Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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NO lube, and you dead; that simple...

Don't you have a Libertarian convention that you should be attending SB?

Please don't muddle up my thread by pretending that you and freelight are adversaries when in reality you're two peas in the same molding pod.

Speaking of Libertarianism...

More on that fraudulent movement coming up.


Don't you have a Libertarian convention that you should be attending SB?

Please don't muddle up my thread by pretending that you and freelight are adversaries when in reality you're two peas in the same molding pod.

Speaking of Libertarianism...

More on that fraudulent movement coming up.

I could have said KNOW lube, and you still dead. But why would I suggest such a thing, eh?


Eclectic Theosophist
Not that it hasn't been fun debating a lil Mattie Vines wannabe, but it's time to...

I'm hardly a Mattie Vines wannabe dear, and do my own research on any given subject, open to learn more since all views are subject to change with additional light.

but it's time to...move on.

I agree, for all reading ;)

Your former points about 'God' embracing homosexuality are noted, but such a gesture from 'God' (in limited biblical text sources) is really 'unnecessary'. In other words its unnecessary for any deity to openly endorse or approve of such, since homosexuality EXISTS, and is a feature of human psychology and nature, whose source IS 'God', 'God' being the universal Mind and Spirit from which all conditions spring. One can debate or pontificate over gender and sexual relations, while recognizing that 'loving relations' are what is key, no matter the 'gender' of those involved. That might be more important to 'recognize' over 'criminalizing'.

Maybe an obsession over 'criminalizing' is criminal itself.


Eclectic Theosophist
Getting over the "yuck" factor......

Getting over the "yuck" factor......

NO lube, and you dead; that simple.

I still have no idea what 'lube' has to do with this :hammer:

Sounds like a red herring.

A case that doesn't exist.

Some beg to differ on this particular passage -

The Gay Centurion
Did Jesus Bless A Gay Relationship?

I cant vouch for the probability of the centurion and his 'servant' as being a gay relationship, having to do more research on this. However for you to say you know absolutely one way or another, is a bit presumptuous, if not premature. You'd have to be able to make a case to rule out all possibility, beyond your biased assumption or religious reactions. Granted this resource page is pro-LGBTQ, so it examines those passages which might be 'gay-friendly'.

The word sodomites is a false rendering of arsenokoitai, which means ones who have sex with youths. It is mistaken as boys only.

Well, this could be debated and expounded on more, especially the few passages written by Paul on the subject, - this and other words rendered in english as 'homosexual', etc. are questionable, having different possible meanings, per context.

BTW, the tribe of Benjamin was punished for being homosexual. It's still homo if you do it to a woman of Judah, especially if you kill her.

Ah, and curiously Paul claimed to be from the tribe of Benjamin...hmmmn...maybe that explains his views on marriage, and why he himself was 'single' (so far as anyone knows) - I have no idea on your second comment. Btw,...lesbianism is not condemned in any 'scripture', only a reference in Romans exists on it, which again...can be variously translated. - most references in the Bible against same-sex acts involve some kind of 'idolatry' - go back to the cultural context.

Note: I have made the mistake of equating pedarastry with pedophilia. Some Pederasts like men instead of boys. Still, yuck.

Good for your noting that, its a term usually associated with males, not females. The term pedarastry would not apply to same age adult men coupling, as then the 'term' can no longer apply. A female version of 'pedarastry' is more problematic. We might remind you, there is nothing in the Bible that prohibits healthy, loving, monogamous same-sex relationships that are not 'pedarastic'.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Following that train of supposed reasoning:

If people enjoy having sex with a member of their immediate family, a child, an animal...

If only you could follow reasoning instead of responding with the predictable rabbit trails. Regardless of whether other sexual attractions are innate, the vulnerable and those unable to consent have laws that rightfully protect them from sexual and other abuse. Not the same as what you're advocating - policing the lives of consenting adults and then still claiming that's somehow a 'free society'...

Which has nothing to do with what I just wrote above. And yes, a child's environment has a huge influence in their sexual desires later in life.

