Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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With the recent SCOTUS ruling in favor of baker Jack Phillips, some are calling it a victory for religious liberty. Sometimes you have to go to secular humanist sites to find the truth.

No Victory For Conservative Christians In Masterpiece Cakeshop Decision

June 4, 2018

Despite claims to the contrary, the Supreme Court’s Masterpiece Cakeshop decision was not a victory for conservative Christians who want to discriminate against gays.
Today’s Supreme Court ruling in favor of Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Bakeshop, was not a broad victory for gay-hating Christians trying to justify discrimination based on their sincerely held religious beliefs.
Instead, the ruling was a narrow decision that simply found that the original decision against Phillips at the state level was illegitimate because the Colorado commission that originally ruled against the anti-gay baker was tainted by anti-religious hostility.
The Washington Post reports:
While you’ll probably see a lot of headlines proclaiming “Christian Baker Wins At Supreme Court!”, in fact the justices decided not to decide the underlying question of whether someone like that baker can discriminate against certain customers.
National Center for Lesbian Rights explains
Today’s Supreme Court decision in Masterpiece Cakeshop is a narrow, fact-based decision that does not break any new constitutional ground or create any new exemptions to anti-discrimination laws. The Court reversed the state court decision only because it found that the record in this case indicated that the Colorado Commission’s deliberations were tainted by anti-religious hostility.
Nothing in the Court’s decision would require or permit the Commission to have reached a different substantive result in protecting the LGBTQ community from discrimination. Today’s decision leaves intact the longstanding principle that states can require businesses open to the public to serve everyone, even when some businesses believe that doing so violates their religious beliefs.
In other words, the decision makes no changes to the law, sets no new precedent, and applies to one person only: Jack Phillips, the anti-gay Christian baker. However, despite this fact, many gay-hating, conservative Christians are attempting to use the decision to claim victory in their war on the LGBT population.
For example, Tony Perkins, President of the Family Research Council, a Christian hate group, described the decision as a victory for religious freedom:

This is a victory for Jack Phillips and our nation’s long cherished freedom of following one’s deeply held beliefs without fear of government punishment.
Perkins is right that this is a victory for Phillips. However, he is wrong when he claims that the decision is a victory for those who want to discriminate against LGBT people. In fact, some even say the decision is actually a victory “for the LGBT community and supporters of equality.”
Raw Story reports:
If anything, the Supreme Court’s ruling is in part a win for the LGBT community and supporters of equality. Here’s the key passage from the Court’s majority opinion: “these disputes must be resolved with tolerance, without undue disrespect to sincere religious beliefs, and without subjecting gay persons to indignities when they seek goods and services in an open market.”
And Quarts reports:
The Supreme Court’s Colorado baker decision contains a robust defense of gay rights.
Bottom line: The Masterpiece Cakeshop decision was not a big victory for conservative Christians who want to discriminate against gays; instead, the decision makes no changes to the law, sets no new precedent, and applies to one person only: Jack Phillips, the anti-gay Christian baker.

Unlike Roe v Wade, Lawrence v Texas and Obergefell v Hodges, no legal precedence has been set by this ruling. Also keep in mind that when Phillips refused to bake a wedding cake for two proud and unrepentant homosexuals that were mocking God's institution of marriage, that it was still illegal in Colorado for anyone other than one man and one woman to marry.

SCOTUS will eventually have to rule on this issue, and I'm sorry to say that because homosexuality and hence homosexual so-called 'marriage' is legal, it won't be in favor of religious freedom.


I often times catch the frauds at Lifesitenews.com in lies. Here's a recent one:

In contrast with Obama, Trump White House refuses to recognize LGBT ‘Pride Month’

June 4, 2018

Unlike President Obama who famously lit up the White House with the colors of rainbow flag, for the second year in a row President Donald J. Trump has chosen to let gay ‘Pride Month’ slide by with no official recognition.

Yet in the same article Lifesitenews reporter Doug Mainwaring shows this document written by Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo:

The United States joins people around the world in celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) Pride Month, and reaffirms its commitment to protecting and defending the human rights of all, including LGBTI persons.
In many parts of the world, LGBTI individuals and their supporters continue to face violence, arrest, harassment and intimidation for standing up for their human rights, participating in peaceful marches and rallies, expressing their views, and simply being who they are. LGBTI persons – like all persons – must be free to enjoy their human rights and fundamental freedoms, including freedom of expression, peaceful assembly, and association, without fear of reprisal. As Americans, we place a high value on these rights and freedoms, which all persons deserve to enjoy fully and equally.
The United States stands firmly with you as you exercise your human rights and fundamental freedoms. We wish you a safe and happy Pride Month.


