Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm not sure what your above lisping rant has to do with how the National Lesbian and Gay Journalist Association has a huge influence in the media here in the United States (and without a doubt in the UK).

No rant and I'm sure that you know well enough that you are never exactly "fair and balanced" and deserve no exemption from the very same criticism, imo perhaps even less since journalists can be taken to task for the blatant presentation of misleading information that you routinely dole out.

The truth isn't "fair and balanced" for those who don't want to acknowledge it Al. Since the Opening Post in Part 1 I've encouraged anyone to come forward and refute any information that I've posted. There have been a couple of occasions where I stood corrected on small details (like the photoshopped picture of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger speaking in front of the women's KKK; even though the picture wasn't authentic, she did in fact speak to them and received invitations from other like minded groups), but other than that, just personal attacks by TOL's secular humanists and nothing in the way of refuting the facts.

That being said: If openly homosexual so-called 'journalists' Andy Cooper or Donnie Lemon have ever said anything that tells the truth about how destructive homosexuality is, or belittled the LGBTQueer agenda, I would love to see it. If not...

the prosecution rests it's case.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding Islam: Come on Al, as I mentioned in this post and throughout this 4 part thread: the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

If Christianity was as you would have it aCW then that would not be true, religious fundamentalism is the enemy of rationality and freedom.

Repentance, forgiveness, along with moral civil laws are core tenets of Christianity Al.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
One would think that you leftists would be disgusted with a religion that amongst other things mistreats women and murders homosexuals. One would think that you leftists would embrace a religion (Christianity) whose core doctrine is forgiveness. I guess the old saying "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" holds true for you liberals when it comes to embracing Judeo-Christian hating Muslims.

I probably am somewhat left of centre in the US but in the UK I regard myself as more right. We have a new JC who now leads our Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, who can probably out-left your Bernie Sanders any day of the week. Maybe your JC, Jesus Christ was a liberal too?
What about your BS?

Mrs. Bill Clinton or the old codger openly socialist Bernie Sanders, it doesn't matter who gets the nomination, the LGBTQueer/sexual anarchist movement will embrace either.

Regarding the liberalism of Jesus Christ:

Forgiving someone for their sins (after they repented) was (and still is for you secular humanists) is very "liberal" concept.

On that note: It's off to the movies (I know, according to Art Brain I don't have a life, so don't tell him).


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
On that note: It's off to the movies (I know, according to Art Brain I don't have a life, so don't tell him).

Brokeback Mountain again?

It was good to get out the house, it's been years since I saw the light of day and smelled fresh air. No Al, I've never seen "Homos on the Range" nor have any desire to (I won't comment on how one of it's main characters died years before his time. I guess even playing the part of a homosexual isn't good for your health).

The Revenant was pretty action packed.

I doubt that you would have cared for the movie Al, as there was no cross dressing or guys kissing (there was no 'gay culture').

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There will be plenty of time for play when the culture war is won.

Scouring out all things gay scarcely seems like 'work' for you...

Note what's at the bottom of that page Art: A way to get out of having homosexual desires. Many have succeeded with the help of God and sometimes professional psychiatric care.

Then avail yourself of that 'help' if so needed?



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
There will be plenty of time for play when the culture war is won.

Scouring out all things gay scarcely seems like 'work' for you...

Tell me Art, do you actually read any of the articles that I post, or are you just here for the pictures? ;)

Quote: Originally posted by aCutlureWarrior
Note what's at the bottom of that page Art: A way to get out of having homosexual desires. Many have succeeded with the help of God and sometimes professional psychiatric care.

Then avail yourself of that 'help' if so needed?

I was trying to be discreet and not direct that comment towards TOL'ers who are obviously in need of such spiritual and psychological therapy.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Tell me Art, do you actually read any of the articles that I post, or are you just here for the pictures? ;)


In fact you should put spoiler tags around the latter frankly.

I was trying to be discreet and not direct that comment towards TOL'ers who are obviously in need of such spiritual and psychological therapy.



Person most obsessed with homosexual males on TOL at present:


Let us know how it goes dude.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Tell me Art, do you actually read any of the articles that I post, or are you just here for the pictures?


As I've known all along: you're just being a homosexualist troll.

Either contribute to the thread by defending homosexual behavior and the agenda that goes with it, or troll elsewhere.

In fact you should put spoiler tags around the latter frankly.

