Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Then you must be a big fan of this company that organized the sin of adultery.

Never mind that marriages are destroyed, families are broken and children often times don't grow up without two parents in the home, it's all about "consent", right Art?

His response did not dispute my statement. Adultery is NOT consensual sex ... because there are more than two people involved. Unless of course you are making the claim that those spouses who are cheated on have actually consented to being CHEATED ON.

And if the wife of the adulterer is ok with being cheated on?

(Rules, Sandy and Art have so many rules when it comes to immoral consensual behavior).

So you mean if other parties are hurt because of the those that use consent in an immoral way that it's not a good thing?

Here we have the grieving father, mother and sister (who will grieve the rest of their lives) of someone who is on his deathbed because of consensual homosexual relationships.


And how about all of the men and women that were (supposedly) 'true to themselves' and left their wife/husband and children to pursue a consensual homosexual relationship?

I'm glad that we finally came to an understanding that consent (unless used in a moral way) is not a good thing Sandy.

Feel free to critique the following article (which I've posted twice in this thread).

The limits of consent
Consent only has value when it is based on knowledge of what is truly good for us.


Since no one wants to come forward and defend true 'sexual freedom', I'll continue to expose the ideology and movement behind sexual anarchy:


The following website has great information on the biblical foundation of American laws (Mayflower Compact, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, etc. etc.), but also exposes Libertarian ideology as well.

"...Finally, let us comment on the philosophy of libertarianism. This is the idea that our system of government should allow complete freedom except in the case when one person directly harms another. Many Christians today claim to be libertarians. We see numerous flaws in such an idea. We think that Christian libertarians have been duped into thinking like liberal secularists instead of thinking like Christians. Among the problems are these:

• This worldview is determined by a secular philosophy rather than a biblical worldview. Even Christians frequently quote Ayn Rand for support of their theory. The fact that Rand was an ardent atheist and hater of Christianity should give considerable pause. While libertarianism is not exclusively atheistic, a Christian that walks into that sphere is giving the devil a foothold, against which there is a strong commandment from Scripture (Ephesians 4:27).

• Libertarianism is ultimately arbitrary. It is an attempt to define morality without God. But as Dostoevsky said, "If there is no God, everything is permitted." Any view of government not based on an unchangeable objective standard (the Bible!) is subject to be altered at the whims of political power brokers. Christianity, on the other hand, is not arbitrary. Our website is dedicated to demonstrating through reason and evidence that Christianity is objectively true.

• Any philosophy (whether Jean-Paul Sartre's Existentialism, Darwin's Evolution, or Ayn Rand's Objectivism) that has a non-theistic foundation ultimately bumps into the problem of nihilism. This means, ultimately, no basis for meaning and purpose for life. (We come from nowhere, we go to nowhere, but somehow life in between has meaning?)"

More to follow...

I'd ask one of TOL's many Libertarians to come forward and defend their ideology, but they know their limitations when it comes to defending immoral behavior.




Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
And if the wife of the adulterer is ok with being cheated on?

That makes her an idiot ... ANYONE who is *okay* with being "cheated" on would be an idiot. Is that clear enough for you?

Now now Sandy, let's not be calling people idiots, or I'll have to comment on people who engage in same sex acts and what diseases are attributed to those unnatural and very unhealthy acts.

That being said:

I see that you're once again borrowing off of Judeo-Christian doctrine by wanting a husband and wife to be faithful to one another.

Hebrews 13:4

You wannabe sexual anarchists need to get with the times Sandy, 'open marriages' are 'in', and they even have rules to follow:



Continuing with the above article exposing Libertarianism:

"Despite attempts to meld biblical Christianity with this political philosophy, libertarianism inevitably interferes with the individual Christian's reliance on his faith as the sole lens from which to see the world, moving him away from a biblical worldview. Libertarianism, at its core, is a non-religious philosophy. This thinking is a dangerous diversion for the Christian and can be insidiously damaging to his or her faith, indeed to the Christian's soul.

"Libertarians often define "harm to another person" too narrowly. Morality should be defined solely by the Bible. For example, while libertarians may support laws against abortion (many libertarians actually support abortion), they usually side with liberals who are against laws that define marriage as between one man and one woman. They think that mutual consent of sexual perversion does not fall within the definition of hurting someone. This utopian thinking has blinders on; it is naive. Homosexuality is devastating to those involved and to society at large. "Mutal consent" is a post-modern illusion that does not change the fact that people are hurt when immorality occurs. The Bible says, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil." (Isaiah 5:20-21)...

More to follow...




Continuing with the above article exposing Libertarianism:

"Despite attempts to meld biblical Christianity with this political philosophy, libertarianism inevitably interferes with the individual Christian's reliance on his faith as the sole lens from which to see the world, moving him away from a biblical worldview. Libertarianism, at its core, is a non-religious philosophy. This thinking is a dangerous diversion for the Christian and can be insidiously damaging to his or her faith, indeed to the Christian's soul.

