Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Eclectic Theosophist
Incestophobe, bestialophobe, adultererophobe bigot.

Be nice :)

You should check out some of the articles I've posted on therapy for homosexuals and the testimonies of EX homosexuals as well. They talk about the importance of friendship with other males without sexualizing that relationship.

I have no problem with gathering all the available data on all sides of an issue. As I noted earlier, a review of all the available data with success rates in 'coversion therapy' methods would have to be examined here to make a cogent observation about the efficacy of such.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
That being said: Aside from your out and out HATRED of God (freelight fits in category #3 of the 3 tenets of atheism:

1. There is no God
2. I HATE Him
3. I HATE Him so much that I'm going to reinterpret His Word in Holy Scripture to meet my immoral and selfish desires).

The Author of the emotion known as love says that the kind of love that you endorse is fake.

It is so wrong to accuse freelight of hating 'God'. You obviously do not know him. Loving another person can be defined as finding meaning, value and fulfillment relating to and joining with that person. This can happen between persons regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identification.


Dont forget ACW,

I said there is not one passage 'prohibiting' a monogomous, healthy, loving relationships between people of the same sex, or among those variously 'transgendered'. Your misdirection is is in assuming a few laws about committing same sex acts in the context of idol worship among hebrews AT THAT TIME and for those people alone, is referring to all homosexual relationships period, or even apply to all people. Those were RULES Jews made for themselves, and the scribes put to paper for their own religious/political agenda. (nationalism, etc.)

Ancient Jewish rules for levitical priests or stone age goat herders dont necessarily hold today, while a good number of Pauline Christians enjoy their 'freedom' from Jewish law, so that those antiquated 'kosher' laws are obsolete.


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Dont forget ACW,

I said there is not one passage 'prohibiting' a monogomous, healthy, loving relationships between people of the same sex, or among those variously 'transgendered'.

Yet (as I mentioned before) there are no asterisks * in Holy Scripture allowing those who engage in homosexuality, incest, bestiality or adultery to do so because the relationship is supposedly "loving".

Your misdirection is is in assuming a few laws about committing same sex acts in the context of idol worship among hebrews AT THAT TIME and for those people alone, is referring to all homosexual relationships period, or even apply to all people. Those were RULES Jews made for themselves, and the scribes put to paper for their own religious/political agenda. (nationalism, etc.)

God's moral code is and always will be universal. While certain penalties were given to the Jews, that doesn't mean that He wanted the rest of the world that He created to be sexual anarchists (i.e. Sodom and Gomorrah).

Ancient Jewish rules for levitical priests or stone age goat herders dont necessarily hold today, while a good number of Pauline Christians enjoy their 'freedom' from Jewish law, so that those antiquated 'kosher' laws are obsolete.

Again: Jesus rescinded Jewish dietary/ceremonial laws in the New Testament, but not His universal moral code.

Quit HATING God so much and seek spiritual and psychological counseling for your moral confusion!


Yet (as I mentioned before) there are no asterisks * in Holy Scripture allowing those who engage in homosexuality, incest, bestiality or adultery to do so because the relationship is supposedly "loving".

God's moral code is and always will be universal. While certain penalties were given to the Jews, that doesn't mean that He wanted the rest of the world that He created to be sexual anarchists (i.e. Sodom and Gomorrah).

Again: Jesus rescinded Jewish dietary/ceremonial laws in the New Testament, but not His universal moral code.

Quit HATING God so much and seek spiritual and psychological counseling for your moral confusion!

He is a reprobate. No psychological counseling is going to change him and no amount of reasoning with him will affect him, he's just gaylighting through life.

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I truly do marvel at how those (at least here on TOL) who SCREAM from the highest rooftop that they don't engage in the sexual practices that they unapologetically defend. I really can't blame you freelight, as who would want to admit that they engage in such a filthy and disgusting unnatural act that amongst other things brings disease and early death to those who engage in it; an act that others have left behind through spiritual and often times psychological therapy but for some reason you choose to still engage in.

Well, nobody's even raising their voice on top of a shed let alone shouting from the rooftops. The only one ranting away on the subject is you. This is about defending the rights of adults to have relationships free from state or religious interference. The only one obsessed with sexual acts - namely anal sex - is you. Most people accept that consenting adults, straight, gay or bi have the right to personal relations that are nobody else's business provided there's no abuse going on. This is the West aCW, not Uganda or Saudi Arabia. Oh, and I see you're now projecting your homosexuality onto Freelight. Pure class...

