Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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And now the WWJD? question of the day:

If Jesus chased people out of a House of Worship with a whip for using it as a place to do business transactions:


what would He do to those that turn a House of Worship into a place that promotes sodomy?



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Arthur Brain View
Why did you change your signature aCW? Is a link to 'Cruz For President' or something very similar a bit embarrassing for you to have now?

Confucius say: "Is better to show picture of next President of the United States on avatar instead of having link to his website on signature."

So is your current non Ted Cruz avatar the next president of the USA?

Seems to be a bit behind the times if so...


So is your current non Ted Cruz avatar the next president of the USA?

Seems to be a bit behind the times if so...

Darn it Art, I knew I forgot to do something the other night before going to bed:

1). Floss and brush teeth, check.
2). Kiss wife and children goodnight, check.
3). Thank God for His grace and wisdom, check
4). Get Art Brain's permission to change avatar.



Thus far I've handed out awards for "Queen of Denial/Drama Queen"; "Rainbow Dinosaur" and "LIAR! LIAR! Pants on Fire!".


While he is my very bestest friend in the whoooooole wide world, I've noticed a study decline in his mental health over the years that this man male and I have known each other here on TOL.

While I could hand out an award called "Christians for 'gay' (homosexual) marriage" (I couldn't find any Christians that support incestuous, bestial or adulterous marriage), people who sell out God to support homosexuality these days come a dime a dozen:

Originally Posted by patrick jane
P.S. i am not against homosexuals or gay marriage either when based on love and family and doing good and charitable deeds. Jesus Christ's Commandments are from the Father and His teachings are as well. Meshak is right

This award is unique because of it's originality. Looking back over the years that I've taken on the LGBTQ movement in various forums and been called every name in the book (and some that aren't in the book), without a doubt I can say that I've never been called a "cavorter".

For his originality when it comes to name calling, the award goes to patrick jane (aka, aka, aka) for the following post:

Queers and trannys overcome their shame and guilt by covering it with drugs, alcohol and depraved behavior. They block it out so they feel normal, you should know this with all the gay buddies you cavort with. It's true folks, ACW admittedly cavorts with gays.

jump or dance around excitedly.
"spider monkeys leap and cavort in the branches"
synonyms: skip, dance, romp, jig, caper, frisk, play/horse around, gambol, prance, frolic, lark; More
apply oneself enthusiastically to sexual or disreputable pursuits.


Up next, the #1 award of the year.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Darn it Art, I knew I forgot to do something the other night before going to bed:

1). Floss and brush teeth, check.
2). Kiss wife and children goodnight, check.
3). Thank God for His grace and wisdom, check
4). Get Art Brain's permission to change avatar.

Eh, you're the one who went on about it so it's just telling that you no longer have your sig endorsement of the guy and no avatar of him either..


10 Most Homophobic Countries In The World

Welcome (finally) to the WHMBR! Part 4 thread UN. (After 4 invitations in another thread, UN finally mustered up the courage).

I must say, opening with LGBTQueer propaganda is a good start to show how proudly you fly your rainbow colors.

If you should get the courage to return to the thread (surely you're not one of those trolls that post a LGBTQ propaganda video and don't return to defend it?) I'd love to talk about the differences between let's say a country like the United States, which had (and still has in many States) laws against homosexuality for over 200 years, with that of the Muslim theocracy of Iran.


I just thought you might want a list of 10 nations you can migrate to.

I don't believe any of them believe (except for Uganda, which Pastor Scott Lively has visited on numerous occasions) in Jesus's 2nd Greatest Commandment. How can I love my neighbor as I'd love myself if I allow individuals who partake in homosex to destroy themselves and those who back the LGBTQ agenda to destroy our once great nation which was founded on biblical principles?


While GID (gender identity disorder) is no laughing matter, I do get a kick out of watching liberals get their pantaloonies in a bunch when someone comes forward and is ultra politically incorrect on the subject (while reading the article I LOL, so sue me).

