Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Someone On Barton's Book The Jefferson Myth said:
The puff piece above asserts that the academic credits who critiqued Barton's book were not real historians. There is a certain irony in that in that complaint, in that Barton himself has no credentials as an historian. He is a graduate of Oral Roberts University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in religious education. He was for a time a youth minister and math teacher. So much for credentials!.


Roy Moore wins in Republican Senate primary runoff in Alabama despite Trump support for rival

Sept. 26, 2017

MONTGOMERY, Ala.—*Firebrand jurist Roy Moore won the Alabama Republican primary runoff for U.S. Senate on Tuesday, defeating an appointed incumbent backed by President Donald Trump and allies of Sen. Mitch McConnell.
In an upset likely to rock the GOP establishment, Mr. Moore clinched victory over Sen. Luther Strange to take the GOP nomination for the seat previously held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions...

True conservatism is not dead.




I like Phil

Uh huh. Since I'm currently exposing the Libertarian movement and it's icons, and you're the author of a thread entitled:

Steven Crowder - Popular Right Wing Conservative

would you explain what makes self acknowledged Libertarians Gavin Mcinnes, Steven Crowder and openly homosexual/defender of pedophilia Milos Yiannopoulus 'conservative'?




patrick jane

Uh huh. Since I'm currently exposing the Libertarian movement and it's icons, and you're the author of a thread entitled:

Steven Crowder - Popular Right Wing Conservative

would you explain what makes self acknowledged Libertarians Gavin Mcinnes, Steven Crowder and openly homosexual/defender of pedophilia Milos Yiannopoulus 'conservative'?



Did you think conservative was going to stay the same forever?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since I'm currently exposing the Libertarian movement and it's icons, and you're the author of a thread entitled:

Steven Crowder - Popular Right Wing Conservative

would you explain what makes self acknowledged Libertarians Gavin Mcinnes, Steven Crowder and openly homosexual/defender of pedophilia Milos Yiannopoulus 'conservative'

Did you think conservative was going to stay the same forever?

Your boy Gavin McInnes said in the video that Christianity has been "upgraded" to accept homosexuality.

WARNING! As with anything related to homosexuality, there is profanity and lewdness in this video.

Shoebat shows a short video of McInnes talking about how Christianity has been "updated" at the 1:20 mark of the video (before he kisses defender of pedophilia Milos Yiannopoulus) and talks about Steven Crowder at the 39 minute mark of the video.

Since conservatism is based on Judeo-Christian doctrine, show where in the Bible that "upgrade" occurred.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Since you can't say that homosexuality is morally wrong (or even tell an innocent child that homosexuality is morally wrong for that matter), it would be pretty difficult for you and Sandy to tell others that their immoral behavior is wrong.

Eh, not gonna lie to people, if folk are gay they're gay, something I suspect you know all too well and there's no "cure" for it, just like there's no "choosing" homosexuality if you're straight.

Either society goes with the Libertarian ideology that you own your body and you can do with it as you please, or it goes with Judeo-Christian doctrine which says that there are moral absolutes and even though you have free will, you can choose between right and wrong. A society can't have it both ways.

People don't "choose" to be homosexual ya big dope. You choose to be a homosexuality fixated, pompous crank but you don't get to say what other people should be allowed to do in their private lives and relationships and nor does the state provided established laws aren't being broken. That's what a 'free society' encapsulates aCW, freedom from crackpots and zealot rule...

Wasn't it a few pages ago

that amongst other child molesting/indoctrinating things that the LGBTQ movement does, I reminded you how the pedophiles of the LGBTQ movement just loved this little 8 year old boy erotically dancing in front of them at a 'gay' pride parade? So much for "stringent laws that protect children".

Who knows, I don't make records of when you post because I've got more important things in life than your dopey blog. The facts remain - laws in regards to the protection of children from any sort of abuse are stringent and only the fruitcakes have time for nutty fallacies whereby society would tolerate paedophilia never mind it becoming legal.

Not to worry Art, a Roy Moore US Senate seat won't effect homosexual supposed 'rights' in England.

Wouldn't affect me one way or the other closet case and he has no chance of establishing laws that infringe on human rights over there either.

Never mind eh?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Roy Moore wins in Republican Senate primary runoff in Alabama despite Trump support for rival

Sept. 26, 2017

MONTGOMERY, Ala.—*Firebrand jurist Roy Moore won the Alabama Republican primary runoff for U.S. Senate on Tuesday, defeating an appointed incumbent backed by President Donald Trump and allies of Sen. Mitch McConnell.
In an upset likely to rock the GOP establishment, Mr. Moore clinched victory over Sen. Luther Strange to take the GOP nomination for the seat previously held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions...

