Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The late homosexual pioneer/icon Frank Kameny did (need to be told that having sex with animals is wrong).
Besides embracing bestiality, one of the modern day pioneers/icons of the LGBTQ movement (Frank Kameny) also spoke to NAMBLA.
Frank Kameny Responds to AFTAH Report that He Spoke at NAMBLA Event in 1981
See what happens when people are allowed to write their own moral code Art? (amongst other things, children and animals get hurt).
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The theocratic religion of Islam and it's barbarian Sharia law is reality.
Their false prophet married a 6 year old and consummated the marriage when she was the ripe old age of 9.
Yet another thing the LGBTQ movement and Islam have in common: pedophilia.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Peter Tatchell, Ed Murray, and practically every leader of the LGBTQueer movement has been a pedophile, a pederast or promoted sex with children, i.e. their "belief system" was that adult-child sex is perfectly normal. That's just one ugly part of the nasty can of worms that you shouldn't open.
Actually no. HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean got off on all criminal charges against the teenage boy that he was accused of raping because the accuser was allowed to make a monetary settlement with Bean.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Unless it's the LGBTQueer movement punishing people based on their Christian faith (i.e. Jack Phillips' up coming SCOTUS case).
No Art, we can't all just get along.
The same ole LGBTQueer 'gaystapo' intolerance that has been one of the central themes of this 4 part thread.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
First of all, there is only one kind of Christianity, i.e. being a follower of Christ and His Word.
Speculating that someone who partakes in recreational drug use, pornography or homosexuality very well might partake in those behaviors is far from "lying" Art.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Second: This 4 part thread has shown that homosexual behavior, the culture and agenda that go with it are far from "civilized". If you need to review the evidence from the index on page 1, I'll gladly review it with you.
Sleazy innuendo once again noted.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Children being exposed to sexual perversion at 'gay' pride parades while pro LGBTQ city officials sit blindly watching it happen. The indoctrination of children, even though CDOM (contributing to the delinquency of a minor) laws prohibit it. Taking away parental rights so that children as young as 15 can have abortions and genital mutilation surgery to pretend they are of a different gender than they were born as, etc. etc. etc. You've heard it all before, but you conveniently pretend to forget it as fast as I post it.
What was the phrase that the pedophiles and pederasts at the homosexual founded organization named NAMBLA would say?
"Rape em at 8 or you're too late"?
On that note:
Moving on...
The late homosexual pioneer/icon Frank Kameny did (need to be told that having sex with animals is wrong).
Predictable bunny trail. Point was made.
Besides embracing bestiality, one of the modern day pioneers/icons of the LGBTQ movement (Frank Kameny) also spoke to NAMBLA.
Frank Kameny Responds to AFTAH Report that He Spoke at NAMBLA Event in 1981
See what happens when people are allowed to write their own moral code Art? (amongst other things, children and animals get hurt).
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The theocratic religion of Islam and it's barbarian Sharia law is reality.
You mean the one that executes homosexuals? Well aware of how fanatical religious zealots operate and that's why it's a good thing the West is free of such theocratic rule.
Their false prophet married a 6 year old and consummated the marriage when she was the ripe old age of 9.

Yet another thing the LGBTQ movement and Islam have in common: pedophilia.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Peter Tatchell, Ed Murray, and practically every leader of the LGBTQueer movement has been a pedophile, a pederast or promoted sex with children, i.e. their "belief system" was that adult-child sex is perfectly normal. That's just one ugly part of the nasty can of worms that you shouldn't open.
Laws in regards to child molesting are in black and white and enforced along with any manner of abuse...
Actually no. HRC founder and accused pederast Terry Bean got off on all criminal charges against the teenage boy that he was accused of raping because the accuser was allowed to make a monetary settlement with Bean.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Unless it's the LGBTQueer movement punishing people based on their Christian faith (i.e. Jack Phillips' up coming SCOTUS case).
No Art, we can't all just get along.
And more of the same...
The same ole LGBTQueer 'gaystapo' intolerance that has been one of the central themes of this 4 part thread.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
First of all, there is only one kind of Christianity, i.e. being a follower of Christ and His Word.
In that case, lying, spreading sleazy rumours and innuendo must inform part of it as well then. Noted.
Speculating that someone who partakes in recreational drug use, pornography or homosexuality very well might partake in those behaviors is far from "lying" Art.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Second: This 4 part thread has shown that homosexual behavior, the culture and agenda that go with it are far from "civilized". If you need to review the evidence from the index on page 1, I'll gladly review it with you.
Well, no. It's just shown that the author is a deranged nutcase who's likely in the closet himself.
Sleazy innuendo once again noted.
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Children being exposed to sexual perversion at 'gay' pride parades while pro LGBTQ city officials sit blindly watching it happen. The indoctrination of children, even though CDOM (contributing to the delinquency of a minor) laws prohibit it. Taking away parental rights so that children as young as 15 can have abortions and genital mutilation surgery to pretend they are of a different gender than they were born as, etc. etc. etc. You've heard it all before, but you conveniently pretend to forget it as fast as I post it.
Oh, I remember your usual and as per usual you conveniently forget all those debunked photoshopped pictures and misinformation over the years...
What was the phrase that the pedophiles and pederasts at the homosexual founded organization named NAMBLA would say?
"Rape em at 8 or you're too late"?
On that note:
Moving on...