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I have said this before. J Edgar Hoover overcame being gay; there is no evidence of it being hereditary or incurable. Quit thy whining.




These 20 pages go back to the Presidential primaries. After viewing Donald Trump's "New York values" stance on many issues, it should come as no surprise why as President he is a LGBTQueer/Planned Parenthood ally. The child rape case against Donald Trump is also covered, which amongst other things shows Donald Trump's sordid and often times violent past with women.

I've also posted a great article entitled "The Limits of Consent", a must read for those who debate consensual moralists (i.e. as long as it's consensual, it should be legal).

There are articles and discussions about Omar Mateen, a homosexual who released his inner rage in a homosexual nightclub in Orlando FL, making Mateen one of the biggest mass murderers in US history.

Table of Contents for pages 161-180

Anatomy of a Smear: Heidi Cruz and the “North American Union” (one of the many smears that the Trump campaign had lodged against Ted Cruz); page 162, post #2420

Presidential candidate and supposed political outsider Donald Trump meets with Establishment icon Henry Kissinger; page 162, post #2429

Cruz Vows to Fight Trump on Key ‘Judeo-Christian Principles’ in RNC Platform; page 163, post #2445

Target market cap now down $10.5 billion in wake of boycott; page 164, post #2452

Donald Trump's "New York values": past and present; page 165, post #'s 2467 and 2468

Draft Evader Donald Trump Speaks At Rolling Thunder Event, Beclowns Sponsors (VIDEO); page 165, post #'s 2469 and 2470

ACLU Leader Quits Over 'Transgender Bathroom Rights' Flap; page 165, post #2471

Donald Trump on God and forgiveness (he's never asked for it); Trump's former pastor: The False Teachers: Norman Vincent Peale; page 165, post #2475

AFTAH Reaches Out with Truth to Deviant Homosexual ‘International Mr. Leather’ Convention at Congress Plaza Hotel in Chicago; page 166, post #2479

FBI investigating whether Orlando killer (Omar Mateen) was a club regular; page 166, post #2481

Dr. Michael Brown debates Theodore Shoebat on Jesus, homosexuality and the death penalty (video); page 167, post #2497

'Omar Mateen was gay': Orlando terrorist pursued a relationship with male classmate, was a regular at gay bars including Pulse for the past decade, and used hookup apps like Grindr to meet men; Indiana Man Arrested With Weapons in Santa Monica Had Made Threats, Ex-Boyfriend Says; page 167, post #2501

Trump Casts Himself as Gay-Rights Champion After Orlando Shooting; page 167, post #2503

Drag Queen: Anti-Gay Terrorist Omar Mateen Was My Friend; page 167, post #2505

TMZ's openly homosexual editor Harvey Levin 'disses' the 'B' in the LGBTQ acronym; page 170, post #2538

Omar Mateen may not have understood the difference between ISIS, al-Qaeda and Hezbollah; page 170, post #2539

Homosexual/serial killer Randy Kraft; page 170, post #2542; types of homosexual violence; post #2546

Children being forced to attend 'gay' pride parades; page 173, post #2584

Stonewall Inn Named National Monument, a First for the Gay Rights Movement; page 173, post #2592

Transgender Woman Alleges She Was Raped In Bathroom At Stonewall Inn; Police Release Suspect Photo; page 173, post #2593

The limits of consent ; consent only has value when it is based on knowledge of what is truly good for us; page 175, post #2614

[Openly homosexual] YouTube Star Faked His Own Assault, Police Say; page 175, post #2619

David Furnish, Elton John sex scandal: British media forbidden from covering couple; page 179, post #2662

What you should know about the child rape case against Donald Trump; page 180, post #2690

Donald Trump Accused of Rape in Federal Court Lawsuit; page 180, post 2691

Why the Donald Trump child rape lawsuit is credible and can’t be dismissed; page 180, post #2699

Publisher too scared to reprint Trump book with wife’s rape allegation; page 180, post #2700


...Most people accept that consenting adults, straight, gay or bi have the right to personal relations that are nobody else's business provided there's no abuse going on...

An 18 year old woman and her father couldn't agree with you more Art:

Earlier this year, an article in New York Magazine featured a story involving an eighteen-year-old woman who plans to marry and have children with her father. When the interviewer asked her to respond to those who might question her relationship, she offered the following reply:

I just don’t understand why I’m judged for being happy. We are two adults who brought each other out of dark places ... When you are 18 you know what you want. You’re an adult under the law and you’re able to consent.