True conservatism is not dead.



Uh, yeh, Phil "Get em' when they're 15/16 Robertson".

Conservatism at its 'finest'...



Eclectic Theosophist
Who is really a criminal? Maybe the finger pointer?

Who is really a criminal? Maybe the finger pointer?

Sorry for the bad news for you ACW, but homosexuality will never be 'criminalized', unless society reverts back to a primitive theocracy as espoused by the ancient hebrews, which by the way didnt really solve or resolve the question of homosexuality at all, since those people were ignorant of the modern day knowledge we now have of what 'homosexuality' as an 'orientation' is.

You will also note the 'death-penalty' for such actions (and so many other 'rules' in the levitical codes) were not even carried out much in those days against homosexual acts, and for a good many centuries among the Jews themselves, unless you can provide historical evidence for such 'killings'. In modern times most Jews view these passages and their penalties 'figuratively' anyways,...since no one is being "put to death" for such stringent rules, some which were only for the levitical priests anyways, a priesthood long deceased.

Also the subject of 'homosexuality and the Bible' has been discussed elsewhere (most of the threads I've contributed on this subject to are no longer extant, but will add if any new discussion are forthcoming) - all I see here in last video is typical fundamentalist rant against a take over by the homos (heaven forbid).... and how evil homosexuality is.... vented thru one's own version of 'orthodox' politics. - so you have a subtle fusion of 'religious belief' and 'politics' hobbled up into one, which is nothing new of course, no matter what belief-system or political party one is favoring or disfavoring.

So, how far is your campaign towards the 'criminalization' process coming?

Dont forget
that the bible does not condemn homosexuality, the orientation itself, only certain sexual acts done within the context of idol worship, or violent sexual acts such as rape, molestation, etc. There is no passage in the Bible that condemns homosexuality itself (as we know and define it today), only certain acts or conditions specified in the writers time-period, per their definition and understanding (related to their cult-ural beliefs, traditions, norms, etc.).

There are many good resources for study on the subject, - Matthew Vines makes a good case on some points here, although I may not agree on every point, neither have I read his book, 'God and the Gay Christian'.


Sorry for the bad news for you ACW, but homosexuality will never be 'criminalized', unless society reverts back to a primitive theocracy as espoused by the ancient hebrews, which by the way didnt really solve or resolve the question of homosexuality at all, since those people were ignorant of the modern day knowledge we now have of what 'homosexuality' as an 'orientation' is.
You can criminalize most homosexual self-crimes all you want, but an explanation of why it is usually a self-crime works much better. Sodomizers should be encouraged not to, by being battered.

You will also note the 'death-penalty' for such actions (and so many other 'rules' in the levitical codes) were not evenAlso the subject of 'homosexuality and the Bible' has been discussed elsewhere (most of the threads I've contributed on this subject to are no longer extant, but will add if any new discussion are forthcoming) - all I see here in last video is typical fundamentalist rant against a take over by the homos (heaven forbid).... and how evil h carried out much in those days against homosexual acts, and for a good many centuries among the Jews themselves, unless you can provide historical evidence for such 'killings'. In modern times most Jews view these passages and their penalties 'figuratively' anyways,...since no one is being "put to death" for such stringent rules, some which were only for the levitical priests anyways, a priesthood long deceased.
Actually it was always carried out. It is not liked lube was used for male or female.

Dont forget that the bible does not condemn homosexuality, ...
Male and female pedarastry is.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since you can't say that homosexuality is morally wrong (or even tell an innocent child that homosexuality is morally wrong for that matter), it would be pretty difficult for you and Sandy to tell others that their immoral behavior is wrong.

Eh, not gonna lie to people, if folk are gay they're gay,..

Following that train of supposed reasoning:

If people enjoy having sex with a member of their immediate family, a child, an animal...

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Either society goes with the Libertarian ideology that you own your body and you can do with it as you please, or it goes with Judeo-Christian doctrine which says that there are moral absolutes and even though you have free will, you can choose between right and wrong. A society can't have it both ways.

People don't "choose" to be homosexual ya big dope.

Which has nothing to do with what I just wrote above. And yes, a child's environment has a huge influence in their sexual desires later in life.

You should give Jeff Simunds a call, I'm sure that he would love to talk with you. While I won't go into his journey dealing with homosexuality, he admits that his same sex attraction had to do with an unloving father.


