Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Art, like Donald Trump, is an extremely morally confused and spiritually empty person. If you're [glassjester] a godless-secular humanist-Libertarian, then I can understand you and Art Brain's friendship. If you're a follower of Christ you owe it to him to help him find a way out of his spiritual and psychological hellhole.

Okay, it's about time you just came out of the closet you gay obsessed nut. No way does a straight man spend hours and hours a day plundering the net for all things gay like you do, not a chance. So go and avail yourself of the counselling and therapy you so obviously project about and stop lying about being a heterosexual, married man. Unlike you, I know exactly which way my attractions lie and it's with the fairer sex, so no confusion here you wingnut.

I'm curious Art: has your newest bestest friend glassjester shared God's Word with you? How about your other friends here on TOL that profess to be Christian (Lon comes to mind). Have they shared God's Word with you, specifically on the subject of human sexuality?

If so, perhaps you can share some of those conversations...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm curious Art: has your newest bestest friend glassjester shared God's Word with you? How about your other friends here on TOL that profess to be Christian (Lon comes to mind). Have they shared God's Word with you, specifically on the subject of human sexuality?

If so, perhaps you can share some of those conversations...

Oh, you're curious all right and a downright oddity. Dude, if you're gay then just accept it. Quit with the self loathing and everything. Stop projecting. The friends I have know fine well I'm straight. Got it now? Learn to live with your own inclinations man...

patrick jane

Oh, you're curious all right and a downright oddity. Dude, if you're gay then just accept it. Quit with the self loathing and everything. Stop projecting. The friends I have know fine well I'm straight. Got it now? Learn to live with your own inclinations man...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm curious Art: has your newest bestest friend glassjester shared God's Word with you? How about your other friends here on TOL that profess to be Christian (Lon comes to mind). Have they shared God's Word with you, specifically on the subject of human sexuality?

If so, perhaps you can share some of those conversations...

Oh, you're curious all right and a downright oddity. Dude, if you're gay then just accept it. Quit with the self loathing and everything. Stop projecting. The friends I have know fine well I'm straight. Got it now? Learn to live with your own inclinations man...

I didn't think that they had.

The next time that you're hanging out in a thread with your new bestest friend (glassjester), thank him for me for coming into this thread and allowing me to use him to make an important point:

Many (supposed) followers of Christ take 2 of the 3 institutions that God ordained for the governance of man pretty serious (the Church and the family), i.e. they won't compromise by attending a LGBTQ 'inclusive' church nor would they send their sexually confused loved one to a LGBTQ 'affirming' therapist. For that matter, if given the choice to choose another LGBTQ 'inclusive' church or LGBTQ 'affirming' therapist who some might consider to be "the lesser of two evils", glassjester would take a pass on that as well.

Yet when it comes to the 3rd institution that God ordained for the governance of man (civil government), we've seen that supposed followers of Christ don't take that extremely powerful and influential institution seriously, hence electing and continuing to support LGBTQ activist Donald Trump.

One more thing Art: Tell your new bestest friend that when dealing with two forms of evil, that I would rather deal with the one that isn't hiding his or her agenda, instead of the wolf in sheep's clothing who pretends to be your friend and ally yet still supports a godless agenda.


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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm curious Art: has your newest bestest friend glassjester shared God's Word with you? How about your other friends here on TOL that profess to be Christian (Lon comes to mind). Have they shared God's Word with you, specifically on the subject of human sexuality?

If so, perhaps you can share some of those conversations...

I didn't think that they had.

The next time that you're hanging out in a thread with your new bestest friend (glassjester), thank him for me for coming into this thread and allowing me to use him to make an important point:

Many (supposed) followers of Christ take 2 of the 3 institutions that God ordained for the governance of man pretty serious (the Church and the family), i.e. they won't compromise by attending a LGBTQ 'inclusive' church nor would they send their sexually confused loved one to a LGBTQ 'affirming' therapist. For that matter, if given the choice to choose another LGBTQ 'inclusive' church or LGBTQ 'affirming' therapist who some might consider to be "the lesser of two evils", glassjester would take a pass on that as well.

Yet when it comes to the 3rd institution that God ordained for the governance of man (civil government), we've seen that supposed followers of Christ don't take that extremely powerful and influential institution seriously, hence electing and continuing to support LGBTQ activist Donald Trump.