"Libertarians often define "harm to another person" too narrowly. Morality should be defined solely by the Bible. For example, while libertarians may support laws against abortion (many libertarians actually support abortion), they usually side with liberals who are against laws that define marriage as between one man and one woman. They think that mutual consent of sexual perversion does not fall within the definition of hurting someone. This utopian thinking has blinders on; it is naive. Homosexuality is devastating to those involved and to society at large. "Mutal consent" is a post-modern illusion that does not change the fact that people are hurt when immorality occurs. The Bible says, "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil." (Isaiah 5:20-21)...

More to follow...


The primary blinder I think that Protestants and non-Catholic Christians have, is the lack of understanding of the sin of scandal. It isn't an ancillary or secondary sin, but a primary one. Prompting or otherwise encouraging others to sin, or to engage in immoral behavior, is scandal. And it is grave matter when the immoral behavior that you're encouraging others to engage in is grave matter, and SSB is grave matter.

Libertarianism's answer to this is, that people are free to choose, thereby both promoting the freedom to commit scandal, and denying innocent people from any legal protection against scandal. The Church however recognizes limits to our freedom, and that is why scandal is a sin. It's similar to the crime of entrapment in some parts, where LEOs illicitly encourage people to commit crimes.

The Church's clear and clarifying teaching on scandal is a blessing to the Church.


no he just hid.

There is quite a lot of evidence saying this

There is no evidence is is a disease or a malfunction. SInce it isn't a disease it cannot be "cured"

Good advice. when do you plan to start?
Nothing but BS. G Edgar Hoover was a common bisexual of the upper-class. He didn't hide because no one suspected a thing. The Hebrew and Greek words for adultery imply idolatry and perversion. Hoover made a perverted choice. Stop pretending him into 100% puerile gay-dome.

Thus sexual immorality is best understood as risky sexual perversion.


New member
Nothing but BS. G Edgar Hoover was a common bisexual of the upper-class. He didn't hide because no one suspected a thing. The Hebrew and Greek words for adultery imply idolatry and perversion. Hoover made a perverted choice. Stop pretending him into 100% puerile gay-dome.

Thus sexual immorality is best understood as risky sexual perversion.
So Hoover wasn't gay as you originally claimed.


Hall of Fame
Now now Sandy, let's not be calling people idiots, or I'll have to comment on people who engage in same sex acts and what diseases are attributed to those unnatural and very unhealthy acts.

Uh huh. As though you need an opening to do so. Anyways, consent has always been the criteria used when ADULTS choose to participate in unhealthy, legal acts.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Now now Sandy, let's not be calling people idiots, or I'll have to comment on people who engage in same sex acts and what diseases are attributed to those unnatural and very unhealthy acts.

Uh huh. As though you need an opening to do so. Anyways, consent has always been the criteria used when ADULTS choose to participate in unhealthy, legal acts.

So you were against homosexuality when it was illegal?

BTW, adultery is legal. Why again are you against it?


On Libertarianism:

The primary blinder I think that Protestants and non-Catholic Christians have, is the lack of understanding of the sin of scandal. It isn't an ancillary or secondary sin, but a primary one. Prompting or otherwise encouraging others to sin, or to engage in immoral behavior, is scandal. And it is grave matter when the immoral behavior that you're encouraging others to engage in is grave matter, and SSB is grave matter.

Libertarianism's answer to this is, that people are free to choose, thereby both promoting the freedom to commit scandal, and denying innocent people from any legal protection against scandal. The Church however recognizes limits to our freedom, and that is why scandal is a sin. It's similar to the crime of entrapment in some parts, where LEOs illicitly encourage people to commit crimes.

While Libertarians without a doubt would love to say that they created 'free will', God beat them to it. Herein lies the major difference between Libertarianism (moral anarchy) and Christianity:

Libertarians think that free will is a license to engage in any behavior that they choose, no matter what harm it brings to them, to others or to society in general, because it's their body and they can do with it as they please.

Christianity says that you take that free will that God created in man, and do good with it, good as seen through the Eyes of God.

The Church's clear and clarifying teaching on scandal is a blessing to the Church.

Which "Church" would that be, because as shown, many so-called 'Christian' churches are embracing homosexuality.
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Libertarian in denial patrick jane (aka, aka, aka) just messaged me and asked why I haven't talked about Harvey Weinstein.

Why? There's a sexual predator currently occupying the White House and it's been well established that sexual predators and deviants have held powerful positions in Hollyweird for decades.

