Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Granted, those studies were done before Frank "I see nothing wrong with sex with animals, as long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does" Kameny and his LGBTQ allies helped hijack the APA's. BTW, other studies were mentioned in the articles that I posted as well. After you're done with explaining how those studies were discredited and replaced with your non scientific theory that "homosexuality just happens", perhaps we can do a "Dear Uncle Art" scenario and show Kit what kind of ally he has.

None of which are credible and roundly discredited. At least there are a few who have had the good grace to acknowledge this and apologize for the harm they've caused.

You mentioned already that Bieber's scientific research into homosexuals who had overbearing mothers and abusive fathers was discredited. Other studies came up with the same results: Psychologist Dr. Kurt Konietzko, Apperson, Green, Zucker and Bradley, Thompson and Saghir and Robins to name a few.

Now show who and why those studies were "discredited" and some scientific evidence showing what causes homosexual desires. Sorry Art, but stating that "people just have homosexual desires" isn't scientific.

Oh, and don't waste your time with some poorly composed, contrived and fevered scenario. Not interested in addressing something that looks like it's been written by a chimpanzee on crack.

"Dear Uncle Art. I'm a 15 year old boy adopted at birth by two homosexual men. I'm very unhappy for numerous reasons: They are constantly fighting, having sex with other men, going to HIV/AIDS clinics to check the status of their health, etc. etc. etc. When I was 8 years old a friend of theirs (who founded the Human Rights Campaign) was allowed to babysit me on numerous occasions and he repeatedly raped me. I'm finding myself with same sex desires and am suicidal because I don't want to end up like those men.

An older friend who was overly mothered and had an abusive father, and had homosexual desires because of it, went to see a therapist at "The American Association of Christian Counselors" and through spiritual and psychological therapy, he was able to understand and eventually overcome his same sex desires. He married a beautiful Christian woman and they have two beautiful children together.

I want what my friend has Uncle Art, will you give me a ride to see the therapist that belongs to "The American Association of Christian counselors"

so that I can be like my friend and lead a healthy and spiritually happy life?

Uncle Art replies:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You mentioned already that Bieber's scientific research into homosexuals who had overbearing mothers and abusive fathers was discredited. Other studies came up with the same results: Psychologist Dr. Kurt Konietzko, Apperson, Green, Zucker and Bradley, Thompson and Saghir and Robins to name a few.

Now show who and why those studies were "discredited" and some scientific evidence showing what causes homosexual desires. Sorry Art, but stating that "people just have homosexual desires" isn't scientific.

Dude, all of this was thrown out in the early to mid 80's. Bieber's research was a crock and no reputable body gives it any weight. Got anything up to date that's accredited by professional organisations? hint, quack outfits don't count.

"Dear Uncle Art. I'm a 15 year old boy adopted at birth by two homosexual men. I'm very unhappy for numerous reasons: They are constantly fighting, having sex with other men, going to HIV/AIDS clinics to check the status of their health, etc. etc. etc. When I was 8 years old a friend of theirs (who founded the Human Rights Campaign) was allowed to babysit me on numerous occasions and he repeatedly raped me. I'm finding myself with same sex desires and am suicidal because I don't want to end up like those men.

An older friend who was overly mothered and had an abusive father, and had homosexual desires because of it, went to see a therapist at "The American Association of Christian Counselors" and through spiritual and psychological therapy, he was able to understand and eventually overcome his same sex desires. He married a beautiful Christian woman and they have two beautiful children together.

I want what my friend has Uncle Art, will you give me a ride to see the therapist that belongs to "The American Association of Christian counselors"

so that I can be like my friend and lead a healthy and spiritually happy life?

Uncle Art replies:

Wow, a chimpanzee would have been embarrassed to have penned that, whether it was on crack or not...


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not sure you'd be too happy with "The American Association Of Christian Counsellors" given this article aCW:


It certainly doesn't go anywhere near as far as you would and even advocates counselling to help people have stable homosexual relationships...whoops...oh, and it's not shy of acknowledging that there may very well be a biological basis for homosexuality as well. Obviously Robert Spitzer has since apologized and retracted his findings.


