Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Am I convinced that you actually give a fig for the welfare of aspiring young thespians? :think:

Thespians, lesbians, I love em all. (yes, I can be witty at times).

The much respected actor Ian McKellen will probably not give a rat's for your opinion of his sexuality and lifestyle, along with most other people, apart from other mindless dyed-in-the-wool fundie conservatives of course.

"Respect" is a subjective word Al. Without a doubt Lady Ian McKellen is "respected" by a bunch of moral degenerates who amongst other things indoctrinate innocent children to the ways of perversion. This "mindless dyed-in-the-wool fundie conservative" however calls a spade a spade when he sees one (in this case I'm calling a pervert a pervert).


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I don't believe any of them believe (except for Uganda, which Pastor Scott Lively has visited on numerous occasions) in Jesus's 2nd Greatest Commandment. How can I love my neighbor as I'd love myself if I allow individuals who partake in homosex to destroy themselves and those who back the LGBTQ agenda to destroy our once great nation which was founded on biblical principles?

Get with the LGBTQueer program TB, there is etiquette to follow:

1). Public burning of Scott Lively effigy.

2). Fire bomb his church and businesses.

and then...

3). "Crimes against humanity" trial held in Sweden*, where Pastor Lively will be guaranteed a fair trial.

*The same Sweden that legalized kiddy porn a couple of decades ago, thanks to LGBTQueer activists.

are you EVER honest?


New member
If I've said it once, I've said it a million times:

Peds like McKellen don't get AIDS from raping 10 year old boys.

Sir Ian McKellen: Paedophile vetting laws will stop theatres using child actors


And some people are pedophiles who don't like laws protecting child actors in theaters.

Nope, never honest.

Let me try...Why don't we talk about Raphael (Ted) Cruz's support to of fundraiser and pedophile enableer Justin Harris


New member
I must say that Naz is handy with a computer. That being said: I'd ask you to defend Lady Ian McKellen's words about not doing background checks to keep pedophiles out of the theater, but you've already been there, done that in an earlier thread.



I wonder if the perverts who engage in reparative therapy are subject to background checks.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If I've said it once, I've said it a million times:

Peds like McKellen don't get AIDS from raping 10 year old boys.

Sir Ian McKellen: Paedophile vetting laws will stop theatres using child actors...

Nope, never honest.

Let me try...Why don't we talk about Raphael (Ted) Cruz's support to of ...

Since you don't want to talk about all of the homosexual icon-pedophile ties, sure, let's talk about some State Representative that was given an award from Ted Cruz:

Controversial Award Moved From Ted Cruz Event in Arkansas

Now that your little smear campaign attempt against Ted Cruz miserably failed, did our country's head sodomite ever denounce the actions of pederast/teen rapist Terry Bean?



New member
Since you don't want to talk about all of the homosexual icon-pedophile ties, sure, let's talk about some State Representative that was given an award from Ted Cruz:

Controversial Award Moved From Ted Cruz Event in Arkansas

Now that your little smear campaign attempt against Ted Cruz miserably failed, did our country's head sodomite ever denounce the actions of pederast/teen rapist Terry Bean?

you seem upset. Why?

It's almost like you don't approve of taking a newspaper story, misrepresenting it and then using that lie to claim someone in the public eye is involved with the sexual abuse of children. :think:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that your little smear campaign attempt against Ted Cruz miserably failed, did our country's head sodomite ever denounce the actions of pederast/teen rapist Terry Bean?

you seem upset. Why?

You don't understand TB, in order for me to be upset I'd first have to care about what a homosexual activist like you thinks.

It's almost like you don't approve of taking a newspaper story, misrepresenting it and then using that lie to claim someone in the public eye is involved with the sexual abuse of children. :think:

I consider the source. A Ted Cruz Presidency is a nightmare for the sodomite movement (giving rights back to the respective states and overruling Lawrence v Texas, Obergefell v Hodges, and yes even Roe v Wade).

Speaking of Roe v Wade, (from the article that I just posted) :

The award is one of twelve Courage Awards that the Family Council is presenting this summer, each going to a lawmaker who sponsored a bill that the group championed during the recent legislative session. Harris will receive an award for legislation to tighten parental consent laws for minors who seek an abortion.

Parental rights? What "right" do those nosey parents have to tell their 15 year old daughter that she can't murder her unborn baby? What "right" do those nosey parents have to tell their gender confused son that he can't get his genitals mutilated to become a pretend female? ;)

Yep, a Ted Cruz Presidency would most definitely set the 'progress' that the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement has made back decades.

Since we're on the topic of pedophiles: If Mrs. Bill Clinton should become El Presidente', what should be done about her sexually deviant husband?



I talked about in an earlier WHMBR! thread how people can become politically active aside from just voting.

With the big election coming up in Nov., now is the time to get involved at the precinct level. Educate yourself on your candidate, what he has done in the past and wants to do in the future. Have information available to show what his main adversary has done as well.

