as popular as ever. Regarding homosexual promiscuity, I can pull up article after article in homosexual periodicals that will never condemn such.

Good for you, note I did condemn it and LGBT folks are not the Borg Collective.

Since you brought up what's not beneficial to individuals and society, how about we talk about how harmful homosexuality is to individuals and to society as a whole? (After all, you are in thread that has given a vast number of reasons "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!".

Correction I said a muli-partner promiscuous sex life is harmful to individuals and society. Not all LGBT folks practice such and society should encourage more monogamous behavior through education, promotion, and use of social tools like marriage. And I really don't believe the state has any business dictating people's morality or private sex lives by criminalizing aspects of it simply because the majority dislikes it.

Linda Harvey is president and founder of Mission America and host of a weekly radio talk show and daily commentaries on 880 AM WRFD[\QUOTE]
From your link above, a nice opinion piece but all LGBT folks are not child molesters just because you can find a few examples any more than all Catholic priests are.

I didn't post the site so much for you as I did parents out there that want to seek a legitimate therapist for their sexually/gender confused child.

I'm all for confused individuals getting help from 'legitimate' therapists using safe and proven practices.

Oh and Kit: a male who finds another male sexually attractive is far from being "good".

Generally very few males thinking about sex are being "good". *grins*


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If you're not interested in the indoctrination of innocent children by proud and unrepentant perverts, then that's on you, not me.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your battle with alcoholism.

Could you imagine what recovering alcoholics would have to go through if they were subjected to the same HATE that those who are attempting to overcome/understand their homosexual desires are subjected to?

Could you imagine being told that you were born with a alcoholism 'gene' and laws were passed where you couldn't seek therapy to overcome those desires?

Could you imagine people standing outside of your therapy sessions with bullhorns SCREAMING at you and the people inside that you're frauds?



What do you think the success rate for alcoholics would be if they were subjected to the same HATE that those wishing to overcome/understand their homosexual desires are subjected to?

I don't need nor have any reason "to imagine" these things.

" Thou shalt guard him in shalom shalom whose imagination is stayed on Thee".

I have my priorities in line with the revealed will of Elohim.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Could you imagine what recovering alcoholics would have to go through if they were subjected to the same HATE that those who are attempting to overcome/understand their homosexual desires are subjected to?

Could you imagine being told that you were born with a alcoholism 'gene' and laws were passed where you couldn't seek therapy to overcome those desires?

Could you imagine people standing outside of your therapy sessions with bullhorns SCREAMING at you and the people inside that you're frauds?


What do you think the success rate for alcoholics would be if they were subjected to the same HATE that those wishing to overcome/understand their homosexual desires are subjected to?

I don't need nor have any reason "to imagine" these things...

I see that it's all about you. You used God's free will to overcome your living Hell but won't support others that are trying to do so as well.
You really should look into Jesus' 2nd greatest commandment: Matthew 22:34-40 (note that it's a commandment, not a suggestion).


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Take it up with the rainbow flag waving APA.

Understanding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality

An educational pamphlet is not research.

Let's call it what it really is: a pro LGBTQ propaganda pamphlet done by pro LGBTQ people and organizations passing themselves off as "researchers".

If you like, can go over the lies in the pamphlet while discussing that the same so-called "researchers" also removed transgenderism and attempted to remove pedophilia from the APA's list of mental disorders as well.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I just happened to save one of them.

Oh joyous days!

Yes, I take God's Word and the molestation/indoctrination of children by the LGBTQ movement "seriously".

No, you take yourself seriously is all, after all, nobody else does.

Granted, those studies were done before Frank "I see nothing wrong with sex with animals, as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and his LGBTQ allies helped hijack the APA's. BTW, other studies were mentioned in the articles that I posted as well. After you're done with explaining how those studies were discredited and replaced with your non scientific theory that "homosexuality just happens", perhaps we can do a "Dear Uncle Art" scenario and show Kit what kind of ally he has.

None of which are credible and roundly discredited. At least there are a few who have had the good grace to acknowledge this and apologize for the harm they've caused.

Oh, and don't waste your time with some poorly composed, contrived and fevered scenario. Not interested in addressing something that looks like it's been written by a chimpanzee on crack.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I've shared numerous studies with you on the subject of those with same sex desires who were overly mothered, here's some of them again:

Childhood experiences of homosexual men
Bieber's study of homosexual male patients found that in many cases the detached, hostile father was matched by a mother who was "close-binding and intimate with her son." About 70% of the mothers of Bieber's patients met this criteria. The analysts also reported their patients' mothers were more restrictive of active play, over-anxious concerning health, more afraid of injury, and more overprotective than the controls' mothers.

