Nope, not a fan at all. Next...
That’s what they all say. Until they’re caught. Mmhmm right Bane!
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Nope, not a fan at all. Next...
His response did not dispute my statement. Adultery is NOT consensual sex ... because there are more than two people involved. Unless of course you are making the claim that those spouses who are cheated on have actually consented to being CHEATED ON.
And if the wife of the adulterer is ok with being cheated on?
That makes her an idiot ... ANYONE who is *okay* with being "cheated" on would be an idiot. Is that clear enough for you?
The primary blinder I think that Protestants and non-Catholic Christians have, is the lack of understanding of the sin of scandal. It isn't an ancillary or secondary sin, but a primary one. Prompting or otherwise encouraging others to sin, or to engage in immoral behavior, is scandal. And it is grave matter when the immoral behavior that you're encouraging others to engage in is grave matter, and SSB is grave matter.Continuing with the above article exposing Libertarianism:
"Despite attempts to meld biblical Christianity with this political philosophy, libertarianism inevitably interferes with the individual Christian's reliance on his faith as the sole lens from which to see the world, moving him away from a biblical worldview. Libertarianism, at its core, is a non-religious philosophy. This thinking is a dangerous diversion for the Christian and can be insidiously damaging to his or her faith, indeed to the Christian's soul.
"Libertarians often define "harm to another person" too narrowly. Morality should be defined solely by the Bible. For example, while libertarians may support laws against abortion (many libertarians actually support abortion), they usually side with liberals who are against laws that define marriage as between one man and one woman. They think that mutual consent of sexual perversion does not fall within the definition of hurting someone. This utopian thinking has blinders on; it is naive. Homosexuality is devastating to those involved and to society at large. "Mutal consent" is a post-modern illusion that does not change the fact that people are hurt when immorality occurs. The Bible says, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil." (Isaiah 5:20-21)...
More to follow...
Nothing but BS. G Edgar Hoover was a common bisexual of the upper-class. He didn't hide because no one suspected a thing. The Hebrew and Greek words for adultery imply idolatry and perversion. Hoover made a perverted choice. Stop pretending him into 100% puerile he just hid.
There is quite a lot of evidence saying this
There is no evidence is is a disease or a malfunction. SInce it isn't a disease it cannot be "cured"
Good advice. when do you plan to start?
So Hoover wasn't gay as you originally claimed.Nothing but BS. G Edgar Hoover was a common bisexual of the upper-class. He didn't hide because no one suspected a thing. The Hebrew and Greek words for adultery imply idolatry and perversion. Hoover made a perverted choice. Stop pretending him into 100% puerile gay-dome.
Thus sexual immorality is best understood as risky sexual perversion.
Now now Sandy, let's not be calling people idiots, or I'll have to comment on people who engage in same sex acts and what diseases are attributed to those unnatural and very unhealthy acts.
Uh huh. As though you need an opening to do so. Anyways, consent has always been the criteria used when ADULTS choose to participate in unhealthy, legal acts.
The primary blinder I think that Protestants and non-Catholic Christians have, is the lack of understanding of the sin of scandal. It isn't an ancillary or secondary sin, but a primary one. Prompting or otherwise encouraging others to sin, or to engage in immoral behavior, is scandal. And it is grave matter when the immoral behavior that you're encouraging others to engage in is grave matter, and SSB is grave matter.
Libertarianism's answer to this is, that people are free to choose, thereby both promoting the freedom to commit scandal, and denying innocent people from any legal protection against scandal. The Church however recognizes limits to our freedom, and that is why scandal is a sin. It's similar to the crime of entrapment in some parts, where LEOs illicitly encourage people to commit crimes.
The Church's clear and clarifying teaching on scandal is a blessing to the Church.
The one Church, the Body of Christ, has exactly one authorized teaching office, and it's the same teaching office that teaches clearly and against both scandal and SSB, she calls it her magisterium. You can see what this authorized teaching office teaches, in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For example:Which "Church" would that be, because as shown, many so-called 'Christian' churches are embracing homosexuality.
The one Church, the Body of Christ, has exactly one authorized teaching office, and it's the same teaching office that teaches clearly and against both scandal and SSB, she calls it her magisterium. You can see what this authorized teaching office teaches, in the Catechism of the Catholic Church...
So you were against homosexuality when it was illegal?
BTW, adultery is legal. Why again are you against it?
I wonder why the major left wing media outlets didn't cover this story 24/7?
WARNING! As with anything related to homosexuality there is vile and disgusting language involved!
Warning to Art Brain! The homosexual owner of the coffee shop talks about doing things to his boyfriend (and to my Lord and Savior) that makes you feel very uncomfortable ( you best not view the video).
First of all, this repungnant behavior and speech does NOT represent all LGBT people. It was difficult to hear this person who obviously has major issues unresolved VENT his anger/frustrations on customers all because of some paper he found outside (or whatever). This was this persons choice and personal issues being vented, so using it to push your own agenda isnt really much better.