The WA. State Presidential Primary is coming soon. I plan on doing the above and having a real say on who we'll be voting for this November.


Check your respective States website so that you can do the same.



Originally Posted by Nazaroo
You're aCW's straight man aren't you?

You're sole purpose is to bump his threads, and present an implausible opposition.

Are you talking about 'straight' as in heterosexual or as a comedy foil?

Well, if only aCW could provide some intentional comedy for once it would be something...

All work and no play makes the author of the WHMBR! threads a very dull boy.

Double Act

Abbott and Costello, Who's on first


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now that your little smear campaign attempt against Ted Cruz miserably failed, did our country's head sodomite ever denounce the actions of pederast/teen rapist Terry Bean?

You don't understand TB, in order for me to be upset I'd first have to care about what a homosexual activist like you thinks.

I consider the source. A Ted Cruz Presidency is a nightmare for the sodomite movement (giving rights back to the respective states and overruling Lawrence v Texas, Obergefell v Hodges, and yes even Roe v Wade).

Speaking of Roe v Wade, (from the article that I just posted) :

The award is one of twelve Courage Awards that the Family Council is presenting this summer, each going to a lawmaker who sponsored a bill that the group championed during the recent legislative session. Harris will receive an award for legislation to tighten parental consent laws for minors who seek an abortion.

Parental rights? What "right" do those nosey parents have to tell their 15 year old daughter that she can't murder her unborn baby? What "right" do those nosey parents have to tell their gender confused son that he can't get his genitals mutilated to become a pretend female? ;)

Yep, a Ted Cruz Presidency would most definitely set the 'progress' that the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA movement has made back decades.

Since we're on the topic of pedophiles: If Mrs. Bill Clinton should become El Presidente', what should be done about her sexually deviant husband?


Speaking of pedophiles if Raphael (Ted) Cruz's becomes president what should be done regarding his friendship and support of pedophile enabler Justin Harris?


Speaking of pedophiles if Raphael (Ted) Cruz's becomes president what should be done regarding his friendship and support of pedophile enabler Justin Harris?

After one of the two younger girls crushed a family pet to death, Harris said, he and his wife were advised by "a therapist, a psychiatrist and a pediatrician" to remove the children from the Harris home. He said he sought DHS assistance at that time but was given none. He said he thought he'd found the "perfect solution" in handing the girls over to Stacey Francis, a longtime friend of his wife's, and her husband, Eric Cameron Francis...

I have no idea what this has to do with Ted Cruz. Regarding the Department of Human Services: It's really too bad that they don't concentrate on getting children into loving Christian homes instead of horror chambers like these:

Homosexual Couple Face Trial for Raping At Least 5 of Their 9 Adopted Sons


I hear tell that 4 of the boys weren't raped because they were too old for the average homosexual 'parent' ;):

Over the age of 10.



Before I share #1, I'll review the other top 4:

#5: Art Brain wears two tiaras with his "Drama Queen/Queen of Denial" award:


#4 alwight the atheist received the prestigious "Rainbow Dinosaur" award:

#3: Homosexual activist TracerBullet dethrones annanebbeditti to take the "LIAR! LIAR! pants on fire!" award:


#2 My bestest friend in the whooooole wide world patrick jane, (aka, aka, aka) goes into his LGBTQueer dictionary and comes up with the word "cavort" and graphically describes what it means:


and now for #1 (but not before a commercial break)....


This commercial break ties in directly with the next award (in more ways than one) :

Back later with that well deserved award.



#1. I can't emphasize enough how deserving the next group of people are when it comes to this award.

While there are numerous individuals throughout TOL (and society) that have given it their all to promote and thus strengthen the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement, this group of people without a doubt overshadows their work.

Without this group of people's 'support', there is no way that the LGBTQueer movement could have made the monstrous gains that they've made in such a short period of time.

Yes, without this group of people's 'support', there is no way 58 million unborn babies could have been murdered in the womb in a 43 year period.

When Sir Edmund Burke stated the following, he had them in mind:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Don't get me wrong, they don't do absolutely nothing, they do sit around and start threads that compare the two Darrin's from the television sitcom "Bewitched".


I call the above group of people "The my church is better than your church! crowd. " They only don't become politically active, thus allowing evil to triumph, they encourage others not to do so as well.

Based on my experience in dealing with these apathetic people, I've come to the conclusion that there are two main reasons that they don't vote:

1). The candidate is not a member of their church.
2). Voting (and thus becoming active and having a say in what's going on in our country) would throw a wrench into the spokes of their "Jesus is returning soon to clean up this mess!" ideology.

I mock the above people regularly by singing the following tune:
"My church is better than your church, my church is better than yours! My church is the only way to Heaven, yes my church is better than yours!"

The "Faith without works is dead" award goes to all of those TOL'ers and the millions and millions of 'Christians' throughout America who do nothing to stop evil from triumphing.

Congratulations to all of the recipients of this years awards, now sing along!

My church is better than your church!
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