Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
A couple of things:

1). If Alan Chambers (who is wearing a wedding ring in the above video and I believe is still married to a woman) was able to leave the homosexual lifestyle behind, why can't others?

He admits that he still has same sex attractions despite still being married.

As do many who struggle with homosexual desires and other sinful behaviors (pornography, alcohol/drug abuse, etc.)

I'll talk more about Chambers and his marriage in my response to freelight.

Read his apology again. Well, here is the relevant part in case you still missed it:

And then there is the trauma that I have caused.

Wow, does Alan Chambers have a huge ego or what? Does he honestly believe that he's played a part in the misery, disease and death that is the core of the homosexual lifestyle?

Does Alan Chambers actually believe that he, not unnatural sex, is the cause of HIV/AIDS and a long list of life threatening diseases that run rampant amongst those who engage in homosexuality?

Does Alan Chambers actually believe that the disproportionate suicide rate, drug and alcohol addiction, pornography addiction, etc. etc. that runs rampant amongst homosexuals is because he once disapproved of the behavior and not that these people are spiritually lost and don't have God in their lives?

The LGBTQ culture of death continues, and you can thank people like secular humanist Alan Chambers for contributing to the body count.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
2). While I would normally ask you to start off by making the biblical case for 'Gay Christianity', how about you start off by making the case for

Adulterous Christianity

Incestuous Christianity


Bestial Christianity

before making your case for 'Gay Christianity', as God condemns all of the above in Holy Scripture.

As to your predictable bunny trails - addressed already in an earlier post which you conveniently ignored...

Except that God clearly defines sexual sins in Leviticus 18 and continues to do so throughout the New Testament

Leviticus 18:

(Incest) : 6  Do not have sex with any of your close relatives...

(Adultery) 20 Do not have sex with your neighbor’s wife...

(Besitality) 23 Do not have sex with an animal...

(Homosexuality) Do not have sex with a man as you would have sex with a woman...

New Testament:

Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God
1 Corinthians 6:9–11

Etc. etc. etc.

Again: If you're going to legitimize 'Gay Christianity', then you have to show that the above sins are no longer sins and then they too can mock God by starting their own faux Christian movement.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've discussed Alan Chambers numerous times in this 4 part thread and will gladly do so again.

I'll start off by saying that while Exodus International has become a mouthpiece for the LGBTQ movement:
https://exodusinternational.org/ ("Penis enlargement Bible review"???)

Looks like a renegade bot blog....NOT an official website representing said organization which is no longer extant. This goes to show that you can have any kind of 'bible' you choose to, being a collection of articles on any given subject. The spambot program likely got the 'organ enlargement' bible mixed up with the 'Holy Bible',...stuff happens. - just like anything,...many 'versions' exist

Upon further examination it appears that someone wanted to thrust the dagger even deeper into Exodus International after it disbanded by using it's name on the internet.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Exodus Global Alliance is still going strong.

Yes,...still they are a chapter still endorsing 'change is possible', something Alan and thousands of others have found is impossible in their current experience

"...a chapter"? You make it sound like EGA consists of a dozen people who meet in the back room of a church.

Regarding those "thousands of others that have found that change is impossible" lie:

Giving in to ones sinful desires isn't proof that change is impossible. The testimonies of those that have successfully overcome same sex desires through spiritual and/or psychological therapy or are still struggling with those desires, but have decided to be celibate has blown that huge lie out of the proverbial water.

One must remember that we're dealing with people whose same sex desires often times came about due to unmentionable cruelty that they were subjected to as children (raped, psychologically abused, etc.) and (like adults that were sexually/psycologically abused) that trauma can take years of therapy to overcome.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The Restored Hope Network

(which Jeff Simunds is a part of), came about because of Exodus International split.

While Alan Chambers is one of the more high profile people that went from helping lost souls to selling out God and his fellow man by embracing homosexual behavior and the LGBTQ agenda, he isn't the first to give up on the struggles that those with homosexual desires have, and he won't be the last. Think of all the misery, disease and death that Chambers is promoting by lying to people and saying that God doesn't give man the free will to change.

That fact is Alan is gay, although FORCING himself to live in a so called 'heterosexual' marriage.

No one is "forcing" Alan Chambers to stay in his marriage to his wife Leslie.