If that's the case then what happened in yours? :plain:

You should give Jeff Simunds a call, I'm sure that he would love to talk with you. While I won't go into his journey dealing with homosexuality, he admits that his same sex attraction had to do with an unloving father.

Pass, why don't you call him yourself? I don't think he'd appreciate straight men wasting his time after all so you phone him up and then you can tell us all how it went. :)

In the real world, it's darned obvious that there's lots of folk who are simply gay and with no personal traumas, unstable factors or environmental factors being any cause of it.

Think about it: An extremely popular Judge who was persecuted for displaying the Ten Commandments (thou shalt not sodomize what'shisname in the bushes of a public park is in those commandments) as well as refusing to embrace homosexual faux marriage, very well could be a US Senator.

Things aren't looking that bad for America after all.

Do you seriously think he'd push for homosexuality being re-criminalized or repealing laws in regards to gay rights if he got in? Oh, you silly dope, he'd have no chance.

Poor Art, he's still taking Phil Robertson's words about homosexuality personal.


And the projection still goes on...


Get to grips with your own homosexuality aCW. You seriously wanna be wasting your life with this train wreck for the next six years? Get a life and don't be another 'Just Tom' who spent his time projecting self loathing for that which he couldn't change.


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since you can't say that homosexuality is morally wrong (or even tell an innocent child that homosexuality is morally wrong for that matter), it would be pretty difficult for you and Sandy to tell others that their immoral behavior is wrong.
you engage in false witness in post after post so maybe you should adress your own sins rather than attacking Arthur.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Not that it hasn't been fun debating a lil Mattie Vines wannabe, but it's time to...

I'm hardly a Mattie Vines wannabe dear, and do my own research on any given subject, open to learn more since all views are subject to change with additional light.

Matthew Vines isn't a person anyone should aspire to be like, as Vines, like all proud and unrepentant sinners, needs Jesus Christ to be his Savior.

Perhaps you know more about Vines childhood than I do. Was he sexually molested as a youth or did he grow up in a dysfunctional home without a loving father figure, hence living a sexually confused life with a devout HATRED of God?

Your former points about 'God' embracing homosexuality are noted,

Even a child in his first day in Sunday School could figure out God's plan for human sexuality.

Maybe you should sit down with a bunch of kindergarteners and learn a thing or two about the Holy Bible.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You should give Jeff Simunds a call, I'm sure that he would love to talk with you. While I won't go into his journey dealing with homosexuality, he admits that his same sex attraction had to do with an unloving father.

Pass, why don't you call him yourself? I don't think he'd appreciate straight men wasting his time after all so you phone him up and then you can tell us all how it went. :)

Here's the link to Jeff's ministries again.


Print out the page or just jot down his phone # and put it next to your phone. Perhaps a moment of wanting to embrace the truth about yourself will happen someday and you'll have the phone # of someone who can help show you the way at your fingertips.




For you parents who have children in school (or for those who don't but are interested) in or around the great State of Texas and want to know how to fight against the LGBTQ agenda in the school system (pro homosexual Secretary of the Dept. of Education, Betty DeVos, won't be helping matters), Mass Resistance Texas is holding a conference that will help you in the battle.

Groundbreaking conference on for teenagers and parents “Confronting the LGBT Agenda” in your schools! In Ft. Worth TX, Nov. 18
By Texas-MassResistance – hosted by the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Finally, a conference that doesn’t back down!




I'll go into great detail on the history of the American education system and how the LGBTQ movement is indoctrinating school children in Part 5 (you didn't think that I was going away did you? The culture war is far from being over).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Here's the link to Jeff's ministries again.


Print out the page or just jot down his phone # and put it next to your phone. Perhaps a moment of wanting to embrace the truth about yourself will happen someday and you'll have the phone # of someone who can help show you the way at your fingertips.

The truth about myself, dude is that I likes women - 100%, unequivocally straight, bread buttered one side only etc etc...

