Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If you would like to name a few Mises Institute scholars who you consider to be "good people", I'll gladly discuss them.

Much is made of Rand Paul's supposedly sexist paper at the Mises Institute. He was arguing the contrary, so as to argue the positive. Some say he was weaseling in this paper. He apparently is married to a woman as we speak.

That's pretty rare for a Libertarian to actually be married to a woman. If you would like to talk about Jr. Paul, then let's talk about his Libertarian viewpoints.

Originally posted by aCutlureWarrior
Others are Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell (aka Loony Rockwell) Laurence M. Vance and of course the late icon of the Libertarian movement, Murray Rothbard, who in an article justified parents murdering their disabled child.

The trouble with arguing about capitalism and parenthood is that it doesn't work.

Whatever that is supposed to mean (remember folks, we're dealing with a Libertarian here).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
When they say things in public speeches and public writings, they're not serious?

The entire article first before accusing crypto-euthanasia.

You're not familiar with the writings of the sick and twisted former leader of the Libertarian movement?

Children and Rights

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I haven't talked about Libertarian Rand Paul (aka Jr. Paul) so I don't know what context you're using when speaking about him. As far as "business is not about freedom of speech", would you not agree that one's freedom of religion should carry over into their business practices?

If your religious practice interferes with fairness, mildly lewd is not an excuse. Thou shall not use you business to discipline someone by denying rental, just because you want to fix their stupid and promiscuous lifestyle

So Libertarians aren't big fans of religious liberty (surprise, surprise).

As far as I am concerned, Lew Rockwell leads the Mises Institute, not Walter Block. But often times, they call it Ludwig Von Feces. The title is almost like porn. It is a amazing.

We can talk about Loony Rockwell if you wish.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
“I am definitely a Republican*on fiscal issues and the military, but I lean to the middle on social issues. I am no fan of abortion, but it’s not up to a man to tell a woman what to do. As an ordained minister I don’t look forward to marrying gay people, but I’m not opposed to it,” Rock told*The Guardian*last month.

And you gullibly believed every word Kid Rock said. He is a Hollywood with about much interest in the issues as Donald Trump.

Kid Rock aside, you are aware that Loony Rockwell supported Donald Trump for President?



Originally posted by aCutlureWarrior
Others are Ron Paul, Lew Rockwell (aka Loony Rockwell) Laurence M. Vance and of course the late icon of the Libertarian movement, Murray Rothbard, who in an article justified parents murdering their disabled child.
Is this a tradition and was it started by the woman Ludwig Von Mises?

Whatever that is supposed to mean (remember folks, we're dealing with a Libertarian here).
Capitalism and family life don't mix in practice or in ideology.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
When they say things in public speeches and public writings, they're not serious?

You're not familiar with the writings of the sick and twisted former leader of the Libertarian movement?

Children and Rights
"The disability of minors does not make slaves or criminals of them." -- Rothbard. Anyway, what is more important is whether Mises herself started this lame tradition.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I haven't talked about Libertarian Rand Paul (aka Jr. Paul) so I don't know what context you're using when speaking about him. As far as "business is not about freedom of speech", would you not agree that one's freedom of religion should carry over into their business practices?
Not necessarily, I implied.

So Libertarians aren't big fans of religious liberty (surprise, surprise).
Evidently you aren't either.


...Did you want Downs baby Hillary, and the weakling Tim Kaine to defend the country...

Be it Libertarian, democrat, liberal republican or pretend conservative, you can point out the left wing causes Donald Trump has done as President to Trump lemmings but the best they can do with a retort is say:

"But he's better than Hillary!"

Here's the new Libertarian theme song, starring none other than...


patrick jane

Be it Libertarian, democrat, liberal republican or pretend conservative, you can point out the left wing causes Donald Trump has done as President to Trump lemmings but the best they can do with a retort is say:

"But he's better than Hillary!"
Sabathmoon is giving you more than you can handle


More news from the culture of death:

Georgia Tech Student-Activist Shot Dead by Campus Police

Sept. 18, 2017

An engineering student who was an LGBTQ activist was shot and killed by Georgia Tech campus police on Saturday night, officials said Sunday.
The school identified the victim as Scout Schultz, 21, a fourth-year engineering student from Lilburn, Georgia, who police said was armed with a knife. Schultz, president of Georgia Tech's Pride Alliance, identified as non-binary and intersex and preferred to be referred to with they/them gender pronouns, according to the alliance's website.

At a news conference Monday, Schultz's family's attorney said the student was experiencing a "mental breakdown" on the night of the shooting...

That’s one of the biggest problems in this county is officer’s actions with the mentally ill,"[family attorney Chris L.] Stewart said..

Read more: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/georgia-tech-student-activist-shot-dead-campus-police-n802146

At least in a roundabout way the family is admitting that their gender confused son was mentally ill.


