Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Eclectic Theosophist
Ex-gay ministiries have been around for over 50 years and in that time there has not been a single shred of evidence that anyone has changed from homosexual to hetersexaul. There has been research in the field and every single peer reviewed study has concluded that not only do people not change the "therapy" itself is activly harmful.

Hi dante :)

Yes,....I recall posting on this in older threads, but havent refreshed my research again to gather data/statistics on this, perhaps we can post some. Even by Alan's admission....over 85% (I'm being extra generous here) were not helped or had a conversion of their sexual orientation, as far as anyone could tell. ACW just cant accept that different gender oriented persons can love 'God' or be so called 'Christians'. Its a hoot.

The term 'gay christian' must be excruciating to those in 'theological grid-lock' :flamer:


Eclectic Theosophist
No, it isn't, it's with you. You've maintained that this "therapy" works and now you're admitting that it doesn't necessarily. There's no credible record of this 'treatment' ever having worked and in fact a lot of evidence to support that not only doesn't it work, it's caused a great deal of harm to many who have been subjected to it. When you first broached the subject, you were embarrassingly ignorant as to just what a lot of the "therapy" consisted of. Electric shocks, degradation, nausea inducing drugs, psychological abuse. How many of those homosexual people are you going to apologize on behalf of their needless suffering and those who took their own lives after such 'treatment'? lets face it, it's gonna be none because that would mean you climbing down off that pompous pedestal for once and that would be too much of a blow to your gargantuan ego. At least people like Chambers have had the decency to apologize for their part in such contemptible practices and honest enough to acknowledge that homosexuality, including their own, can't be cured.

ACW might realize this...but so much has been 'invested' in the 'campaign' so far....hmmm.....perhaps there could be a change of view? :) - even some adjustments of position and insight of the subject? perhaps? - thats where more soul searching and research comes in.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Your issue is with God, not me or the pastors and licensed therapists who help people with physical, psychological and spiritual disorders. People who have no knowledge of Him ask "Why does God allow bad things to happen to people?" and "Why does God cure some people of deadly diseases and sinful desires and behaviors but not others?"

God works in mysterious ways. In order to begin to understand what He has planned for you, you have to develop a personal relationship with Him first.

No, it isn't, it's with you...

While I would love, amongst other things, to take credit for creating civil government and it's purpose (Romans 13:4) and giving mankind the free will to choose between good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17 ), all glory goes to God.

I know that this particular subject is extremely painful for you (hearing stories of people who have successfully overcome homosexual desires or while their struggle continues at least have come to understand why they have those desires), so instead of sharing those stories again as I've done throughout this 4 part thread, I'll share this 3 minute video of the great Christian scholar C.S. Lewis talking about God's free will.

Oh and Art, keep Jeff Simund's # near your phone, he truly can help you come to grips with your problem.




I see that openly homosexual/defender of pedophilia/Libertarian/Alt Righter Milo Yiannopoulos continues to mock God even more by 'marrying' his boyfriend "John" (so much for the 'reparative therapy' that Milo had considered taking ey Aaron?).

Alt-right poster boy Milo Yiannopoulos gets married in Hawaii...



Oh how I vividly remember debating TOL's massive Libertarian/pretend conservative community (or is it one Libertarian pretending to be many?) on how someone who openly embraces homosexuality can't be considered a 'conservative'.

The usual cop-out by Libertarians is that they don't care what someone does in their private life, as long as they speak out against Islam and other things that conservatives should speak out against.

I ran across this quote from a wise man in the Libertarian leaning free republic:

"He’s a homosexual. Like a scorpion is what it is. Why be surprised?
Muzzies hate him. Fine, they hate me for being Christian.
Pat Condell is an anti-Islam atheist. Fine, he hates all religions.
I don’t need their `support’...`the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ doesn’t cut it and never has."

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
While I would love, amongst other things, to take credit for creating civil government and it's purpose (Romans 13:4) and giving mankind the free will to choose between good and evil (Genesis 2:16-17 ), all glory goes to God.