Truth about you is that you're a homosexuality obsessed crank, specifically as pertaining to gay men who projects all sorts of gay innuendo and sleaze and who's about as straight as a frisbee. So you get on the phone yourself there dude or learn to live with yourself man.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It might be as well if you just come to terms with yourself aCW. At least this guy was honest enough to acknowledge his role and apologize for it:

To Members of the LGBTQ Community:

In 1993 I caused a four-car pileup. In a hurry to get to a friend's house, I was driving when a bee started buzzing around the inside of my windshield. I hit the bee and it fell on the dashboard. A minute later it started buzzing again with a fury. Trying to swat it again I completely missed the fact that a city bus had stopped three cars in front of me. I also missed that those three cars were stopping, as well. Going 40 miles an hour I slammed into the car in front of me causing a chain reaction. I was injured and so were several others. I never intended for the accident to happen. I would never have knowingly hurt anyone. But I did. And it was my fault. In my rush to get to my destination, fear of being stung by a silly bee, and selfish distraction, I injured others.

I have no idea if any of the people injured in that accident have suffered long term effects. While I did not mean to hurt them, I did. The fact that my heart wasn't malicious did not lessen their pain or their suffering. I am very sorry that I chose to be distracted that fall afternoon, and that I caused so much damage to people and property. If I could take it all back I absolutely would. But I cannot. I pray that everyone involved in the crash has been restored to health.

Recently, I have begun thinking again about how to apologize to the people that have been hurt by Exodus International through an experience or by a message. I have heard many firsthand stories from people called ex-gay survivors. Stories of people who went to Exodus affiliated ministries or ministers for help only to experience more trauma. I have heard stories of shame, sexual misconduct, and false hope. In every case that has been brought to my attention, there has been swift action resulting in the removal of these leaders and/or their organizations. But rarely was there an apology or a public acknowledgement by me.

And then there is the trauma that I have caused. There were several years that I conveniently omitted my ongoing same-sex attractions. I was afraid to share them as readily and easily as I do today. They brought me tremendous shame and I hid them in the hopes they would go away. Looking back, it seems so odd that I thought I could do something to make them stop. Today, however, I accept these feelings as parts of my life that will likely always be there. The days of feeling shame over being human in that way are long over, and I feel free simply accepting myself as my wife and family does. As my friends do. As God does.

Never in a million years would I intentionally hurt another person. Yet, here I sit having hurt so many by failing to acknowledge the pain some affiliated with Exodus International caused, and by failing to share the whole truth about my own story. My good intentions matter very little and fail to diminish the pain and hurt others have experienced on my watch. The good that we have done at Exodus is overshadowed by all of this.

Friends and critics alike have said it's not enough to simply change our message or website. I agree. I cannot simply move on and pretend that I have always been the friend that I long to be today. I understand why I am distrusted and why Exodus is hated.

Please know that I am deeply sorry. I am sorry for the pain and hurt many of you have experienced. I am sorry that some of you spent years working through the shame and guilt you felt when your attractions didn't change. I am sorry we promoted sexual orientation change efforts and reparative theories about sexual orientation that stigmatized parents. I am sorry that there were times I didn't stand up to people publicly "on my side" who called you names like sodomite—or worse. I am sorry that I, knowing some of you so well, failed to share publicly that the gay and lesbian people I know were every bit as capable of being amazing parents as the straight people that I know. I am sorry that when I celebrated a person coming to Christ and surrendering their sexuality to Him that I callously celebrated the end of relationships that broke your heart. I am sorry that I have communicated that you and your families are less than me and mine.

More than anything, I am sorry that so many have interpreted this religious rejection by Christians as God's rejection. I am profoundly sorry that many have walked away from their faith and that some have chosen to end their lives. For the rest of my life I will proclaim nothing but the whole truth of the Gospel, one of grace, mercy and open invitation to all to enter into an inseverable relationship with almighty God.