Parents should never give in to their child's gender confusion and embrace it. Continue to love them while doing everything that you can to help them leave the LGBTQ 'deathstyle' behind.


Sabathmoon is giving you more than you can handle

Conversing with a Libertarian is like trying to have a conversation with a mentally ill street person:

After a few minutes of hearing about how they work for the CIA and that men from outer space are underneath the sidewalk that you're standing on, the conversation gets to be...

"more than you can handle".

Since you embrace Libertarian ideology (patrick jane is NOT a card carrying member of the Libertarian Party), give it a shot. What makes Libertarianism the route that a nation should take?


As I continue exposing Libertarians who pass themselves off as conservative:

Next up is another foul mouthed self acknowledged Libertarian by the name of Gavin McInnes.

Gavin McInnes
Libertarian family man for closed borders & free market. Pro: West, gun, life, gay, Israel, Trump, cop, 1stA. Anti: Nazi, Alt-Right, feminist, Islam. #POYB


Gavin McInnes is a good friend of self acknowledged Libertarian Steven Crowder, and is a frequent guest on Crowder's internet talk show.


Libertarians/fake conservatives Gavin McInnes, Steven Crowder and openly homosexual/defender of pedophilia Milos Yiannopoulus

Theodore Shoebat exposes the above 3 Libertarians and how the conservative movement has been hijacked by the LGBTQueer movement.

WARNING! As with anything dealing with homosexuality, there is foul language in this video!


Shoebat shows a short video of McInnes talking about how Christianity has been "updated" at the 1:20 mark of the video (before he kisses defender of pedophilia Milos Yiannopoulus) and talks about Steven Crowder at the 39 minute mark of the video.
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Wait, I thought religious freedom was going to be protected under the Trump administration?

Judge Rejects Couple's Argument for Refusing Homosexual Customers

Sept. 21, 2017

A federal judge has dismissed a Minnesota couple's lawsuit challenging a state law for the right to refuse to shoot wedding videos for same-sex couples.
Chief U.S. District Judge John Tunheim in Minneapolis dismissed Carl and Angel Larsen's case Wednesday.

The St. Cloud couple, who own a videography company, Telescope Media Group, sued over a provision of the Minnesota Human Rights Act that bars discrimination by businesses. They argued that the law amounted to "a state effort to stamp out expression opposing same-sex marriage," and they sought to post a notice on their company's website that they won't shoot same-sex weddings, based on their religious beliefs, according to the motion to dismiss.

In his ruling, Tunheim described that as "conduct akin to a 'White Applicants Only' sign" that may be outlawed without infringing on First Amendment rights.

"Posting language on a website telling potential customers that a business will discriminate based on sexual orientation is part of the act of sexual orientation discrimination itself," the judge wrote. "As conduct carried out through language, this act is not protected by the First Amendment."

Jeremy Tedseco, an attorney for a conservative Christian group representing the couple, the Alliance Defending Freedom, said the group will appeal.

"Tolerance is a two-way street," Tedesco said in a statement. "Creative professionals who engage in the expression of ideas shouldn't be threatened with fines and jail simply for having a particular point of view about marriage that the government may not favor."

The case is similar to an upcoming U.S. Supreme Court showdown involving a Colorado baker's refusal to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple. The alliance is also representing the baker, Jack Phillips.

A couple of things to note:

1) I see that the Judge in this case is using LGBTQueer logic by comparing sodomy with skin color. My question to the Judge would be this:

"Why would a Christian refuse to serve someone of color, as skin color, unlike homosexuality, isn't an immoral behavior as seen in Holy Scripture?"

2) The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is once again downplaying the importance of religious freedom by turning this case (like the Jack Phillips case) into one of 'creative artistic rights'.

It would be nice if when the ADF goes before SCOTUS in the Jack Phillips case they provided evidence showing how the men who wrote the Constitution felt about homosexuality and religious freedom. I'm not saying that the ADF would win the case, but it would go down on record showing what the authors' of the great document called "The Constitution of the United States" original intent was.

I'll post some of those thoughts by the Founding Fathers on homosexuality and religious freedom later.




Senate candidate Roy Moore in 2005: 'Homosexual conduct should be illegal'

Sept. 21, 2017

(CNN)Roy Moore, a Republican US Senate candidate in Alabama, said in a 2005 interview that he believes "homosexual conduct" should be illegal.

Moore, a hardline conservative Christian and former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, made the comments in an interview with liberal commentator Bill Press on C-SPAN2's After Words. Moore appeared on the show to publicize a book he had just written about his expulsion from the court for refusing to take down a monument to the Ten Commandments.