Here's some of the predatory acts that Donald the Degenerate has been accused of doing:

“Former Miss USA contestant Temple Taggart McDowell claims Trump kissed her on the lips on at least two occasions without consent when she was just 21 years old… Trump has called the accusation ‘ridiculous.’”
“In a New York Times report published October 12, Trump was accused of fondling the breasts of Jessica Leeds when she was 38 years old. Leeds, now 74, reportedly met Trump in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York more than 30 years ago, and claims he also attempted to reach under her skirt during the flight. She called the incident ‘an assault.’ Trump has vehemently refuted the allegation.”
“Another revelation from the incendiary New York Times report: In 2005, receptionist Rachel Crooks was allegedly assaulted by Trump in the elevator at Trump Tower. She was working as a receptionist for a real-estate firm in the building when she ran into Trump in the elevator. After they shook hands, he allegedly refused to let go, kissed her on the cheeks, and also on the mouth… Trump has also denied this allegation.”
“Natasha Stoynoff, a staff writer at People, came forward as an alleged victim of Trump on October 12. In an essay, Stoynoff wrote that Trump assaulted her and forcibly kissed her in 2005 while she was on assignment for the magazine.”
“Mindy McGillivray claims Donald Trump groped her 13 years ago while she was visiting Mar-a-Lago with her companion, photographer Ken Davidoff. According to the Palm Beach Post, Davidoff brought his friend McGillivray with him to the estate... Only 23 at the time, McGillivray allegedly had her *** grabbed by Trump while he stood next to his then-fiancée, Melania.”
“In a Facebook post earlier this year, former Miss Washington USA Cassandra Searles claimed Trump grabbed her *** and invited her back to his hotel room, according to Rolling Stone. She called Trump a ‘misogynist’ and accused him of treating women like cattle.”
“Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant have accused Trump of walking into their dressing room while the contestants were changing, BuzzFeed News reported.”
“Makeup artist Jill Harth filed a lawsuit against Trump in 1997, accusing him of cornering her and groping her in his daughter’s bedroom.”
“The 1993 book Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump revealed that, in depositions for their contentious divorce case, Ivana Trump accused her then-husband of rape. The Daily Beast reported that, in the book, Harry Hurt III wrote that Trump confronted Ivana after a painful scalp reduction surgery to reduce his bald spot. He allegedly yelled that her ‘****ing doctor’ ruined him, and then held back her arms and pulled out fistfuls of hair from Ivana’s scalp, before ripping off her clothes and forcing his penis inside her. Trump denied the allegation, including the scalp surgery. ‘It’s obviously false,’ Donald Trump said in 1993. ‘It’s incorrect and done by a guy without much talent … He is a guy that is an unattractive guy who is a vindictive and jealous person.’ Trump’s legal counsel told the Daily Beast that Ivana was talking about how ‘she felt raped emotionally … She was not referring to it [as] a criminal matter, and not in its literal sense, though there’s many literal senses to the word.’”
“When Vanity Fair editor Graydon Carter invited Trump to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in 1993 as a ‘novelty guest,’ he allegedly got more than he bargained for. Forty-five minutes after Trump sat down next to Swedish model Vendela Kirsebom, Carter claims she came over to his table, almost in tears, begging him to move her. ‘It seems that Trump had spent his entire time with her assaying the ‘tits’ and legs of the other female guests and asking how they measured up to those of other women, including his wife,’ Carter wrote.”
“Kristin Anderson, who worked as a model and makeup artist in New York in the early 1990s, told the Washington Post that Trump groped her when she found herself sitting next to him on a couch at a Manhattan nightclub. ‘It wasn’t a sexual come-on. I don’t know why he did it. It was like just to prove that he could do it, and nothing would happen,’ she said. ‘We didn’t even really look at each other. It was very random, very nonchalant on his part.’”
“Summer Zervos, a contestant on the fifth season of The Apprentice, says she was both kissed and groped by Trump after her run on the show was over and she was discussing possible employment opportunities with him. She alleges that he had her meet him at his bungalow in the Beverly Hills Hotel, where he kissed her, groped her, and thrust his genitals at her. Because she was up for employment within his organization, Zervos says ‘I wondered if the sexual behavior was some kind of test, or whether or not I had passed.’”
“Cathy Heller and her family were enjoying a Mother’s Day brunch at the Mar-a-Lago Club when Trump came by to introduce himself. According to Heller, Trump aggressively kissed her in front of her family — including three children and various in-laws — and other members of the club after a brief introduction.”
“Karena Virginia told reporters she was standing outside the 1998 U.S. Open Tennis Championship in Flushing, Queens, waiting for a car to take her home when Donald Trump approached her… ‘He then walked up to me and reached his right arm and grabbed my right arm. Then his hand touched the right inside of my breast. I was in shock. I flinched. ‘Don’t you know who I am? Don’t you know who I am?’ That’s what he said to me. I felt intimidated, and I felt powerless.”
“Ninni Laaksonen claimed on October 27 that Donald Trump grabbed her bottom in New York in 2006, shortly after she was crowned Miss Finland, the Telegraph reports. After being contacted by local paper Ilta-Sanomat, Laaksonen said Trump groped her moments before she was set to appear on the Late Show With David Letterman, alongside Trump himself and three other contestants.”