I cannot apologize for my deeply held biblical beliefs about the boundaries I see in scripture surrounding sex, but I will exercise my beliefs with great care and respect for those who do not share them. I cannot apologize for my beliefs about marriage. But I do not have any desire to fight you on your beliefs or the rights that you seek. My beliefs about these things will never again interfere with God's command to love my neighbor as I love myself.

You have never been my enemy. I am very sorry that I have been yours. I hope the changes in my own life, as well as the ones we announce tonight regarding Exodus International, will bring resolution, and show that I am serious in both my regret and my offer of friendship. I pledge that future endeavors will be focused on peace and common good.

Moving forward, we will serve in our pluralistic culture by hosting thoughtful and safe conversations about gender and sexuality, while partnering with others to reduce fear, inspire hope, and cultivate human flourishing.



Eclectic Theosophist
Pop a cork in it..............

Pop a cork in it..............

Matthew Vines isn't a person anyone should aspire to be like, as Vines, like all proud and unrepentant sinners, needs Jesus Christ to be his Savior.

I wasnt elevating said person.

Perhaps you know more about Vines childhood than I do. Was he sexually molested as a youth or did he grow up in a dysfunctional home without a loving father figure, hence living a sexually confused life with a devout HATRED of God?

False caricature on your part, since by his own confession as far as I know, no child molestation or absent father. Maybe you should be ashamed for stereotyping and false catagorization antics?

Even a child in his first day in Sunday School could figure out God's plan for human sexuality.

Maybe you should sit down with a bunch of kindergarteners and learn a thing or two about the Holy Bible.

Just like they are taught to worship a blue eyed red head Jesus which only exists in the imagination of artists...yeah sure :rolleyes:


Eclectic Theosophist
Alan Apologizes........

Alan Apologizes........


Here is the live video version apology of Alan Chambers of all the years of damage done by Exodus International in a small group of those affected. There are more segments of the meeting in smaller snippets via 'Our America with Lisa Ling on the OWN and on Youtube -

Alan claims more good was done thru the ministry "somehow" but finally acknowledges the pain, trauma and suffering done via the philosophy and methodology of 'reparative therapy'.

See Alan Chambers website here.

Exodus Int.
(wiki article, history, controversy)

An important take away here is :

What is being 'apologized' about are the 'manipulations' involved that do more harm than good.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Here's the link to Jeff's ministries again.

Print out the page or just jot down his phone # and put it next to your phone. Perhaps a moment of wanting to embrace the truth about yourself will happen someday and you'll have the phone # of someone who can help show you the way at your fingertips.

The truth about myself, dude is that I likes women - 100%, unequivocally straight, bread buttered one side only etc etc...

Jeff Simunds loves to travel. As I recall during one of his seminars, he stated that he's been in 92 countries.

When you've had enough of the lie that you're living, give Jeff a call. I bet he would be happy to meet you the next time he's in the UK. What have you got to lose Art?

Alan Chambers Apologizes to Gay Community, Exodus International to Shut Down

Here is the live video version apology of Alan Chambers of all the years of damage done by Exodus International in a small group of those affected.

I've discussed Alan Chambers numerous times in this 4 part thread and will gladly do so again.

I'll start off by saying that while Exodus International has become a mouthpiece for the LGBTQ movement:
https://exodusinternational.org/ ("Penis enlargement Bible review"???)

, Exodus Global Alliance is still going strong.


The Restored Hope Network

(which Jeff Simunds is a part of), came about because of Exodus International split.

While Alan Chambers is one of the more high profile people that went from helping lost souls to selling out God and his fellow man by embracing homosexual behavior and the LGBTQ agenda, he isn't the first to give up on the struggles that those with homosexual desires have, and he won't be the last. Think of all the misery, disease and death that Chambers is promoting by lying to people and saying that God doesn't give man the free will to change.

What's especially pathetic about Alan Chambers is that he's telling homosexuals that there is no need to repent and that God has a place in Heaven for 'Gay Christians', i.e. he's lying to people about their eternal salvation.

Note that there was extreme pressure for Alan Chambers to step down from his leadership role at Exodus International prior to the organization becoming a strong ally of the LGBTQ movement.