In fact, if Alan Chambers were 'true to himself' (I'm using LGBTQueer logic), then he would announce that he's leaving his wife Leslie to pursue the homosexual lifestyle (cruising public restrooms for anonymous sex, hanging around elementary school playgrounds looking for 8 year old boys with 'potential', etc. etc. etc.).

I'll guarantee that if Chambers left his wife to pursue the lie of homosexuality, it would get positive front page coverage throughout the mainstream media.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
What's especially pathetic about Alan Chambers is that he's telling homosexuals that there is no need to repent and that God has a place in Heaven for 'Gay Christians', i.e. he's lying to people about their eternal salvation.

Thanks for sharing a video that affirms God's love for all, you're doing great!

Then (according to you) God no longer acknowledges that there is such a thing as sin.

I'd ask you to back that lie with evidence, but we've already been there, done that.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
As do many who struggle with homosexual desires and other sinful behaviors (pornography, alcohol/drug abuse, etc.)

I'll talk more about Chambers and his marriage in my response to freelight.

So much for "curing" homosexuality or "reparative therapy" then. It doesn't work and at least Chambers finally admitted it.

Wow, does Alan Chambers have a huge ego or what? Does he honestly believe that he's played a part in the misery, disease and death that is the core of the homosexual lifestyle?

Does Alan Chambers actually believe that he, not unnatural sex, is the cause of HIV/AIDS and a long list of life threatening diseases that run rampant amongst those who engage in homosexuality?

Does Alan Chambers actually believe that the disproportionate suicide rate, drug and alcohol addiction, pornography addiction, etc. etc. that runs rampant amongst homosexuals is because he once disapproved of the behavior and not that these people are spiritually lost and don't have God in their lives?

The LGBTQ culture of death continues, and you can thank people like secular humanist Alan Chambers for contributing to the body count.

No, but you sure do. At least this man had the good grace to apologize for his actions and hurt inflicted along with a heartfelt honesty.

Except that God clearly defines sexual sins in Leviticus 18 and continues to do so throughout the New Testament

Leviticus 18:

(Incest) : 6  Do not have sex with any of your close relatives...

(Adultery) 20 Do not have sex with your neighbor’s wife...

(Besitality) 23 Do not have sex with an animal...

(Homosexuality) Do not have sex with a man as you would have sex with a woman...

New Testament:

Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God
1 Corinthians 6:9–11

Etc. etc. etc.

Again: If you're going to legitimize 'Gay Christianity', then you have to show that the above sins are no longer sins and then they too can mock God by starting their own faux Christian movement.

Eh, I don't have to show any such thing and it's not as though you have problems with lying or bearing false witness as you've repeatedly done on here. Homosexuality is not a crime, nor is it something that can be cured. If Christians regard it as sinful then that's one thing, don't engage in it. No reason why society as a whole should be subject to the likes of a theocracy that would have to impose such laws policing their relationships and sex lives.


Quote: Originally Posted by Arthur Brain
He [Alan Chambers] admits that he still has same sex attractions despite still being married.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As do many who struggle with homosexual desires and other sinful behaviors (pornography, alcohol/drug abuse, etc.)

So much for "curing" homosexuality or "reparative therapy" then. It doesn't work and at least Chambers finally admitted it.

God works with people in different ways. Some that have the above desires (homosexuality included) can rid their lives of those sinful desires, while others continue the struggle with them. That doesn't mean that God loves them less, it just means that He has a different plan for them.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Wow, does Alan Chambers have a huge ego or what? Does he honestly believe that he's played a part in the misery, disease and death that is the core of the homosexual lifestyle?

Does Alan Chambers actually believe that he, not unnatural sex, is the cause of HIV/AIDS and a long list of life threatening diseases that run rampant amongst those who engage in homosexuality?

Does Alan Chambers actually believe that the disproportionate suicide rate, drug and alcohol addiction, pornography addiction, etc. etc. that runs rampant amongst homosexuals is because he once disapproved of the behavior and not that these people are spiritually lost and don't have God in their lives?

The LGBTQ culture of death continues, and you can thank people like secular humanist Alan Chambers for contributing to the body count.

No, but you sure do. At least this man had the good grace to apologize for his actions and hurt inflicted along with a heartfelt honesty.

Do you think that Alan Chambers has the "good grace" to attend the funerals of the sexually confused men, women and children that he's helped send to an early grave?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Except that God clearly defines sexual sins in Leviticus 18 and continues to do so throughout the New Testament

Leviticus 18:

(Incest) : 6  Do not have sex with any of your close relatives...

