Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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Kit the Coyote

New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I've been attempting to get new blood in this thread. A guy who goes by the name of "Kit the Coyote" wrote the following:

"I've tried five or six times to register on that site using two different email addresses and never got the needed confirmation email. Maybe you need to talk to your administrators."

Hopefully this problem will be addressed.

Thanks for persevering Kit. We had some pretty good discussions in another forum and I wanted to share your defense of homosexuality and the 'gay' agenda here.

Just to let you know, I don't debate in other threads on TOL, just this one, so if you say something elsewhere and want a response from someone who is interested in the truth, bring it here.

My view of the 'gay agenda' is a recurring internet joke so I'm not much qualified to defend it. *Laughs*


I have always thought that you were a supporter of homosexuality because of your avatar.

My avatar shows Presidential candidate Donald Trump proudly holding the LGBT flag of death at a rally in Greeley CO two days before the general election.

Obviously you don't follow this 5 part thread, thinking that it's author who wants to recriminalize homosexuality is somehow a "supporter of homosexuality".


Just to let you know, I don't debate in other threads on TOL, just this one, so if you say something elsewhere and want a response from someone who is interested in the truth, bring it here.

My view of the 'gay agenda' is a recurring internet joke so I'm not much qualified to defend it. *Laughs*

Going back to the forum where we met: Much of your argument against therapy for those who want to change their same sex desires (or just understand what brought them on) was based on "scientific evidence" (i.e. the lack of). I supplied study after study going back 125 years, as well as a link to a LGBT friendly doctor who said that there is "no 'gay' gene".

That being said: Tell us what is "scientific" about this statement that Arthur Brain has said throughout this 5 part thread and recently said in another thread on the topic of therapy for sexually confused children (those with homosexual desires).

Quote: Originally posted by Arthur Brain:

For people like aCultureWarrior there's no such thing as someone simply being homosexual.

"Simply being homosexual". Sounds pretty "scientific" to me.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Just to let you know, I don't debate in other threads on TOL, just this one, so if you say something elsewhere and want a response from someone who is interested in the truth, bring it here.

Going back to the forum where we met: Much of your argument against therapy for those who want to change their same sex desires (or just understand what brought them on) was based on "scientific evidence" (i.e. the lack of). I supplied study after study going back 125 years, as well as a link to a LGBT friendly doctor who said that there is "no 'gay' gene".

That being said: Tell us what is "scientific" about this statement that Arthur Brain has said throughout this 5 part thread and recently said in another thread on the topic of therapy for sexually confused children (those with homosexual desires).

Quote: Originally posted by Arthur Brain:

For people like aCultureWarrior there's no such thing as someone simply being homosexual.

"Simply being homosexual". Sounds pretty "scientific" to me.

The only "science" you're interested in is that which peddles the discredited quackery that you support. Every professional body and organization roundly condemns "therapy" as pseudo at best. There's no credited support for any of it having worked and attempting to claim that criticism of these quack centers is down to some "gay agenda" is ridiculous even for you. You were completely ignorant of the practices that are recorded as going on in these places so don't pretend to be knowledgeable on the subject or science as you most assuredly aren't. The fact of the matter is that there are plenty of people who are just gay and who weren't subject to abuse or any other traumatising factor in their childhood. Declaring otherwise is simply ignorant babble on your part.

Face it aCW. If you're gay then there's nothing you can do about it. Certainly ain't gonna get cured by quacks.


New member
My avatar shows Presidential candidate Donald Trump proudly holding the LGBT flag of death at a rally in Greeley CO two days before the general election.

Obviously you don't follow this 5 part thread, thinking that it's author who wants to recriminalize homosexuality is somehow a "supporter of homosexuality".

When I see the flag I have no interest in the agenda.


Quote: Originally posted by Arthur Brain:

For people like aCultureWarrior there's no such thing as someone simply being homosexual.

"Simply being homosexual". Sounds pretty "scientific" to me.