Quote: Originally posted aCultureWarrior
Not to worry Art, a Roy Moore US Senate seat won't effect homosexual supposed 'rights' in England.

Wouldn't affect me one way or the other closet case and he has no chance of establishing laws that infringe on human rights over there either.

Never mind eh?

Think about it: An extremely popular Judge who was persecuted for displaying the Ten Commandments (thou shalt not sodomize what'shisname in the bushes of a public park is in those commandments) as well as refusing to embrace homosexual faux marriage, very well could be a US Senator.

Things aren't looking that bad for America after all.

Uh, yeh, Phil "Get em' when they're 15/16 Robertson".

Conservatism at its 'finest'...

Poor Art, he's still taking Phil Robertson's words about homosexuality personal.



Sorry for the bad news for you ACW, but homosexuality will never be 'criminalized',

Prior to the LGBTQ activists on the Supreme Court Lawrence v Texas ruling, homosexuality was criminal in around 12 different States. In reality, the crime of sodomy is still on the legislative books in around 12 different US States.

Oh and freelight, work on your reading comprehension. This 4 part thread is entitled "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!" not "Homosexuality WILL Be Recriminalized!".

unless society reverts back to a primitive theocracy as espoused by the ancient hebrews, which by the way didnt really solve or resolve the question of homosexuality at all, since those people were ignorant of the modern day knowledge we now have of what 'homosexuality' as an 'orientation' is.

You will also note the 'death-penalty' for such actions (and so many other 'rules' in the levitical codes) were not even carried out much in those days against homosexual acts, and for a good many centuries among the Jews themselves, unless you can provide historical evidence for such 'killings'. In modern times most Jews view these passages and their penalties 'figuratively' anyways,...since no one is being "put to death" for such stringent rules, some which were only for the levitical priests anyways, a priesthood long deceased.

Jesus rescinded the death penalty against homosexuality and other sexual sins in the New Testament, but that doesn't mean that Jesus was some kind of sexual anarchist who didn't believe in the rule of law.

You should note that Jesus isn't kind to those who lead children astray, which the LGBTQ movement is notorious for doing.

Matthew 18:6

Also the subject of 'homosexuality and the Bible' has been discussed elsewhere (most of the threads I've contributed on this subject to are no longer extant, but will add if any new discussion are forthcoming) - all I see here in last video is typical fundamentalist rant against a take over by the homos (heaven forbid).... and how evil homosexuality is.... vented thru one's own version of 'orthodox' politics. - so you have a subtle fusion of 'religious belief' and 'politics' hobbled up into one, which is nothing new of course, no matter what belief-system or political party one is favoring or disfavoring.

So, how far is your campaign towards the 'criminalization' process coming?

Dont forget
that the bible does not condemn homosexuality,

You must have one of those pretty rainbow colored bibles freelight:


cuz both the Old and New Testaments are very clear on sexual relations, including condemning homosexuality.

the orientation itself, only certain sexual acts done within the context of idol worship, or violent sexual acts such as rape, molestation, etc. There is no passage in the Bible that condemns homosexuality itself (as we know and define it today), only certain acts or conditions specified in the writers time-period, per their definition and understanding (related to their cult-ural beliefs, traditions, norms, etc.).

There are many good resources for study on the subject, - Matthew Vines makes a good case on some points here, although I may not agree on every point, neither have I read his book, 'God and the Gay Christian'.

Ah yes, little Mattie Vines and his homosexuality theology.

Perhaps you could provide just one verse (just one) where God embraces homosexuality.

I should note that Jeff Simunds discusses the 'Gay Christianity' myth in his seminars. He puts any attempt by false theologians like little Mattie Vines to legitimize homosexuality to shame.

In closing: Are there any books out there entitled:

'God and the Incestuous Christian'?

'God and the Bestial Christian'?

'God and the Adulterous Christian'?

Don't you think that it's only fair that other sexual sinners be given the opportunity to mock God like the 'Gay Christian' movement is doing?


Prior to the LGBTQ activists on the Supreme Court Lawrence v Texas ruling, homosexuality was criminal in around 12 different States. In reality, the crime of sodomy is still on the legislative books in around 12 different US States.

Oh and freelight, work on your reading comprehension. This 4 part thread is entitled "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!" not "Homosexuality WILL Be Recriminalized!".
I thought the last 2 sentences was a nice touch. LOL


Michael Brown On the Death of Hugh Hefner and the Failure of the Sexual Revolution

Sept. 28, 2017

Hugh Hefner has died at the age of 91. I hope he found grace and repentance before leaving this world. I also hope that his death will signify the end of the sexual revolution. It has failed miserably on every front. May it never rise again.