(My my, is Art embarrassed when I show 'gay culture'?).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I was trying to be discreet and not direct that comment towards TOL'ers who are obviously in need of such spiritual and psychological therapy.

Person most obsessed with homosexual males on TOL at present:

You...Let us know how it goes dude.

This thread deals with the behaviors and agenda of the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transsexual/Transvestite movement Art, why do you constantly bring up only the "G"? (maybe because Art isn't concerned with me exposing the L or the B or the T?)

Thanks for stopping by; come back when you have something to contribute to your LGBTQ cause.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As I've known all along: you're just being a homosexualist troll.

Either contribute to the thread by defending homosexual behavior and the agenda that goes with it, or troll elsewhere.

Then you've known squat. The very fact that you persist with some daft made up word that doesn't even exist is cause enough not to click on any link and besides; you generally quote enough garbage from them not to bother regardless...

(My my, is Art embarrassed when I show 'gay culture'?).

Erm nope. I'd just as soon not see pics of blokes in a state of undress for no good reason whatsoever, pretty much like any straight bloke.

This thread deals with the behaviors and agenda of the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transsexual/Transvestite movement Art, why do you constantly bring up only the "G"? (maybe because Art isn't concerned with me exposing the L or the B or the T?)

Thanks for stopping by; come back when you have something to contribute to your LGBTQ cause.

Well no, it just deals with your ongoing obsession and fixation with homosexual men and has from the get go. You know your premise is simply not going to come about yet you devote your 'life' to it. Once again man, get out, go live life for once.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

This thread deals with the behaviors and agenda of the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transsexual/Transvestite movement Art, why do you constantly bring up only the "G"? (maybe because Art isn't concerned with me exposing the L or the B or the T?)

Thanks for stopping by; come back when you have something to contribute to your LGBTQ cause.

Well no, it just deals with your ongoing obsession and fixation with homosexual men and has from the get go. You know your premise is simply not going to come about yet you devote your 'life' to it. Once again man, get out, go live life for once.

(There goes Art yet again talking solely about homosexual males in a thread that talks about the entire LGBTQ movement).

Art, while you have on occasion contributed to the thread by attempting to refute something I've said by posting a link from a LGBTQueer website, might I suggest that you follow what WizardofOz aka Aaron has done?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
(Aaron has taken my 4 part thread on the recriminalization of homosexuality extremely hard).

That's why I have never even posted in the thread.

The information in this 4 part thread has to be hard on people whose health is frail to begin with. Maybe it's best that you, like Aaron, just ignore the thread, as it's just been too darned hard on both of you.


Let's see if the people of Iowa are fooled into voting for yet another Barack Hussein Obama tonight:

Trump on Drugs

The Donald adopts another dumb Democrat health care position.

Feb 1, 2016

Donald Trump has never met a dumb health care idea he didn’t like. We learned during the first GOP debate that he has an affinity for Scotland’s incredibly dysfunctional system of socialized medicine. We have subsequently discovered that he would replace Obamacare with “something terrific,” the details of which he still declines to reveal except to say that “the government’s gonna pay for it.” Now Trump has endorsed another bad idea that Democrats — including Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, and Barack Obama — have long advocated despite evidence that it won’t work and could reduce access to crucial medications for millions of seniors.

Trump’s latest brainstorm is to permit Medicare to “negotiate” prices directly with pharmaceutical companies. He claims that this would save us YUGE amounts of money “by getting discounts as the biggest buyer of prescription drugs.” Because he is notoriously lazy about doing his homework, Trump doesn’t understand that Medicare does not negotiate prices. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) uses the leverage of the federal government to dictate prices. This is how CMS gets away with paying health care providers less than cost (and I do mean cost, not charges) for treating Medicare patients.

And, like all government price control schemes, this has created shortages. It is why Medicare patients have long endured a shortage of primary care physicians. Given the authority that Trump advocates, CMS would dictate absurdly low prices, whereupon the drug industry would stop offering medications on which they are thus denied a profit. To protect seniors from the resultant drug shortages, and prevent the stifling effect it would have on innovation, Congress prohibited CMS from engaging in direct negotiation with pharmaceutical companies in 2003, when it expanded the Medicare program to cover prescription medications via Part D.

It is unlikely that Trump is familiar with any of these facts or that we already have a gigantic federal bureaucracy that routinely negotiates prices directly with pharmaceutical companies — the Veterans Administration.