The only "science" you're interested in is that which peddles the discredited quackery that you support...

Kit is wisely staying silent on your lack of scientific evidence showing that some people are "simply homosexual".

(Although he did thank you for your comment).


When I see the flag I have no interest in the agenda.

If you're not interested in the indoctrination of innocent children by proud and unrepentant perverts, then that's on you, not me.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your battle with alcoholism.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Quote: Originally posted by Arthur Brain:

For people like aCultureWarrior there's no such thing as someone simply being homosexual.

"Simply being homosexual". Sounds pretty "scientific" to me.

Kit is wisely staying silent on your lack of scientific evidence showing that some people are "simply homosexual".

(Although he did thank you for your comment).

Actually, I did comment but I seem to have made a mistake and it didn't post. Suffice to say there is nothing simple about one's sexual orientation. Its a basic personality trait and those don't form or are changed 'simply'


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
My avatar shows Presidential candidate Donald Trump proudly holding the LGBT flag of death at a rally in Greeley CO two days before the general election

He used the flag as a way to garner votes. He is no more pro-gay as he is pro-humanitarian. It's was all about the votes.

Sorry Sandy, but the Queen of Denial tiara is going to be given to Kit the Coyote once he warms up and starts spewing his pro LGBT propaganda.

As it's been showing throughout Part's 4 and 5, Donald Trump was a pioneer in the transgender movement (the "T" in the LGBT acronym) by overruling the Miss Universe Pageant Board (Trump owned the pageant) and allowing a sexually confused/genitally mutilated man pretending to be a woman to compete. If you would like to go over the long list of LGBT activism that Donald Trump has done, both prior to being POIUS and as POTUS, I'll gladly do so.

I know that it's tough when it's pointed out to many that a pervert like Trump supports perversion. Both those on the left and the (pretend) right have issues with it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Kit is wisely staying silent on your lack of scientific evidence showing that some people are "simply homosexual".

(Although he did thank you for your comment).

Kit is free to respond to you on the matter as he wishes although only a wingnut would insist that every person who isn't straight has been through a traumatizing event that altered their orientation.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Quote: Originally posted by Arthur Brain:

For people like aCultureWarrior there's no such thing as someone simply being homosexual.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
"Simply being homosexual". Sounds pretty "scientific" to me.

Kit is wisely staying silent on your lack of scientific evidence showing that some people are "simply homosexual".

(Although he did thank you for your comment).

Actually, I did comment but I seem to have made a mistake and it didn't post. Suffice to say there is nothing simple about one's sexual orientation. Its a basic personality trait and those don't form or are changed 'simply'

Perhaps you could work with your LGBTQ ally Arthur Brain on his simplistic thinking/lack of scientific evidence showing that "some people are simply homosexual" (he must be a real embarrassment to the LGBT cause).


Kit is free to respond to you on the matter as he wishes although only a wingnut would insist that every person who isn't straight has been through a traumatizing event that altered their orientation.

Once Kit warms up and feels at home here on TOL, perhaps he'll share with us his "sexual orientation". I'll give you a hint, it's "fluid".

available for various uses

Edit: While trauma does play a major role leading to a child's sexual confusion later in life, as you're well aware it's not the only factor.

For instance: A mother who has a boy who is fragile in stature and doesn't want him to mix it up with other boys in contact sports (she tells him to play table tennis) is one of the factors that can lead to same sex desires.
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Kit the Coyote

New member


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Once Kit warms up and feels at home here on TOL, perhaps he'll share with us his "sexual orientation". I'll give you a hint, it's "fluid".

available for various uses

I've already mentioned elsewhere that I am bi-sexual as far as sexual orientation goes. And the silly accusations and false witness you have borne against me becuase of it.

Thanks for your honesty Kit (the "B" in the LGBT acronym). Arthur Brain is heterosexual, in fact in Part 1 of this now 5 Part thread he mentioned it eight times in a post where he was conversing with a defender of homosexuality.

