Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The word 'Libertarian' is such a filthy word, how can it be abused?

I'm well aware that you're one of the many Libertarians here on TOL. Please explain why someone who stands for Libertarian so-called values, isn't a Libertarian.
I am not specifically Libertarian.

What values are Libertarians 'conserving' and where did those values originate?
Liberal and free capitalism. Paleo-"Liberatarians" are different in that they think morals are important part of liberty.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yet Donald Trump recently (for the 3rd time this year) sided with his fellow sexual anarchists and funded Planned Parenthood.
That sounds like an issue Bannon should take more advantage of.

So much for Donald Trump's "hands being tied on abortion".
Don't act like his hands have never been restrained or ignored. Trump doesn't seem to be able to spread good will.

I'm here to expose your fraudulent Libertarian ideology and political movement. When are you going to start defending it?
I am not socially a libertarian, nor is Rand or Ron Paul.

Your Degenerate in Chief is very consistent when it comes to embracing the LGBTQ/abortion movement. Need I review all of the things that Donald Trump has said and done in his past and present to confirm that statement?
He has always been a playboy, so are you really shocked? Why do others in the Religious Right defend him?

But yet they want to knock down Rand for wanting a better opportunity to defund PP. !?


God created civil government and set the standard for it's use (along with the family and the Church) for the governance of mankind.
And it's fine that you believe that, it's just not fine for you to employ that belief in forcing your religion upon others, that violates the right to religious liberty.
Your issue is with God, not me.
Apparently not.
I'm having way too much fun exposing you, so no, we're not done.
I wouldn't think you'd abandon your own thread.
How is it possible to love God with all of your mind, heart and soul when you stand for things that goes against His teachings?
The right to religious liberty doesn't go against anything the Lord Jesus taught, and His Church teaches the existence and value of that same right.
And how is it possible to love your neighbor as you'd love yourself when you embrace a behavior and lifestyle (based on "consent") that is downright deadly?
What behavior and lifestyle are you supposing that I embrace?
Attending a church that is full of pedophile/pederast priests, you must be used to the smell of garbage.
It's a psychological and spiritual disorder in most cases*, until the person acts on those desires (i.e. you can't contract HIV/AIDS by just thinking about having homosex).

*Some people (in our sick moral relativist society) actually choose to engage in homosexuality, it's called "experimentation".
Unless they are victims of sexual assault, those that engage in SSB, all choose to do so. Otherwise, we're agreed.
Quit pretending that we're allies, that's the highest insult that you can say to me.
Did I say that?
We agree on nothing.
We don't agree that SSB is gravely immoral? My mistake.
Your basis for moral behavior is "consenting people"
Not even a little bit.
, not God's Word as seen in Holy Scripture.

You bore me, i.e. I'm...

moving on.
That was quick!


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm here to expose your fraudulent Libertarian ideology and political movement. When are you going to start defending it?

I am not socially a libertarian, nor is Rand or Ron Paul.

I've exposed both Daddy Paul and Jr. Paul in an earlier thread. Jr. Paul is more polished than the old geezer (while Jr. embraces homosexuality and decriminalizing recreational drugs, he avoids hot topics like kiddy porn):

Child Obscenity And Pornography Prevention Act
25 June 2002 2002 Ron Paul 62:3
Legislation outlawing virtual pornography is, to say the least, of dubious constitutionality. The constitution grants the federal government jurisdiction over only three crimes: treason, counterfeiting, and piracy. It is hard to stretch the definition of treason, counterfeiting, or piracy to cover sending obscene or pornographic materials over the internet. Therefore, Congress should leave the issue of whether or not to regulate or outlaw virtual pornography to states and local governments.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
God created civil government and set the standard for it's use (along with the family and the Church) for the governance of mankind.

And it's fine that you believe that,

It's in the Bible. Surely you must know that God created the family, the Church and Civil Government?

it's just not fine for you to employ that belief in forcing your religion upon others, that violates the right to religious liberty.

You're perverting the term "religious liberty". The term means that people have the freedom to worship God without government interference. You're of course using it from a secular humanist point of view which says that man has some kind of 'right' to engage in immoral behavior. As shown in our previous posts, you couldn't come up with any basis for that supposed 'right' other than from secular humanist man and the faux belief that if 'consent' is used, then all behaviors are acceptable:

They're analogous, in that they are moral matters concerning consenting people.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
But you said "consenting people" in your earlier post. Certainly if secular humanist laws prevail, 12 year old children could give "consent" to have sex with a homosexual elder.

What is the legal age of consent? It isn't 12. If anybody pushes for lowering that age, in order to engage in criminal sexual assault, then I'm against that.

