Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Donald Trump seems to present a few problems for right wing conservative Christians with a somewhat fundamentalist bent. He flip flops on abortion, supports gays and Mexicans, and worst of all doesn't do God. But in all other respects is a perfect Republican candidate. :)

When an atheist has kind words to say about a political candidate that is supposedly running on a conservative platform, you know the truth about that candidate.

Thanks Al for sharing the truth about Donald Trump.


New member
God (i.e. the "fairytale myth in the sky") created various body parts for specific use Al. The rectum was made solely for the purpose of expelling human waste, nothing else. It comes with a sphincter muscle that wasn't made to be penetrated. When that body cavity is used for things that it wasn't intended for, bad things happen.

As shown, those bad things happen to homosexuals males a disproportionate amount.
More homosexuals need to be more careful is my conclusion, until God rather than you says otherwise then that's just how it is. If straight sex was somehow magically risk-free then you might have a point but as it is you don't.

Just say NO! to homosex! There is help out there for people struggling with homosexual desires, use it while it's still legal to do so.
Are you speaking for God here or yourself aCW?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
God (i.e. the "fairytale myth in the sky") created various body parts for specific use Al. The rectum was made solely for the purpose of expelling human waste, nothing else. It comes with a sphincter muscle that wasn't made to be penetrated. When that body cavity is used for things that it wasn't intended for, bad things happen.

As shown, those bad things happen to homosexual males a disproportionate amount.

More homosexuals need to be more careful is my conclusion,...

(In Al's round about way, he just acknowledged that those who engage in homosexual behavior are living a 'deathstyle').

until God rather than you says otherwise then that's just how it is.

The facts about the astronomical risks of homosex are facts, it doesn't matter who is sharing those facts.

If straight sex was somehow magically risk-free then you might have a point but as it is you don't.

("But but but, heterosex is risky too!") Need we review the facts again Al?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Just say NO! to homosex! There is help out there for people struggling with homosexual desires, use it while it's still legal to do so.

Are you speaking for God here or yourself aCW

As shown through the numerous EX homosexual websites that I've posted, those that have left homosexual behavior and often times homosexual desires behind are doing "the speaking".


New member
(In Al's round about way, he just acknowledged that those who engage in homosexual behavior are living a 'deathstyle').
Just being alive is a "deathstyle" aCW, why can't you let homosexuals make their own choices and mistakes?
For some the risks are less than for others, such is life.

I'm not quite sure how ten words is somehow "roundabout" or what is the significance of suddenly being addressed in the third party? :liberals:

("But but but, heterosex is risky too!") Need we review the facts again Al?
Heads up, back in the first person again. Er no.

As shown through the numerous EX homosexual websites that I've posted, those that have left homosexual behavior and often times homosexual desires behind are doing "the speaking".
Shame then that there seems to be more ex-ex-gays around who had to go through all the quackery before they realised that their sexuality never actually changed.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(In Al's round about way, he just acknowledged that those who engage in homosexual behavior are living a 'deathstyle').

Just being alive is a "deathstyle" aCW,

Yet as shown, some lifestyles are much more deadly than others.

why can't you let homosexuals make their own choices and mistakes?

Amongst other reasons (like the stopping the 'gay' agenda') I can't very well love my neighbor as I'd love myself if I continue to allow them (because of legislation allowing it) to destroy themselves. Note that Jesus said that is a commandment for Christians, not a suggestion.

For some the risks are less than for others, such is life.

Yes, abstinence is pretty much risk free from what I understand. Supporting the LGBTQueer agenda is another topic.

I'm not quite sure how ten words is somehow "roundabout" or what is the significance of suddenly being addressed in the third party?

It's as close to an admission that I'll get out of you Al. The 3rd party address? It's one of the ways I mock someone without addressing them directly.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
("But but but, heterosex is risky too!") Need we review the facts again Al?

Heads up, back in the first person again. Er no.

Wise choice Al, as reviewing the facts is only a lose situation for you.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As shown through the numerous EX homosexual websites that I've posted, those that have left homosexual behavior and often times homosexual desires behind are doing "the speaking".

Shame then that there seems to be more ex-ex-gays around who had to go through all the quackery before they realised that their sexuality never actually changed

Even with your and the LGBTQueer movements heartwarming support of EX homosexuals,


plenty of people are still able to overcome their same sex desires and live the life that God wants all of mankind to live.


New member
plenty of people are still able to overcome their same sex desires and live the life that God wants all of mankind to live.
As you are no doubt a shining light of in repressing your innate sexuality because you think "God hates fags". Perhaps your reward will be in heaven aCW where there will probably be no need for any of that nasty sexual intercourse going on, never mind the abhorrent variety.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Even with your and the LGBTQueer movements heartwarming support of EX homosexuals...

plenty of people are still able to overcome their same sex desires and live the life that God wants all of mankind to live.

As you are no doubt a shining light of in repressing your innate sexuality because you think "God hates fags". Perhaps your reward will be in heaven aCW where there will probably be no need for any of that nasty sexual intercourse going on, never mind the abhorrent variety.

God loves all sinners so much that He died a horrific death on the cross so that you, me, my bestest friend in the whole wide world (Aaron) and everyone could spend eternity with Him.

Ask Christ into your life before it's too late Al. Then let's fight this culture war together.


Just say yes to heterosex/bisex babies then? That's just gross. Queered sex, gay sex yadda yadda?

I've noticed that your last two posts make little to no sense SM, are you by chance on medication or a recreational drug user? (the latter is common amongst the LGBTQ movement...see the index on page 1 as proof).