The sexual revolution promised freedom but produced bondage. It promised excitement but produced emptiness.

It promised thrills and produced STD’s. It was destined to crash and burn from the very first day.

It’s a terrible shame it took so long.

Although Alfred Kinsey’s perverted sex studies, first released in 1948, helped pave the way for the sexual revolution, the real seeds were planted with Playboy’s nude photoshoot of Marilyn Monroe in 1953. Then, those seeds grew with explosive force in the counterculture revolution of the 1960s. And the rest, as they say, is history – a very sad history, for sure.

Today, 8-year-olds are getting exposed to hardcore pornography.

Children as young as 10 are learning the relative health risks of anal vs. oral vs. vaginal intercourse.

Twelve-year-olds are sexting each other, sometimes committing suicide when their naked pictures circulate through their school.

Condoms have been made available to first graders. (What, pray tell, does a 6-year-old child do with a condom?)

Healthy young men cannot perform without Viagra because of their porn addictions.

Married couples in their 20’s no longer have sex because it has become so meaningless to them.

Half of all babies born to first time mothers are now conceived out of wedlock.

Thanks for nothing, sexual revolution. You have brought nothing but destruction.

Read more: http://blackchristiannews.com/2017/...ner-and-the-failure-of-the-sexual-revolution/

I wonder if Donald Trump will be attending Hefner's funeral?




Eclectic Theosophist
Yah, sure........

Yah, sure........

You can criminalize most homosexual self-crimes all you want, but an explanation of why it is usually a self-crime works much better. Sodomizers should be encouraged not to, by being battered.

My former points hold. The one(s) pushing for 'criminalization' have the burden of proof of validity and sanity of their professions.

Actually it was always carried out.

Please show where in history or in the Bible itself that people were killed for being homosexual. Good luck there. Only certain sexual ACTS done in an idolatrous fashion were condemned, since the prohibitions are 'contextualized' within the address of idolatry. There is no scriptural prohibition of persons of the same gender....loving and living in a healthy committed relationship.

My former comment referred to my not hearing or reading much of ANYONE in the biblical record being killed for any breaking of the levitical codes, much less homosexual acts. A few cases may be in the records, but in modern times, all the hype or seriousness of those 'laws' has been softened, and much in the OT is now figuratively interpreted, even among Jews, they recognizing that certain practices and customs are pertinent only within a certain cultural-context as far as standards go.

It is not liked lube was used for male or female.

I have no idea how "lube" relates to anything here. I'll refrain from reading too much into that ;)

Male and female pedarastry is.

Homosexuality as a psychological disposition is not condemned, since it is the nature of some to have same sex attractions or some form of transgenderism, without getting into the complexities here. Where is your evidence about 'female pedarastry' in the Bible? You might have a case against 'lesbianism' in only one passage in Romans, but thats a matter of 'translation/interpretation', like so much else.


Eclectic Theosophist
The Queen's rules on theology.......

The Queen's rules on theology.......

Prior to the LGBTQ activists on the Supreme Court Lawrence v Texas ruling, homosexuality was criminal in around 12 different States. In reality, the crime of sodomy is still on the legislative books in around 12 different US States.

Sodomy is not a crime per se (and such is a matter of how the term is defined), however, violent force or rape is a crime. Adult partners can do whatever they choose to in their own privacy, consentually speaking. Dont forget too, that the main crimes in Sodom where not so called 'sodomy' (or 'homosexuality'), but cruelty, arrogance, haughtiness, neglect and inhospitality, etc.

Oh and freelight, work on your reading comprehension. This 4 part thread is entitled "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!" not "Homosexuality WILL Be Recriminalized!".

Like you ever needed beyond a part 1
- ha!. - your 'spinning wheel' appears to be on 'auto-pilot'. My comment still holds, since the end desire of yourself IS the actual criminalization of homosexuality, - whether it will or will NOT happen, well.....by your own confession your faith that it may NOT happen could be prophetic :) :p

Jesus rescinded the death penalty against homosexuality and other sexual sins in the New Testament, but that doesn't mean that Jesus was some kind of sexual anarchist who didn't believe in the rule of law.

Jesus also gave instructions about marriage & adultery, but how many follow those to the "t"? Jesus also helped a centurion and his 'servant' (male lover?), who some see as possible as that being a homosexual relationship. Probable, possible? Jesus didnt discriminate if this was the case.