(Adultery) 20 Do not have sex with your neighbor’s wife...

(Besitality) 23 Do not have sex with an animal...

(Homosexuality) Do not have sex with a man as you would have sex with a woman...

New Testament:

Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God
1 Corinthians 6:9–11

Etc. etc. etc.

Again: If you're going to legitimize 'Gay Christianity', then you have to show that the above sins are no longer sins and then they too can mock God by starting their own faux Christian movement.

Eh, I don't have to show any such thing...

Because you can't. Thanks for acknowledging (in your own way) that the 'Gay Christian' movement is a lie.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
God works with people in different ways. Some that have the above desires (homosexuality included) can rid their lives of those sinful desires, while others continue the struggle with them. That doesn't mean that God loves them less, it just means that He has a different plan for them.

Oh, so God will cure some people from homosexuality but not others? Face it aCW, it isn't something that can be prayed or "counselled" away, Chambers is honest about that.

Do you think that Alan Chambers has the "good grace" to attend the funerals of the sexually confused men, women and children that he's helped send to an early grave?

He's at least apologized for the false hopes, stigma and suffering his movement caused that led to some people taking their own lives. Are you going to attend the funerals of those who've felt pesecuted, bullied, forced into "therapy" etc that have committed suicide? No, you aren't and nobody expects you to apologize either as that would take some character and that's certainly something you haven't got.

Because you can't. Thanks for acknowledging (in your own way) that the 'Gay Christian' movement is a lie.

Thought this blog was about re-criminalizing homosexuality. Your rabbit trails mean squat. Frankly, homosexuality among Christians is up to them but this is a free society and not one where people want bonkers fundamentalists like you in charge of things...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
God works with people in different ways. Some that have the above desires (homosexuality included) can rid their lives of those sinful desires, while others continue the struggle with them. That doesn't mean that God loves them less, it just means that He has a different plan for them.

Oh, so God will cure some people from homosexuality but not others? Face it aCW, it isn't something that can be prayed or "counselled" away, Chambers is honest about that.

For someone who has spent so many years in a Christian forum, I'm truly amazed at how ignorant you are on the subject of Christianity. Again: Give Jeff Simunds a call, he can help you with your confusion.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Do you think that Alan Chambers has the "good grace" to attend the funerals of the sexually confused men, women and children that he's helped send to an early grave?

He's at least apologized for the false hopes,...

Cowards like Alan Chambers don't want to see the grief that he's caused other human beings. So no, Alan Chambers doesn't have the "good grace" to attend the funerals of the men, women and children who he has lied to by saying that God can't help them with their unnatural sexual desires.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Because you can't. Thanks for acknowledging (in your own way) that the 'Gay Christian' movement is a lie.

Thought this blog was about re-criminalizing homosexuality...

This soon to be 5 part thread has shown what has happened since homosexuality has become 'legal' in our judicial system and approved of by a sick secular humanist culture.

The Church is just one of the areas that the LGBTQueer movement has permeated.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
For someone who has spent so many years in a Christian forum, I'm truly amazed at how ignorant you are on the subject of Christianity. Again: Give Jeff Simunds a call, he can help you with your confusion.

You don't represent Christianity, far from it and call the guy yourself for all the good it would do you. I'm not confused about my sexuality at all and the ongoing procession of homosexual innuendo from you only confirms that which most people who've had dealings with you have suspected for a long time anyway. Get out of the damned closet, show some courage like Chambers has and just admit that you're homosexual already.

Cowards like Alan Chambers don't want to see the grief that he's caused other human beings. So no, Alan Chambers doesn't have the "good grace" to attend the funerals of the men, women and children who he has lied to by saying that God can't help them with their unnatural sexual desires.

It takes guts to apologize and to acknowledge hurt caused, something that Chambers has had the decency to do. He's told the truth, that "therapy" doesn't work and has only caused harm. You don't give a damn about the people who've suffered in these appalling centers. The only thing you care about is this stupid blog. You are nothing other than a closeted homosexual who projects his own hangups and self loathing into the public domain and it's beyond tiresome. You can't be cured of it but you can learn to live with it and it's about time you did.

This soon to be 5 part thread has shown what has happened since homosexuality has become 'legal' in our judicial system and approved of by a sick secular humanist culture.

