Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

I was expecting that Uncle Art's (i.e. the moral crusader) reply would go something like this:

"Leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell is a pervert for even suggesting that 9 year old children enjoy having sex with adults. Pedophiles like leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell should be locked up and the key thrown away."

Feel free to copy and paste if your fingers turn spastic in attempt to type the above

Feel free to lock yourself in that closet of yours you gay obsessed nut. Maybe one of your ardent followers might finally show up on here eh?

What. A. Crank.

Wow, Art Brain can't even call a pedophile a pedophile.

And people wonder why I'm involved in the culture war...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Wow, Art Brain can't even call a pedophile a pedophile.

And people wonder why I'm involved in the culture war...

Yeah, that's exactly what I said you barmy closet case...

You ain't 'involved' in any "war". You're just some repressed homosexual man who hasn't learned to accept it yet. This blog of yours is pretty much your life and you aren't accomplishing anything with it besides depriving you of some sort of actual life outside of the net.

Get one, and learn to live with who you are for sanity's sake. You might just stop being such an up yourself, pompous bore in the process and happier as a result.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Wow, Art Brain can't even call a pedophile a pedophile (i.e he can't even tell a child that homosexuality and pedophilia are wrong).

And people wonder why I'm involved in the culture war...

Yeah, that's exactly what I said you barmy closet case...

You ain't 'involved' in any "war". You're just some repressed homosexual man who hasn't learned to accept it yet. This blog of yours is pretty much your life and you aren't accomplishing anything with it besides depriving you of some sort of actual life outside of the net.

Get one, and learn to live with who you are for sanity's sake. You might just stop being such an up yourself, pompous bore in the process and happier as a result.

I can't thank you enough for participating in this thread Art, because there have to be some people out there following this thread that have an ounce of decency left in them that say to themselves after reading your posts:

"Hey, that's me and I need help!"

Hopefully these people will pursue spiritual and psychological help, because it is out there.

Ex-‘Gay’ Leader Stephen Black to Keynote AFTAH Banquet and Teach-in Oct. 20-21

August 24th, 2017

Folks, please make plans to attend the Americans For Truth banquet and next-day teach-in featuring my friend and pro-family leader Stephen Black, Oct. 20-21, 2017 — at Grace For Life Bible Church, in Naperville, IL (west of Chicago). Stephen once considered himself “gay” but now is a Christian family man and the director of First Stone Ministries, which helps people overcome homosexuality like he did. He is also author of the forthcoming book, Freedom Realized, and Board Chairman of Restored Hope Network, the largest umbrella group of ex-gay Christian ministries. This will be a spectacular learning event that you will not want to miss!! Event details follow the video from our friends at PFOX. — Peter LaBarbera, AFTAH; Twitter: [MENTION=16832]pete[/MENTION]rLaBarbera

Read more: https://americansfortruth.com/2017/...keynote-aftah-banquet-and-teach-in-oct-20-21/


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I can't thank you enough for participating in this thread Art, because there have to be some people out there following this thread that have an ounce of decency left in them that say to themselves after reading your posts:

"Hey, that's me and I need help!"


Yeah, sure dude. There's folk out there who are straight and rational who are just running off to a counselor as I type.

Get. Out. Of. The. Closet.



Yeah, sure dude. There's folk out there who are straight and rational who are just running off to a counselor as I type.

Get. Out. Of. The. Closet.


Notice how Stephen Black talked about his childhood and the things that contributed to his homosexuality:

Being raped by a homosexual pedophile/pederast at a young age and having an unloving & distant father.

What causes homosexual desires and can they be changed?

early homosexual experience(s) with adults and/or peers - 22%
poor relationship with father - 14%

Once sexually confused people understand why they developed those unnatural desires, they've taken the first step in becoming whole again.

Thanks again for participating in the thread...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Notice how Stephen Black talked about his childhood and the things that contributed to his homosexuality:

Being raped by a homosexual pedophile/pederast at a young age and having an unloving & distant father.

What causes homosexual desires and can they be changed?

early homosexual experience(s) with adults and/or peers - 22%
poor relationship with father - 14%

Once sexually confused people understand why they developed those unnatural desires, they've taken the first step in becoming whole again.