If Libertarian in denial patrick jane (aka, aka, aka) would like to attempt to show how Donald Trump is different than Harvey Weinstein, I'd love to hear it.




Which "Church" would that be, because as shown, many so-called 'Christian' churches are embracing homosexuality.
The one Church, the Body of Christ, has exactly one authorized teaching office, and it's the same teaching office that teaches clearly and against both scandal and SSB, she calls it her magisterium. You can see what this authorized teaching office teaches, in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For example:



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Which "Church" would that be, because as shown, many so-called 'Christian' churches are embracing homosexuality

The one Church, the Body of Christ, has exactly one authorized teaching office, and it's the same teaching office that teaches clearly and against both scandal and SSB, she calls it her magisterium. You can see what this authorized teaching office teaches, in the Catechism of the Catholic Church...






More on the article exposing Libertarianism:

Libertarians fail to appreciate the huge positive influence Christianity has had on America... America's success is not based on libertarianism, but on Christianity. We should not confuse true biblical Christianity with the modern distorted, liberal, or half-baked versions of Christianity. While Jesus was a not a political figure per se, there is no need to search for a political theory outside of Christian thought. We are commanded to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ--not just certain thoughts. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

• Libertarian Christians usually think that Christians can segregate their faith--their personal faith relegated to their private lives. This is falling for the secularist mentality! It's a trap that marginalizes Christianity just like secularists want! Secularists say, "Sure. You can have your faith. Just leave it over there in the corner of society somewhere and don't bother anyone else with your stupid ideas." Falling for this has numerous negative consequences, including giving the impression to potential converts to Christianity that our faith is not universally applicable, that it is only one of many possible worldviews, and Christianity is only a crutch for weak individuals. Jesus' was given "all authority on heaven and earth" (Matthew 28:18)--not just some authority. This notion--that the Christian faith can be marginalized from society--is directly responsible for the decline of Christianity in America. The inclination to segregate one's faith so as not to "impose" our values on others smacks of "true for me, but not for you." It is amazing that any Christian would buy into this post-modern relativism. Further, attempting to segregate our faith is dishonoring to God: God is god of ALL or He is not God AT ALL. (Psalm 24:1)

• Our COMPASSION as Christians demands that we institute biblical values in society. What other basis for a successful and compassionate society could possibly be better than the Bible?! Who are you going to go with: Ayn Rand or Jesus? Jesus allowed no human partner; we are either with Him 100% or we are against Him. (Matthew 12:30)

More to follow...


I wonder why the major left wing media outlets didn't cover this story 24/7?

WARNING! As with anything related to homosexuality there is vile and disgusting language involved!

Warning to Art Brain! The homosexual owner of the coffee shop talks about doing things to his boyfriend (and to my Lord and Savior) that makes you feel very uncomfortable ( you best not view the video).

A group of Christians who had been handing out anti abortion leaflets on city property were thrown out of a coffee shop up in the swish alps part of Sodomy and Gonorrhea North by the coffee shop's openly homosexual owner.


Pro LGBTQ Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson (he prosecuted Arlene Stutzman for failing to provide flowers for a faux homosexual wedding) has gone into hiding and hasn't been available for comment.


Give ole Bob a call and ask him why the double standard:



Eclectic Theosophist
I wonder why the major left wing media outlets didn't cover this story 24/7?

WARNING! As with anything related to homosexuality there is vile and disgusting language involved!

Warning to Art Brain! The homosexual owner of the coffee shop talks about doing things to his boyfriend (and to my Lord and Savior) that makes you feel very uncomfortable ( you best not view the video).

First of all, this repungnant behavior and speech does NOT represent all LGBT people. It was difficult to hear this person who obviously has major issues unresolved VENT his anger/frustrations on customers all because of some paper he found outside (or whatever). This was this persons choice and personal issues being vented, so using it to push your own agenda isnt really much better.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
First of all, this repungnant behavior and speech does NOT represent all LGBT people. It was difficult to hear this person who obviously has major issues unresolved VENT his anger/frustrations on customers all because of some paper he found outside (or whatever). This was this persons choice and personal issues being vented, so using it to push your own agenda isnt really much better.

Eh, par for the course with aCW. His projection, misinformation and apparent desperate need for other posters to be gay has gone beyond tiresome now. Let him get on with his blog...
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