Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Well-known member
But who could uphold those imaginary ones apart from himself? :eek:

Right - it's not a rational way to make decisions. Not for voting, not for anything really.

If I'm driving someone to the hospital, as they have a heart attack, I can...
A) Obey the speed limit and get him to the hospital
B) Speed to the hospital
C) Let him die

If I know that A (which is preferable) will likely result in C, then I choose B.

ACW is basically saying, "But breaking the speed limit is wrong!"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'd say that acw would choose:

D) pull over to the side of the road and refuse to participate in the unjust process while pretending to....

E) save the man's life with a revolutionary (and imaginary) new method of curing heart attack victims


Well-known member
I'd say that acw would choose:

D) pull over to the side of the road and refuse to participate in the unjust process while pretending to....

E) save the man's life with a revolutionary (and imaginary) new method of curing heart attack victims

Don't forget...

F) Criticize everyone who picked B for being immoral speed-limit breakers, and...
G) Refuse to tell anyone which choice he picked.


Originally Posted by Arthur Brain
But who could uphold those imaginary ones apart from himself?

Right - it's not a rational way to make decisions. Not for voting, not for anything really.

If I'm driving someone to the hospital, as they have a heart attack, I can...
A) Obey the speed limit and get him to the hospital
B) Speed to the hospital
C) Let him die

If I know that A (which is preferable) will likely result in C, then I choose B.

ACW is basically saying, "But breaking the speed limit is wrong!"

I see that you've made a new bestest friend, someone who like Donald Trump refuses to tell children that homosexuality is wrong.

(I'll go into Trump's pathetic speech to the Boy Scouts Sodomizers of America, his lack of an apology, and the irony of what the leader of the BSA said at another time, as it deserves it's own post).

Let's review your lame attempt at an analogy.

Yes, our country is dying. Yes, something has to be done to save it.

Here's your task:

Explain why Donald Trump, i.e. someone who can't even get something as simple as human sexuality right, explain why he is the answer to our country's problems.

Oh and Art's new bestest friend: If you passenger went into cardiac arrest, you do the following:

1) Pull over to the side of the road where you can safely pull him or her from the car.

2). Call 911 and tell them where you are and what is going on.

3). Take your friend to the ground and start performing CPR.

If you wait until you get to the hospital the odds are that your friend will be Dead On Arrival.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Arthur Brain
But who could uphold those imaginary ones apart from himself?

I see that you've made a new bestest friend, someone who like Donald Trump refuses to tell children that homosexuality is wrong.

(I'll go into Trump's pathetic speech to the Boy Scouts Sodomizers of America, his lack of an apology, and the irony of what the leader of the BSA said at another time, as it deserves it's own post).

Let's review your lame attempt at an analogy.

Yes, our country is dying. Yes, something has to be done to save it.

Here's your task:

Explain why Donald Trump, i.e. someone who can't even get something as simple as human sexuality right, explain why he is the answer to our country's problems.

Oh and Art's new bestest friend: If you passenger went into cardiac arrest, you do the following:

1) Pull over to the side of the road where you can safely pull him or her from the car.

2). Call 911 and tell them where you are and what is going on.

3). Take your friend to the ground and start performing CPR.

If you wait until you get to the hospital the odds are that your friend will be Dead On Arrival.

Except your candidate wouldn't be doing anything to "save" America either. He doesn't think that the state should incarcerate homosexuals does he aCW? Yet, where's your criticism of him?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Now that I've reminded you how fortunate the LGBTQueer movement is to have Donald Trump as POTUS, how about we get around to talking about what political figure(s) in the UK you've backed in previous elections?

Surely there is an LGBTQ'er poltiician that hasn't been accused of raping 14 year old boys over there? (they're hard to find over here).

Well, given that no viable candidate from any party over here supports your silly measures, then nobody I've voted for advocates for homosexuals to be locked up. None of them have been accused of rape either. Strange that...

Now then, why do you support a man who has no truck with your bonkers little obsession?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Arthur Brain
But who could uphold those imaginary ones apart from himself?

I see that you've made a new bestest friend, someone who like Donald Trump refuses to tell children that homosexuality is wrong.

(I'll go into Trump's pathetic speech to the Boy Scouts Sodomizers of America, his lack of an apology, and the irony of what the leader of the BSA said at another time, as it deserves it's own post).

Let's review your lame attempt at an analogy.

Yes, our country is dying. Yes, something has to be done to save it.

Here's your task:

Explain why Donald Trump, i.e. someone who can't even get something as simple as human sexuality right, explain why he is the answer to our country's problems.

I don't have to explain that. I just had to choose between the only two viable candidates.
Would you have preferred Clinton over Trump?

Oh and Art's new bestest friend:

I don't agree with Arthur on a lot of things, but I've always enjoyed talking with him. We're certainly not best friends - but neither are we enemies. Why is that a problem, anyway?

If you passenger went into cardiac arrest, you do the following:

1) Pull over to the side of the road where you can safely pull him or her from the car.

2). Call 911 and tell them where you are and what is going on.

3). Take your friend to the ground and start performing CPR.

If you wait until you get to the hospital the odds are that your friend will be Dead On Arrival.

How long would it take for him to die? Whatever amount of time that is, let's say the hospital is 2 minutes closer than that - but only if I speed. :)

If you think the analogy was supposed to make a point about heart attacks, you kind of missed the point.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Right - it's not a rational way to make decisions. Not for voting, not for anything really.

If I'm driving someone to the hospital, as they have a heart attack, I can...
A) Obey the speed limit and get him to the hospital
B) Speed to the hospital
C) Let him die

If I know that A (which is preferable) will likely result in C, then I choose B.