I've noticed that your last two posts make little to no sense SM, are you by chance on medication or a recreational drug user? (the latter is common amongst the LGBTQ movement...see the index on page 1 as proof).
You use the word sex wrong, and homo sex is not a compound word unless you are talking non-hermaphrodites.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've noticed that your last two posts make little to no sense SM, are you by chance on medication or a recreational drug user? (the latter is common amongst the LGBTQ movement...see the index on page 1 as proof).

You use the word sex wrong, and homo sex is not a compound word unless you are talking non-hermaphrodites.

I've noticed that your last two three posts make little to no sense SM, are you by chance on medication or a recreational drug user? (the latter is common amongst the LGBTQ movement...see the index on page 1 as proof).


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

'Gay bowel syndrome', 'anal cancer', how about you and Art say in unison:

"Just say NO! to buggery boyz."

How about you just chant it to yourself in a mirror?

You're the one who's obsessed with gay men and anal sex. Me and Al are straight ya thick crank.

What should a thread about the recriminalization of homosexuality talk about Art? Amongst other things I've covered child indoctrination/molestation, the jack booted thug 'gaystapo' (i.e. intolerance towards anyone that dare speak against the LGBTQueer movement) trannies, infiltrating and destroying invaluable institutions, 'gay' culture, and now we're reviewing what happens when two males of the same sex get it on.

Since you and Al don't partake in homosex*, I don't understand why you are so upset with the information in this 4 part thread.

*homo sex is not a compound word unless you are talking non-hermaphrodites.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
What should a thread about the recriminalization of homosexuality talk about Art? Amongst other things I've covered child indoctrination/molestation, the jack booted thug 'gaystapo' (i.e. intolerance towards anyone that dare speak against the LGBTQueer movement) trannies, infiltrating and destroying invaluable institutions, 'gay' culture, and now we're reviewing what happens when two males of the same sex get it on.

Since you and Al don't partake in homosex*, I don't understand why you are so upset with the information in this 4 part thread.

*homo sex is not a compound word unless you are talking non-hermaphrodites.

Nobody's "upset" with the "information" you've provided from varying whacked out sites along with your own gormless spin and attempts at 'mockery' attached.

You're just some internet 'warrior wannabe' who isn't gonna make any difference to anything whatsoever. Get a life away from your obsession, go for a walk, travel around a bit, breathe in the air and just live for once man.


Nobody's "upset" with the "information" you've provided from varying whacked out sites along with your own gormless spin and attempts at 'mockery' attached.

You're just some internet 'warrior wannabe' who isn't gonna make any difference to anything whatsoever. Get a life away from your obsession, go for a walk, travel around a bit, breathe in the air and just live for once man.

There will be plenty of time for play when the culture war is won.

In the meantime:

My my, look at all of these diseases and disorders that those who engage in homosex* are afflicted with. No wonder they die way before they should.


*homo sex is not a compound word unless you are talking non-hermaphrodites.

Note what's at the bottom of that page Art: A way to get out of having homosexual desires. Many have succeeded with the help of God and sometimes professional psychiatric care.


New member
Since you and Al don't partake in homosex*, I don't understand why you are so upset with the information in this 4 part thread.

*homo sex is not a compound word unless you are talking non-hermaphrodites.
I never worry about information it's all the misinformation that gets my goat.


New member
You get more than enough of that from the mainstream media Al, due to the power and influence this organization has:

Then I don't agree that by adding your own you are simply redressing the balance. You are imo a major part of the problem, not a humanist solution, because you cannot tolerate anything that isn't based on your own situation and narrow interpretation of fundamentalist Christianity.
You "think" (for want of a better word) like a mindless bigoted Muslim adherent of Islam who assumes that his beliefs justify the killing of homosexuals, atheists and Islamic apostates.



Then I don't agree that by adding your own you are simply redressing the balance. You are imo a major part of the problem, not a humanist solution, because you cannot tolerate anything that isn't based on your own situation and narrow interpretation of fundamentalist Christianity.
You "think" (for want of a better word) like a mindless bigoted Muslim adherent of Islam who assumes that his beliefs justify the killing of homosexuals, atheists and Islamic apostates.


I'm not sure what your above lisping rant has to do with how the National Lesbian and Gay Journalist Association has a huge influence in the media here in the United States (and without a doubt in the UK).

Regarding Islam: Come on Al, as I mentioned in this post and throughout this 4 part thread: the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
One would think that you leftists would be disgusted with a religion that amongst other things mistreats women and murders homosexuals. One would think that you leftists would embrace a religion (Christianity) whose core doctrine is forgiveness. I guess the old saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" holds true for you liberals when it comes to embracing Judeo-Christian hating Muslims.



New member
I'm not sure what your above lisping rant has to do with how the National Lesbian and Gay Journalist Association has a huge influence in the media here in the United States (and without a doubt in the UK).
No rant and I'm sure that you know well enough that you are never exactly "fair and balanced" and deserve no exemption from the very same criticism, imo perhaps even less since journalists can be taken to task for the blatant presentation of misleading information that you routinely dole out.

Regarding Islam: Come on Al, as I mentioned in this post and throughout this 4 part thread: the enemy of your enemy is your friend.
If Christianity was as you would have it aCW then that would not be true, religious fundamentalism is the enemy of rationality and freedom.

One would think that you leftists would be disgusted with a religion that amongst other things mistreats women and murders homosexuals. One would think that you leftists would embrace a religion (Christianity) whose core doctrine is forgiveness. I guess the old saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" holds true for you liberals when it comes to embracing Judeo-Christian hating Muslims.

I probably am somewhat left of centre in the US but in the UK I regard myself as more right. We have a new JC who now leads our Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, who can probably out-left your Bernie Sanders any day of the week. Maybe your JC, Jesus Christ was a liberal too?
What about your BS? :confused:
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