Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarriorConfucius say: "Is better to show picture of next President of the United States on avatar instead of having link to his website on signature."
Was it the picture of Ted Cruz and the quote by John Wooden that gave it away Art?
From a federal perspective, I highly suspect that a President Ted Cruz will overturn B. Hussein Obama's ban on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (no more openly homosexual military personnel and if you want your genitals mutilated to become a pretend man or woman, a military hospital with a psychiatric ward has a room with that persons name on it).
There will be many more things that a President Ted Cruz would do to stop LGBTQueer tyranny (defending religious freedom would be just one).
From a State perspective, a President Ted Cruz would allow the respective States to decide if they want homosexual 'marriage'. By giving power back to the States on this issue, it would mean that those dozen or more States that still have criminal statutes on homosexuality, would be able to enforce those laws.
So now you have an avatar of Cruz and yet changed your sig?..
Was it the picture of Ted Cruz and the quote by John Wooden that gave it away Art?
Either way, he ain't gonna endorse your biggest obsession one way or the other..
From a federal perspective, I highly suspect that a President Ted Cruz will overturn B. Hussein Obama's ban on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (no more openly homosexual military personnel and if you want your genitals mutilated to become a pretend man or woman, a military hospital with a psychiatric ward has a room with that persons name on it).
There will be many more things that a President Ted Cruz would do to stop LGBTQueer tyranny (defending religious freedom would be just one).
From a State perspective, a President Ted Cruz would allow the respective States to decide if they want homosexual 'marriage'. By giving power back to the States on this issue, it would mean that those dozen or more States that still have criminal statutes on homosexuality, would be able to enforce those laws.