New member
Now, about the fathers of males with same sex desires:

Childhood experiences recalled
In 1962 members Society of Medical Psychoanalysts lead by Irving Bieber published the results of a comprehensive study of 106 male homosexuals and 100 heterosexuals controls, both groups drawn from the patients in psychoanalysis clinics. This was not a one shot questionnaire, but one of the most in depth and authoritative studies of its kind ever done. The study involved over seventy therapists, 10 years of work, multiple evaluations and follows-ups. The questionnaires were filled out by the analysts with information gained in hours of patient sessions.

Bieber was the poster child for junk science for years thanks to this.

"The questionnaires were filled out by the analysts" This is always good for a laugh. the data used was not provided by the people Bieber was pretending to study but from "analysts" making a report years later.

The report provided numerous case histories and sought in every case to answer the question: Why did this man become homosexual?...
Bieber, et al., found a pattern of detached and/or hostile-detached fathers. They concluded that: "Profound interpersonal disturbance is unremitting in the homosexual father-son relationship. Not one of the fathers (of homosexual sons)... could be regarded as reasonably 'normal' parents'."(Bieber 1962, p.114)
wow he found evidence of his own pet theory by asking his followers to fill out a questionnaire on people they haven't seen in years. What are the odds?


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...Has the LGBTQ flag waving APA done any pro homosexual studies on bisexuality, i.e. are they spending millions and millions of dollars attempting to find a "bisexual gene"? Or perhaps there are many genetic factors that lead to your "fluid" sexual desires?

Take it up with the rainbow flag waving APA.

Understanding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Answers to Your Questions For a Better Understanding of Sexual Orientation & Homosexuality
This pamphlet is designed to provide accurate information for those who want to better understand sexual orientation and the impact of prejudice and discrimination on those who identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual. The brochure is also available in Russian and Spanish.
Answers to Your Questions About Transgender People, Gender Identity, and Gender Expression
Transgender is an umbrella term used to describe people whose gender identity (sense of themselves as male or female) or gender expression differs from socially constructed norms associated with their birth sex. This includes androgynous, bigendered and gender queer people, who tend to see traditional concepts of gender as restrictive.
Answers to Your Questions About Same-Sex Marriage
The psychological and social aspects of committed relationships between same-sex partners resemble those of heterosexual partnerships, living in a state where same-sex marriage is outlawed can lead to chronic social stress and mental health problems, and same-sex couples are as fit and capable parents as heterosexual couples.
Just the Facts about Sexual Orientation and Youth: A Primer for Principals, Educators and School Personnel
Just the Facts provides information and resources for principals, educators and school personnel who confront sensitive issues involving gay, lesbian and bisexual students.

a pamphlet isn't research.
I'd ask you to stop lying but i don't think you are capable of that.


New member
I have no 'leaders' that I would follow that are involved in child rape or support it. If there were I would certainly chastise them and support their arrest. I, after all, came to this debate to defend children from harmful treatments.

But you are making a mistake of inclusion by assuming there is some homogenous group that includes all LGBT, pedophiles, and pederasts and any other group that you want to toss in. There certainly isn't one that all represent the same view. There are no 'leaders' that all LGBT people 'follow'.

Since I find my wife desirable, enough to have two children, the flaw in your statement is obvious.

"Swining" is fairly acceptable in heterosexuals as well. I don't know how much it is encouraged anymore, I suspect a check of numbers will find it in decline and I favor social tools and pressures that discourage it such as allowing same-sex marriage.

I really don't care about Don Savage and his husband, if they chose to have an open marriage that is their issue, take it up with them.

I think you will find that monogamy is not 'owned' by Judeo-Christian faiths exclusively. And I've said before that I feel that multi-partner sexual lifestyles are not beneficial to the individuals that practice them or society as a whole. It is perfectly logical to use the same social tools that society has developed to discourage such behavior, namely monogamy, and marriage, wherever you borrow it from.

Thank you for your concern. I'm good though.

ACW accuses anyone who is or he pretends is homosexual of being a pedophile.