The Church is just one of the areas that the LGBTQueer movement has permeated.

You should be glad, at least you can live without fear of being forced in the closet or nutters trying to "cure" you.


Eclectic Theosophist
love includes as well as transcends gender..............

love includes as well as transcends gender..............

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've discussed Alan Chambers numerous times in this 4 part thread and will gladly do so again.

I'll start off by saying that while Exodus International has become a mouthpiece for the LGBTQ movement:
https://exodusinternational.org/ ("Penis enlargement Bible review"???)

Upon further examination it appears that someone wanted to thrust the dagger even deeper into Exodus International after it disbanded by using it's name on the internet.

Yes, hijacking the 'name' and using it for their own products, advertisments, etc.

Regarding those "thousands of others that have found that change is impossible" lie:

Giving in to ones sinful desires isn't proof that change is impossible. The testimonies of those that have successfully overcome same sex desires through spiritual and/or psychological therapy or are still struggling with those desires, but have decided to be celibate has blown that huge lie out of the proverbial water.

Look at the success rates of those undergoing 'reparative therapy', and the over-all good or harm that such has done, - a little more research in this area needs to be done. Also this whole 'obsession' with 'sin' is probably part of the problem. - to equate 'sinful desire' with one's 'sexual orientation' is furthering the 'punishment of sin' motif leading to futher self-hate and inner conflict, which is destructive.

We would also note that anyone can CHOOSE to be 'celibate' for religious reasons, regardless of sexual orientation. Are you critical of 'celibacy'? The gospel Jesus and even Paul appear to have taken the 'celibate' path, and in general Paul's reasons for doing so DO make sense for those wanting to devote their total lives for religious ministry, so not sure where you are going with the 'celibacy' kick. I've even considered some form of celibacy in the long run or certain seasons of life when devoting more time to intellectual/religious pursuits.

One must remember that we're dealing with people whose same sex desires often times came about due to unmentionable cruelty that they were subjected to as children (raped, psychologically abused, etc.) and (like adults that were sexually/psycologically abused) that trauma can take years of therapy to overcome.

Not all gay people have suffered trauma to such degree as posited above, and all human beings in general are raised within a culture of some kind of 'dysfunction' which may affect one psychologically. The assumption that gay people are somehow a special and unique brand of 'sinners' more deviant than say heterosexual persons or other humans in general is of course ridiculous, and any attempt to 'criminalize' them adds to their suffering.

No one is "forcing" Alan Chambers to stay in his marriage to his wife Leslie.

He's FORCING himself, correct, due to his 'religious conditioning' and self imposed 'belief-system'.

In fact, if Alan Chambers were 'true to himself' (I'm using LGBTQueer logic), then he would announce that he's leaving his wife Leslie to pursue the homosexual lifestyle (cruising public restrooms for anonymous sex, hanging around elementary school playgrounds looking for 8 year old boys with 'potential', etc. etc. etc.).

You're general caricature of a 'homosexual lifestyle' so described is appalling, if not serverly distorted. Not all gays cruise restrooms, or carouse school playgrounds looking for small children to 'convert'. This 'stereotyping' is repugnant, just as ridiculous as your campaign to 'criminalize' a psychological orientation.

Also you cant 'criminalize' something that was NEVER crimalized in the first place, but thats another tangent :p

I'll guarantee that if Chambers left his wife to pursue the lie of homosexuality, it would get positive front page coverage throughout the mainstream media.

Maybe on some level that would be a "good thing".

Then (according to you) God no longer acknowledges that there is such a thing as sin.

As noted earlier, thats part of the problem here, a morbid fascination with the 'concept' of 'sin'. There is so much psychological and theological baggage in 'that' to unpack, just for starters :) - alot is presupposed here, whereby a whole program is created to perpetuate so many other assumptions or conclusions, whereby the 'sinner' must be 'healed' or 'changed'.

I'd ask you to back that lie with evidence, but we've already been there, done that.

'Sin' is a religious concept crafted by man, who has then invented a religous 'solution' to such thru various means of repentance, atonement, ritual formulas, mythology and so on. These have their place of course within 'religion' and 'theology'.