According to Bieber:
By the time the H[omosexual]-son has reached the preadolescent period, he has suffered a diffuse personality disorder. Maternal over-anxiety about health and injury, restriction of activities normative for the son's age and potential, interference with assertive behavior, demasculinizing attitudes, and interference with sexuality -- interpenetrating with paternal rejection, hostility, and lack of support -- produce an excessively fearful child, pathologically dependent upon his mother and beset by feelings of inadequacy, impotence, and self-contempt. He is reluctant to participate in boyhood activities thought to be physically injurious -- usually grossly overestimated. His peer group responds with humiliating name-calling and often with physical attack which timidity tends to invite among children... Thus he is deprived of important empathic interaction which peer groups provide. (Bieber 1962, p.316) …
Read more: http://www.fathersforlife.org/dale/childhood_of_homosexual_men_3.htm

Now, about the fathers of males with same sex desires:

Childhood experiences recalled
In 1962 members Society of Medical Psychoanalysts lead by Irving Bieber published the results of a comprehensive study of 106 male homosexuals and 100 heterosexuals controls, both groups drawn from the patients in psychoanalysis clinics. This was not a one shot questionnaire, but one of the most in depth and authoritative studies of its kind ever done. The study involved over seventy therapists, 10 years of work, multiple evaluations and follows-ups. The questionnaires were filled out by the analysts with information gained in hours of patient sessions. The report provided numerous case histories and sought in every case to answer the question: Why did this man become homosexual?...
Bieber, et al., found a pattern of detached and/or hostile-detached fathers. They concluded that: "Profound interpersonal disturbance is unremitting in the homosexual father-son relationship. Not one of the fathers (of homosexual sons)... could be regarded as reasonably 'normal' parents'."(Bieber 1962, p.114)
In a 1979 article Irving and Toby Bieber reported that in their evaluations of over 1,000 male homosexuals, they did not find one "whose father openly loved and respected him." (Bieber, 1979)
Other studies reported similar findings. Sherman (1985) found that homosexual sons "perceived their relationship with their fathers as distant, negative, and conflicted." Saghir and Robins conducted extensive interviews with 86 homosexual men and 35 single heterosexual controls, the results of which they published in a book length report Male and Female Homosexuality: A Comprehensive Investigation (1973)…
Read more: http://www.fathersforlife.org/dale/childhood_of_homosexual_men_2.htm

Wow, out of 1,000 males with homosexual desires, not one of them had a "father that openly love and respected him".

Not one Arthur, not even one ;)

Dude, repeating and dredging up discredited research ain't gonna help ya. If you're gonna lap up this rubbish then it only goes to confirm that you've not got much upstairs. Oh, and please don't bother with the creepy little wink...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I see that you've met your allies here on TOL. I have to give them credit, when it comes to debate, they know their limitations. Many have tried, all have failed. But then when you go against someone armed with the truth, you're going to fail every time.


aCW's definition of "failure" is everyone's else's definition of "success". Only in the world of the pompous blowhard...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If you want to identify with a movement that has amongst other things made homosexuality legal and opened up/took control of invaluable institutions (government, marriage, the family, youth mentor groups, entertainment/media, Education, the Church, the military, mental health, etc.) to those with homosexual desires and gender confusion then you better acknowledge the men and women that fought hard (assaulted harassed, etc. etc.) for those so-called "rights. As mentioned most if not all were either pedophiles/pederasts or supported adult child rape.
That is your assertation, if you are going to prove it you will have to do better than a few names of people you say are leaders of the LGBT movement.

Harry, Hay, Frank Kameny, Harvey Milk (who posthumously had his face and name put on a US postage stamp). I showed the obituaries of these LGBTQ "pioneers" and nowhere in the obituaries was it mentioned that they were pederasts or supported pedophilia. Other leaders of the LGBTQ movement (HRC founder Terry Bean, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray) were accused of pederasty and the LGBTQ movement stayed silent. Leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell even wrote a letter to the editor saying that some children as young as 9 years old enjoy having sex with adults.


The list goes on and on (I'd documented it throughout this now 5 part thread). Remember that it was the LGBTQ movement that founded NAMBLA and the UK's P.I.E./Pedophilia Information Exchange and well as was responsible for having child pornography legalized in Sweden decades ago.

Go ahead and make a public statement so that we can see you're sincere about child molestation saying something to the effect that

"Those people who are considered LGBTQ pioneers or icons were really a bunch of child molesting perverts and the LGBTQ movement is as well."

I look forward to your statement.

There are bad apples in any group. I just did a Google search and found a listing of 24 different Christian preachers who were guilty of raping and sexually molesting underage girls. These were found all over the US, and they all committed their crimes in one month in 2015. Work out the statistics on that and you will get that there is a lot of Christian 'leaders' who are pedophiles. Yet only an idiot or someone who lives in a world of stereotypes would extend that to say that 'most if not all' Christian leaders support raping underage girls.

"But but but, Christians do it too!" Nowhere in Judeo/Christian doctrine does it approve of sex outside of marriage. We call those Pastors who have done the above sick people who are in desperate need of spiritual and psychological therapy; your LGBTQ movement calls those pedophiles and pederasts "leaders".

Response to the rest of your post to be continued...
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