He has claimed at least 40 different people were the founder of NAMBLA, it's probably more but i stopped counting a long time ago.


Dear Uncle Art. I'm a 15 year old boy adopted at birth by two homosexual men. I'm very unhappy for numerous reasons: They are constantly fighting, having sex with other men, going to HIV/AIDS clinics to check the status of their health, etc. etc. etc. When I was 8 years old a friend of theirs (who founded the Human Rights Campaign) was allowed to babysit me on numerous occasions and he repeatedly raped me. I'm finding myself with same sex desires and am suicidal because I don't want to end up like those men.

An older friend who was overly mothered and had an abusive father, and had homosexual desires because of it, went to see a therapist at "The American Association of Christian Counselors" and through spiritual and psychological therapy, he was able to understand and eventually overcome his same sex desires. He married a beautiful Christian woman and they have two beautiful children together.

I want what my friend has Uncle Art, will you give me a ride to see the therapist that belongs to "The American Association of Christian counselors"

so that I can be like my friend and lead a healthy and spiritually happy life?

Uncle Art replies:

Wow, a chimpanzee would have been embarrassed to have penned that, whether it was on crack or not...

Once again Arthur Brain refuses to help a suicidal sexually confused youth seek spiritual and psychological therapy. Go figure.


Not sure you'd be too happy with "The American Association Of Christian Counsellors" given this article aCW:


It certainly doesn't go anywhere near as far as you would and even advocates counselling to help people have stable homosexual relationships...whoops...oh, and it's not shy of acknowledging that there may very well be a biological basis for homosexuality as well. Obviously Robert Spitzer has since apologized and retracted his findings.

I'm happy that the article was written by Warren Throckmorton, who I'd shown in posts in earlier threads has sold out God and joined the forces of the LGBTQ movement.

Instead of attempting to find all of the posts that I wrote about Professor Warren Throckmorton of Grove City College, I'll let Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality do the talking.

Grove City College Psychologist Warren Throckmorton Blasted for Backpedaling on Homosexuality
Monday, March 22nd, 2010
Cites ‘gay’-affirming professor’s “about face”; Throckmorton reneges on answering questions posed by pro-family news service



Warren Throckmorton: "Gay affirming" professor at Grove City College, a Christian based institution of higher learning.

Regarding Robert Spitzer: What a coincidence, Peter LaBarbera at Americans for Truth About Homosexuality has information on him as well:

The Bob Spitzer I Knew – Nicolosi on Psychiatrist Whose Research Shows ‘Gays’ Can Change their Orientation
Homosexual activist pressure campaign drove Spitzer to disavow his own study on “ex-gay” therapy, but Archives of Sexual Behavior editor refused to retract it


Target of Homosexual Pressure Campaign: The late Dr. Robert Spitzer, above, reported in a landmark 2003 academic study that “there is evidence that change in sexual orientation following some form of reparative therapy does occur in some gay men and lesbians.” “Gay” activists barraged him with criticism, so much so that he later disavowed his own study–which, however, was NOT retracted. See the study HERE and the abstract of it below:
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Once again Arthur Brain refuses to help a suicidal sexually confused youth seek spiritual and psychological therapy. Go figure.

No, Arthur Brain has repeatedly told you that he isn't going to address asinine, loopy, fevered little scenarios that emanate from the brain substitute that rattles around in that over inflated bonce of yours...


Bieber was the poster child for junk science for years thanks to this.

"The questionnaires were filled out by the analysts" This is always good for a laugh. the data used was not provided by the people Bieber was pretending to study but from "analysts" making a report years later.

Again, ...Dante provides no link from a LGBTQ source to back those claims.

How about the studies done by Psychologist Dr. Kurt Konietzko, researchers Apperson, Green, Zucker and Bradley, Thompson, and Saghir and Robins to name a few, studies that mirrored Irving Bieber's findings?


As for Desmond [the amazing], I have no idea who this person is other than what is in the video. He seems to be doing what he wants to do. I can see some concerns but lacking any real details about what is going on around him it is really between him and his parents.

