Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Obviously you don't believe in civil laws, or maybe it's this particular behavior and movement that you're against recriminalizing?

I'm just pointing out what being a Christian is ultimately about; forgiveness.

Luke 23:34
Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."

Actually, Christianity is ultimately about repentance, i.e. God forgives those who turn from their old ways and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. That doesn't mean that society shouldn't have laws and enforce them.

As for Jesus and the way He dealt with sinners:




BTW: Old psychoanalysts still consider it a perversion.

It can be classified as a 'means' to such....though it's not an 'end' ...unto itself.

In other words, homosexuality can be a means to perversion...quite identical, in this respect, to heterosexuality. :idunno:


Originally Posted by Ktoyou
BTW: Old psychoanalysts still consider it a perversion.

It can be classified as a 'means' to such....though it's not an 'end' ...unto itself.

In other words, homosexuality can be a means to perversion...quite identical, in this respect, to heterosexuality. :idunno:

quip: Since Ktoyou isn't responding to my posts, would you kindly tell her not to

"...focus on this one issue, to the exclusion of all the other Christian causes and concerns."

I'm concerned that if Ktoyou continues to focus on this one issue that it could

"lead me to believe [that Ktoyou] might feel [that she may] have been the victim of homosexuals in some way..."

We all should be concerned that Ktoyou:

"... seem obsessed with them to the exclusion of all other Christian concerns. I have to wonder why [Ktoyou is] not equally concern[ed] about abortion issue and lax divorce laws?"



Originally Posted by MrDante
Who here has been forced by the government to make any sort to of baked goods?

The people who bake goods for a living, and are forced by courts to do so for SSM ceremonies.

Since homosexuality and same sex marriage were made 'legal', those behaviors are legitimate in the eyes of the law and are protected by laws against discrimination.

See what your "consenting people" ideology has brought?

Besides, you don't want to force the Bible's morality on other people do you?



So what you propose, is that the Church ought to just "welcome" gravely immoral behavior, just as if it is not gravely immoral at all.

Absolutely NOT. You're wrongly assuming that just because someone has a homosexual or transgender orientation that that is 'gravely immoral'.
I'm not assuming that. Apparently, you're assuming I'm assuming it.
Just being LGBTQ is a 'condition' in and of itself, without assuming any 'behavior' associated with it, let alone that being 'gravely immoral'. Its ignorance like this that actually keeps people away from the church.
The ignorance is on your end. I've never in this thread or anywhere else, said that anything other than SSB itself is grave matter, and not being gay or having a desire or proclivity or attraction to SSB. That's an affliction, and those people are victims, and deserve support. I'm floating the notion right now that these people deserve professional medical treatment if they desire it, and I'm picturing something really nice like a non-end-of-life, specialized palliative care, that includes the victim, and the victim's family, to help them all with this very serious trial, that none of them asked for or wanted.
Why would the entire medical and psychiatric community to do away with medical ethics and go along with this?
If the government forced them to, like how government forces Christians to bake cakes for SSM ceremonies.
Who here has been forced by the government to make any sort to of baked goods?
The people who bake goods for a living, and are forced by courts to do so for SSM ceremonies.
Since homosexuality and same sex marriage were made 'legal', those behaviors are legitimate in the eyes of the law and are protected by laws against discrimination.

See what your "consenting people" ideology has brought?

Besides, you don't want to force the Bible's morality on other people do you?

Read the whole conversation first.


Eclectic Theosophist
Careful who you judge!

Careful who you judge!

ACW writes:

I'm just asking for one (just one) verse or passage in Holy Scripture that embraces "loving" bestial, incestuous, adulterous and homosexual relationships, behaviors that God clearly condemns throughout both the Old and New Testaments.

There are no prohibitions given against healthy, loving, committed monogamous relationships between same gendered persons.

You're doubly in a 'bind' further by holding to laws by a 'god' who also commands genocide, bodily mutilation, animal and human sacrifice, sanctions slavery and other questionable practices, etc. The laws of said 'god' no longer apply to modern day world citizens but were written by religious scribes for a small cult in a circumscribed geographical location, for a particular time.