One more thing Art: Tell your new bestest friend that when dealing with two forms of evil, that I would rather deal with the one that isn't hiding his or her agenda, instead of the wolf in sheep's clothing who pretends to be your friend and ally yet still supports a godless agenda.



Uh, if you wanna have a convo with GJ then address him directly doofus. Otherwise, find a new hobby...



I wonder if the American people knew how sick and violent* homosexuals/transsexuals really are they'd continue to support them like they currently do.

WARNING! The following is extremely disturbing.

Boy allegedly killed by [transgender] father saw ‘compromising’ photos

July 28, 2017

LA PLATA COUNTY, Colo. -- The father of a missing Colorado 13-year-old was arrested Saturday in connection with the boy's 2012 death, the La Plata County Sheriff's Office said.

A grand jury had issued an indictment for Mark Redwine after establishing probable cause in connection with the killing of his son, Dylan Redwine.
"The investigation into Dylan's disappearance and death spanned four and a half years, culminating in Saturday's arrest," the sheriff's office said.
Dylan was 13 when he went missing in November 2012 while staying with his father for the Thanksgiving holiday. The teen arrived at his father's house on Nov. 18, but his father reported him missing the following day.
According to the indictment, in June 2013, some of Redwine's remains were found in the woods a few miles from his father's house. In November 2015, Redwine's skull was found by a group of hikers just over a mile from where the rest of his remains were discovered.
Investigators who studied Redwine's skull determined he had suffered injuries consistent with blunt force trauma. Redwine's blood was found in his father's living room, and cadaver dogs indicated a deceased person had been the elder Redwine's living room and the bed of his truck.
The indictment states that at the time of Redwine's death, his parents were in the middle of a custody battle over the teen. Redwine's mother, Elaine Hall, told KMGH in 2015 she believed her husband killed her son.
"He was very bitter, and very angry and very vengeful, but I never thought he'd take it out on Dylan," she said. "Unfortunately, I was wrong."

The indictment also states Redwine had plans to confront his father about "compromising" pictures of him.
Cory Redwine, Dylan's older brother, told KMGH he has seen the photos.
"It shows him wearing women's clothes and makeup and a diaper and then eating his feces from the diaper. It was disgusting. We couldn't believe it," Cory Redwine said...




RIP little guy.

*Transgender sex disorders are the leading indicator of criminal sexual behavior.
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Well-known member
I'm curious Art: has your newest bestest friend glassjester shared God's Word with you?

I would be open to it, if Arthur is. I respect him. I think I recall asking him once about his religious beliefs. I remember him saying he'd rather remain "unfettered from dogmatic beliefs." If he wanted to discuss it further, I'd be happy to.

ACW, have you shared God's Word with Arthur?

I'm curious Art: has your newest bestest friend glassjester shared God's Word with you?

The next time that you're hanging out in a thread with your new bestest friend (glassjester),

glassjester would take a pass on that as well.

One more thing Art: Tell your new bestest friend

You're being weird, man.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I would be open to it, if Arthur is. I respect him. I think I recall asking him once about his religious beliefs. I remember him saying he'd rather remain "unfettered from dogmatic beliefs." If he wanted to discuss it further, I'd be happy to.

ACW, have you shared God's Word with Arthur?

You're being weird, man.

aCW seems more interested in imagining that I'm gay than anything else given his past "meanderings" in regards to myself...

Where it comes to belief then I'm not an affiliate of any religion, though through experiences I believe there's more to life than just being here one minute and gone the next essentially. I'm certainly not a proponent of "organised religion" or some such so you're pretty much right with your comment about being unfettered by dogma, in fact I may have said exactly that...:eek:


Well-known member
One more thing Art: Tell your new bestest friend that when dealing with two forms of evil, that I would rather deal with the one that isn't hiding his or her agenda, instead of the wolf in sheep's clothing who pretends to be your friend and ally yet still supports a godless agenda.

Do you think Clinton or Trump would do more to further LGBT interests?


Well-known member
aCW seems more interested in imagining that I'm gay than anything else given his past "meanderings" in regards to myself...

I do wonder what his goal is, in doing so. And whether he's actually accomplishing it.