I know that this particular subject is extremely painful for you (hearing stories of people who have successfully overcome homosexual desires or while their struggle continues at least have come to understand why they have those desires), so instead of sharing those stories again as I've done throughout this 4 part thread, I'll share this 3 minute video of the great Christian scholar C.S. Lewis talking about God's free will.

There haven't been any credible cases of people overcoming homosexuality but there are verified ones of people who not only haven't been 'cured' of it but harmed by abuse masquerading as "therapy". At least there are honest people like Chambers who are truthful about the harm they've caused, admitted it doesn't work and apologized for their role in causing suffering to others. You have none of those traits.

Oh and Art, keep Jeff Simund's # near your phone, he truly can help you come to grips with your problem.


Unlike you, I don't have a problem and if your homosexuality is something you can't come to terms with then I suggest you ring him yourself for all the good it would do you...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I know that this particular subject is extremely painful for you (hearing stories of people who have successfully overcome homosexual desires or while their struggle continues at least have come to understand why they have those desires), so instead of sharing those stories again as I've done throughout this 4 part thread, I'll share this 3 minute video of the great Christian scholar C.S. Lewis talking about God's free will.

There haven't been any credible cases of people overcoming homosexuality but there are verified ones of people who not only haven't been 'cured' of it but harmed by abuse masquerading as "therapy". At least there are honest people like Chambers who are truthful about the harm they've caused, admitted it doesn't work and apologized for their role in causing suffering to others. You have none of those traits.

Neither me or my fellow followers of Christ can force anyone to acknowledge the lie that they're living, we can only guide them in the right direction hoping that they'll see the truth before it's too late.

Give God a chance Art...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Neither me or my fellow followers of Christ can force anyone to acknowledge the lie that they're living, we can only guide them in the right direction hoping that they'll see the truth before it's too late.

Give God a chance Art...

Coming from someone who's living a lie himself that's more than a little ironic. Either come to terms with being gay or try getting a 'cure' for it and see what happens. This farce has gone on waaaaaay long enough now...


Eclectic Theosophist
Coming from someone who's living a lie himself that's more than a little ironic. Either come to terms with being gay or try getting a 'cure' for it and see what happens. This farce has gone on waaaaaay long enough now...

Apparently this subject is pretty "involved" although I've hitherto not mentioned any opinion on whether anyone engaging in the discussions is gay him/herself, or dealing with same-sex attractions, but it does make you wonder. I usually stick with discussing/debating the subjects at hand and only share 'personal' info. where I feel pertinent. Otherwise some assume I'm 'gay', 'bi' or 'queer',...and thats no surprise, - I've also like some of you been vocal and supportive of LGBTQ persons as being the children of God as any other 'types' of people. I know there have been some openly 'come out' and share their homosexuality on the site, but its been while since some have left. Some choose to 'come out' so to speak in various ways, other choose not to disclose more personal matters for their own reasons. Anyways,..just some thoughts on that subject :)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Apparently this subject is pretty "involved" although I've hitherto not mentioned any opinion on whether anyone engaging in the discussions is gay him/herself, or dealing with same-sex attractions, but it does make you wonder. I usually stick with discussing/debating the subjects at hand and only share 'personal' info. where I feel pertinent. Otherwise some assume I'm 'gay', 'bi' or 'queer',...and thats no surprise, - I've also like some of you been vocal and supportive of LGBTQ persons as being the children of God as any other 'types' of people. I know there have been some openly 'come out' and share their homosexuality on the site, but its been while since some have left. Some choose to 'come out' so to speak in various ways, other choose not to disclose more personal matters for their own reasons. Anyways,..just some thoughts on that subject :)

It seems very apparent that aCW is in the closet. Straight men do not obsess about homosexuality or concoct gay innuendo, the likes of which has gotten him banned on multiple occasions. Then there's the ongoing projection and the almost fanatical need for him to have disagreeing posters be homosexual. The guy used to invent sordid scenarios and fantasies about Wiz and I having telephone trysts and 'Alwight' among others. From a psychological perspective it's almost fascinating to watch the repetitive charade but in a real sense I'd sooner he just came to terms with it, learn to live with it and have a life outside this silly blog...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I see that openly homosexual/defender of pedophilia/Libertarian/Alt Righter Milo Yiannopoulos continues to mock God even more by 'marrying' his boyfriend "John" (so much for the 'reparative therapy' that Milo had considered taking ey Aaron?).

