Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As I mentioned elsewhere, I don't really care about the politics or conspiracy theories around the APA. I simply note that there are over 30 medical and mental health organizations in the US, UK and Austrialia representing the vast majority of professionals in the field that disagree with your opinion on the safety and effectiveness of conversion therapies to change sexual orientation. The idea that there is some global conspiracy that controls all those organizations is rather laughable.

Bear in mind that aCW hadn't the faintest clue about what went on in these places when the topic was first broached, I had to explain it to him. It's obvious why such "therapy" is being outlawed. It's quackery.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Thanks for your honesty Kit (the "B" in the LGBT acronym). Arthur Brain is heterosexual, in fact in Part 1 of this now 5 Part thread he mentioned it eight times in a post where he was conversing with a defender of homosexuality.

Has the LGBTQ flag waving APA done any pro homosexual studies on bisexuality, i.e. are they spending millions and millions of dollars attempting to find a "bisexual gene"? Or perhaps there are many genetic factors that lead to your "fluid" sexual desires?

You're acknowledging that (as lesbian/homosexual activist Barbara Gittings acknowledged) removing homosexuality from the APA's list of mental disorders was "political", yet are using the world "conspiracy". You can't have both Kit, either you're acknowledging what homosexual/homosexual activist Frank "I see nothing wrong with having sex with animals, as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny bullied the APA into removing homosexuality from it's list of mental disorders for political reasons or that it "just happened" and that there is a theory of conspiracy behind it.

The LGBT movement has infiltrated and permeated every institution out there: government, the Church, youth mentor groups, Education, the military, the media, etc.

Yet contrary to the solid evidence that I've provided in both this thread and the thread where we met, you're denying that they've taken over the field of psychology and bias their studies in favor of LGBT results.

I now crown you this thread's office "Queen of Denial".


Seriously? Kit's just joined here and you're already pulling the "Queen of denial" crap?!

Do you ever wonder why nobody, not even far right Christian's take you seriously on here?



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
For instance: A mother who has a boy who is fragile in stature and doesn't want him to mix it up with other boys in contact sports (she tells him to play table tennis) is one of the factors that can lead to same sex desires.

Oh, so if a boy doesn't play football or rugby or some other "manly" sport then that can turn them gay? What else? Not watching enough John Wayne films with their dad?

Being overly mothered because the boy was born fragile and put into non contact sports isn't considered a traumatic experience compared to being raped as a child, but as we've seen through various studies (absent or distant/abusive fathers) and personal testimony, it plays a role in a person's perverse/same sex desires.

Oh, and Kit already has shared his orientation, along with how you did your usual and accused him of "swinging", being married to a transsexual and denying he's been through trauma as a kid.

After seven years you're really no better at this are you?

About as classy as one would expect from you...

Glad to see that you're following my posts elsewhere Arthur.

Actually Kit didn't go into detail why he's sexually aroused by both females and males. Perhaps he'll share some of his childhood with us and we can come to a conclusion why he's so sexually confused.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Seriously? Kit's just joined here and you're already pulling the "Queen of denial" crap?!

Do you ever wonder why nobody, not even far right Christian's take you seriously on here?


If he actually thinks that
The LGBT movement has infiltrated and permeated every institution out there: government, the Church, youth mentor groups, Education, the military, the media, etc.
then he really is the one deserving the "Queen of denial" title as real life just doesn't work that way.


Originally Posted by Kit the Coyote
As I mentioned elsewhere, I don't really care about the politics or conspiracy theories around the APA. I simply note that there are over 30 medical and mental health organizations in the US, UK and Austrialia representing the vast majority of professionals in the field that disagree with your opinion on the safety and effectiveness of conversion therapies to change sexual orientation. The idea that there is some global conspiracy that controls all those organizations is rather laughable.

Bear in mind that aCW hadn't the faintest clue about what went on in these places when the topic was first broached, I had to explain it to him. It's obvious why such "therapy" is being outlawed. It's quackery.