Evangelical Calls on Alan Chambers to Step Down Over 'Gays Can Go to Heaven' Remarks

Time for a Change of Leadership at Exodus?
Alan Chambers Assures “Gay Christians” That Unrepentant Homosexual Practice Is No Barrier to Salvation … among Other Gospel Distortions and Bad Moves
Robert A. J. Gagnon, Ph.D.


For those of you that don't like to read, listen to Chamber's own words affirming 'Gay Christianity'.


Last edited:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Jeff Simunds loves to travel. As I recall during one of his seminars, he stated that he's been in 92 countries.

When you've had enough of the lie that you're living, give Jeff a call. I bet he would be happy to meet you the next time he's in the UK. What have you got to lose Art?

Seriously, this is the best ya got? I ain't living a lie you closeted crank. Those who know me know fine well which way my orientation goes and that happens to be towards the fairer sex you projecting nut. Hey, if he's that fond of travelling then give him your home address and maybe he'll pay you a personal visit. Or, just come to terms with your own sexuality and live a life man.

I've discussed Alan Chambers numerous times in this 4 part thread and will gladly do so again.

I'll start off by saying that while Exodus International has become a mouthpiece for the LGBTQ movement:
https://exodusinternational.org/ ("Penis enlargement Bible review"???)

, Exodus Global Alliance is still going strong.


The Restored Hope Network

(which Jeff Simunds is a part of), came about because of Exodus International split.

While Alan Chambers is one of the more high profile people that went from helping lost souls to selling out God and his fellow man by embracing homosexual behavior and the LGBTQ agenda, he isn't the first to give up on the struggles that those with homosexual desires have, and he won't be the last. Think of all the misery, disease and death that Chambers is promoting by lying to people and saying that God doesn't give man the free will to change.

What's especially pathetic about Alan Chambers is that he's telling homosexuals that there is no need to repent and that God has a place in Heaven for 'Gay Christians', i.e. he's lying to people about their eternal salvation.

Note that there was extreme pressure for Alan Chambers to step down from his leadership role at Exodus International prior to the organization becoming a strong ally of the LGBTQ movement.

Evangelical Calls on Alan Chambers to Step Down Over 'Gays Can Go to Heaven' Remarks

Time for a Change of Leadership at Exodus?
Alan Chambers Assures “Gay Christians” That Unrepentant Homosexual Practice Is No Barrier to Salvation … among Other Gospel Distortions and Bad Moves
Robert A. J. Gagnon, Ph.D.


For those of you that don't like to read, listen to Chamber's own words affirming 'Gay Christianity'.



Eh, kudos to the guy for at least being honest and apologizing for all the crap he caused. A lot more than can be expected of you. He lifted the lid on "reparative therapy" and exposed it for the sham it is. You, get out of the darned closet.


Regarding Alan Chambers, who as shown in my above post, is head of the pro homosexual organization Exodus International.

Eh, kudos to the guy for at least being honest and apologizing for all the crap he caused. A lot more than can be expected of you. He lifted the lid on "reparative therapy" and exposed it for the sham it is. You, get out of the darned closet.

A couple of things:

1). If Alan Chambers (who is wearing a wedding ring in the above video and I believe is still married to a woman) was able to leave the homosexual lifestyle behind, why can't others?



2). While I would normally ask you to start off by making the biblical case for 'Gay Christianity', how about you start off by making the case for

Adulterous Christianity

Incestuous Christianity


Bestial Christianity

before making your case for 'Gay Christianity', as God condemns all of the above in Holy Scripture.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Regarding Alan Chambers, who as shown in my above post, is head of the pro homosexual organization Exodus International.

A couple of things:

1). If Alan Chambers (who is wearing a wedding ring in the above video and I believe is still married to a woman) was able to leave the homosexual lifestyle behind, why can't others?



2). While I would normally ask you to start off by making the biblical case for 'Gay Christianity', how about you start off by making the case for

Adulterous Christianity

Incestuous Christianity


Bestial Christianity

before making your case for 'Gay Christianity', as God condemns all of the above in Holy Scripture.