Actually you do, as I've written (and shown videos) about the 10 year old boy in the past two pages.

Allowing a child to dance provocatively at a parade where all kinds of sexual depravity is not only displayed, but is warmly embraced is an act of child molestation.

But then you know that, but aren't man enough to admit it.

Linda Harvey is president and founder of Mission America and host of a weekly radio talk show and daily commentaries on 880 AM WRFD.
From your link above, a nice opinion piece but all LGBT folks are not child molesters just because you can find a few examples any more than all Catholic priests are.

You just said (in so many words) that a 10 year old boy should be allowed to dress up as a girl, wear makeup and dance provocatively at a parade where all kinds of sexual depravity is not only displayed, but warmly embraced as long as his parents are ok with that.


Note the crowd in the background.

We could go over the scenario that I presented (one of many) to Arthur Brain where he refused to help a suicidal sexually confused boy seek spiritual and psychological help from Christian therapists, but the prosecution has already made it's case with what you said above.

Now about Linda Harvey's article entitled

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

Let's go over all 12 points shall we?

1. Adults proudly living a homosexual life are disastrous role models. That lesbian teacher may be a personable expert in her subject, but her immoral lifestyle may mislead children. As she proclaims that homosexuals are always victims, displays the picture of her partner or “wife,” and befriends confused “LBGT” youth, many kids will come to exactly the wrong conclusion: “Ms. Warren seems nice, so the ‘gay’ life must be okay.”

Refute point one.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Could you imagine what recovering alcoholics would have to go through if they were subjected to the same HATE that those who are attempting to overcome/understand their homosexual desires are subjected to?

Could you imagine being told that you were born with a alcoholism 'gene' and laws were passed where you couldn't seek therapy to overcome those desires?

Could you imagine people standing outside of your therapy sessions with bullhorns SCREAMING at you and the people inside that you're frauds?


What do you think the success rate for alcoholics would be if they were subjected to the same HATE that those wishing to overcome/understand their homosexual desires are subjected to?

I see that it's all about you. You used God's free will to overcome your living Hell but won't support others that are trying to do so as well.
You really should look into Jesus' 2nd greatest commandment: Matthew 22:34-40 (note that it's a commandment, not a suggestion).

I don't have any free will. I am led by the Holy Spirit.

This will be alien to you, but here goes:

I know for an absolute fact that wherever I am, whatever my intents, thoughts, words or deeds. That I am in the centre of the will of the Eternal Almighty for my life, salvation and sanctification.

You can take your guilt trips elsewhere.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm happy that the article was written by Warren Throckmorton, who I'd shown in posts in earlier threads has sold out God and joined the forces of the LGBTQ movement.

Instead of attempting to find all of the posts that I wrote about Professor Warren Throckmorton of Grove City College, I'll let Peter LaBarbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality do the talking.

Grove City College Psychologist Warren Throckmorton Blasted for Backpedaling on Homosexuality
Monday, March 22nd, 2010
Cites ‘gay’-affirming professor’s “about face”; Throckmorton reneges on answering questions posed by pro-family news service



Warren Throckmorton: "Gay affirming" professor at Grove City College, a Christian based institution of higher learning.

Regarding Robert Spitzer: What a coincidence, Peter LaBarbera at Americans for Truth About Homosexuality has information on him as well:

The Bob Spitzer I Knew – Nicolosi on Psychiatrist Whose Research Shows ‘Gays’ Can Change their Orientation
Homosexual activist pressure campaign drove Spitzer to disavow his own study on “ex-gay” therapy, but Archives of Sexual Behavior editor refused to retract it


Target of Homosexual Pressure Campaign: The late Dr. Robert Spitzer, above, reported in a landmark 2003 academic study that “there is evidence that change in sexual orientation following some form of reparative therapy does occur in some gay men and lesbians.” “Gay” activists barraged him with criticism, so much so that he later disavowed his own study–which, however, was NOT retracted. See the study HERE and the abstract of it below:

He retracted it and apologized for it. The fact that certain quack outfits didn't respect his wishes to not use his study is irrelevant. He makes this explicitly clear in his own words:



I see that it's all about you. You used God's free will to overcome your living Hell but won't support others that are trying to do so as well.
You really should look into Jesus' 2nd greatest commandment: Matthew 22:34-40 (note that it's a commandment, not a suggestion).

