Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Hall of Fame
He was more competent than her at getting elected. :idunno:

No ... Putin was more competent at electing Trump. Thankfully, more than half of the American voters will never see him as a legitimate president ... and he seethes day in and day out over it. :)


Hall of Fame
What did he do? Pay Americans to vote Trump?

Hacking the DNC. Fake news. Disinformation. There is even evidence that they targeted election systems in 39 states. Why, Oh Why do you suppose Trump is still denying that the Russians intervened on his behalf regardless of all of the evidence.? Don Jr. even sought out their help via one meeting that we know of (so far)


Well-known member
Hacking the DNC. Fake news. Disinformation. There is even evidence that they targeted election systems in 39 states. Why, Oh Why do you suppose Trump is still denying that the Russians intervened on his behalf regardless of all of the evidence.? Don Jr. even sought out their help via one meeting that we know of (so far)

If the evidence is so ample, then it shouldn't be hard to prove - and impeach him.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Welcome back to the WHMBR! threads Sandy. Let me start off by giving you my condolences for Hillary Clinton's loss (or whatever pro LGBTQ candidate you voted for this time around..

No fan, she was just the least toxic ... and ... unlike Trump ... sane. MY candidate was Kasich. I would have also supported Weld had he actually been running for President rather than vice ... behind someone *almost* as clueless as Trump.

John Kasich was supposedly anti abortion while being pro LGBTQ.

As shown throughout this 4 part thread it's not possible to separate the two 'cultures of death' (be careful Sandy, if government starts telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies, they'll be telling people who they can and can't have sex with).

Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson's running mate Bill Weld on the other hand appears to be pro abortion, even pro partial birth abortion.


Hall of Fame

I know ... and I support LGBTQ.

As shown throughout this 4 part thread it's not possible to separate the two 'cultures of death' (be careful Sandy, if government starts telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies, they'll be telling people who they can and can't have sex with).

Nope ... those two actions do not relate to one another in the least. An abortion ALWAYS leads to the death of an unborn innocent baby. The child is incapable of protecting him/herself. The only people that no one should be having sex with are children and non-consenting adults. Those are criminal acts.

Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson's running mate Bill Weld on the other hand appears to be pro abortion, even pro partial birth abortion.

Uh huh ... twenty years ago.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
If the only church in town were a LGBTQ 'inclusive' church, would you attend it because you had no other choices? If the only therapist in town were a LGBTQ 'affriming' therapist, would you take your loved one to see him or her because you had no other choices?

This analogy doesn't work.
Faced with only ungodly churches, I can go to no church.

Yet one of the three institutions that God ordained for the governance of man continues it's unbiblical role.

Faced with only ungodly therapists, I can go to no therapist.

Yet the pro homosexual therapists are still out there doing things that are detrimental to the family (not helping a sexually confused person with their confusion).

Faced with only ungodly presidential candidates, you're still going to have a president forced upon you. So you have to at least try for the lesser of two evils.

Why didn't you find a less militant LGBTQ 'inclusive' church or a less militant LGBTQ affirming therapist for your loved one? Surely there were churches and therapists out there that were...

"the lesser of two evils"?

It was him or Clinton.

Again, as a supposedly Bible believing Christian, where in Holy Scripture does it allow you to vote for evil?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
John Kasich was supposedly anti abortion while being pro LGBTQ.

I know ... and I support LGBTQ.

It's been well established throughout this 4 part thread that you support the LGBTQ culture of death Sandy, thanks for reaffirming that.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As shown throughout this 4 part thread it's not possible to separate the two 'cultures of death' (be careful Sandy, if government starts telling women what they can and can't do with their bodies, they'll be telling people who they can and can't have sex with).

Nope ... those two actions do not relate to one another in the least. An abortion ALWAYS leads to the death of an unborn innocent baby. The child is incapable of protecting him/herself. The only people that no one should be having sex with are children and non-consenting adults. Those are criminal acts.

I see, so your culture of death is better than theirs? As I've pointed out on several occasions (and it can be found in the index on page 1), the supposed 'right to privacy' is the basis for every SCOTUS ruling that deals with human sexuality for the past 50 years. The LGBTQ and abortion movements are inseparable because they not only fought the same battles to legalize both immoral acts, they know that if one law is changed to support life and decency the other will be as well.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson's running mate Bill Weld on the other hand appears to be pro abortion, even pro partial birth abortion.

Uh huh ... twenty years ago.

It's amazing to see how much Bill Weld and Donald Trump have in common.
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