You should note that Jesus isn't kind to those who lead children astray, which the LGBTQ movement is notorious for doing.

Well, that assumption is not free from distortion.

You must have one of those pretty rainbow colored bibles freelight:


Well, I wrote much in the no longer extant thread on 'The Queen James Bible' - this cover or a similar one was used in the OP :) - I must admit, its an 'upgrade' to the KJV......shhhhhh, dont tell the JKV-Only nuts that. It would be curtains lol.

cuz both the Old and New Testaments are very clear on sexual relations, including condemning homosexuality.

Thats up for debate, many disagree. All the "clobber verses" have been addressed. Its the same ole song.

Ah yes, little Mattie Vines and his homosexuality theology.


Perhaps you could provide just one verse (just one) where God embraces homosexuality.

God is love. I dont need to, since you cannot provide one verse that shows God (or any prophet or messiah for that matter) condemning homosexuality ITSELF. - again,...only certain idolatrous sex acts were condemned in the levitical code, since the levite priests would of course have to be loyal to YHWH alone, not going after pagan gods, much less committing sexual acts in the worship of other gods/goddesses. 'Context' is key.

I would bring up certain goddesses also worshipped sometimes by the hebrews, one even being thought to be a consort of Yah, but I was banned a few times just for sharing on the 'masculine' and 'feminine' aspects of God. (the Father-Mother-God). I at least recognize the innate and universal truth of male/female...their meaining, values and archetypes, and with it a deeper appreciation for 'gender', as there is a secret teaching of the Lord about 'joining' both male and female as well as transcending both in the Unity of Spirit. But thats another teaching.

I should note that Jeff Simunds discusses the 'Gay Christianity' myth in his seminars. He puts any attempt by false theologians like little Mattie Vines to legitimize homosexuality to shame.

I'm sure just there are ample pro-gay liberation theologians that can put some of those right wing fundies to flight. There is no end of pontifs (pontificating) among the so called 'orthodox' ;)

In closing: Are there any books out there entitled:

'God and the Incestuous Christian'?

'God and the Bestial Christian'?

'God and the Adulterous Christian'?

Thats an idiotic analogous comparison to say the least. No relation to what your 'assuming' into the equation. Being 'gay' has nothing to do with 'incest, bestiality or adultery. Dont be an idiot.

Don't you think that it's only fair that other sexual sinners be given the opportunity to mock God like the 'Gay Christian' movement is doing?

Thats your misinformed assumption, hence your ongoing 'parade' of sequels here. And you thought the LGBTQ community were fond of parades! LOL

Gotta love it :thumb:


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Prior to the LGBTQ activists on the Supreme Court Lawrence v Texas ruling, homosexuality was criminal in around 12 different States. In reality, the crime of sodomy is still on the legislative books in around 12 different US States.

Sodomy is not a crime per se (and such is a matter of how the term is defined), however, violent force or rape is a crime. Adult partners can do whatever they choose to in their own privacy, consentually speaking.

12 states still ban sodomy a decade after court ruling

Dont forget too, that the main crimes in Sodom where not so called 'sodomy' (or 'homosexuality'), but cruelty, arrogance, haughtiness, neglect and inhospitality, etc.

Yeah, the men of Sodom who wanted to gang rape Lot's visitors, who were Angels that came in the form of men, would definitely have committed an "inhospitable" act.

What was the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Jesus rescinded the death penalty against homosexuality and other sexual sins in the New Testament, but that doesn't mean that Jesus was some kind of sexual anarchist who didn't believe in the rule of law.

Jesus also gave instructions about marriage & adultery, but how many follow those to the "t"?

Luke 13:23–30

Jesus also helped a centurion and his 'servant' (male lover?), who some see as possible as that being a homosexual relationship. Probable, possible? Jesus didnt discriminate if this was the case.


Quote: Originally posted by aCutlureWarrior
You should note that Jesus isn't kind to those who lead children astray, which the LGBTQ movement is notorious for doing.

Well, that assumption is not free from distortion.

Need I post evidence showing that the icons of the LGBTQueer movement were and are pedophiles and pederasts and that children are being indoctrinated by this sick and evil movement?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
You must have one of those pretty rainbow colored bibles freelight:

Well, I wrote much in the no longer extant thread on 'The Queen James Bible' - this cover or a similar one was used in the OP - I must admit, its an 'upgrade' to the KJV......shhhhhh, dont tell the JKV-Only nuts that. It would be curtains lol.