Alt-right poster boy Milo Yiannopoulos gets married in Hawaii...



Oh how I vividly remember debating TOL's massive Libertarian/pretend conservative community (or is it one Libertarian pretending to be many?) on how someone who openly embraces homosexuality can't be considered a 'conservative'.

The usual cop-out by Libertarians is that they don't care what someone does in their private life, as long as they speak out against Islam and other things that conservatives should speak out against.

I ran across this quote from a wise man in the Libertarian leaning free republic:

"He’s a homosexual. Like a scorpion is what it is. Why be surprised?
Muzzies hate him. Fine, they hate me for being Christian.
Pat Condell is an anti-Islam atheist. Fine, he hates all religions.
I don’t need their `support’...`the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ doesn’t cut it and never has."

Wiz has only had one account and this was verified by Sherman. Yet here you are still peddling that same crap. Don't learn do you?



Eclectic Theosophist
It seems very apparent that aCW is in the closet. Straight men do not obsess about homosexuality or concoct gay innuendo, the likes of which has gotten him banned on multiple occasions. Then there's the ongoing projection and the almost fanatical need for him to have disagreeing posters be homosexual. The guy used to invent sordid scenarios and fantasies about Wiz and I having telephone trysts and 'Alwight' among others. From a psychological perspective it's almost fascinating to watch the repetitive charade but in a real sense I'd sooner he just came to terms with it, learn to live with it and have a life outside this silly blog...

:) - I've only done some tit for tat back n forth with ACW, on the homosexuality issue. One's own sexual orientation is their own business and matter of 'experience', as well as their choice to divulge any. I get flack from time to time with some subtle or overt gay 'slurs' my way, - in fact I just reported intojoy for responding to another one of my posts with just one word .....'gaylight'. - no response to my actual points or attempt at discussion either. Perhaps I intimidate him :) - but it gets 'old' after awhile. This might be more of a defense mechanism as well, since I've been taking a more critical/skeptical look at the 'historicity' of the Jesus of the gospels, and even questioned the historicity and real identity of Paul lol. - seriously though,...see my recent posts on this subject. (blog entry as well).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
:) - I've only done some tit for tat back n forth with ACW, on the homosexuality issue. One's own sexual orientation is their own business and matter of 'experience', as well as their choice to divulge any. I get flack from time to time with some subtle or overt gay 'slurs' my way, - in fact I just reported intojoy for responding to another one of my posts with just one word .....'gaylight'. - no response to my actual points or attempt at discussion either. Perhaps I intimidate him :) - but it gets 'old' after awhile. This might be more of a defense mechanism as well, since I've been taking a more critical/skeptical look at the 'historicity' of the Jesus of the gospels, and even questioned the historicity and real identity of Paul lol. - seriously though,...see my recent posts on this subject. (blog entry as well).

'Intojoy' is just a troll and not worth bothering with. I agree in the main but when someone advocates the penalties for homosexuality that aCW does and 'Just Tom' before him (albeit he was even more off the planet) then it's fair game IMO to point out the incredible double standard. The chances are that aCW will make up some sort of gay innuendo about us simply having this conversation and this blog of his deserves to be mocked. Five years plus of the same ole' crap. I don't wish the guy himself any ill will and for the sake of everybody I hope he gets something in life that will lead him to abandon this trainwreck...


:) - I've only done some tit for tat back n forth with ACW, on the homosexuality issue.

You failed miserably in your attempt to show that there is even one ounce of validity to the 'Gay Christian'* movement. Where again was that one verse (just one) that I asked for in Holy Scripture showing that God changed His mind and embraced same sex relationships?