Give it time, like with homosexuality, your views on pedophilia and pederasty will 'evolve'.

Without God's moral guidelines, anything is permissible.
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Here's a question that I was hoping ...Dante could answer (or any of the other consensual moralists who have posted in the thread) :

Miguel aka Michelle Martinez is a woman trapped in a man's body.



Somewhat recently Miguel, aka Michelle Martinez was arrested for raping a 10 year old girl (it must be a lie, we've been told that transgenders are harmless).

Trial begins for Casper resident charged with sexually assaulting 10-year-old girl

Here's my question:

Since Miguel aka Michelle has and always will have the DNA of a male but identifies as a female, was the rape of the 10 year old girl an act of heterosexual rape or homosexual rape?

Note in the article that Miguel aka Michelle was a friend of the family. Have I mentioned that parents shouldn't allow their children anywhere near homosexuals and transgenders?



In these 20 pages you'll read more about the sexual deviancy of Presidential candidate Donald Trump, his ties to homosexuals and pro abortion democrats, and how Mike Pence really isn't the social conservative that people make him out to be.

Organizations and people I once admired (the American Family Association and FRC's Tony Perkins) are exposed as well.

Homosexual rape and murder of children, transgender voyeurism and the diseases prevalent amongst homosexuals is also discussed.

Oh, and let's not forget to keep patrick jane (aka, aka, aka) in our prayers.

Table of Contents for pages 181-200

Katie Johnson v. Donald J. Trump and Jeffrey E. Epstein: Trump Child Rape Claim for $100 Million Denied by Trump Attorney; page 181, post #2709

A prayer for patrick jane; page 181, post #2711

Donald Trump could be considering lifelong Democrat for vice president/Potential Trump VP Michael Flynn says he's pro-choice; page 181, post #2715

Amid Controversy, [Indiana Governor] Pence Backs Down on Religious Freedom Law; page 182, post #2728

Transgender woman arrested for voyeurism at Ammon Target; page 182, post #2729

Sorry, But We Won’t Rewrite the Bible for Gays and Lesbians (Dr. Michael Brown article); page 182, post #2730

Four Statist Policies Gov. Mike Pence Champions; page 183, post #2731

Millennials are the most bisexual generation of all time; page 183, post #2737

Cases of drug-resistant gonorrhea skyrocket; page 183, post #2739

Will Trump Protect Christians Here at Home? (Presidential candidate Trump doesn't commit to passing the First Amendment Defense Act/FADA); page 184, post #2760

Database of Publicly Accused Priests in the United States; page 186, post #2786

NBA to move 2017 All-Star Game from Charlotte; page 187, post #2802

Gay billionaire [and staunch Libertarian] Peter Thiel draws cheers at GOP convention; page 188, post #2808

Donald Trump talks of dating daughter; page 188, post #2811

PayPal Targeting Christian Sites? [Does Donald Trump's guest speaker at the RNC, homosexual activist Peter Thiel, hate Christians?]; page 189, post #2821

FRC's Tony Perkins and the Republican Party's "big tent philosophy"; page 189, post #2825
Quite the change in attitude from 3 years ago: https://patriotpost.us/opinion/22111

The American Family Association Plays Credulous Stooges to Trump; page 189, post #2830

Michael Jordan finally takes a (weak) position on North Carolina's anti-LGBT law; page 190, post #2836

Cohabitation: Bad for Men, Worse for Women, and Horrible for Children/Child Labor: White Slavery; page 190, post #2848

To Democrats, Email Hack Suggests Trump Has New Supporter: Putin; page 190, post #2850

Charles Dickens on the New Testament; page 191, post #2858

Trump’s LGBTQ-Friendly GOP Elevates Homosexual Businessman Peter Thiel – Media Hype for ‘Gay Republicans’ Overshadows Conservative Platform; page 193, post #2893

Navy to Name Ship After Gay Rights Activist [and pederast] Harvey Milk; page 194, post #2901; page 195, post #2918; What the Sean Penn 'Milk' film censored; page 197, post #2945

Sarah McBride becomes first transgender speaker at major U.S. party convention; page 194, post #2902

John Hopkins Psychiatrist: 'There is no gay gene'; page 194, post #2903

Bill Would Prevent LGBT Discrimination at Religious Schools; page 195, post #2914

Meningitis outbreaks among gay men have experts puzzled ; page 195, post #2915

Medical Consequences of What Homosexuals Do; page 195, post #2917

Is Donald Trump 2016’s most LGBT-friendly Republican?; page 196, post #2919

Heterosexual pedophiles; page 196, post #2933

Ben Shapiro video: Donald Trump is a liar; page 196, post #2934

RNC speakers got the GOP crowed to cheer for liberal values (video); page 197, post #2946