Remember that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (who was responsible for turning the once God-fear Boy Scouts into a secular humanist organization) acknowledged "Transgender Remembrance Day".

Next up: Trump takes the advice of a Hollywood bimbo and pardons a multi million dollar drug trafficker's prison sentence.

Will he pardon Obama's buddy Rod Blagojevich next?


Let's review who Donald "I'm going to get tough on crime" Trump recently gave a Presidential pardon to:

From Wikipedia (they're the only website that I could find that actually talked about the facts of the case) :

Alice Marie Johnson (born May 30, 1955)[1][2] is a former drug dealer. Convicted in 1996 for her involvement in a Memphis cocaine trafficking organization, she was sentenced to life imprisonment. In June 2018, after serving 21 years in prison, Johnson was released from the Federal Correctional Institution, Aliceville after President Donald Trump commuted her sentence at the urging of Kim Kardashian West.[3][4]
Crime and sentence[edit]
A single mother of five children, Johnson was arrested in 1993 and convicted in 1996 of eight federal criminal counts relating to her involvement in a Memphis, Tennessee-based cocaine trafficking organization.[4] In addition to drug conspiracy counts, Baker was convicted of money laundering and structuring, the latter crime because of her purchase of a house with a down payment structured to avoid hitting a $10,000 reporting threshold.[4] The Memphis operation involved over a dozen individuals.[5] The indictment described Johnson as the head of the multi-million dollar cocaine ring, and detailed dozens of drug transactions and deliveries.[3] Evidence presented at trial showed that the Memphis operation was connected to Columbian drug dealers based in Texas.[6] Johnson was sentenced to life imprisonment in 2017. At the sentencing hearing, U.S. District Judge Julia Gibbons said that Johnson was "the quintessential entrepreneur" in an operation that dealt in 2,000 to 3,000 kilograms of cocaine, with a "very significant" impact on the community.[6] Co-defendants Curtis McDonald and Jerlean McNeil were sentenced to life and 19 years in federal prison, respectively.[6] A number of other co-defendants who testified against Johnson received sentences of between probation and 10 years.[4]

Atta boy Donald, keep getting "tough on crime".


Donald Trump and left wing Hollywood bimbo Kim Kardashian teaming up together to release drug Queen-pin Alice Marie Johnson from prison.


Yet another loss for parental rights and the ability to use free will to overcome unwanted desires.

GOP New Hampshire governor signs law banning gay conversion therapy

June 8, 2018

New Hampshire’s Republican Gov. Chris Sununu signed into law on Friday a ban on gay conversion therapy for minors.
Medical and mental health professionals — including the American Medical Association — say the practice to change a minor's sexual orientation or gender identity is proven to be ineffective and can cause psychological harm to LGBTQ youth.
“Discrimination — in any form — is unacceptable and runs contrary to New Hampshire’s Live Free or Die Spirit,” Sununu said in a statement, as reported by WMUR. “If we really want to be the ‘Live Free or Die’ state, we must ensure that New Hampshire is a place where every person, regardless of their background, has an equal and full opportunity to pursue their dreams and to make a better life for themselves and their families.”

The conservative group Cornerstone Action, which fought against the legislation, expressed disappointment in a statement calling for strengthening “the Christian base” of the New Hampshire legislature.
"I expected Governor Sununu to stand by Christian principles and veto these bills, but he didn't," Cornerstone executive director Shannon McGinley wrote. "Yes, it's discouraging. We fight to win. The fight is almost always close, but somehow with the grace of God, we've prevailed in some important battles. This time we didn't. And it's a big loss."
New Hampshire becomes the 13th state to ban the practice, and Delaware is close behind to become the 14th.
Legislators in the General Assembly passed the measure on Thursday and it now heads to the desk of Democratic Gov. John Carney, who is expected to sign it into law, according to WDEL Radio.
Sununu also signed a bill on Friday that extends protections against workplace, housing and public discrimination to transgender people, according to WMUR news.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yet another loss for parental rights and the ability to use free will to overcome unwanted desires.

Parents don't have the right to abuse their children or send them to places that do. Good for New Hampshire and on Delaware if they follow suit. Doesn't look as though it'll be too long before these pathetic places are shut down all over and about time. Frankly, there should be prosecutions for those who have abused children in these "centers"...


