Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Did Ted Cruz sell out when he endorsed Trump?

I admired Ted Cruz when at the Republican National Convention (you remember that convention: your candidate had proud and unrepentant homosexual/LGBTQ activist Peter Thiel speak on center stage)told his supporters to "vote their conscience". You should have heard Donald Trump's drag queen brigade boo Cruz.

I believe due to his desire to continue his career in the Republican Party, Ted Cruz reluctantly supported Donald Trump during the election.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Supporting evil is never a viable option.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I believe due to his desire to continue his career in the Republican Party, Ted Cruz reluctantly supported Donald Trump during the election.

How do you reconcile these two statements?

Is Ted Cruz evil?

Keep in mind that while your candidate was inviting drag queen-soon to be genital mutilated/transgender activist Bruce Jenner to use the women's restroom at any Trump property, as well as belittling the State of North Carolina for legislation that would help protect women and little girls from sexual predators and gender confused people, Ted Cruz was supporting the legislation.

While Ted Cruz was supporting Kentucky Court Clerk Kim Davis' right to religious liberty (she refused to issue homosexual 'marriage' certificates), Donald Trump was silent on the issue (he was probably busy painting drag queen Bruce Jenner's toenails in the women's restroom at Trump Tower).

I can provide numerous videos and articles where Ted Cruz spoke out against the "New York values" of former Clinton crony Donald Trump.

Is Ted Cruz evil for doing something that was necessary to continue his career as a God-fearing conservative? If he is, we need more 'evil' men like Ted Cruz.

I don't believe I've seen you write one thing derogatory about the current Degenerate in Chief. Like I said: Perhaps your worldview matches that of Donald Trump?


Quote Originally Posted by patrick jane

Hopefully dubya will accept it and move along.


You must know by now Aaron that I'm using one of your fellow Libertarians to get a point across.

BTW, I've been meaning to ask you Aaron: What is the role of civil government?

patrick jane

Quote Originally Posted by patrick jane

Hopefully dubya will accept it and move along.

You must know by now Aaron that I'm using one of your fellow Libertarians to get a point across.

BTW, I've been meaning to ask you Aaron: What is the role of civil government?
To keep us in line
Romans 13:1-7 KJV -


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
BTW, I've been meaning to ask you Aaron: What is the role of civil government?

To keep us in line
Romans 13:1-7 KJV -

Maybe your thug of a President had Romans 13:4 in mind when he told the NYPD "not to be too nice to suspects"?

He is a bible toting Christian like yourself don't cha know.

'Irresponsible, unprofessional': NYPD slams Trump comments urging police not to be 'too nice' to suspects


I wonder if Donald Trump had his ex wife (ex wife #1) confused with a criminal when he beat her up?

The Violence of Donald Trump


Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Supporting evil is never a viable option.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I believe due to his desire to continue his career in the Republican Party, Ted Cruz reluctantly supported Donald Trump during the election.

Is Ted Cruz evil for doing something that was necessary to continue his career as a God-fearing conservative? If he is, we need more 'evil' men like Ted Cruz.

But you said supporting evil is never a viable option. ...Except if it's to help Ted Cruz meet his career goals? Come on, man.

That seems hypocritical.

Let me ask you this: Did you sincerely believe, on election day, that anyone other than Clinton or Trump could have won?


Hall of Fame
Is Ted Cruz evil for doing something that was necessary to continue his career as a God-fearing conservative? If he is, we need more 'evil' men like Ted Cruz.?

He is no different or better than anyone else in the Senate and House. He is complicit in ALLOWING the nutcase, Twitter-N-Chief (aka Putin's Puppet) to remain in power. With all of his conflicts of interest as well as his obstruction of justice, the GOP have the power and legitimate cause to impeach. While I am no fan of Mike Pence, unlike Trump, he doesn't need a nice white jacket and rubber room.

patrick jane

He is no different or better than anyone else in the Senate and House. He is complicit in ALLOWING the nutcase, Twitter-N-Chief (aka Putin's Puppet) to remain in power. With all of his conflicts of interest as well as his obstruction of justice, the GOP have the power and legitimate cause to impeach. While I am no fan of Mike Pence, unlike Trump, he doesn't need a nice white jacket and rubber room.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I believe due to his desire to continue his career in the Republican Party, Ted Cruz reluctantly supported Donald Trump during the election.

Is Ted Cruz evil for doing something that was necessary to continue his career as a God-fearing conservative? If he is, we need more 'evil' men like Ted Cruz.

But you said supporting evil is never a viable option. ...Except if it's to help Ted Cruz meet his career goals? Come on, man.

That seems hypocritical.

Help returning our nation to the once great God-fearing Constitutional Republic that it was is quite a "career goal" that Senator Ted Cruz has gj.