Read more: http://spectator.org/articles/65340/trump-drugs


The Donald Trump Files

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

This thread deals with the behaviors and agenda of the Lesbian-Gay-Bisexual-Transsexual/Transvestite movement Art, why do you constantly bring up only the "G"? (maybe because Art isn't concerned with me exposing the L or the B or the T?)

Thanks for stopping by; come back when you have something to contribute to your LGBTQ cause.

(There goes Art yet again talking solely about homosexual males in a thread that talks about the entire LGBTQ movement).

Art, while you have on occasion contributed to the thread by attempting to refute something I've said by posting a link from a LGBTQueer website, might I suggest that you follow what WizardofOz aka Aaron has done?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
(Aaron has taken my 4 part thread on the recriminalization of homosexuality extremely hard).


The information in this 4 part thread has to be hard on people whose health is frail to begin with. Maybe it's best that you, like Aaron, just ignore the thread, as it's just been too darned hard on both of you.

Funny, you'll accuse Wiz of stalking you but incessantly bring him up on this thread when he's not posting on it. You're confused and then some aCW...


Yes, please...go.

Back for more are ya Art?

Let's pretend that you were an American citizen (who cares if you're a citizen, the democrats don't) and were voting in the caucuses/primaries for President.

Bernie, Mrs. Bill Clinton or any one of the Sista's*?


*While the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are males and homosexual, technically they fall under the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym, thus not giving Art anything to whiiiiiiine about when it come to me allegedly only posting about homosexual males and their health 'issues'.


New member
Back for more are ya Art?

Let's pretend that you were an American citizen (who cares if you're a citizen, the democrats don't) and were voting in the caucuses/primaries for President.

Bernie, Mrs. Bill Clinton or any one of the Sista's*?


*While the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are males and homosexual, technically they fall under the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym, thus not giving Art anything to whiiiiiiine about when it come to me allegedly only posting about homosexual males and their health 'issues'.
The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence® seem to fascinate you aCW?
Perhaps you kind of wish that you too could sometimes be an extrovert and express yourself colourfully rather than stuck with your usual dour Christian Taliban gloom and doom?
They at least seem to have found a way to enjoy this life, the only one we know we have, despite the likes of you, while you...oh well the next life must be better than this one right? ;)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior View Post
Back for more are ya Art?

Let's pretend that you were an American citizen (who cares if you're a citizen, the democrats don't) and were voting in the caucuses/primaries for President.

Bernie, Mrs. Bill Clinton or any one of the Sista's*?

*While the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are males and homosexual, technically they fall under the "T" in the LGBTQ acronym, thus not giving Art anything to whiiiiiiine about when it come to me allegedly only posting about homosexual males and their health 'issues'.

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence® seem to fascinate you aCW?

In a 4 part thread that focuses on sexual anarchy, with an emphasis on homosexuality, I would be neglecting my duties if I didn't talk about 'gay culture' on occasion Al.

Speaking of the Sistas: With Easter coming up somewhat soon I'll once again show videos of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence mocking God with their "Hunky Jesus Contest". Without a doubt you secular humanists squeeeeal with delight when cross dressing homosexuals mock God.

Perhaps you kind of wish that you too could sometimes be an extrovert and express yourself colourfully rather than stuck with your usual dour Christian Taliban gloom and doom?
They at least seem to have found a way to enjoy this life, the only one we know we have, despite the likes of you, while you...oh well the next life must be better than this one right? ;)

I can't help but notice that instead of talking about the subject at hand (in this case the Iowa caucuses and who Art or you would support if you were Americans) that you just can't talk enough about me.

I already have a stalker biggest fan who amongst other things posts everything that I've ever said on TOL on his bedroom wall and emailed my former pastor asking if he were for the recriminalization of homosexuality. While I do enjoy having a fan club (i.e. if you can't refute the message, attack the messenger), one "biggest fan" is enough.

Bernie or Mrs. Bill Clinton?


There will be plenty of time for play when the culture war is won.

In the meantime:

My my, look at all of these diseases and disorders that those who engage in homosex* are afflicted with. No wonder they die way before they should.

*homo sex is not a compound word unless you are talking non-hermaphrodites.
Same sex not homosex, retard. And we do know anal sex causes AIDS or IDS.

CultureWar said:
Note what's at the bottom of that page Art: A way to get out of having homosexual desires. Many have succeeded with the help of God and sometimes professional psychiatric care.
You would know from experience. There are few homosexuals who are not mostly heterosexual. No one can say it is genetic without also being a liar, or being really stupid.
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