Parents don't have the right to abuse their children or send them to places that do. Good for New Hampshire and on Delaware if they follow suit. Doesn't look as though it'll be too long before these pathetic places are shut down all over and about time. Frankly, there should be prosecutions for those who have abused children in these "centers"...

For you loving parents who are dealing with a sexually or gender confused child, you can see what you're up against.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
For you loving parents who are dealing with a sexually or gender confused child, you can see what you're up against.

Loving parents wouldn't be interested in taking their children to places that harm and abuse them. For those who are simply ignorant of the practices that go on, the law does its own job in protecting children by making sure that these quack centers are being closed down.


While discussing the outlawing of therapy for sexual and gender confused youth in another forum, I came across a secular humanist who has stated that there is no scientific evidence backing conversion/reparative therapy.

The late Dr. Joseph Nicolosi shows differently in an article entitled:

What Research Shows: NARTH’s Response to the APA Claims on Homosexuality
A Report of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality

This paper examines over 100 years of scientific literature on the subject of overcoming unwanted sexual attractions

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
While discussing the outlawing of therapy for sexual and gender confused youth in another forum, I came across a secular humanist who has stated that there is no scientific evidence backing conversion/reparative therapy.

The late Dr. Joseph Nicolosi shows differently in an article entitled:

What Research Shows: NARTH’s Response to the APA Claims on Homosexuality
A Report of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality

This paper examines over 100 years of scientific literature on the subject of overcoming unwanted sexual attractions

This person was right, there isn't. Quoting from Nicolosi and NARTH doesn't aid you because they aren't credible. An objective internet search will show that prevailing scientific opinion is that it's not only pseudoscience, it's at best ineffective and at worst, highly abusive and very psychologically damaging. At least Robert Spitzer had the honesty and integrity to apologize for his own role:

In 2012, Spitzer renounced and retracted this study, stating "I was quite wrong in the conclusions that I made from this study. The study does not provide evidence, really, that gays can change. And that's quite an admission on my part. He also apologized to the gay community for making unproven claims of the efficacy of reparative therapy, calling it his only professional regret. Spitzer has requested that all "ex-gay" therapy organizations such as NARTH, PFOX, American College of Pediatricians, and Focus on the Family stop citing his study as evidence for conversion therapy.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
For you loving parents who are dealing with a sexually or gender confused child, you can see what you're up against.

Loving parents wouldn't be interested in taking their children to places that harm and abuse them. For those who are simply ignorant of the practices that go on, the law does its own job in protecting children by making sure that these quack centers are being closed down.

Loving parents need to make those decisions, not the movement who founded the North American Man Boy Love Association, the Pedophile Information Exchange and were responsible for the legalizing of child pornography in Sweden (etc. etc. etc.)

Since those who engage in same sex buggery/sodomy don't reproduce (they reproduce all kinds of deadly diseases, but not human beings) they have to recruit children and youth to keep their jack booted thug operation going.

Not allowing therapy for sexually and gender confused children is a "twofer" for the LGBTQueer movment:

1). It adds to their numbers

2). It allows the many pedophiles and pederasts that the LGBTQ movement is made up a treat. What would HRC founder Terry Bean, former Seattle Mayor Ed the ped Murray and the long list of child rapists do if these children that they rape weren't sexually confused?


Quote: Originally founded by aCultureWarrior

This paper examines over 100 years of scientific literature on the subject of overcoming unwanted sexual attractions...

This person was right, there isn't. Quoting from Nicolosi and NARTH doesn't aid you because they aren't credible. An objective internet search will show that prevailing scientific opinion is that it's not only pseudoscience, it's at best ineffective and at worst, highly abusive and very psychologically damaging. At least Robert Spitzer had the honesty and integrity to apologize for his own role:

In 2012, Spitzer renounced and retracted this study, stating "I was quite wrong in the conclusions that I made from this study. The study does not provide evidence, really, that gays can change. And that's quite an admission on my part. He also apologized to the gay community for making unproven claims of the efficacy of reparative therapy, calling it his only professional regret. Spitzer has requested that all "ex-gay" therapy organizations such as NARTH, PFOX, American College of Pediatricians, and Focus on the Family stop citing his study as evidence for conversion therapy.

I marvel at how the movement whose life span is substantially cut short through disease, suicide, murder and drug and alcohol abuse decide what's credible.