Jeremy Clarkson: 'Transgender Women Are Ladyboys And Nothing More Than A Punchline'

Jeremy Clarkson has understandably provoked anger after making insensitive and bigoted comments about the trans* community.

The former Top Gear star has compared “men who want to be women” as “ladyboys” and mocked transgender people as “nothing more than a punchline”.

Jeremy even went as far as to compare those struggling with their gender identity to those with a “Napoleon’s complex”, saying that children who were born in the wrong gender are simply playing at pretending.

Writing in the Sunday Times, the obnoxious 55-year-old said: “As far as I was concerned, men who want to be women were only really to be found on the internet or in the seedier bits of Bangkok.

"They were called ladyboys, and in my mind they were nothing more than the punchline in a stag night anecdote.”

Speaking about a doctor friend, he claims the medical professional told him: “I get lots of people in my surgery with a Napoleon complex. But I don’t buy them a pointy hat and a French army uniform.”

And speaking about a child who was born a boy but insisted from the age of three that she was a girl, Jeremy ranted: “Her parents had simply indulged this whim.

"When I was five I wanted to be Alan Whicker, but my parents didn’t buy me a blazer and send me to hospital to have my adenoids sewn up.”

Needless to say, furious readers took to their Twitter pages to share their views on Jeremy’s comments:



Any bets on how long before the gaystapo put's the thumb screws on Clarkson and he's making a public apology (while attending sensitivity training classes)?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
While GID (gender identity disorder) is no laughing matter, I do get a kick out of watching liberals get their pantaloonies in a bunch when someone comes forward and is ultra politically incorrect on the subject (while reading the article I LOL, so sue me).

Jeremy Clarkson: 'Transgender Women Are Ladyboys And Nothing More Than A Punchline'

Jeremy Clarkson has understandably provoked anger after making insensitive and bigoted comments about the trans* community.

The former Top Gear star has compared “men who want to be women” as “ladyboys” and mocked transgender people as “nothing more than a punchline”.

Jeremy even went as far as to compare those struggling with their gender identity to those with a “Napoleon’s complex”, saying that children who were born in the wrong gender are simply playing at pretending.

Writing in the Sunday Times, the obnoxious 55-year-old said: “As far as I was concerned, men who want to be women were only really to be found on the internet or in the seedier bits of Bangkok.

"They were called ladyboys, and in my mind they were nothing more than the punchline in a stag night anecdote.”

Speaking about a doctor friend, he claims the medical professional told him: “I get lots of people in my surgery with a Napoleon complex. But I don’t buy them a pointy hat and a French army uniform.”

And speaking about a child who was born a boy but insisted from the age of three that she was a girl, Jeremy ranted: “Her parents had simply indulged this whim.

"When I was five I wanted to be Alan Whicker, but my parents didn’t buy me a blazer and send me to hospital to have my adenoids sewn up.”

Needless to say, furious readers took to their Twitter pages to share their views on Jeremy’s comments:


Any bets on how long before the gaystapo put's the thumb screws on Clarkson and he's making a public apology (while attending sensitivity training classes)?

Eh, Jeremy Clarkson gets off on being controversial and there's no doubting he can be a crank...but to be fair I've found him pretty amusing on plenty of occasions too, and wittily so, unlike yourself.



Eh, Jeremy Clarkson gets off on being controversial and there's no doubting he can be a crank...but to be fair I've found him pretty amusing on plenty of occasions too, and wittily so, unlike yourself.


It's so unlike you to be politically incorrect Art, (you transphobe you).

The next thing you'll be telling us is that haven't recorded every episode of Transparent.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's so unlike you to be politically incorrect Art, (you transphobe you).

The next thing you'll be telling us is that haven't recorded every episode of Transparent.

Eh, I'm no fan of 'political correctness' in the main as it is. One significant difference between you and Clarkson is that the guy isn't so pompously up his own backside that he can't have a laugh at himself as opinionated as he is, that and he can be funny as well.

As regards 'Transparent': Never even watched an episode let alone recorded one. You projecting again? Transparency is your stock in trade after all...