Thanks again for participating in the thread...

Well, it don't seem to have worked for you yet...

Some additional info for you in the form of a letter that you may be interested in as well...:

"Dear Mr aCW,

Please, please, please get a life and stop wasting bandwidth,

Yours sincerely,

North West Europe."

PS: Sardinia and the United Arab Emirates also weigh in on this...



Hall of Fame
what are your thoughts on Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and the fact that she spoke to the "extremely racist" Women of the Ku Klux Klan and received a dozen or more proffers from like minded groups"?

Since I have NEVER promoted racism and in fact, as you know, have repeatedly spoken out against it, your question (to me) is not relevant. Find a racist, pro-Sanger supporter.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

what are your thoughts on Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger and the fact that she spoke to the "extremely racist" Women of the Ku Klux Klan and received a dozen or more proffers from like minded groups"?

Since I have NEVER promoted racism and in fact, as you know, have repeatedly spoken out against it, your question (to me) is not relevant. Find a racist, pro-Sanger supporter.

Art Brain has spoken out against pedophilia in quadrillions of posts here on TOL (or so he says), but for some odd reason he refused to denounce leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell for his letter to the editor where Tatchell wrote that some children as young as 9 years old enjoy being raped having sex with adults (if you check a few pages back, a TOL'er by the name of "Eeset" made that implication as well).

My question to you is, and I know it's difficult for you to say anything derogatory about the mother of the modern day sexual anarchist movement (because Planned Parenthood is all about "sexual freedom"),

Would someone who was the guest speaker at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1926 (at the height of Klan membership and violence) and received a dozen or more invitations to speak to like minded groups, would that person (Margaret Sanger) in your opinion be a racist?

It's a simple question Sandy.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Art Brain has spoken out against pedophilia in quadrillions of posts here on TOL (or so he says), but for some odd reason he refused to denounce leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell for his letter to the editor where Tatchell wrote that some children as young as 9 years old enjoy being raped having sex with adults (if you check a few pages back, a TOL'er by the name of "Eeset" made that implication as well).

My question to you is, and I know it's difficult for you to say anything derogatory about the mother of the modern day sexual anarchist movement (because Planned Parenthood is all about "sexual freedom"),

Would someone who was the guest speaker at a Ku Klux Klan rally in 1926 (at the height of Klan membership and violence) and received a dozen or more invitations to speak to like minded groups, would that person (Margaret Sanger) in your opinion be a racist?

It's a simple question Sandy.

Your stuff regarding Tatchell was addressed all ends up already in this ongoing car crash you silly, pompous little bore, as you know. As you also know I have no truck with child molestation whatsoever including the vicarious nature of advocating 'getting' girls when they're 15/16 as per a certain Mr Robertson.

Oh, and it's rather apt that this is page '404' of your silly little blog as that's synonymous with a server error. Oh, and then some.

Get out of that darned closet man.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Art Brain has spoken out against pedophilia in quadrillions of posts here on TOL (or so he says), but for some odd reason he refused to denounce leading UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell for his letter to the editor where Tatchell wrote that some children as young as 9 years old enjoy being raped having sex with adults (if you check a few pages back, a TOL'er by the name of "Eeset" made that implication as well).

Your stuff regarding Tatchell was addressed all ends up already in this ongoing car crash you silly, pompous little bore, as you know. As you also know I have no truck with child molestation whatsoever...

Wait, did you say that leading UK homosexual activist and promoter of pedophilia Peter Tatchell had a truck load of 9 year olds that he and his friends were going to rape?



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No, just having oneLLofatime mocking someone who doesn't stand up for decency.

Oh, you're so effective and witty at that, I shoulda known better. The likes of Twain, Wilde, Shaw etc would be in so much awe...

I mean, it's a sure sign of 'decency' to invent up a load of gay innuendo about people isn't it?

Silly, pompous crank. Get out of that darned closet man!



Oh, you're so effective and witty at that, I shoulda known better. The likes of Twain, Wilde, Shaw etc would be in so much awe...