Has the LGBTQ flag waving APA done any pro homosexual studies on bisexuality, i.e. are they spending millions and millions of dollars attempting to find a "bisexual gene"? Or perhaps there are many genetic factors that lead to your "fluid" sexual desires?

Kit the Coyote

New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Once Kit warms up and feels at home here on TOL, perhaps he'll share with us his "sexual orientation". I'll give you a hint, it's "fluid".

available for various uses

Thanks for your honesty Kit (the "B" in the LGBT acronym). Arthur Brain is heterosexual, in fact in Part 1 of this now 5 Part thread he mentioned it eight times in a post where he was conversing with a defender of homosexuality.

Has the LGBTQ flag waving APA done any pro homosexual studies on bisexuality, i.e. are they spending millions and millions of dollars attempting to find a "bisexual gene"? Or perhaps there are many genetic factors that lead to your "fluid" sexual desires?

As I mentioned elsewhere, I don't really care about the politics or conspiracy theories around the APA. I simply note that there are over 30 medical and mental health organizations in the US, UK and Austrialia representing the vast majority of professionals in the field that disagree with your opinion on the safety and effectiveness of conversion therapies to change sexual orientation. The idea that there is some global conspiracy that controls all those organizations is rather laughable.


New member
If you're not interested in the indoctrination of innocent children by proud and unrepentant perverts, then that's on you, not me.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your battle with alcoholism.

I trust in the absolute Sovereignty of the Eternal and know for an absolute fact He will not lose one of His sons. I also know He will not miss any of His enemies when He lets loose His judgements.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Once Kit warms up and feels at home here on TOL, perhaps he'll share with us his "sexual orientation". I'll give you a hint, it's "fluid".

available for various uses

Edit: While trauma does play a major role leading to a child's sexual confusion later in life, as you're well aware it's not the only factor.

For instance: A mother who has a boy who is fragile in stature and doesn't want him to mix it up with other boys in contact sports (she tells him to play table tennis) is one of the factors that can lead to same sex desires.

Oh, so if a boy doesn't play football or rugby or some other "manly" sport then that can turn them gay? What else? Not watching enough John Wayne films with their dad?

After seven years you're really no better at this are you?

Oh, and Kit already has shared his orientation, along with how you did your usual and accused him of "swinging", being married to a transsexual and denying he's been through trauma as a kid.

About as classy as one would expect from you...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for your honesty Kit (the "B" in the LGBT acronym). Arthur Brain is heterosexual, in fact in Part 1 of this now 5 Part thread he mentioned it eight times in a post where he was conversing with a defender of homosexuality.

Has the LGBTQ flag waving APA done any pro homosexual studies on bisexuality, i.e. are they spending millions and millions of dollars attempting to find a "bisexual gene"? Or perhaps there are many genetic factors that lead to your "fluid" sexual desires?

As I mentioned elsewhere, I don't really care about the politics or conspiracy theories around the APA.

You're acknowledging that (as lesbian/homosexual activist Barbara Gittings acknowledged) removing homosexuality from the APA's list of mental disorders was "political", yet are using the world "conspiracy". You can't have both Kit, either you're acknowledging what homosexual/homosexual activist Frank "I see nothing wrong with having sex with animals, as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and his fellow homosexual activists bullied the APA into removing homosexuality from it's list of mental disorders for political reasons or that it "just happened" and that there is a theory of conspiracy behind it.

I simply note that there are over 30 medical and mental health organizations in the US, UK and Austrialia representing the vast majority of professionals in the field that disagree with your opinion on the safety and effectiveness of conversion therapies to change sexual orientation. The idea that there is some global conspiracy that controls all those organizations is rather laughable.

The LGBT movement has infiltrated and permeated every institution out there: government, the Church, youth mentor groups, Education, the military, the media, etc.

Yet contrary to the solid evidence that I've provided in both this thread and the thread where we met, you're denying that they've taken over the field of psychology and bias their studies in favor of LGBT results.

I now crown you this thread's official "Queen of Denial".

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