Actually I do Arthur. Since I made that statement back in Part 1 several years ago, I've done extensive study and acknowledge that unlike the scare mongering that you're attempting to pass off as therapy, they're run by professionals who care for the emotional, spiritual and physical well being of their patients.

Sigh, if only the LGBTQ movement could say the same thing.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Being overly mothered because the boy was born fragile and put into non contact sports isn't considered a traumatic experience compared to being raped as a child, but as we've seen through various studies (absent or distant/abusive fathers) and personal testimony, it plays a role in a person's perverse/same sex desires.

Um, not playing or being keen on contact sports doesn't turn someone gay aCW. You equate heterosexuality with machismo and not only is that plain daft it's laughably ignorant.

Glad to see that you're following my posts elsewhere Arthur.

It was Kit who told me about what you'd accused him of in my own thread. According to you, you're only posting in this one nowadays...

Actually Kit didn't go into detail why he's sexually aroused by both females and males. Perhaps he'll share some of his childhood with us and we can come to a conclusion why he's so sexually confused.

Already has done on another thread. No trauma, no abuse or anything of the sort.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Being overly mothered because the boy was born fragile and put into non contact sports isn't considered a traumatic experience compared to being raped as a child, but as we've seen through various studies (absent or distant/abusive fathers) and personal testimony, it plays a role in a person's perverse/same sex desires.

Um, not playing or being keen on contact sports doesn't turn someone gay aCW. You equate heterosexuality with machismo and not only is that plain daft it's laughably ignorant.

Of course it doesn't "make" someone have same sex desires, but as we'll seen through scientific studies that I posted numerous times (and can be found in Part 4's index) and umpteen personal testimonies, those who are overly mothered (and hence aren't allowed to mix it up with other boys) can lead to same sex desires.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Glad to see that you're following my posts elsewhere Arthur.

It was Kit who told me about what you'd accused him of in my own thread. According to you, you're only posting in this one nowadays...

The statement that he made lead me to believe that he's not only a bisexual (the "B" in the LGBT acronym) but a swinger.

You right wing theocrats disgust me. Swinging is the "in thing", yet you act as if it's immoral.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Actually Kit didn't go into detail why he's sexually aroused by both females and males. Perhaps he'll share some of his childhood with us and we can come to a conclusion why he's so sexually confused.

Already has done on another thread. No trauma, no abuse or anything of the sort.

Considering it took days for Kit to admit that he's sexually aroused by both women and men, honesty isn't his forte'.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Actually I do Arthur. Since I made that statement back in Part 1 several years ago, I've done extensive study and acknowledge that unlike the scare mongering that you're attempting to pass off as therapy, they're run by professionals who care for the emotional, spiritual and physical well being of their patients.

Dude, you can't have done extensive study as if you had you'd not be spouting the garbage that these places are ran by professionals. The people practising this quackery are not trained counsellors or recognized as being qualified to treat people in any way. This is why the whole "conversion therapy" is being outlawed as it only causes harm.

Sigh, if only the LGBTQ movement could say the same thing.

Recognized professional scientific and psychological associations are not LGBTQ aCW. Not that anyone expects you to develop independent thinking skills anytime soon...


Dude, you can't have done extensive study as if you had you'd not be spouting the garbage that these places are ran by professionals. The people practising this quackery are not trained counsellors or recognized as being qualified to treat people in any way. This is why the whole "conversion therapy" is being outlawed as it only causes harm.

Recognized professional scientific and psychological associations are not LGBTQ aCW. Not that anyone expects you to develop independent thinking skills anytime soon...

Sorry Art, I've given the Queen of Denial tiara to Kit and there is nothing that you can do to earn it back.

On that note, I've done enough blogging for today, back tomorrow to show more reasons

"Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Of course it doesn't "make" someone have same sex desires, but as we'll seen through scientific studies that I posted numerous times (and can be found in Part 4's index) and umpteen personal testimonies, those who are overly mothered (and hence aren't allowed to mix it up with other boys) can lead to same sex desires.