Where it comes to belief then I'm not an affiliate of any religion, though through experiences I believe there's more to life than just being here one minute and gone the next essentially. I'm certainly not a proponent of of "organised religion" or some such so you're pretty much right with your comment about being unfettered by dogma, in fact I may have said exactly that...:eek:

Thanks for the sincere response. I did mean it when I said to ACW that I'd be happy to discuss the topic with you. Like how I arrived at my beliefs, having been of an opinion similar to your own, at one point. Or discussions I've had with my older brother, for example, who currently believes as you do, when it comes to organized religion. Such conversations force me to reexamine my own beliefs, and I welcome the opportunity to do so.

I understand this is a topic most people do not wish to discuss with much of anyone - let alone with people they don't know. So I hope I haven't overstepped any bounds by suggesting it.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm curious Art: has your newest bestest friend glassjester shared God's Word with you?

I would be open to it, if Arthur is. I respect him. I think I recall asking him once about his religious beliefs. I remember him saying he'd rather remain "unfettered from dogmatic beliefs." If he wanted to discuss it further, I'd be happy to.

Art is morally confused enough without an unapologetic Donald Trump supporter throwing more confusion his way.

ACW, have you shared God's Word with Arthur?

God's Word has been shared with Art every time he's viewed this 4 part thread for the past 5 years.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
One more thing Art: Tell your new bestest friend that when dealing with two forms of evil, that I would rather deal with the one that isn't hiding his or her agenda, instead of the wolf in sheep's clothing who pretends to be your friend and ally yet still supports a godless agenda.

Do you think Clinton or Trump would do more to further LGBT interests?

That's a question that you should be asking a democrat had Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton been running against each other on the same democratic ticket: "Which one is better for the sexual anarchist cause?"

The fact that Donald Trump is pro LGBTQ and is allowed to get away with it in a political party that stresses traditional family values is indefensible.

Why don't you Libertarians take Donald Trump and introduce him to the Libertarian Party? I believe that's about the only political party that he hasn't associated with yet.


aCW seems more interested in imagining that I'm gay than anything else given his past "meanderings" in regards to myself...

Actually I'm more interested in debate (i.e. using you to show why the LGBTQ movement should be squashed in it's tracks).

Let's debate this:

Boy allegedly killed by [transgender] father saw ‘compromising’ photos

Explain why a cross dressing, diaper wearing, human feces eating father of two should be allowed to continue that kind of life, a life that lead to the brutal murder of his 13 year old son.




Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

That's a question that you should be asking a democrat had Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton been running against each other on the same democratic ticket: "Which one is better for the sexual anarchist cause?"

But I asked you instead. So? Which one?
Explained already (Ted Cruz said that Trump supporters are "low information voters", Art's bestest friend has confirmed that).


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Art is morally confused enough without an unapologetic Donald Trump supporter throwing more confusion his way.

So you'd prefer that I didn't discuss it with anyone? I am not qualified?

In that case, why did you ask if I had?

I asked Art if you or any of his supposed Christian friends had shared God's Word with him, specifically when it comes to human sexuality.

Again, I would prefer that someone that can't even say that Donald Trump is a moral degenerate who backs moral degenerate causes not attempt to minister to anyone.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Again, I would prefer that someone that can't even say that Donald Trump is a moral degenerate who backs moral degenerate causes not attempt to minister to anyone.

Would Ted Cruz say that?

I see that Art Brain's new bestest friend has also taken up Art's debate style (take an irrelevant subject and beat it into the ground).

Since Donald Trump has a long history of supporting drag queens and transsexuals (as owner, he overruled the Miss Universe Pageant Board by allowing a genitally mutilated man to compete; Presidential candidate Trump invited drag queen Bruce Jenner to use the women's restroom at any Trump property; Trump spoke out against the North Carolina 'bathroom bill' that would help protect women and children from sexual predators and gender confused men; Trump nominated pro LGBTQ activist Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, etc. etc.); how about we talk about the latest victim of Donald Trump's transgender movement:

The forever grieving mother of 13 year old Dylan Redwine, whose cross dressing-diaper wearing- human feces eating ex- husband decapitated his own son.



The floor is all yours Mr. Libertarian/Trump supporter. Either these sick people have some kind of 'right' to do with their bodies as they please, or they don't.


Well-known member
The floor is all yours Mr. Libertarian/Trump supporter. Either these sick people have some kind of 'right' to do with their bodies as they please, or they don't.

Like Ted Cruz, I voted for Trump, but do not think genital mutilation is a right.

Wait... were you talking about transsexuals when you said "do with their bodies as they please" ?
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