*Not to be confused with the Incestuous Christian, Bestial Christian or Adulterous Christian movements.

One's own sexual orientation is their own business and matter of 'experience', as well as their choice to divulge any.

Hence the term "sexual anarchy/anarchist" in the tag line at the bottom of the thread. Unlike several other defenders of homosexuality who have denounced other sexual practices (bestiality, incest, pedophilia) using ultra lame reasoning, you haven't.

Regarding "their choice to divulge any" : What happened to 'gay pride' freelight? Surely in this day and age one should be proud to let the world know that they engage in homosexuality. Why aren't they? Surely it isn't because they know that they're living a lie and don't want to share that lie with the world?

I get flack from time to time with some subtle or overt gay 'slurs' my way, - in fact I just reported intojoy for responding to another one of my posts with just one word .....'gaylight'.

I truly do marvel at how those (at least here on TOL) who SCREAM from the highest rooftop that they don't engage in the sexual practices that they unapologetically defend. I really can't blame you freelight, as who would want to admit that they engage in such a filthy and disgusting unnatural act that amongst other things brings disease and early death to those who engage in it; an act that others have left behind through spiritual and often times psychological therapy but for some reason you choose to still engage in.

- no response to my actual points or attempt at discussion either. Perhaps I intimidate him :)

intojoy is a Ron Paul Libertarian, hence a sexual anarchist like yourself. Without a doubt he's a sock puppet that has nothing to lose by being permanently banned, as he can change his personality and log on under other usernames.

That being said: Aside from your out and out HATRED of God (freelight fits in category #3 of the 3 tenets of atheism:

1. There is no God
2. I HATE Him
3. I HATE Him so much that I'm going to reinterpret His Word in Holy Scripture to meet my immoral and selfish desires).

you haven't shown good reason from a secular humanist point of view why homosexuality and the agenda that goes with it should continue to be embraced by society.

Wanna give it a try, or like others, do you know your limitations when it comes to debating someone like me who only uses the truth as his weapon?


Since when is the God-given right to life based on whether or not a human being feels pain?

Let's see what the barbarians of the Republicrat Party are up to now:

BREAKING: House Passes 20-Week Abortion Ban H.R.36

Oct. 4, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. House of Representatives passed 237-189 H.R. 36, known as the “Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act,” which makes it a crime for any person to perform or attempt to perform an abortion if the probable post-fertilization age of the unborn child is 20 weeks or more.
Liberty Counsel has worked steadily to encourage legislators to enact this life-saving bill into law. Once the Senate approves the bill, President Donald Trump will sign it into law...

Read more (if you can stomach it) : http://barbwire.com/2017/10/04/breaking-house-passes-20-week-abortion-ban-hr36/

Hmmmm, he or she sure looks like a human being to me:



Regarding "...President Donald Trump will sign it into law".

Would that be the same Donald Trump that has sided with abortionists in Congress and continued to fund Planned Parenthood 3 times this past year?



Eclectic Theosophist
sock puppets...............

sock puppets...............

You failed miserably in your attempt to show that there is even one ounce of validity to the 'Gay Christian'* movement. Where again was that one verse (just one) that I asked for in Holy Scripture showing that God changed His mind and embraced same sex relationships?

The 'clobber verses' have been addressed by many over the years, we can tackle those again perhaps, but I havent read this whole thread, so not sure these have been addressed previously. There are no passages that prohibit same sex persons from engaging in healthy, monogomous relationships. As far as God's mind goes, you must be a good mind-reader for 'God',...or is that mind-bender? ;)

*Not to be confused with the Incestuous Christian, Bestial Christian or Adulterous Christian movements.

Thats sadly a con-fusion U make.

I truly do marvel at how those (at least here on TOL) who SCREAM from the highest rooftop that they don't engage in the sexual practices that they unapologetically defend. I really can't blame you freelight, as who would want to admit that they engage in such a filthy and disgusting unnatural act that amongst other things brings disease and early death to those who engage in it; an act that others have left behind through spiritual and often times psychological therapy but for some reason you choose to still engage in.