Eh, I'm no fan of 'political correctness' in the main as it is.

How about I reopen a certain thread that have the words "...politically incorrect..." in it's title and give you a shot at being politically incorrect?

One significant difference between you and Clarkson is that the guy isn't so pompously up his own backside that he can't have a laugh at himself as opinionated as he is, that and he can be funny as well.

I'd never heard of the guy before today, but did enjoy his humor. I'm not much for UK entertainment. My wife loves Downtown Abbey and Doctor Who; I'd just as soon watch Sly Stallone in Rocky or Rambo or Denzel Washington in The Book of Ell or Training Days (King Kong aint got nothin on me...) It's a guy thing, I doubt that you can relate.


As regards 'Transparent': Never even watched an episode let alone recorded one. You projecting again? Transparency is your stock in trade after all...

Actually I pictured you more of a "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" fan. (Art's straight you know, he told us so 8 times in a post in Part 1).


Well-known member
While GID (gender identity disorder) is no laughing matter, I do get a kick out of watching liberals get their pantaloonies in a bunch when someone comes forward and is ultra politically incorrect on the subject (while reading the article I LOL, so sue me).

Jeremy Clarkson: 'Transgender Women Are Ladyboys And Nothing More Than A Punchline'

Jeremy Clarkson has understandably provoked anger after making insensitive and bigoted comments about the trans* community.

The former Top Gear star has compared “men who want to be women” as “ladyboys” and mocked transgender people as “nothing more than a punchline”.

Jeremy even went as far as to compare those struggling with their gender identity to those with a “Napoleon’s complex”, saying that children who were born in the wrong gender are simply playing at pretending.

Writing in the Sunday Times, the obnoxious 55-year-old said: “As far as I was concerned, men who want to be women were only really to be found on the internet or in the seedier bits of Bangkok.

"They were called ladyboys, and in my mind they were nothing more than the punchline in a stag night anecdote.”

Speaking about a doctor friend, he claims the medical professional told him: “I get lots of people in my surgery with a Napoleon complex. But I don’t buy them a pointy hat and a French army uniform.”

And speaking about a child who was born a boy but insisted from the age of three that she was a girl, Jeremy ranted: “Her parents had simply indulged this whim.

"When I was five I wanted to be Alan Whicker, but my parents didn’t buy me a blazer and send me to hospital to have my adenoids sewn up.”

Needless to say, furious readers took to their Twitter pages to share their views on Jeremy’s comments:



Any bets on how long before the gaystapo put's the thumb screws on Clarkson and he's making a public apology (while attending sensitivity training classes)?

Jeremy Clarkson at a 'sensitivity training class' would be comedy gold. I'd pay to see what he says to his 'tutors'! :devil:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How about I reopen a certain thread that have the words "...politically incorrect..." in it's title and give you a shot at being politically incorrect?

Eh, knock yourself out...

I'd never heard of the guy before today, but did enjoy his humor. I'm not much for UK entertainment. My wife loves Downtown Abbey and Doctor Who; I'd just as soon watch Sly Stallone in Rocky or Rambo or Denzel Washington in The Book of Ell or Training Days (King Kong aint got nothin on me...) It's a guy thing, I doubt that you can relate.

Well it's one thing he has that you don't, so even when he comes out with outlandish stuff he's not so narcissistic as to be unable to laugh at himself. I've seen him for years on TV and he's cracked me up several times.

You on the other hand are just inadvertently funny. 'King Kong ain't got nothing on you'? I doubt he'd want to have Connie. It's just that kind of loony self impressed 'machismo' that's as sad as it is amusing, the same as with the 'guy thing' crap. I like plenty of gritty hard hitting films. So do plenty of my friends, men and women alike. Go figure, or don't...

Actually I pictured you more of a "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy" fan. (Art's straight you know, he told us so 8 times in a post in Part 1).

Never watched it. Telling how you're so aware of these shows though aCW. It kinda fits in with all of these bonkers fantasies you have about straight guys being gay...
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