You're apparent problem, I could be wrong, is in assuming that homosexuality itself as an 'orientation' is inherently sinful and NEEDS to be repented of and CHANGED over into a heterosexual one. Is this your belief? Or do you contend that a person may still naturally have same-sex attractions, but just must not ACT on those desires in order not to committ the sin of sexual activity with the same sex, and may be better off living a life of celibacy. Its been awhile since we've debated on this, and did not read all of the thread, so a short 'refresh' would be grand ;)


New member
For you parents who have children in school (or for those who don't but are interested) in or around the great State of Texas and want to know how to fight against the LGBTQ agenda in the school system (pro homosexual Secretary of the Dept. of Education, Betty DeVos, won't be helping matters), Mass Resistance Texas is holding a conference that will help you in the battle.

Groundbreaking conference on for teenagers and parents “Confronting the LGBT Agenda” in your schools! In Ft. Worth TX, Nov. 18
By Texas-MassResistance – hosted by the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Finally, a conference that doesn’t back down!




I'll go into great detail on the history of the American education system and how the LGBTQ movement is indoctrinating school children in Part 5 (you didn't think that I was going away did you? The culture war is far from being over).

Sadly the battle Massresitance is promoting involves using, and advocating violence against gay and lesbian teens.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
A couple of things:

1). If Alan Chambers (who is wearing a wedding ring in the above video and I believe is still married to a woman) was able to leave the homosexual lifestyle behind, why can't others?

As do many who struggle with homosexual desires and other sinful behaviors (pornography, alcohol/drug abuse, etc.)

I'll talk more about Chambers and his marriage in my response to freelight.
in 1996 WHoppi Goldberg starred in the movie "The Associate" where she left the black lifestyle by wearing makeup.

If Whoppi can change why can't others?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Giving in to ones sinful desires isn't proof that change is impossible. The testimonies of those that have successfully overcome same sex desires through spiritual and/or psychological therapy or are still struggling with those desires, but have decided to be celibate has blown that huge lie out of the proverbial water.

Look at the success rates of those undergoing 'reparative therapy',

Therein lies the difference between the secular humanist-culture of death movement and Christianity:

The former glorifies those that have failed, the latter embraces those that had the guts to try and keep trying.

Just think if we lived in a society that encouraged people to overcome their unnatural sexual desires, not one that belittles them for wanting to leave those unnatural desires behind.

View the testimonies in the numerous links that I've provided in the index on page 1 of the people who have been successful in overcoming their same sex desires or have gotten to a place in their life's journey where they at least understand what caused them, you'll learn much from their words.

and the over-all good or harm that such has done,

I'll continue to focus on the destructive consequences that homosexual behavior is responsible for and from a spiritual aspect how those that continue to proudly and unrepentantly embrace the behavior, will spend eternity in damnation.

- a little more research in this area needs to be done.

Yeah, let's get the rainbow flag waving American Psychological Association to do "more research" on it shall we?

Also this whole 'obsession' with 'sin' is probably part of the problem. - to equate 'sinful desire' with one's 'sexual orientation' is furthering the 'punishment of sin' motif leading to futher self-hate and inner conflict, which is destructive.

If there is no such thing as sin, then Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross was for nothing.

We would also note that anyone can CHOOSE to be 'celibate' for religious reasons, regardless of sexual orientation...

I'm talking about those who are attempting to rid themselves of same sex desires and haven't come to the point in their life where they find the opposite sex attractive. There are also those who have come to the realization that they'll never find the opposite sex attractive, and hence the need for celibacy.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
One must remember that we're dealing with people whose same sex desires often times came about due to unmentionable cruelty that they were subjected to as children (raped, psychologically abused, etc.) and (like adults that were sexually/psychologically abused) that trauma can take years of therapy to overcome.

Not all gay people have suffered trauma to such degree as posited above,

The personal testimonies of those that have or had same sex desires is evidence that traumatic experiences in their life lead to their unnatural sexual desires.

The "they were just born that way" lie doesn't fly here.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
No one is "forcing" Alan Chambers to stay in his marriage to his wife Leslie.

He's FORCING himself, correct, due to his 'religious conditioning' and self imposed 'belief-system'.

Alan Chambers sold out God when he became allies with the LGBTQueer movement, i.e. he flushed his "religious conditioning" down the proverbial toilet.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
In fact, if Alan Chambers were 'true to himself' (I'm using LGBTQueer logic), then he would announce that he's leaving his wife Leslie to pursue the homosexual lifestyle (cruising public restrooms for anonymous sex, hanging around elementary school playgrounds looking for 8 year old boys with 'potential', etc. etc. etc.).