I mean, it's a sure sign of 'decency' to invent up a load of gay innuendo about people isn't it?

Silly, pompous crank. Get out of that darned closet man!


I'm just showing that secular humanists like you and Rusha (ask Sandy) can't call the leaders of your movement what they are:

Sanger=Baby murdering racist
Tatchell=child rapist

Tis time for some tunes with a message:

"Teach the children quietly, for some day sons and daughters will rise up and FIGHT while we stood still."

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm just showing that secular humanists like you and Rusha (ask Sandy) can't call the leaders of your movement what they are:

Sanger=Baby murdering racist
Tatchell=child rapist

Well, I'm not part of any "movement" for a start. If you conflate the position that homosexual people should have the same rights - no more, no less - as being part of one then I'm not obliged to recognize or acknowledge some particular dingbat view such as yours in that regard. Most people don't go along with your blogs' "premise" that homosexuality must be re-criminalized. Doesn't make them part of any movement unless they happen to subscribe to one.

Ironic that you also seem to have a problem with JR on the advocation of government thread when you would gladly impose and enforce your brand of government on people, forcing them to live in some puritanical theocracy be they Christians or otherwise. It's a good thing nuts like you don't get to force your beliefs on other people ain't it?


Well, I'm not part of any "movement" for a start...

Why did you come to a Christian forum Art and why have you continued to post anti Christian doctrine in this forum for several years? There is no doubt in my mind that you originally came here wanting to get much needed spiritual guidance, but you've gone even deeper into the abyss of moral depravity, in fact I believe that you're in secular humanist meltdown mode.



Ask God for His help before it's too late.

Up next: My last rebuttal of Alliance Defending Freedom's article in defense of Christian baker Jack Phillips that they'll be presenting to SCOTUS...


Before I continue with my last concern about the way the Alliance Defending Freedom is going about presenting their case defending Christian baker Jack Phillips to the Supreme Court, I should point out that this 4 part thread started off and has continually shown how Christians (and others who speak out against homosexuality and the LGBTQ agenda) have been and continue to be harassed (to put it mildly) by the LGBTQueer movement for their beliefs.


300 Examples You Have to Read to Understand the Term ‘Homofascism’

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why did you come to a Christian forum Art and why have you continued to post anti Christian doctrine in this forum for several years? There is no doubt in my mind that you originally came here wanting to get much needed spiritual guidance, but you've gone even deeper into the abyss of moral depravity, in fact I believe that you're in secular humanist meltdown mode.



Ask God for His help before it's too late.

Up next: My last rebuttal of Alliance Defending Freedom's article in defense of Christian baker Jack Phillips that they'll be presenting to SCOTUS...

Why did you, considering you're only interested in average views for your pet blog?

And 'meltdown' mode?


Silly crank. Get some of that 'counselling' you tell everyone else they so desperately need...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why did you come to a Christian forum Art and why have you continued to post anti Christian doctrine in this forum for several years?

Why did you, considering you're only interested in average views for your pet blog?...

I must have missed your answer Art. Granted, I've gone into secular humanist/Libertarian forums in an attempt to share the truth (i.e. Judeo-Christian doctrine) hoping that these pathetic lost souls repent, but why do secular humanists come into Christian forums if they're not interested in repentance and thus accepting Jesus Christ (and His Word) as their Lord and Savior?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I must have missed your answer Art. Granted, I've gone into secular humanist/Libertarian forums in an attempt to share the truth (i.e. Judeo-Christian doctrine) hoping that these pathetic lost souls repent, but why do secular humanists come into Christian forums if they're not interested in repentance and thus accepting Jesus Christ (and His Word) as their Lord and Savior?

I'm sure your pompous, self righteous bluster was as well received as it is here.... In case you hadn't noticed you're not exactly 'flavour of the month' on this particular board, in fact many far right wingers have little to no time for you. Weren't you also banned off plenty other forums before blogging your way to TOL?

Your bracketing of me means squat dude. Don't kid yourself that you share 'the truth'. You don't. You're a gay obsessed nut is all.

Fun as usual chatting with ya dude.

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