Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Speaking of Donald Trump:

Popovich issues blistering takedown of ‘soulless coward’ Donald Trump

Spurs head coach Gregg Popovich has made no secret of his opinion of President Donald Trump, but he took his criticism to another level on Monday afternoon.
Trump held a press conference on Monday during which he claimed that many past presidents have not made phone calls to the families of military members killed in action. Whether he was just being astoundingly ignorant or was telling a massive lie, the comments made Popovich—an Air Force veteran—irate. Unsolicited, he called journalist Dave Zirin of The Nation to vent.

This man in the Oval Office is a soulless coward who thinks that he can only become large by belittling others. This has of course been a common practice of his, but to do it in this manner—and to lie about how previous Presidents responded to the deaths of soldiers—is as low as it gets. We have a pathological liar in the White House: unfit intellectually, emotionally, and psychologically to hold this office and the whole world knows it, especially those around him every day. The people who work with this President should be ashamed because they know it better than anyone just how unfit he is, and yet they choose to do nothing about it. This is their shame most of all.

The same goes for those who continue to support Trump: They should be ashamed of themselves.




Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes!!! Those that profess to be followers of Christ need to do something about this insanity that we're seeing in our once God-fearing nation. Help!!!

I'm curious. Why would a self proclaimed Christian like yourself give accolades to a secular humanist for writing the post below?

Quote: Originally posted by Rusha:
No. Adults are allowed to harm themselves via unhealthy habits and lifestyles.

That's Libertarian doctrine that Rusha embraced. Are you a Libertarian Ktoyou?

Are you a Donald Trump supporter Ktoyou?


Your focus on this one issue, to the exclusion of all the other Christian causes and concerns leads me to believe you might feel you have been the victim of homosexuals in some way? You seem obsessed with then to the exclusion of all other Christian concerns. I have to wonder why you are not equally concern about abortion issue and lax divorce laws?

The word you are looking is "Liberal" not "Libertarian". A libertarian might be someone who does not wish to pay any taxes to support any social cause, rather than one who supports liberal social causes.

No, I am not a liberal.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm curious. Why would a self proclaimed Christian like yourself gives accolades to a secular humanist for writing the post below?

Quote: Originally posted by Rusha:
No. Adults are allowed to harm themselves via unhealthy habits and lifestyles.

That's Libertarian doctrine that Rusha embraced. Are you a Libertarian Ktoyou?

Are you a Donald Trump supporter Ktoyou?

Your focus on this one issue, to the exclusion of all the other Christian causes and concerns leads me to believe you might feel you have been the victim of homosexuals in some way?

Again: Why would a self proclaimed Christian give accolades to a secular humanist that embraces Libertarian ideology, knowing full well that it goes against Christian doctrine?

Please explain.

And again: Why do you support someone who proudly flies the LGBTQ flag of death, as Donald Trump did during his campaign for the Presidency and has done since being sworn in as President?

Please explain.

The word you are looking is "Liberal" not "Libertarian". A libertarian might be someone who does not wish to pay any taxes to support any social cause, rather than one who supports liberal social causes.

You really should review the recent posts that I posted regarding Libertarianism and how it goes against the teachings of Jesus Christ.




Libertarianism is liberalism carried to the extreme.

More to follow...


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John 8:7
So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I am not going to respond to you anymore because you refuse to learn anything for others and remain willfully ignorant.

I never did like Donald Trump and posted against him before the election. He is a distraction and a clown, the tax cuts will go like the health care act because he cannot get along with those who would side with him if he was not such a troublemaker.

You are also willfully ignorant when to assume to are able to define someone who you do not understand. I am 100 times more conservative than you, but you lack the political savvy to understand why.


Hall of Fame
I'm curious. Why would a self proclaimed Christian like yourself gives accolades to a secular humanist for writing the post below?

Are you a Donald Trump supporter Ktoyou?

:plain: Apparently you have taken on a new role of ... rep monitor. FTR, Kat and I are civil to one another even when we disagree. She knows my position against adultery ... a topic YOU feel inclined to argue about. BTW, if you actually *read* what other people posted, you would know that Kat regularly speaks out against Trump based on his character and actions.


It is hard to say if he preferred women. Most gay people prefer the opposite gender for sex. But at the time, the accusation 'homosexual' implied, if I am not mistaken, that he couldn't get a woman. Being married and wearing the your wife's robe doesn't count; and his other behavior is still not considered deviant enough. I assume he preferred the opposite gender and was gay.


I am not going to respond to you anymore because you refuse to learn anything for others and remain willfully ignorant.