I don't have any free will. I am led by the Holy Spirit.

You had to use free will to repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. God's Holy Spirit doesn't enter the soul without it.

This will be alien to you, but here goes:

I know for an absolute fact that wherever I am, whatever my intents, thoughts, words or deeds. That I am in the centre of the will of the Eternal Almighty for my life, salvation and sanctification.

You can take your guilt trips elsewhere.

I sleep like a baby at night knowing that I love God with all of my heart, mind and soul and that I love my neighbor as I love myself.

Take a lesson in love, I hand them out for free in this thread.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I see that it's all about you. You used God's free will to overcome your living Hell but won't support others that are trying to do so as well.
You really should look into Jesus' 2nd greatest commandment: Matthew 22:34-40 (note that it's a commandment, not a suggestion).

You had to use free will to repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. God's Holy Spirit doesn't enter the soul without it.

I sleep like a baby at night knowing that I love God with all of my heart, mind and soul and that I love my neighbor as I love myself.

Take a lesson in love, I hand them out for free in this thread.

Yes, by making up lurid innuendo and lies about people.



New member
I see that it's all about you. You used God's free will to overcome your living Hell but won't support others that are trying to do so as well.
You really should look into Jesus' 2nd greatest commandment: Matthew 22:34-40 (note that it's a commandment, not a suggestion).

You had to use free will to repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. God's Holy Spirit doesn't enter the soul without it.

I sleep like a baby at night knowing that I love God with all of my heart, mind and soul and that I love my neighbor as I love myself.

Take a lesson in love, I hand them out for free in this thread.

It's not a case of you loving Him. What matters is does He know you and by your words, attitude and opposition of the truth. He doesn't own you.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Harry, Hay, Frank Kameny, Harvey Milk (who posthumously had his face and name put on a US postage stamp). I showed the obituaries of these LGBTQ "pioneers" and nowhere in the obituaries was it mentioned that they were pederasts or supported pedophilia.

Considering the lengths you have been going to slander and lie about me and that you strongly implied that you think all homosexuals are pederasts and pedophiles, I don't really consider you a reliable source for who is or is not a pederast or pedophile. Perhaps no mention is made in the obituaries because there was no valid reason to?

I noted that you needed to do better than give me a list of names and you give me a list of names. The only one I recognize is Harvey Milk and the most I know about him is he was an openly gay politician in California who fought for gay rights.

Other leaders of the LGBTQ movement (HRC founder Terry Bean, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray) were accused of pederasty and the LGBTQ movement stayed silent. Leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell even wrote a letter to the editor saying that some children as young as 9 years old enjoy having sex with adults.

Any actually convicted, accusal is easy as you evidence. I don't know Peter Tatchell and have only your assertion he is a leading anything. If you are accurately reflecting his view then I wholeheartedly condemn his view.

Remember that it was the LGBTQ movement that founded NAMBLA and the UK's P.I.E./Pedophilia Information Exchange and well as was responsible for having child pornography legalized in Sweden decades ago.

From everything I've read and seen, the LGBT community considers NAMBLA to be a sick joke. A group of dirty old men whose only claim to fame is a 1st Amendment court case and a massive amount of fans among anti-LGBT commentators. Don't know anything about P.I.E. but I suspect it is much the same.

I note with the god-like powers you ascribe to the 'LGBT Movement', if they supported NAMBLA and such ideas why have the age of consent laws only gone up in the US?

Go ahead and make a public statement so that we can see you're sincere about child molestation

No problem, any individual who engages in child molestation should be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Any individual who actively promotes harming a child should be confronted and condemned.

"But but but, Christians do it too!" Nowhere in Judeo/Christian doctrine does it approve of sex outside of marriage. We call those Pastors who have done the above sick people who are in desperate need of spiritual and psychological therapy; your LGBTQ movement calls those pedophiles and pederasts "leaders".