He admits that he still has same sex attractions despite still being married. Read his apology again. Well, here is the relevant part in case you still missed it:

And then there is the trauma that I have caused. There were several years that I conveniently omitted my ongoing same-sex attractions. I was afraid to share them as readily and easily as I do today. They brought me tremendous shame and I hid them in the hopes they would go away. Looking back, it seems so odd that I thought I could do something to make them stop. Today, however, I accept these feelings as parts of my life that will likely always be there. The days of feeling shame over being human in that way are long over, and I feel free simply accepting myself as my wife and family does. As my friends do. As God does.

As to your predictable bunny trails - addressed already in an earlier post which you conveniently ignored...


Eclectic Theosophist
Let get some facts straight.........

Let get some facts straight.........

I've discussed Alan Chambers numerous times in this 4 part thread and will gladly do so again.

I'll start off by saying that while Exodus International has become a mouthpiece for the LGBTQ movement:
https://exodusinternational.org/ ("Penis enlargement Bible review"???)

Looks like a renegade bot blog....NOT an official website representing said organization which is no longer extant. This goes to show that you can have any kind of 'bible' you choose to, being a collection of articles on any given subject. The spambot program likely got the 'organ enlargement' bible mixed up with the 'Holy Bible',...stuff happens. - just like anything,...many 'versions' exist ;)

Exodus Global Alliance is still going strong.


Yes,...still they are a chapter still endorsing 'change is possible', something Alan and thousands of others have found is impossible in their current experience ;)

The Restored Hope Network

(which Jeff Simunds is a part of), came about because of Exodus International split.

Carrying on the old vanguard. Yep.

While Alan Chambers is one of the more high profile people that went from helping lost souls to selling out God and his fellow man by embracing homosexual behavior and the LGBTQ agenda, he isn't the first to give up on the struggles that those with homosexual desires have, and he won't be the last. Think of all the misery, disease and death that Chambers is promoting by lying to people and saying that God doesn't give man the free will to change.

That fact is Alan is gay, although FORCING himself to live in a so called 'heterosexual' marriage. He's stuck in a complex predicament with all his years of psychological struggle and fragmentation, - on one hand hes realized you cant force people to change sexual orientation, and reconciled the REALITY of God's love for ALL, regardless of their gender preference or orientation. He's juggled a fine line of confusing directives, and is still a subject of the 'manipulations' of living within such a 'belief-system'.

Free will is another subject altogether.

What's especially pathetic about Alan Chambers is that he's telling homosexuals that there is no need to repent and that God has a place in Heaven for 'Gay Christians', i.e. he's lying to people about their eternal salvation.

God is love.

Note that there was extreme pressure for Alan Chambers to step down from his leadership role at Exodus International prior to the organization becoming a strong ally of the LGBTQ movement.

Evangelical Calls on Alan Chambers to Step Down Over 'Gays Can Go to Heaven' Remarks

Time for a Change of Leadership at Exodus?
Alan Chambers Assures “Gay Christians” That Unrepentant Homosexual Practice Is No Barrier to Salvation … among Other Gospel Distortions and Bad Moves
Robert A. J. Gagnon, Ph.D.


So. Alan just woke to the fact that God's love is all-inclusive. Perhaps its time you did too.

For those of you that don't like to read, listen to Chamber's own words affirming 'Gay Christianity'.

I've listened enough of Alan's own words on the subject to provide sufficient evidence and draw some conclusions by his 'confessions'.

Thanks for sharing a video that affirms God's love for all, you're doing great! I would WARN viewers that the white-washed subtexts that are being prescribed in the video are the video presenters own projections and 'interpretations', but this in NO WISE disproves any of the observations and conclusions that Alan has arrived at, in realizing God's love for all. So, there is really no 'contest' going on here, but in those protesting (with beliefs about the wrongness of homexuality and all its supposed implications). That is what is going on here, besides so many presuppositions and other tangents one can dive into.
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