I never did like Donald Trump and posted against him before the election. He is a distraction and a clown, the tax cuts will go like the health care act because he cannot get along with those who would side with him if he was not such a troublemaker.

You are also willfully ignorant when to assume to are able to define someone who you do not understand. I am 100 times more conservative than you, but you lack the political savvy to understand why.
While I respect your rebuttals of aCW; I must admit abusing the word Libertarian and calling Trump one has a certain appeal to me.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
While I respect your rebuttals of aCW; I must admit abusing the word Libertarian and calling Trump one has a certain appeal to me.

Trump might be a libertarian, if one assumes the definition of John Randolph, "love liberty and hate equality" I am not one.




Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Again: Why would a self proclaimed Christian give accolades to a secular humanist that embraces Libertarian ideology, knowing full well that it goes against Christian doctrine?

Please explain.

And again: Why do you support someone who proudly flies the LGBTQ flag of death, as Donald Trump did during his campaign for the Presidency and has done since being sworn in as President?

Please explain.

I am not going to respond to you anymore because you refuse to learn anything for others and remain willfully ignorant.

If you would kindly answer the above questions perhaps I could learn from you.

I never did like Donald Trump and posted against him before the election. He is a distraction and a clown, the tax cuts will go like the health care act because he cannot get along with those who would side with him if he was not such a troublemaker.

Yet you accused me of libel in another thread for exposing the truth about Donald Trump.

In fact, you even went so far as to implying that talking about the President of the United States should be illegal.

You are also willfully ignorant when to assume to are able to define someone who you do not understand. I am 100 times more conservative than you, but you lack the political savvy to understand why.

Anytime you would like to stop by and make the case as to why homosexuality shouldn't be recriminalized, please do.


While I respect your rebuttals of aCW; I must admit abusing the word Libertarian and calling Trump one has a certain appeal to me.

The word 'Libertarian' is such a filthy word, how can it be abused?

I'm well aware that you're one of the many Libertarians here on TOL. Please explain why someone who stands for Libertarian so-called values, isn't a Libertarian.


Well-known member

No that interpretation is wrong this is the teaching you need:

Matthew 18:21-22
21 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” 22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.
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You do understand that if homosexuality were once again a criminal act that lost souls like Ben Borgman would be getting the help that he so desperately needs?
Or, if proclivity for SSB was judged a medical disorder, as it was before.
Or, if we were more surgical, in how we on the one hand, value, preserve, and protect the rights of those attracted to and engaging in SSB, and on the other, still openly and freely condemn their choices as gravely immoral.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm curious. Why would a self proclaimed Christian like yourself gives accolades to a secular humanist for writing the post below?

Are you a Donald Trump supporter Ktoyou?

:plain: Apparently you have taken on a new role of ... rep monitor. FTR, Kat and I are civil to one another even when we disagree. She knows my position against adultery ... a topic YOU feel inclined to argue about. BTW, if you actually *read* what other people posted, you would know that Kat regularly speaks out against Trump based on his character and actions.

I believe we left our discussion off here:

Quote: Originally Posted by Rusha
No. Adults are allowed to harm themselves via unhealthy habits and lifestyles.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Then you picked one of the most unhealthy/deadly behaviors and lifestyles to defend when you choose to defend homosexuality Sandy.

Based on your above words you're of course for the legalization of all recreational drugs and for the legalization of suicide as well (hence the term 'the culture of death').



Hall of Fame
Based on your above words you're of course for the legalization of all recreational drugs and for the legalization of suicide as well (hence the term 'the culture of death').

They should stay illegal like just like alcohol consumption and smoking.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You do understand that if homosexuality were once again a criminal act that lost souls like Ben Borgman would be getting the help that he so desperately needs?

Or, if proclivity for SSB was judged a medical disorder, as it was before.

Not true, it was illegal based on many factors.

Or, if we were more surgical, in how we on the one hand, value, preserve, and protect the rights of those attracted to and engaging in SSB, and on the other, still openly and freely condemn their choices as gravely immoral.

Where does this supposed "right" to engage in immoral behavior come from, in this specific case homosexuality?

And how can society acknowledge that those who engage in homosexuality have that "right", yet at the same time condemn it as an immoral practice?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Based on your above words you're of course for the legalization of all recreational drugs and for the legalization of suicide as well (hence the term 'the culture of death').

They should stay illegal like just like alcohol consumption and smoking.

You hit the quadfecta today Sandy. Those who engage in homosexuality disproportionately partake in all of the above (alcohol and drug abuse, smoking and suicide).

Thanks for stopping by...
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