Seattle doctor sentenced to 49 years after killing partner, son; page 197, post #2947

Is Donald Trump mentally ill? (video); page 197, post #2949

Homosexual Rape and Murder of Children; page 198, post #2956

Homosexual 'parents' and the harm they bring to children in their custody; page 198, post #2965

Woman dies after trying to save grandchildren from [homosexual] sex offender, police say; page 198, post #2970

Donald Trump officially endorses Paul Ryan after 4-day standoff; Paul Ryan flip-flops, now supports gay adoption; page 199, post #2979

The Only Female Cabinet Member Trump Can Come Up With Is His Own Daughter [the one he would date if he weren't her father] ; page 199, post #2980

Catholic Pedophile Priests, The Effect on US Society; page 200, post #2987

People in homosexual ‘marriages’ almost 3 times more likely to commit suicide: study; page 200, post #2989

The Marxist Lesbians who Founded #BlackLivesMatter; page 200, post #2992


New member
Why don't you think homosexuals deserve professional medical treatment, if they decide that their condition is a medical disorder?

It isn't a disorder.

To be a disorder something has to meet specific criteria. No matter how you twist things homosexuality doesn't fit even the broadest definition of disorder.


It isn't a disorder.

To be a disorder something has to meet specific criteria. No matter how you twist things homosexuality doesn't fit even the broadest definition of disorder.
So for clarity, you deny homosexuals the freedom to consider their condition a disorder that they are afflicted with?


It's in the Bible. Surely you must know that God created the family, the Church and Civil Government?
I believe that, yes, and many people do not, and it violates their right to religious liberty to administrate civil government in such a way that forces my religious views upon them who don't share my religious views.
You're perverting the term "religious liberty". The term means that people have the freedom to worship God without government interference. You're of course using it from a secular humanist point of view which says that man has some kind of 'right' to engage in immoral behavior. As shown in our previous posts, you couldn't come up with any basis for that supposed 'right' other than from secular humanist man and the faux belief that if 'consent' is used, then all behaviors are acceptable:
Why isn't overeating illegal, again?


Eclectic Theosophist
So for clarity, you deny homosexuals the freedom to consider their condition a disorder that they are afflicted with?

One can consider anything, and assume its a 'disorder', but providing proof or evidence for labeling something a 'disorder' is another story. Of course you have all the 'disorder' and 'corruption' with the 'sin' concept (belief), for starters, let alone what different sexual orientations or gender associations some souls naturally have. Perhaps its high time the 'church' start loving and accepting all God's children, and become 'welcoming congregations' like some denominations are doing. The days of the Crusades and witch-hunts are over, but some apparently missed the memo ;)


New member
So for clarity, you deny homosexuals the freedom to consider their condition a disorder that they are afflicted with?

They can consider it a bowl of pudding if they like, that won't make it a bowl of pudding.

Bottom line; it is not a disease or disorder, it never was, and people are not afflicted with it.


One can consider anything, and assume its a 'disorder', but providing proof or evidence for labeling something a 'disorder' is another story. Of course you have all the 'disorder' and 'corruption' with the 'sin' concept (belief), for starters, let alone what different sexual orientations or gender associations some souls naturally have. Perhaps its high time the 'church' start loving and accepting all God's children, and become 'welcoming congregations' like some denominations are doing. The days of the Crusades and witch-hunts are over, but some apparently missed the memo ;)
So what you propose, is that the Church ought to just "welcome" gravely immoral behavior, just as if it is not gravely immoral at all.



They can consider it a bowl of pudding if they like, that won't make it a bowl of pudding.

Bottom line; it is not a disease or disorder, it never was, and people are not afflicted with it.
Heartless. You show no love for people here.


Eclectic Theosophist
So what you propose, is that the Church ought to just "welcome" gravely immoral behavior, just as if it is not gravely immoral at all.


Absolutely NOT. You're wrongly assuming that just because someone has a homosexual or transgender orientation that that is 'gravely immoral'. That is asinine. Now if you want to debate on what sexual or consentual acts of love-making or affection are SHARED by LGBTQ people, that might be another matter, but assuming that just being LGBTQ is 'gravely immoral' is ludicrous. These points and distinctions are important.

Heartless. You show no love for people here.

It is your proposition that is lacking in love.


Is purposefully and blatantly misrepresented what someone posted a gravely immoral behavior?
It depends upon the harm done by such deliberate deception.