Would be a good point if that was what I actually said. I don't believe or engage much in whataboutism, it is a pathetically weak argument that doesn't work for five-year-olds much less reasonable adult debate.

Go back, read my comment and try again.

Kit the Coyote

New member
You just said (in so many words) that a 10 year old boy should be allowed to dress up as a girl, wear makeup and dance provocatively at a parade where all kinds of sexual depravity is not only displayed, but warmly embraced as long as his parents are ok with that.

*Sighs* As I said, I have concerns. It reminds me of the Toddlers and Tiaras TV show and the toddler beauty contests it covers where small children dress up and compete in adult-like beauty contests. I think the children involved are too young, both for the event and the adult roles being assumed. But just like that show and contests, no law is being broken and there is not enough grounds to justify social services to intervene. Do I think it is a good thing for the children involved? No. Would I tell their parents that? Yes.

Now about Linda Harvey's article entitled

12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children

Let's go over all 12 points shall we?

1. Adults proudly living a homosexual life are disastrous role models. That lesbian teacher may be a personable expert in her subject, but her immoral lifestyle may mislead children. As she proclaims that homosexuals are always victims, displays the picture of her partner or “wife,” and befriends confused “LBGT” youth, many kids will come to exactly the wrong conclusion: “Ms. Warren seems nice, so the ‘gay’ life must be okay.”

Refute point one.

It is a generalism and stereotype. Not every homosexual is living what she calls the 'homosexual life'. Of course, she doesn't define it. Lacking any other information, we have no evidence that this teacher is any different than a heterosexual teacher as far as being a role model. This is the reason why trying to judge everyone by stereotypes is a bad idea. Individuals should be judged as individuals. It is entirely possible that Ms. Warren is a nice person and knowing her helps confused LBGT youths avoid that very lifestyle you worry about.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

The Bob Spitzer I Knew – Nicolosi on Psychiatrist Whose Research Shows ‘Gays’ Can Change their Orientation
Homosexual activist pressure campaign drove Spitzer to disavow his own study on “ex-gay” therapy, but Archives of Sexual Behavior editor refused to retract it

He retracted it and apologized for it. The fact that certain quack outfits didn't respect his wishes to not use his study is irrelevant. He makes this explicitly clear in his own words:

Thanks for sharing a video by LGBTQ activist Wayne "Does my bullhorn disrupt your EX homosexual meeting?" Besen.


As shown in the above AFTAH article by Linda Ames Nicolosi (which I've linked again), Spitzer contacted her for her expertise on the subject because he knew little about homosexuality. When his findings showed that change was possible, the ever so tolerant LGBTQ movement harassed him into changing his decision.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Harry, Hay, Frank Kameny, Harvey Milk (who posthumously had his face and name put on a US postage stamp). I showed the obituaries of these LGBTQ "pioneers" and nowhere in the obituaries was it mentioned that they were pederasts or supported pedophilia.

Considering the lengths you have been going to slander and lie about me and that you strongly implied that you think all homosexuals are pederasts and pedophiles, I don't really consider you a reliable source for who is or is not a pederast or pedophile. Perhaps no mention is made in the obituaries because there was no valid reason to?

Poor thing, is aCultureWarrior being a meanie to poor little innocent Kit the Coyote? As show time and time again (recently with the scenario that Arthur Brain refused to answer and with you saying that a 10 year old boy should be allowed to perform in a parade where all kinds of sexual depravity takes place) it's crystal clear that those who identify (whether they want to admit it or not) with the LGBTQ movement don't have the best interest of children in mind.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Go ahead and make a public statement so that we can see you're sincere about child molestation

No problem, any individual who engages in child molestation should be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Any individual who actively promotes harming a child should be confronted and condemned.

Keep in mind that indoctrinating children to the ways of perversion is 'molesting their minds'. You have a lot of 911 calls to make if you're truly interested in protecting children from LGBTQ indoctrination/molestation.



But then you've been caught in several lies, why stop now?
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