For those following this now 5 part thread they'll remember how homosexual/homosexual activist Frank "I have nothing against bestiality as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and lesbian Barbara Gittings used Nazi style intimidation tactics to get the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from it's list of mental disorders.
Homosexuality and Mental Health : http://ryansorba.blogspot.com/2012/01/homosexuality-and-mental-health.html

Once that happened, not only were many laws changed that had criminalized the infamous crime against nature known as homosexuality, but the flood gates were open and the pro LGBTQ forces took over the psychiatric profession.

The good news is that these left wing homosexual activists passing themselves off as psychologists are losing their credibility:

Psych Association Loses Credibility, Say Insiders

"When APA does conduct research, Dr. Cummings said, they only do so "when they know what the outcome is going to be...only research with predictably favorable outcomes is permissible."
When writing their newly released book Destructive Trends in Mental Health, Wright and Cummings invited the participation of a number of fellow psychologists who flatly turned them down--fearing loss of tenure, loss of promotion, and other forms of professional retaliation. "We were bombarded by horror stories," Dr. Cummings said. "Their greatest fear was of the gay lobby, which is very strong in the APA."

Read more: https://www.josephnicolosi.com/collection/psych-association-loses-credibility-say-insiders
Last edited:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Loving parents need to make those decisions, not the movement who founded the North American Man Boy Love Association, the Pedophile Information Exchange and were responsible for the legalizing of child pornography in Sweden (etc. etc. etc.)

Since those who engage in same sex buggery/sodomy don't reproduce (they reproduce all kinds of deadly diseases, but not human beings) they have to recruit children and youth to keep their jack booted thug operation going.

Not allowing therapy for sexually and gender confused children is a "twofer" for the LGBTQueer movment:

1). It adds to their numbers

2). It allows the many pedophiles and pederasts that the LGBTQ movement is made up a treat. What would HRC founder Terry Bean, former Seattle Mayor Ed the ped Murray and the long list of child rapists do if these children that they rape weren't sexually confused?

Well, no, parents don't get to decide whether it's acceptable for children to endure abusive and degrading treatment, the law does. Quite rightly, the laws regarding these execrable centers are shutting them down and it will hopefully be illegal to force minors into such torrid treatment all across America before long.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally founded by aCultureWarrior

This paper examines over 100 years of scientific literature on the subject of overcoming unwanted sexual attractions...

I marvel at how the movement whose life span is substantially cut short through disease, suicide, murder and drug and alcohol abuse decide what's credible.

For those following this now 5 part thread they'll remember how psychologist/homosexual Frank "I have nothing against bestiality as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and lesbian Barbara Gittings used Nazi style intimidation tactics to get the American Psychiatric Association to remove homosexuality from it's list of mental disorders.
Homosexuality and Mental Health : http://ryansorba.blogspot.com/2012/01/homosexuality-and-mental-health.html

Once that happened, not only were many laws changed that had criminalized the infamous crime against nature known as homosexuality, but the flood gates were open and the pro LGBTQ forces took over the psychiatric profession.

The good news is that these left wing homosexual activists passing themselves off as psychologists are losing their credibility:

Psych Association Loses Credibility, Say Insiders

"When APA does conduct research, Dr. Cummings said, they only do so "when they know what the outcome is going to be...only research with predictably favorable outcomes is permissible."
When writing their newly released book Destructive Trends in Mental Health, Wright and Cummings invited the participation of a number of fellow psychologists who flatly turned them down--fearing loss of tenure, loss of promotion, and other forms of professional retaliation. "We were bombarded by horror stories," Dr. Cummings said. "Their greatest fear was of the gay lobby, which is very strong in the APA."

Read more: https://www.josephnicolosi.com/collection/psych-association-loses-credibility-say-insiders

There isn't a single, accredited professional body or any credible scientific evidence that supports "conversion therapy" as having any positive effects although there's plenty that expresses it's had negative ones including psychological damage that has driven some "patients" to suicide. There's no "cure" for being gay aCW, deal with it.


There isn't a single, accredited professional body or any credible scientific evidence that supports "conversion therapy" as having any positive effects although there's plenty that expresses it's had negative ones including psychological damage that has driven some "patients" to suicide. There's no "cure" for being gay aCW, deal with it.

Like all secular humanists, your issue is with God and the fact that He gives mankind free will to change.

It's funny how LGBTQ'ers pick and choose which forms of free will they want to embrace. For instance: when they want to overcome drug and/or alcohol addiction (which runs rampant in the LGBTQ so-called "community) free will is a good thing.


