Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So you were against homosexuality when it was illegal?

No ... there was no good reason for homosexuality to be illegal.

But in an earlier post you said this:

Uh huh. As though you need an opening to do so. Anyways, consent has always been the criteria used when ADULTS choose to participate in unhealthy, legal acts.

So evidently if a behavior is illegal (which homosexuality was for the vast majority of US history and throughout the history of the human race) that doesn't influence your view on whether something is morally right or wrong, as long as consent is given by...

who again needs to give consent for people to engage in immoral acts that are not only extremely harmful to the individuals who engage in them, but to their loved ones, their community and society at large?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
BTW, adultery is legal. Why again are you against it?

In most instances, it takes away the CONSENT of another person ... you know, the victim/spouse/partner who is being cheated on.

So adultery should be looked at on a case by case basis (if the spouse gave consent, then it's morally acceptable?).


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I wonder why the major left wing media outlets didn't cover this story 24/7?

WARNING! As with anything related to homosexuality there is vile and disgusting language involved!

Warning to Art Brain! The homosexual owner of the coffee shop talks about doing things to his boyfriend (and to my Lord and Savior) that makes you feel very uncomfortable ( you best not view the video).

First of all, this repungnant behavior and speech does NOT represent all LGBT people. It was difficult to hear this person who obviously has major issues unresolved VENT his anger/frustrations on customers all because of some paper he found outside (or whatever). This was this persons choice and personal issues being vented, so using it to push your own agenda isnt really much better.

Oh but Ben Borgman, the openly homosexual co-owner of Bedlam Coffee up in the Swish Alps (Capital Hill) area of Sodomy and Gonorrhea North (Seattle) does represent the entire sexual anarchist movement.

Borgman knows all so very well that both the abortion and homosexual movements fought side by side to establish the right to murder children in the womb and to sodomize what'shisname and that if society starts telling a woman what she can or can't do with her body, that same society will tell Borgman that he can't commit acts of sodomy.

Be thankful for perverts like Ben Borgman, as it was people like him who were out terrorizing society in order for the abortion and LGBTQueer movements to get where they've got to today.


The one Church, the Body of Christ, has exactly one authorized teaching office, and it's the same teaching office that teaches clearly and against both scandal and SSB, she calls it her magisterium. You can see what this authorized teaching office teaches, in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For example:

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Which "Church" would that be, because as shown, many so-called 'Christian' churches are embracing homosexuality


I know you think this is a black mark, but it's actually obvious to a lot of people that it's a feather in the Church's cap.
Corruption within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church is by no means news. And that mess is completely removed from the authority with which her magisterium teaches on the matters of Christian faith and morals.


Hall of Fame
So evidently if a behavior is illegal (which homosexuality was for the vast majority of US history and throughout the history of the human race) that doesn't influence your view on whether something is morally right or wrong, as long as consent is given by...

No. Adults are allowed to harm themselves via unhealthy habits and lifestyles.

BTW, adultery is legal. Why again are you against it?

It is emotionally abusive, dishonest, and disloyal.

So adultery should be looked at on a case by case basis (if the spouse gave consent, then it's morally acceptable?).

Adultery is never *morally* acceptable.


Regarding Pope Francis being on the cover of and given the Man of the Year award by the popular homosexual periodical 'The Advocate'.

I know you think this is a black mark, but it's actually obvious to a lot of people that it's a feather in the Church's cap.

If the God-haters of the LGBTQueer movement had a nice thing to say about the pastor of my church (let alone giving him a supposedly prestigious award and put on the cover of a pervert magazine), I'd find a new church.

Regarding how the Catholic Church allowed openly homosexual males into their seminaries and later priesthood, as shown in the book 'Goodbye, Good Men' :

Corruption within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church is by no means news. And that mess is completely removed from the authority with which her magisterium teaches on the matters of Christian faith and morals.

By allowing child rapists into their priesthood, the Catholic Church will forever have a black mark on it. As shown with Pope Frank being popular amongst the sodomites, cleaning house isn't on his agenda.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So evidently if a behavior is illegal (which homosexuality was for the vast majority of US history and throughout the history of the human race) that doesn't influence your view on whether something is morally right or wrong, as long as consent is given by...