Dude, your idea of "scientific study" is anything that comes off a far right blog or a crisp packet.

The statement that he made lead me to believe that he's not only a bisexual (the "B" in the LGBT acronym) but a swinger.

You right wing theocrats disgust me. Swinging is the "in thing", yet you act as if it's immoral.

Doesn't make him a swinger himself.

Considering it took days for Kit to admit that he's sexually aroused by both women and men, honesty isn't his forte'.

He only just joined here today and it's hardly dishonest of him not to reveal such details about his life as it is. Considering your history on here it's hardly your forte either...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Sorry Art, I've given the Queen of Denial tiara to Kit and there is nothing that you can do to earn it back.

On that note, I've done enough blogging for today, back tomorrow to show more reasons

"Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"

The only person who should be wearing a tiara around these parts is you ya big dope.

Btw, you do realize it ain't gonna be re-criminalized and you're kinda just a blog that cements why it shouldn't have been illegal in the first place? The irony will no doubt be lost on you.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The statement that he made lead me to believe that he's not only a bisexual (the "B" in the LGBT acronym) but a swinger.
After telling you that I was happily married and 'monogamous' for over 30 years you replied that I rejected my wife for 15 year old boys. When I replied that the only real impact was an ability to compare notes on sexy male entertainers, my wife and I of being swingers and that I betrayed her by 'sharing' with mulitple men.

How monogamous and just talking about the attractiveness of other men translates into meaning wild swingers and polygamoury in your mind, I don't know.

You right wing theocrats disgust me. Swinging is the "in thing", yet you act as if it's immoral.

Yes I noted your opinion of the folks who run the site here in one of the posts that made it to my inbox even though it seems to have been erased on Disqus.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Actually Kit didn't go into detail why he's sexually aroused by both females and males. Perhaps he'll share some of his childhood with us and we can come to a conclusion why he's so sexually confused.

Like I said on Disqus, I blame the Sear and Roebuck catalog. *laughs*

Considering it took days for Kit to admit that he's sexually aroused by both women and men, honesty isn't his forte'.

I don't start every conversation with "Hi I'm a bi-sexual"

Kit the Coyote

New member
It appears I can't edit my posts here.

This line in my above post should read:
you accused my wife and I of being swingers and that I betrayed her by 'sharing' with multiple men.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It appears I can't edit my posts here.

This line in my above post should read:
you accused my wife and I of being swingers and that I betrayed her by 'sharing' with multiple men.

This is why even far right Christians distance themselves from aCW. He's too much of a nut even for them. His comment about you being attracted to fifteen year old boys instead of your wife is par for the course for the guy.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
This is why even far right Christians distance themselves from aCW. He's too much of a nut even for them. His comment about you being attracted to fifteen year old boys instead of your wife is par for the course for the guy.

Yes, I have examined him in many posts and he has a fixation on homosexuality. This usually comes from a past mishap, or past shocking event.

Anyway, he does not come across as a common bigot, since his fixation is on one behaviour, in past time, was believed to be a mental illness, and many still say an immoral act.

In essence, he protests too much.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Quote: Originally posted by Arthur Brain:

For people like aCultureWarrior there's no such thing as someone simply being homosexual.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
"Simply being homosexual". Sounds pretty "scientific" to me.

Kit is wisely staying silent on your lack of scientific evidence showing that some people are "simply homosexual".

(Although he did thank you for your comment).

Perhaps you could work with your LGBTQ ally Arthur Brain on his simplistic thinking/lack of scientific evidence showing that "some people are simply homosexual" (he must be a real embarrassment to the LGBT cause).

why would literally thousands of peer reviewed published studies showing time and time again that sexual orientation is inborn, doesn't change, is not a choice and shows no connection to any Post natal experiences be an embarrassment?
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