Nothing wrong with loving another, or apologizing for those whom you love ;)

intojoy is a Ron Paul Libertarian, hence a sexual anarchist like yourself. Without a doubt he's a sock puppet that has nothing to lose by being permanently banned, as he can change his personality and log on under other usernames.

Sock puppet theology. ....perhaps a trend? :crackup:

That being said: Aside from your out and out HATRED of God (freelight fits in category #3 of the 3 tenets of atheism:

1. There is no God
2. I HATE Him
3. I HATE Him so much that I'm going to reinterpret His Word in Holy Scripture to meet my immoral and selfish desires).

Love does not endorse, sponsor or promote hate.

you haven't shown good reason from a secular humanist point of view why homosexuality and the agenda that goes with it should continue to be embraced by society.

Wanna give it a try, or like others, do you know your limitations when it comes to debating someone like me who only uses the truth as his weapon?

We of a different opinion are just bringing some things up for you to consider.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You failed miserably in your attempt to show that there is even one ounce of validity to the 'Gay Christian'* movement. Where again was that one verse (just one) that I asked for in Holy Scripture showing that God changed His mind and embraced same sex relationships?

The 'clobber verses' have been addressed by many over the years,..

One verse (just one) is all I'm asking for.

Try this one (it's from the lost Genesis Scriptures) :

"And on the 8th day God made Adam and Steve."

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
*Not to be confused with the Incestuous Christian, Bestial Christian or Adulterous Christian movements.

Thats sadly a con-fusion U make.

Incestophobe, bestialophobe, adultererophobe bigot.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I truly do marvel at how those (at least here on TOL) who SCREAM from the highest rooftop that they don't engage in the sexual practices that they unapologetically defend. I really can't blame you freelight, as who would want to admit that they engage in such a filthy and disgusting unnatural act that amongst other things brings disease and early death to those who engage in it; an act that others have left behind through spiritual and often times psychological therapy but for some reason you choose to still engage in.

Nothing wrong with loving another, or apologizing for those whom you love

You should check out some of the articles I've posted on therapy for homosexuals and the testimonies of EX homosexuals as well. They talk about the importance of friendship with other males without sexualizing that relationship.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
That being said: Aside from your out and out HATRED of God (freelight fits in category #3 of the 3 tenets of atheism:

1. There is no God
2. I HATE Him
3. I HATE Him so much that I'm going to reinterpret His Word in Holy Scripture to meet my immoral and selfish desires).

Love does not endorse, sponsor or promote hate.

The Author of the emotion known as love says that the kind of love that you endorse is fake.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
you haven't shown good reason from a secular humanist point of view why homosexuality and the agenda that goes with it should continue to be embraced by society.

Wanna give it a try, or like others, do you know your limitations when it comes to debating someone like me who only uses the truth as his weapon?

We of a different opinion are just bringing some things up for you to consider.

My facts against your opinion. Like I said, you know your limitations.


Eclectic Theosophist
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You failed miserably in your attempt to show that there is even one ounce of validity to the 'Gay Christian'* movement. Where again was that one verse (just one) that I asked for in Holy Scripture showing that God changed His mind and embraced same sex relationships?

One verse (just one) is all I'm asking for.

Try this one (it's from the lost Genesis Scriptures) :

"And on the 8th day God made Adam and Steve."

Dont forget ACW,

I said there is not one passage 'prohibiting' a monogomous, healthy, loving relationships between people of the same sex, or among those variously 'transgendered'. Your misdirection is is in assuming a few laws about committing same sex acts in the context of idol worship among hebrews AT THAT TIME and for those people alone, is referring to all homosexual relationships period, or even apply to all people. Those were RULES Jews made for themselves, and the scribes put to paper for their own religious/political agenda. (nationalism, etc.)

Ancient Jewish rules for levitical priests or stone age goat herders dont necessarily hold today, while a good number of Pauline Christians enjoy their 'freedom' from Jewish law, so that those antiquated 'kosher' laws are obsolete.
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