Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that your little smear campaign attempt against Ted Cruz miserably failed, did our country's head sodomite ever denounce the actions of pederast/teen rapist Terry Bean?
You don't understand TB, in order for me to be upset I'd first have to care about what a homosexual activist like you thinks.
I consider the source. A Ted Cruz Presidency is a nightmare for the sodomite movement (giving rights back to the respective states and overruling Lawrence v Texas, Obergefell v Hodges, and yes even Roe v Wade).
Speaking of Roe v Wade, (from the article that I just posted) :
The award is one of twelve Courage Awards that the Family Council is presenting this summer, each going to a lawmaker who sponsored a bill that the group championed during the recent legislative session. Harris will receive an award for legislation to tighten parental consent laws for minors who seek an abortion.
Parental rights? What "right" do those nosey parents have to tell their 15 year old daughter that she can't murder her unborn baby? What "right" do those nosey parents have to tell their gender confused son that he can't get his genitals mutilated to become a pretend female?
Yep, a Ted Cruz Presidency would most definitely set the 'progress' that the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement has made back decades.
Since we're on the topic of pedophiles: If Mrs. Bill Clinton should become El Presidente', what should be done about her sexually deviant husband?