Well, no, parents don't get to decide whether it's acceptable for children to endure abusive and degrading treatment, the law does. Quite rightly, the laws regarding these execrable centers are shutting them down and it will hopefully be illegal to force minors into such torrid treatment all across America before long.

Again: A society can't allow the movement that founded the North American Man Boy Love Association, the Pedophile Information Exchange and were responsible for the legalization of kiddy porn in Sweden what's best for children.

A society can't allow a movement that is riddled with disease, misery and early death, drug and alcohol addiction, suicide and murder to decide what's best for youth.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Like all secular humanists, your issue is with God and the fact that He gives mankind free will to change.

It's funny how LGBTQ'ers pick and choose which forms of free will they want to embrace. For instance: when they want to overcome drug and/or alcohol addiction (which runs rampant in the LGBTQ so-called "community) free will is a good thing.

No, my issue is with people and places that employ practices that not only don't work but have been proven to be harmful to people as well. This is why such quackery is rightfully being outlawed so that minors, especially aren't subject to degrading abuse. Overcoming an addiction is not the same thing as "changing orientation" and if you can't get that then go get some of this "therapy" and see if you turn out any different.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Again: A society can't allow the movement that founded the North American Man Boy Love Association, the Pedophile Information Exchange and were responsible for the legalization of kiddy porn in Sweden what's best for children.

A society can't allow a movement that is riddled with disease, misery and early death, drug and alcohol addiction, suicide and murder to decide what's best for youth.

Society is simply getting rid of quackery and abusive practices that harm children and adults alike.


No, my issue is with people and places that employ practices that not only don't work but have been proven to be harmful to people as well. This is why such quackery is rightfully being outlawed so that minors, especially aren't subject to degrading abuse. Overcoming an addiction is not the same thing as "changing orientation" and if you can't get that then go get some of this "therapy" and see if you turn out any different.

Yet sexual confusion (and knowing that the behavior that they're involved in is deadly) is what's behind those addictions.

I marvel at how LGBTQ activists say that they only want to shut down the "bad" therapy centers (the ones that allegedly drill into a child's head to release the demons from inside) yet back legislation banning ALL kinds of therapy for sexually and gender confused children.

Catching LGBTQ'ers in lies: because that's what I do.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Yet sexual confusion (and knowing that the behavior that they're involved in is deadly) is what's behind those addictions.

Nah, some people are just homosexual aCW and your hyperbole is only to be expected. Fact is, there's no "cure" for being gay. Sorry about that.

I marvel at how LGBTQ activists say that they only want to shut down the "bad" therapy centers (the ones that allegedly drill into a child's head to release the demons from inside) yet back legislation banning ALL kinds of therapy for sexually and gender confused children.

Professionals want the whole of it banned because it's been shown to be pseudoscience quackery that not only doesn't help anyone but harms them to boot. If you want to consider the whole of the accredited scientific and psychological community to be "LGBTQ activists" then be my guest, only makes you look even more of a nut though.

Catching LGBTQ'ers in lies: because that's what I do.

No, what you do is tediously prattle on and live a lie.


A couple of things to note: I've invited a LGBTQ activist by the name of "Kit the Coyote" to debate me here. He's stated that he applied for membership, but is awaiting confirmation. Hopefully he'll be posting soon, as I look forward to someone who is better trained in LGBTQ activism than those who have been posting here.

Regarding the fall out of men using women's restrooms. On two occasions in the past couple of months I've come across men, who without a doubt were sexual predators, using the women's restroom at a large business that is open to the public.

On the first occasion I observed a white male in his 40's nervously standing outside of a women's restroom. He then quickly entered. I followed him in a few seconds later and found him sitting in a toilet stall with his pants up (he wasn't using the toilet). After questioning him it was more than obvious that he was a sexual predator, but with laws such as they are, there was nothing I could do about it.

The second occasion I had with a man using a women's restroom was a black male in his early 30's who had gone into a remotely located women's restroom and was sitting on the toilet stall half undressed. Who knows what he might have done if a woman or young girl had entered by themselves.

Mothers beware, it's insanity out there, so keep an eye on your daughters and use extra caution when entering a restroom by yourself.

Fathers: Do what you have to do to protect your wives and daughters. No jury outside of Sodomy and Gonorrhea North and South (Seattle and San Francisco) would convict you for protecting your family.



Next up: Frank Kameny, the homosexual/LGBTQ activist who was responsible for having homosexuality removed from the APA's list of mental disorders.
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