You're general caricature of a 'homosexual lifestyle' so described is appalling, if not serverly distorted. Not all gays cruise restrooms, or carouse school playgrounds looking for small children to 'convert'. This 'stereotyping' is repugnant, just as ridiculous as your campaign to 'criminalize' a psychological orientation.

You holier than thou LGBTQ'ers make me sick. When I show the realities of homosexual 'culture' you act like those who embrace it are 2nd class citizens in your so-called community.

Be "proud" of the sexual freedom that your movement has accomplished freelight, as you wouldn't want to return to the days where 8 year olds can't provocatively dance in front pedophiles at 'gay' pride parades would you?



Also you cant 'criminalize' something that was NEVER crimalized in the first place, but thats another tangent

I would call behavior that had been a felony in every US State for the vast majority of American history "criminalized".

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'd ask you to back that lie with evidence, but we've already been there, done that.

'Sin' is a religious concept crafted by man,..

Yet the LGBTQueer movement through their bogus "Gay Christian" movement has attempted to say that homosexuality isn't a sin, a sin that God (not man) condemns throughout Holy Scripture.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm talking about those who are attempting to rid themselves of same sex desires and haven't come to the point in their life where they find the opposite sex attractive. There are also those who have come to the realization that they'll never find the opposite sex attractive, and hence the need for celibacy.

Uh huh, so that's a tacit admission on your part that there's homosexuals who simply ain't gonna be "cured" then, yet you still go on about "therapy" as if people can magically undergo some change in sexual attraction. Why isn't everyone cured of these unwanted same sex attractions aCW? Some bloody good this 'therapy' and counselling amounts to if there's those who can't be made 'normal' by it. Did it not work for you? Is that why you felt the need to start this blog, out of guilt?

No one is "forcing" Alan Chambers to stay in his marriage to his wife Leslie.

Nobody's cured him of his homosexual attractions either.

Alan Chambers sold out God when he became allies with the LGBTQueer movement, i.e. he flushed his "religious conditioning" down the proverbial toilet.

Rather, he was finally honest and came to terms with himself and his orientation. Even you admit now that not everyone can be "cured" of their homosexuality.

You holier than thou LGBTQ'ers make me sick. When I show the realities of homosexual 'culture' you act like those who embrace it are 2nd class citizens in your so-called community.

You've been nothing other than a pompous, projecting dipstick since you got here. Quit with the act. Just accept your homosexuality and then you'll be a happier person. You can still retain your belief and be celibate if that's what it takes. Just stop with the lies and projection man, seriously. This is not meant maliciously either. 'Just Tom' was a guy who needed help and I hope he finally got it.


lynching is homocide.

Lynching was a means of encouraging blacks to remain in their place and not aspire anything more. Exactly what you are saying should be done to gays and lesbians.
I didn't say lynch. But mostly just gays who kill just using sodomy would be lynched. What misunderstanding would there be. And usually women don't have direct sexual feelings when a man is sodomized.


If J Edgar Hoover could swear off homosexuality, and many females easily do-- then certain gay winos, all being men, should stop the whining about how conversion therapy doesn't work.


Eclectic Theosophist
Theology flush....................

Theology flush....................

I'll continue to focus on the destructive consequences that homosexual behavior is responsible for and from a spiritual aspect how those that continue to proudly and unrepentantly embrace the behavior, will spend eternity in damnation.

I find the 'doctrinal' BELIEF in ECT (Eternal conscious torment) in hellfire to be most horrendous, cruel and insane. My commentaries on that subject here. Therefore 'threats' of eternal damnation have no grounds but in mythology and poor theology.

Yeah, let's get the rainbow flag waving American Psychological Association to do "more research" on it shall we?

I advocate research on all levels and peer review findings, clinical trials, etc. - if you can provide evidence somehow that even 20 % of those enlisting in 'ex gay ministries' in hopes of converting to heterosexuality, actually SUCCEED... that would be interesting. I just brought up the need for research, as I've heard success rates are significantly low in the total demographic of those using 'reparative therapy'. I've yet to see evidence for a high success rate, and in what ways the data was collected, etc. Hence the need for more research to properly ascertain success rates and the methodologies that might have been employed, etc. - follow? (examine all data, then the proper criteria that can be used to determine proper statistics, etc.)

If there is no such thing as sin, then Jesus' sacrifice on the Cross was for nothing.

