Aren't psychos, dikes and transvestites on the chopping block anyway?
Why yes that's right I remember it now, Dick York was replaced, I always wondered why, since he was so good in it.Don't get me wrong, they don't do absolutely nothing, they do sit around and start threads that compare the two Darrin's from the television sitcom "Bewitched".
Why yes that's right I remember it now, Dick York was replaced, I always wondered why, since he was so good in it.
Apparently the plot was that Samantha would magic him gay but he refused to do it.
(I just made that up btw)
- baby murdering-sodomite loving socialistBTW, which baby murdering-sodomite loving socialist are you backing jgarden, Colonel Sanders or Mrs. Bill Clinton?
- baby murdering-sodomite loving socialist
- LGBTQueer/...
-sexual anarchy
- our country's head sodomite
- a bunch of moral degenerates who amongst other things indoctrinate innocent children to the ways of perversion
- the gaystapo
If "aCW" felt secure in promoting his opinions, he wouldn't have to resort to his repeated use of "shock-value" phrases.
This tactic, which is designed to have the same impact as "swearing," has a relatively short "shelf-life" and its repeated use has only served to demote "aCultureWarrior" to parody status - subject to ridicule.
Yes I already knew about his back aCW but I wouldn't want to be accused of gossiping in your "esteemed" thread to criminalise homosexuals. :nono:Quote:
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Don't get me wrong, they don't do absolutely nothing, they do sit around and start threads that compare the two Darrin's from the television sitcom "Bewitched".
You must remember the term that pagans and atheists use to describe people of (supposed) faith that don't become politically active and allow secular humanists like you to take control of our nations' laws, institutions and culture:
"Good Christians".
(Horrific back pain and addiction to medication was the reason York left: )
Yes I already knew about his back aCW but I wouldn't want to be accused of gossiping in your "esteemed" thread to criminalise homosexuals. :nono:
First of all Dick York was a leading actor in the Spencer Tracy film Inherit The Wind, a favourite of mine. It's sad that anyone's career and life should be blighted by something debilitating as that, however I rather liked Elizabeth Montgomery slightly more.Giving it your best atheist shot at it, how about you tell us what a "Good Christian" is Al and that way I can accuse you of not knowing a thing about Christianity?
First of all Dick York was a leading actor in the Spencer Tracy film Inherit The Wind, a favourite of mine. It's sad that anyone's career and life should be blighted by something debilitating as that, however I rather liked Elizabeth Montgomery slightly more.
You may not know this aCW, I don't normally trust you with personal information but there are people on TOL I have trusted. Last November I had, an operation for bowel cancer, but let me quickly assure you that I have never had nor received any gay sex and that the op seems to have been very successful, and also that my prognosis is now very good for a long(even longer?) life. I am on chemotherapy at the moment which is a routine procedure.
I have just discovered that Elizabeth Montgomery died from what I had, aged 62 in 1995 which was something she, unlike me, had ignored until it was too late apparently and was inoperable, at least it was at the time she died. That makes me rather sad for some reason, a real shame she couldn't have just used those magic powers and lived miraculously forever.
Your fantasy fundie bigoted version of Christianity is no better than Hollywood or indeed comedy TV sitcoms for truth while being considerably more mean spirited imo.
You do not represent a Christian God nor most of Christendom and I have no idea how to define a "good Christian" but I'm pretty sure that you're not it, even if you are the hapless, sad and repressed homosexual that I rather do suspect you are.
It had been established long ago in this 4 part thread that you are a 64 year old heterosexual bachelor who has never married nor has a girlfriend. Please don't think for a second that I thought that your bowel cancer was a result of gay bowel syndrome.
(God, not Satan, was watching over you. I'm glad that you're still around Al, even though you are extremely morally confused).
If it had been 'long established' then why were you "speculating" that Al had "likely" indulged in homosexual relations despite his informing you that he hadn't in any way? Contradict yourself much?
The fact of the matter is that you don't know anything about his personal life - or any other poster unless they happen to share any such sensitive information in public.
Stop being such a knob for once.
Now now Art, just because both you and Art are lifelong bachelors who never talk about having a girlfriend and more importantly defend an absolutely filthy behavior which amongst other things has an agenda that molests the minds and bodies of innocent children, doesn't mean that I think that you're a couple of British fags.
In fact, if you boyz recall, I speculated that you were like George Clooney and not rushing into marriage before the age of 52 (Al's just holding out a bit longer).