Even some NT writers reject the 'old laws' for the law of faith in Christ Jesus, which btw transcends gender distinctions in the unity of the Spirit. Therefore all loving relationships are permitted in the new dispensation in the Christ who makes all one.

Of course Matt Miofsky is just one of many perverts that has invaded the Christian Church in an attempt to further show his HATRED of God, something that wouldn't happen if homosexuality were still a criminal act and hence sexual perversion hadn't been allowed to go mainstream and create an agenda.

I would be very careful in judging one of God's servants and casting aspersions on their love or devotion to his way and will. How dare you charge him with hating God. Your contempt is to be pitied.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I've exposed both Daddy Paul and Jr. Paul in an earlier thread. Jr. Paul is more polished than the old geezer (while Jr. embraces homosexuality and decriminalizing recreational drugs, he avoids hot topics like kiddy porn):
It isn't a hot topic. Kiddy porn is another part of the porn industry. This is the sad truth.

You're a fine one to be talking about libel. Your recent attempt at smearing the late great anti communist J. Edgar Hoover is just once example of you doing so.
It isn't a smear. He was a blatant bisexual who likely prefered women. Among the upperclass at the time, the word homosexual meant someone who couldn't get someone of the opposite sex. J Edgar Hoover never promoted pornography and other upperclass disgrace's of the period, but he is a product of being elite in the 50's and 60's. It does no good to deny homosexuality was the rich man's disease. Only a complete ignoramus would think your refutation was any good, because there were several other suspicious occasions where he was with other men. Perhaps he was married to his job. Furthermore the politics of the 50s and 60s are much more corrupt than people know. We had nay-any reason to be in Vietnam.

I'm just refuting yet another one of your many lies:

If you want to make the case for sound economic policies using Libertarian doctrine, then do so, BUT, you can't borrow off of Judeo Christian doctrine because that would be 'stealing', and we all know how Libertarians feel about theft.
So did they "thieve" from Frederic Bastiat? :)


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm just asking for one (just one) verse or passage in Holy Scripture that embraces "loving" bestial, incestuous, adulterous and homosexual relationships, behaviors that God clearly condemns throughout both the Old and New Testaments.

There are no prohibitions given against healthy, loving, committed monogamous relationships between same gendered persons.

Then there are no prohibitions against healthy, loving, committed monogamous relationships between closely related relatives (incest), between people who are married to someone else (adultery) or between man and beast (bestiality).

You're doubly in a 'bind' further by holding to laws by a 'god' who also commands genocide, bodily mutilation, animal and human sacrifice, sanctions slavery and other questionable practices, etc. The laws of said 'god' no longer apply to modern day world citizens but were written by religious scribes for a small cult in a circumscribed geographical location, for a particular time.

Then laws against incest, adultery and bestiality no longer apply.

Even some NT writers reject the 'old laws' for the law of faith in Christ Jesus, which btw transcends gender distinctions in the unity of the Spirit. Therefore all loving relationships are permitted in the new dispensation in the Christ who makes all one.

(Did freelight just state that loving incestuous, adulterous and bestial relationships are permitted in the NT?).

That's right, the LGBTQueer crowd is saying that the Holy Spirit is genderless to push transgenderism on society. How sick is that?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Of course Matt Miofsky is just one of many perverts that has invaded the Christian Church in an attempt to further show his HATRED of God, something that wouldn't happen if homosexuality were still a criminal act and hence sexual perversion hadn't been allowed to go mainstream and create an agenda.

I would be very careful in judging one of God's servants and casting aspersions on their love or devotion to his way and will. How dare you charge him with hating God. Your contempt is to be pitied.

God isn't going to be kind to perverts like Matt Miofsky on his judgement day. Because of Miofsky's bastardization of Holy Scripture, think about how many people he's leading into a high risk, extremely unhealthy and downright deadly lifestyle while they're here on earth.

Even worse, think about how many people will be spending eternity in Hell because Miofsky and perverts like him say that sexual perversion is no longer a sin and that "loving" relationships are embraced by God.

God has a special place in Hell for perverts like Matt Miofsky.
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