During the interview Press asked Moore if he believed homosexual conduct should still be illegal after the 2003 landmark Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas that struck down a state law banning sodomy, rendering similar laws across the country unconstitutional.

"What I think is that it was illegal under the law, that the Supreme Court usurped the role of the legislature and ruled something about our moral law that is improper, and that's what we're finding the Supreme Court and the federal district courts are doing daily," Moore responded. "They've usurped the moral prerogative, now, if you want--"

Press cut in, saying, "I don't understand your answer. I think it's a yes or no. Do you think that homosexual--homosexuality, or homosexual conduct should be illegal today? That's a yes or no question."
"Homosexual conduct should be illegal, yes," Moore answered.

While Moore has long said he opposed the Supreme Court's 2003 decision, his response to Press's question is the most explicit answer he has given in public on his beliefs regarding the legality of sexual conduct between gay adults.

A phone call to Moore wasn't returned. A spokesperson for Moore's campaign, Noel Fritsch said he wouldn't answer CNN's questions about Moore's current position.
Moore made similar comments in a 2015 video posted on YouTube by user Lone Star Q. In the video, Moore was asked, "Do you still think that homosexuality should be illegal?"

"I think homosexuality should be illegal," Moore said. "Sodomy was declared illegal by the United States Supreme Court in 1987, it said there was no right under the constitution to enlarge the fundamental rights of homosexuals."

Read more: http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/21/politics/kfile-roy-moore-homosexuality-illegal/

If you want to provide evidence as to why homosexuality should be illegal Judge Moore, feel free to use information from this 4 part thread.

Regarding Moore's comparison of homosexuality to bestiality (shown later in the article) : While homosexuality has no 'moral high ground' over those who have sex with animals, Judge Moore's argument would probably go further if he used the act of incest instead of bestiality (like the LGBTQ movement, he too would using "two consenting adults" in his argument). While there are plenty in our very sick society who wouldn't blink an eye at a mother having sex with her adult son, etc. etc. etc., there are still a few people out there who see inner family sexual relations as extremely sick.




Let's see who the nutjob in the White House is endorsing in the Alabama US Senate race:



The story behind Trump's once-wavering Luther Strange endorsement

Sept 21, 2017

President Donald Trump briefly considered backing off his endorsement of Luther Strange in Alabama's hotly contested Senate race after his candidate fell behind in polling, sources familiar with how the events unfolded told CNN.

It wasn't until White House aides and campaign staffers convinced Trump that Strange could win that he went all in.

Trump had first endorsed "Big Luther" --*a nickname for the*6'9" former college basketball player -- in early August after his campaign coordinated with the White House for Trump's support.

Senator Luther Strange has done a great job representing the people of the Great State of Alabama," Trump tweeted. "He has my complete and total endorsement!"
Strange, appointed to the seat formerly held by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is seen as the GOP establishment candidate in the race. He enjoys the backing of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and has benefited from millions of dollars in ads from a super PAC aligned with the Kentucky senator. He faces off against Roy Moore, a candidate with a contentious past who is backed by former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon.

Moore has been removed from office twice; once for defying a court order to remove a monument to the Ten Commandments from the courthouse when he was the state's chief justice and another time for refusing to comply with a US Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage in 2016.

Read more: http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/21/politics/trump-endorsement-of-luther-strange/index.html

Luther Strange "is seen as the GOP establishment candidate in the race [and] enjoys the backing of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell..."

So much for "draining the swamp".

I can understand why Donald the Degenerate doesn't support Judge Roy Moore:

Moore believes in God and isn't a LGBTQ flag waver.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I can understand why Donald the Degenerate doesn't support Judge Roy Moore:

I am surprised he *doesn't* back Moore. Something about two peas in a pod ...

Pay attention Sandy, Judge Roy Moore was persecuted for standing up for biblical principles, Donald Trump never stood up for a principle, let alone a biblical principle, in his long pathetic life.


Hall of Fame
I can understand why Donald the Degenerate doesn't support Judge Roy Moore:

Pay attention Sandy, Judge Roy Moore was persecuted for standing up for biblical principles, Donald Trump never stood up for a principle, let alone a biblical principle, in his long pathetic life.

Quite frankly, they are both repugnant. The only thing that makes Trump more dangerous is the fact that he holds a higher office. Though I will agree with you on "his long, pathetic life" comment.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I am surprised he *doesn't* back Moore. Something about two peas in a pod ...

To be fair, no politician is likely to back one that would infringe on human rights aka Moore as it would be political suicide aside from anything else. Trump may not give one whit about people and be more concerned with having fake photos of himself in golf clubs but even he ain't that stupid...


Hall of Fame
To be fair, no politician is likely to back one that would infringe on human rights aka Moore as it would be political suicide aside from anything else..

:think: And yet he has nothing but glowing reviews and admiration for Putin ...
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