Who is society to question one's love for another? Right freelight and Art?


As long as it's consensual and between adults...

'Wet Goddess' author shares details of his 6-month sexual relationship with Dolly the dolphin

July 11, 2014

Another self-confessed dolphin lover claims he had a six-month consensual affair with one of the sleek marine animals — and insists it’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Malcolm Brenner, 63, shared his story with British newspaper The Mirror in the wake of a BBC documentary that featured Margaret Howe Lovatt, an animal researcher who said she had sex with a dolphin in the 1960s as part of a NASA-funded study.
Brenner, a writer who also admits to having prior sexual experiences with a dog, said he fell in love with Dolly the dolphin in a Florida amusement park in 1971.

...The twice-married man — who says he’s also experienced the physical passion of doggy devotion — doesn’t equate what he and Lovatt did with abuse.
“There is no comparison between sexual abuse and a sexual relationship with a consenting animal,” he claimed.





This is about defending the rights of adults to have relationships free from state or religious interference... Most people accept that consenting adults, straight, gay or bi have the right to personal relations that are nobody else's business provided there's no abuse going on...

Then you must be a big fan of this company that organized the sin of adultery.



Never mind that marriages are destroyed, families are broken and children often times don't grow up without two parents in the home, it's all about "consent", right Art?


Hall of Fame
Then you must be a big fan of this company that organized the sin of adultery.

Never mind that marriages are destroyed, families are broken and children often times don't grow up without two parents in the home, it's all about "consent", right Art?

Not hardly. It should be fairly obvious that in the case of adultery, everyone has NOT consented ...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Then you must be a big fan of this company that organized the sin of adultery.

Never mind that marriages are destroyed, families are broken and children often times don't grow up without two parents in the home, it's all about "consent", right Art?

Not hardly. It should be fairly obvious that in the case of adultery, everyone has NOT consented ...

But that isn't in the secular humanist rule book Sandy. Here, let Art Brain explain again how sexual anarchy works:

This is about defending the rights of adults to have relationships free from state or religious interference... Most people accept that consenting adults, straight, gay or bi have the right to personal relations that are nobody else's business provided there's no abuse going on...

Now if you want to talk about the abuse that goes on in homosexual relationships, how about we start off with the physical aspect of it? (the anal sphincter muscle was made to expel human waste, not to be used as a sex object).

Or we could talk about the psychological/physical abuse that goes on in homosexual so-called relationships (disproportionate amounts of domestic violence amongst homosexual so-called couples).

Or we could talk about the indoctrination of children by the LGBTQueer movement. Perhaps you could show me the consent form that children signed when they are exposed to LGBTQueer indoctrination in schools, youth mentor organizations, etc. etc. or taken to moral degenerate parades and exposed to all kinds of depravity.

You and your fellow secular humanists love to borrow off Judeo-Christian doctrine, except in cases where there obviously is a personal interest in the matter.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Then you must be a big fan of this company that organized the sin of adultery.

Never mind that marriages are destroyed, families are broken and children often times don't grow up without two parents in the home, it's all about "consent", right Art?

But that isn't in the secular humanist rule book Sandy. Here, let Art Brain explain again how sexual anarchy works:

Now if you want to talk about the abuse that goes on in homosexual relationships, how about we start off with the physical aspect of it? (the anal sphincter muscle was made to expel human waste, not to be used as a sex object).

Or we could talk about the psychological/physical abuse that goes on in homosexual so-called relationships (disproportionate amounts of domestic violence amongst homosexual so-called couples).

Or we could talk about the indoctrination of children by the LGBTQueer movement. Perhaps you could show me the consent form that children signed when they are exposed to LGBTQueer indoctrination in schools, youth mentor organizations, etc. etc. or taken to moral degenerate parades and exposed to all kinds of depravity.

You and your fellow secular humanists love to borrow off Judeo-Christian doctrine, except in cases where there obviously is a personal interest in the matter.

And once again aCW's fixation with gay men and anal sex comes to the fore, what an absolute shock...



Hall of Fame
Then you must be a big fan of this company that organized the sin of adultery..

His response did not dispute my statement. Adultery is NOT consensual sex ... because there are more than two people involved. Unless of course you are making the claim that those spouses who are cheated on have actually consented to being CHEATED ON.
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