No. Adults are allowed to harm themselves via unhealthy habits and lifestyles.

Then you picked one of the most unhealthy/deadly behaviors and lifestyles to defend when you choose to defend homosexuality Sandy.

Based on your above words you're of course for the legalization of all recreational drugs and for the legalization of suicide as well (hence the term 'the culture of death').

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
So adultery should be looked at on a case by case basis (if the spouse gave consent, then it's morally acceptable?).

Adultery is never *morally* acceptable.

There you go borrowing off of Judeo-Christian doctrine again Sandy. Whatever happened to your fake doctrine of 'consent'?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Give ole [Washington State Attorney General] Bob Ferguson a call and ask him why the double standard:

I'm more interested in asking about your double standard

You do realize that if WA State AG Bob Ferguson were to act on this most recent hate crime perpetrated by members of the LGBTQueer community here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North, that it very well could jeopardize Ferguson being crowned the 'King of Sodom' in the next march of the moral degenerates parade here in S&G North.

Regarding Ben Borgman, the openly homosexual/devout God HATER and co owner of Bedlam Coffee up in the Swish Alps of Seattle who after an obscene rant about anal sex, threw pro life Christians out of his coffee shop:



Ben Borgman was obviously having a bad day. Chances are his HIV/AIDS medication didn't arrive in the mail or the 'action' at his favorite elementary school playground wasn't that good. Who knows what was running through Borgman's mind (other than anal sex) that day?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Give ole [Washington State Attorney General] Bob Ferguson a call and ask him why the double standard:

You do realize that if WA State AG Bob Ferguson were to act on this most recent hate crime perpetrated by members of the LGBTQueer community here in Sodomy and Gonorrhea North, that it very well could jeopardize Ferguson being crowned the 'King of Sodom' in the next march of the moral degenerates parade here in S&G North.

Regarding Ben Borgman, the openly homosexual/devout God HATER and co owner of Bedlam Coffee up in the Swish Alps of Seattle who after an obscene rant about anal sex, threw pro life Christians out of his coffee shop:



Ben Borgman was obviously having a bad day. Chances are his HIV/AIDS medication didn't arrive in the mail or the 'action' at his favorite elementary school playground wasn't that good. Who knows what was running through Borgman's mind (other than anal sex) that day?

you must be really scared to talk about your double standard.


you must be really scared to talk about your double standard.

Since you don't want to talk about openly homosexual coffee shop co-owner Ben Borgman and his lisp tirade as well as his obsession with anal sex, or WA State Attorney General Bob Ferguson and how he refuses to address the hate crime that was committed against Christians by openly homosexual coffee ship co-owner Ben Borgman, how about you belittle the pro life group that Ben Borgman chased out of his shop?

Here, let a fellow defender of the LGBTQueer movement help:



Haters gonna hate, right ...Dante?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame


I am beginning to think your posts are a cry for help?

Yes!!! Those that profess to be followers of Christ need to do something about this insanity that we're seeing in our once God-fearing nation. Help!!!

I'm curious. Why would a self proclaimed Christian like yourself give accolades to a secular humanist for writing the post below?

Quote: Originally posted by Rusha:
No. Adults are allowed to harm themselves via unhealthy habits and lifestyles.

That's Libertarian doctrine that Rusha embraced. Are you a Libertarian Ktoyou?

Are you a Donald Trump supporter Ktoyou?

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since you don't want to talk about openly homosexual coffee shop co-owner Ben Borgman and his lisp tirade as well as his obsession with anal sex, or WA State Attorney General Bob Ferguson and how he refuses to address the hate crime that was committed against Christians by openly homosexual coffee ship co-owner Ben Borgman, how about you belittle the pro life group that Ben Borgman chased out of his shop?

Here, let a fellow defender of the LGBTQueer movement help:


you are the expert on hating

Not in a pro life-Christian bashing mood tonight ...Dante?

It appears that everyone wants to talk about me and not the subject matter of the thread.

But then how can anyone defend the indefensible?
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