Eh, 'both Art & Art'? Put the white whine spritzers away for a second Connie .
...and consider just why folk don't give out personal info on here It's not particularly because of berks like you as you're too inconsequential overall, but it's still telling that you're creepy and dishonest enough to pretend to know anything about other people's lives and "speculate" dis-accordingly.
You on the other hand very unconvincingly state that you're happily married with kids, and no doubt in a lovely house with a white picket fence adorned with roses?
Get real dude. Nobody buys it.
It must be an exciting life that you live Art if the highlight of your day is pointing out a typographical error that I made.
What on earth are you in a tizzy over Art? I just pointed out that even though you're both lifelong bachelors, don't have girlfriends and defend child molesting faggotry with a passion, that both you and Al are probably considered the most sought after bachelors in the entire UK (sought after by who or what, I don't wanna know).
I love talking about my happy childhood, my great relationship with my parents and my Christian marriage to the most wonderful woman in the world, who brought me the greatest gift a man could ever ask for: children.
Ya know Art, if you stopped this insanity, you too could have what I have.
Thanks for that aCW let's all hope that you be spared anything like it in a couple of years time and if you do take my advice, don't rely on God, get it checked out, and don't ignore it like Montgomery did to her cost. A shame though that you couldn't find it in you to refrain from the usual barbed fabricated derogatory but also pathetic attempts to insult my prowess with opposite sex. Everyone concluding that it stands to reason that your obvious attraction to homophobic erotica, gay activities and typically homosexual led diseases must surely have roots in repression, so I won't blame you for feeling bitter and twisted more than you usually are.It had been established long ago in this 4 part thread that you are a 64 year old heterosexual bachelor who has never married nor has a girlfriend. Please don't think for a second that I thought that your bowel cancer was a result of gay bowel syndrome.
Even your medical misinformation comes from your friends at Conservapedia, wow.
Thanks again then aCW and for your fundie based opinions of mythical unlikely supernatural beings. That you think your supposed Satan is interested in my bowels is of course very interesting, but fighting off cancer is fighting off Satan himself! A worthy cause no doubt. :yawn:(God, not Satan, was watching over you. I'm glad that you're still around Al, even though you are extremely morally confused).
Yes perhaps so, being bothered is what stimulates me to write stuff, it gives me purpose and cause in my relentless quest to banish Satan from my bowels aCW, but I usually soon regain my composure since I'm not the one here who's living a lie.Is it my imagination Al, or is the information in this 4 part thread (along with me mocking those that are proud of partaking in homosexual behavior and it's agenda) bothering you a tad bit?
Even your medical misinformation comes from your friends at Conservapedia, wow.
It really doesn't matter how you spin it aCW I have never advocated unsafe sex. The vagina is of course better adapted to responding to "enteric bacteria, viruses, fungi, zooparasites, or trauma." which is why many gay couples use condoms or abstain from penetration. I would imagine that straight couples who do sodomy would share the same risks as homosexuals, so what?Quote:
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It was handy. How about we use an online dictionary source to show what 'gay bowel syndrome' entails?
gastrointestinal discomfort experienced by homosexual males; includes abdominal pain, cramps, bloating, flatulence, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea caused by enteric bacteria, viruses, fungi, zooparasites, or trauma.
An array of infectious and non-infectious gastrointestinal symptoms which were described in homosexual men prior to AIDS,
Not to be confused with anal cancer:
Each year anal cancer is diagnosed in about two people
out of every 100,000 people in the general population.
HIV negative MSM are 20 times more likely to be
diagnosed with anal cancer. Their rate is about 40 cases
per 100,000. HIV-positive MSM are up to 40 times
more likely to be diagnosed with the disease, resulting
in a rate of 80 anal cancer cases per 100,000 people.
Remember how I stated in earlier threads that the anus is to a homosexual act as the vagina is to a heterosexual act?
'Gay bowel syndrome', 'anal cancer', how about you and Art say in unison:
"Just say NO! to buggery boyz."
It really doesn't matter how you spin it aCW I have never advocated unsafe sex. The vagina is of course better adapted to responding to "enteric bacteria, viruses, fungi, zooparasites, or trauma." which is why many gay couples use condoms or abstain from penetration. I would imagine that straight couples who do sodomy would share the same risks as homosexuals, so what?
Do you have a point here?