I can tell that I've backed you against the proverbial wall for voting for and continuing to support a LGBTQ flag waver. As a supposed follower of Christ you've stated that you wouldn't go to a LGBTQ 'inclusive' Church. You've stated that you wouldn't embrace the behavior of a loved one that had same sex desires; why are you betraying God by supporting a power hungry sociopath who through his immoral rulings and appointments is doing enormous harm to our country's invaluable institutions, families and individuals alike?

Let me ask you this: Did you sincerely believe, on election day, that anyone other than Clinton or Trump could have won?

If the only church in town were a LGBTQ 'inclusive' church, would you attend it because you had no other choices? If the only therapist in town were a LGBTQ 'affriming' therapist, would you take your loved one to see him or her because you had no other choices?

Perhaps you'd have enough faith in God to know that in due time (along with your efforts) that church would fold because of it's false ideology and another church would come along that you could put your support behind. Perhaps you'd have enough faith in God to find another way to seek therapy for your sexually confused loved one instead of putting him or her in the hands of a LGBTQ activist.

I've given leeway to those who were fooled into believing that Donald Trump was a God-fearing man prior the election (i.e. they didn't know that Trump was an unrepentant woman-hating misogynist, they didn't know about homosexual/LGBTQ activist Peter Thiel's speech at the RNC, drag queen Bruce Jenner being invited to use the women's restroom at Trump businesses, Trump being against the NC 'bathroom bill and waving the LGBTQ flag of death two days before the election, etc. etc.), but if someone who calls themselves a follower of Christ continues the support of someone who was called "the most pro LGBTQ Presidential candidate ever" by a homosexual leader, they had better have a good excuse for selling out God and our country.

What's your excuse glassjester?
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Is Ted Cruz evil for doing something that was necessary to continue his career as a God-fearing conservative? If he is, we need more 'evil' men like Ted Cruz.?

He is no different or better than anyone else in the Senate and House. He is complicit in ALLOWING the nutcase, Twitter-N-Chief (aka Putin's Puppet) to remain in power. With all of his conflicts of interest as well as his obstruction of justice, the GOP have the power and legitimate cause to impeach. While I am no fan of Mike Pence, unlike Trump, he doesn't need a nice white jacket and rubber room.

Welcome back to the WHMBR! threads Sandy. Let me start off by giving you my condolences for Hillary Clinton's loss (or whatever pro LGBTQ candidate you voted for this time around.

I constantly tell liberals to be appreciative of the fact that a LGBTQ activist like Donald Trump permeated the supposedly 'conservative' Republican Party and he hasn't been tossed out of office on his ear for his homosexual/transgender activism (the destruction of the conservative values of the Republican Party is the best thing that has happened to democrats and Libertarians alike, ask patrick jane, he'll tell you).

Regarding Senator Ted Cruz: When I choose a candidate during the Presidential primaries (the election prior to this one I was a big Rick Santorum fan), I not only look at what the candidate has said and done in the past, but I look at the 'sodomite HATE meter'. When the name 'Ted Cruz' was mentioned amongst proud and unrepentant homosexuals as a Presidential candidate (be it in internet forums, articles in magazines/newspapers or talking to people in person), watching blood trickle out their ears just at the mention of Ted Cruz's name made me know that I chose the right candidate.


Hall of Fame
Welcome back to the WHMBR! threads Sandy. Let me start off by giving you my condolences for Hillary Clinton's loss (or whatever pro LGBTQ candidate you voted for this time around..

No fan, she was just the least toxic ... and ... unlike Trump ... sane. MY candidate was Kasich. I would have also supported Weld had he actually been running for President rather than vice ... behind someone *almost* as clueless as Trump.


Well-known member
If the only church in town were a LGBTQ 'inclusive' church, would you attend it because you had no other choices? If the only therapist in town were a LGBTQ 'affriming' therapist, would you take your loved one to see him or her because you had no other choices?

This analogy doesn't work.
Faced with only ungodly churches, I can go to no church.
Faced with only ungodly therapists, I can go to no therapist.
Faced with only ungodly presidential candidates, you're still going to have a president forced upon you. So you have to at least try for the lesser of two evils.

What's your excuse glassjester?

It was him or Clinton.

patrick jane

This analogy doesn't work.
Faced with only ungodly churches, I can go to no church.
Faced with only ungodly therapists, I can go to no therapist.
Faced with only ungodly presidential candidates, you're still going to have a president forced upon you. So you have to at least try for the lesser of two evils.

It was him or Clinton.
Great points. That destroys aCW's arguments

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Art, like Donald Trump, is an extremely morally confused and spiritually empty person. If you're a godless-secular humanist-Libertarian, then I can understand you and Art Brain's friendship. If you're a follower of Christ you owe it to him to help him find a way out of his spiritual and psychological hellhole.

Okay, it's about time you just came out of the closet you gay obsessed nut. No way does a straight man spend hours and hours a day plundering the net for all things gay like you do, not a chance. So go and avail yourself of the counselling and therapy you so obviously project about and stop lying about being a heterosexual, married man. Unlike you, I know exactly which way my attractions lie and it's with the fairer sex, so no confusion here you wingnut.
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