I would imagine that you've memorized the blasphemous book cover to cover.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
cuz both the Old and New Testaments are very clear on sexual relations, including condemning homosexuality.

Thats up for debate, many disagree. All the "clobber verses" have been addressed. Its the same ole song.

Your issue is with God.

Genesis 1:26-27
Genesis 19:1-13, 24
Ezekiel 16:49-50
Jude 7
Leviticus 20:13
Romans 1:26-27, 32
1 Timothy 1:9-10
1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Perhaps you could provide just one verse (just one) where God embraces homosexuality.

God is love.

You can't because there isn't one verse that comes even close to God embracing homosexuality.

Regarding "love": God loves sinners so much that He sent His Son to earth to die for them. He wants them to repent so that they can spend eternity with Him.

I dont need to, since you cannot provide one verse that shows God (or any prophet or messiah for that matter) condemning homosexuality ITSELF.

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and the punishment described in Leviticus 18 is good evidence.

- again,...only certain idolatrous sex acts were condemned in the levitical code, since the levite priests would of course have to be loyal to YHWH alone, not going after pagan gods, much less committing sexual acts in the worship of other gods/goddesses. 'Context' is key.

God didn't have asterisks when He condemned homosexuality throughout Holy Scripture.

I would bring up certain goddesses also worshipped sometimes by the hebrews, one even being thought to be a consort of Yah, but I was banned a few times just for sharing on the 'masculine' and 'feminine' aspects of God. (the Father-Mother-God). I at least recognize the innate and universal truth of male/female...their meaining, values and archetypes, and with it a deeper appreciation for 'gender', as there is a secret teaching of the Lord about 'joining' both male and female as well as transcending both in the Unity of Spirit. But thats another teaching.

It goes without saying that the sodomite movement has their HATRED of God down to a science.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I should note that Jeff Simunds discusses the 'Gay Christianity' myth in his seminars. He puts any attempt by false theologians like little Mattie Vines to legitimize homosexuality to shame.

I'm sure just there are ample pro-gay liberation theologians that can put some of those right wing fundies to flight. There is no end of pontifs (pontificating) among the so called 'orthodox'

Sigh...if they could only come up with one verse (just one) where God embraces homosexual behavior.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
In closing: Are there any books out there entitled:

'God and the Incestuous Christian'?

'God and the Bestial Christian'?

'God and the Adulterous Christian'?

Thats an idiotic analogous comparison to say the least. No relation to what your 'assuming' into the equation. Being 'gay' has nothing to do with 'incest, bestiality or adultery. Dont be an idiot.

So what you're saying is that other sexual sinners haven't organized and mocked God like the LGBTQ movement has done with their 'Gay Christianity'.

I have to admit that comparing incest, bestiality and adultery with homosexuality isn't a very good comparison on my part because none of those acts are nearly as disease ridden as homosexuality is.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Don't you think that it's only fair that other sexual sinners be given the opportunity to mock God like the 'Gay Christian' movement is doing?

Thats your misinformed assumption, hence your ongoing 'parade' of sequels here. And you thought the LGBTQ community were fond of parades! LOL

Gotta love it

i.e. your sin is better than theirs.

Not that it hasn't been fun debating a lil Mattie Vines wannabe, but it's time to...

move on.


Sodomy is not a crime per se (and such is a matter of how the term is defined), however, violent force or rape is a crime. Adult partners can do whatever they choose to in their own privacy, consentually speaking. Dont forget too, that the main crimes in Sodom where not so called 'sodomy' (or 'homosexuality'), but cruelty, arrogance, haughtiness, neglect and inhospitality, etc.
NO lube, and you dead; that simple.

Jesus didnt discriminate if this was the case.
A case that doesn't exist.

... I dont need to, since you cannot provide one verse that shows God (or any prophet or messiah for that matter) condemning homosexuality ITSELF. - again,...only certain idolatrous sex acts were condemned in the levitical code, since the levite priests would of course have to be loyal to YHWH alone, not going after pagan gods, much less committing sexual acts in the worship of other gods/goddesses. 'Context' is key.
This is why "play the harlot" is a poor translation of the hebrew word for to betray.

NKJ 1Co 6:9
Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[fn] nor sodomites,
The word sodomites is a false rendering of arsenokoitai, which means ones who have sex with youths. It is mistaken as boys only.

BTW, the tribe of Benjamin was punished for being homosexual. It's still homo if you do it to a woman of Judah, especially if you kill her.

Note: I have made the mistake of equating pedarastry with pedophilia. Some Pederasts like men instead of boys. Still, yuck.
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