Just so we're all on the same page though, let's review what was written:
Perhaps its high time the 'church' start loving and accepting all God's children, and become 'welcoming congregations' like some denominations are doing.
So, are you just asking idly? Or are you subtly implying that I somehow misrepresented what is meant by "welcoming congregations?"


Absolutely NOT.
Well that's great news then. So by negation then, you propose that the Church not welcome gravely immoral behavior. My only difficulty now is in figuring what you mean by "become 'welcoming congregations' like some denominations are doing." Because I thought that meant rainbow flags, and rainbow flags do mean welcoming gravely immoral behavior into the Church, which I continue to pass on, whenever that notion rears its ugly head.
You're wrongly assuming that just because someone has a homosexual or transgender orientation that that is 'gravely immoral'. That is asinine. Now if you want to debate on what sexual or consentual acts of love-making or affection are SHARED by LGBTQ people, that might be another matter, but assuming that just being LGBTQ is 'gravely immoral' is ludicrous. These points and distinctions are important.
I'm not assuming that. Apparently, you're assuming I'm assuming it.
It is your proposition that is lacking in love.


Eclectic Theosophist
Pontificate this.....................

Pontificate this.....................

Well that's great news then. So by negation then, you propose that the Church not welcome gravely immoral behavior.

You're assuming that accepting LGBTQ people in the church is some kind of endorsement on 'gravely immoral behavior', which is ridiculous. Being LGBTQ is NOT a 'sin'. - you can argue what sexual actions might be 'sinful', but thats debatable. You are wrongly equating homosexuality as a 'immoral behavior'. I suggest getting properly educated.

My only difficulty now is in figuring what you mean by "become 'welcoming congregations' like some denominations are doing." Because I thought that meant rainbow flags, and rainbow flags do mean welcoming gravely immoral behavior into the Church, which I continue to pass on, whenever that notion rears its ugly head.

There are many 'welcoming congregation' organizations that are working towards inclusivism. The gospel of Jesus is 'inclusive' of all people groups, all individuals. God's love is not partial nor dependent on race, status, social rank or sexual orientation. It is universal.

Just a few resource networks -

Institute for Welcoming Resources

Welcoming Community Network

I assume you know of Dignity (RCC inclusive group) ?

I'm not assuming that. Apparently, you're assuming I'm assuming it.

Yeah,...so goes the circle.

I hold my ground. By your former statement, it could easily be "assumed" that you were associating being 'LGBTQ' with 'grave immoral behavior'. Got it? Just being LGBTQ is a 'condition' in and of itself, without assuming any 'behavior' associated with it, let alone that being 'gravely immoral'. Its ignorance like this that actually keeps people away from the church.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You're assuming that accepting LGBTQ people in the church is some kind of endorsement on 'gravely immoral behavior', which is ridiculous. Being LGBTQ is NOT a 'sin'. - you can argue what sexual actions might be 'sinful', but thats debatable. You are wrongly equating homosexuality as a 'immoral behavior'. I suggest getting properly educated.
You mean newly educated, The same thing happened in Russia at the end of WWI


You're assuming that accepting LGBTQ people in the church is some kind of endorsement on 'gravely immoral behavior', which is ridiculous. Being LGBTQ is NOT a 'sin'. - you can argue what sexual actions might be 'sinful', but thats debatable. You are wrongly equating homosexuality as a 'immoral behavior'. I suggest getting properly educated.

There are many 'welcoming congregation' organizations that are working towards inclusivism. The gospel of Jesus is 'inclusive' of all people groups, all individuals. God's love is not partial nor dependent on race, status, social rank or sexual orientation. It is universal.

Just a few resource networks -

Institute for Welcoming Resources

Welcoming Community Network

I assume you know of Dignity (RCC inclusive group) ?

Yeah,...so goes the circle.

I hold my ground. By your former statement, it could easily be "assumed" that you were associating being 'LGBTQ' with 'grave immoral behavior'. Got it? Just being LGBTQ is a 'condition' in and of itself, without assuming any 'behavior' associated with it, let alone that being 'gravely immoral'. Its ignorance like this that actually keeps people away from the church.
The ignorance is on your end. I've never in this thread or anywhere else, said that anything other than SSB itself is grave matter, and not being gay or having a desire or proclivity or attraction to SSB. That's an affliction, and those people are victims, and deserve support. I'm floating the notion right now that these people deserve professional medical treatment if they desire it, and I'm picturing something really nice like a non-end-of-life, specialized palliative care, that includes the victim, and the victim's family, to help them all with this very serious trial, that none of them asked for or wanted.
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