Again, a theology on 'sin' and a blood-sacrifice redemption model is only one 'atonement' model, among others, and I dont think the 'penal substititionary' model is a very valid or good one, but thats another topic, mostly 'conceptual'. I've written commentaries and had a thread on the subject of 'Atonement without blood'.

I'm talking about those who are attempting to rid themselves of same sex desires and haven't come to the point in their life where they find the opposite sex attractive. There are also those who have come to the realization that they'll never find the opposite sex attractive, and hence the need for celibacy.

Okay. I was just wondering what your belief was in this regard, IF some gays COULD or SHOULD convert to heterosexuality, but it appears you allow for a safety-zone (buffer) of 'celibacy' for those unable to change their orientation. Seems then that 'conversion' here is conditional to certain factors.

Alan Chambers sold out God when he became allies with the LGBTQueer movement, i.e. he flushed his "religious conditioning" down the proverbial toilet.

I couldnt help but chuckle here. Alot of 'religious conditioning' needs a good flush :comeout:

Yet the LGBTQueer movement through their bogus "Gay Christian" movement has attempted to say that homosexuality isn't a sin, a sin that God (not man) condemns throughout Holy Scripture.

Do we really have to go over the so called "clobber verses" again? ;)


New member
I didn't say lynch. But mostly just gays who kill just using sodomy would be lynched. What misunderstanding would there be. And usually women don't have direct sexual feelings when a man is sodomized.

You said you wanted to use violence to terrorize a minority...Lynching


New member
I advocate research on all levels and peer review findings, clinical trials, etc. - if you can provide evidence somehow that even 20 % of those enlisting in 'ex gay ministries' in hopes of converting to heterosexuality, actually SUCCEED... that would be interesting. I just brought up the need for research, as I've heard success rates are significantly low in the total demographic of those using 'reparative therapy'. I've yet to see evidence for a high success rate, and in what ways the data was collected, etc. Hence the need for more research to properly ascertain success rates and the methodologies that might have been employed, etc. - follow? (examine all data, then the proper criteria that can be used to determine proper statistics, etc.)

Ex-gay ministiries have been around for over 50 years and in that time there has not been a single shred of evidence that anyone has changed from homosexual to hetersexaul. There has been research in the field and every single peer reviewed study has concluded that not only do people not change the "therapy" itself is activly harmful.


Uh huh, so that's a tacit admission on your part that there's homosexuals who simply ain't gonna be "cured" then, yet you still go on about "therapy" as if people can magically undergo some change in sexual attraction. Why isn't everyone cured of these unwanted same sex attractions aCW?...

Your issue is with God, not me or the pastors and licensed therapists who help people with physical, psychological and spiritual disorders. People who have no knowledge of Him ask "Why does God allow bad things to happen to people?" and "Why does God cure some people of deadly diseases and sinful desires and behaviors but not others?"

God works in mysterious ways. In order to begin to understand what He has planned for you, you have to develop a personal relationship with Him first.

Ex-gay ministiries have been around for over 50 years...

Free will has been around since God created man. People who have used their free will in a positive way have overcome all kinds of immoral and harmful desires and behaviors.

Give God a chance, He can even help you.



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your issue is with God, not me or the pastors and licensed therapists who help people with physical, psychological and spiritual disorders. People who have no knowledge of Him ask "Why does God allow bad things to happen to people?" and "Why does God cure some people of deadly diseases and sinful desires and behaviors but not others?"

God works in mysterious ways. In order to begin to understand what He has planned for you, you have to develop a personal relationship with Him first.

No, it isn't, it's with you. You've maintained that this "therapy" works and now you're admitting that it doesn't necessarily. There's no credible record of this 'treatment' ever having worked and in fact a lot of evidence to support that not only doesn't it work, it's caused a great deal of harm to many who have been subjected to it. When you first broached the subject, you were embarrassingly ignorant as to just what a lot of the "therapy" consisted of. Electric shocks, degradation, nausea inducing drugs, psychological abuse. How many of those homosexual people are you going to apologize on behalf of their needless suffering and those who took their own lives after such 'treatment'? lets face it, it's gonna be none because that would mean you climbing down off that pompous pedestal for once and that would be too much of a blow to your gargantuan ego. At least people like Chambers have had the decency to apologize for their part in such contemptible practices and honest enough to acknowledge that homosexuality, including their own, can't be cured.
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