ACW is basically saying, "But breaking the speed limit is wrong!"

aCW doesn't have a clue what he's saying...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I see that you've [glassjester] made a new bestest friend, someone who like Donald Trump refuses to tell children that homosexuality is wrong.

Except your candidate wouldn't be doing anything to "save" America either. He doesn't think that the state should incarcerate homosexuals does he aCW? Yet, where's your criticism of him?


While updating the table of contents I'm not only reviewing the posts where you didn't have the decency to tell an inquisitive child that homosexuality is wrong, I'm reviewing several pages of posts where I endorsed Ted Cruz for President and the reasons why.

If you want to attack Cruz I'm sure you can get some dirt on him somewhere (have your buddy WizardofOz email him and ask him if he thinks homosexuality should be recriminalized).


About those LGBTQ candidates in the UK that you back:

Are there any that haven't been accused of raping 14 year old boys?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
While updating the table of contents I'm not only reviewing the posts where you didn't have the decency to tell an inquisitive child that homosexuality is wrong, I'm reviewing several pages of posts where I endorsed Ted Cruz for President and the reasons why.

Not talking about Cruz, talking about Castle. Also, I've never spoken with a child about sexual matters at all, let alone homosexuality and your drug addled scenarios sure don't count.

If you want to attack Cruz I'm sure you can get some dirt on him somewhere (have your buddy WizardofOz email him and ask him if he thinks homosexuality should be recriminalized).

Cruz wouldn't have re-criminalized homosexuality and you know fine well this isn't about him anyway. You can't bury your double standards under your table of contents oh gay obsessed one...


About those LGBTQ candidates in the UK that you back:

Are there any that haven't been accused of raping 14 year old boys?

There isn't a politician in the UK that would advance your loony measures.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Let's review your lame attempt at an analogy.

Yes, our country is dying. Yes, something has to be done to save it.

Here's your task:

Explain why Donald Trump, i.e. someone who can't even get something as simple as human sexuality right, explain why he is the answer to our country's problems.

I don't have to explain that. I just had to choose between the only two viable candidates.

If you identify as some godless-secular humanist-Libertarian whose worldview amounts to "What two consenting adults do in a public park restroom toilet stall is no one's business", then no, you don't have to explain why you voted for and continue to support Donald Trump.


If you identify as a follower of Christ, then yes, you have to explain why you voted for and continue to support a moral degenerate who SPITS in the Face of God with his LGBTQueer activism.

Would you have preferred Clinton over Trump?

I refused to betray God by voting for either.

Being that Trump supporters are "low information voters" (Ted Cruz stated that in the primaries), what I'm about to say is over your head and there is no doubt in my mind that you won't grasp a word of it.

I would rather have an openly liberal President and a conservative Congress to keep him or her in check, then a wolf hiding in sheep's clothing as President and his Party accepting pretty much everything that he proposes.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Oh and Art's new bestest friend: ...

I don't agree with Arthur on a lot of things, but I've always enjoyed talking with him. We're certainly not best friends - but neither are we enemies. Why is that a problem, anyway?

Art, like Donald Trump, is an extremely morally confused and spiritually empty person. If you're a godless-secular humanist-Libertarian, then I can understand you and Art Brain's friendship. If you're a follower of Christ you owe it to him to help him find a way out of his spiritual and psychological hellhole.

Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

If you wait until you get to the hospital the odds are that your friend will be Dead On Arrival.

How long would it take for him to die? Whatever amount of time that is, let's say the hospital is 2 minutes closer than that - but only if I speed.

If you think the analogy was supposed to make a point about heart attacks, you kind of missed the point.

I understood it well. You're failing to see that it took the patient (our country) decades to come to where we are today (our deathbed). What you're failing to acknowledge is that you're going to the wrong hospital and because of the inferior treatment the patient will receive there, he or she is going to die from the problem that you thought could be corrected.


Well-known member
Being that Trump supporters are "low information voters" (Ted Cruz stated that in the primaries), what I'm about to say is over your head and there is no doubt in my mind that you won't grasp a word of it.

That's what he said in the primaries. Who did Cruz vote for in the general election?

I would rather have an openly liberal President and a conservative Congress to keep him or her in check, then a wolf hiding in sheep's clothing as President and his Party accepting pretty much everything that he proposes.

So did you vote for Clinton, then?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

What you're failing to acknowledge is that you're going to the wrong hospital and because of the inferior treatment the patient will receive there, he or she is going to die from the problem that you thought could be corrected.

Can it be corrected?

It can, but it won't be done overnight. People of faith are going to have to understand what God expects of them when it comes to voting.

Keeping in mind that God created 3 institutions with separate but equally important roles for the governance of man (the family, the Church and civil government).

Would you go to a LGBTQ-flag waving 'inclusive' Church?

If a child or loved one of yours stated that they had same sex desires, would you embrace their behavior or show true love to them by showing him or her that Christ has a better way?

If your answer to the two questions are "No, I wouldn't go to a LGBTQ flag waving Church" and "No, I wouldn't embrace my loved one's sexual confusion", then why do you sell out God by voting for openly immoral people in civil government?


Well-known member
It can, but it won't be done overnight. People of faith are going to have to understand what God expects of them when it comes to voting.

Keeping in mind that God created 3 institutions with separate but equally important roles for the governance of man (the family, the Church and civil government).

Would you go to a LGBTQ-flag waving 'inclusive' Church?

No, sir!

If a child or loved one of yours stated that they had same sex desires, would you embrace their behavior or show true love to them by showing him or her that Christ has a better way?

I would not embrace their behavior.

If your answer to the two questions are "No, I wouldn't go to a LGBTQ flag waving Church" and "No, I wouldn't embrace my loved one's sexual confusion", then why do you sell out God by voting for openly immoral people in civil government?

Did Ted Cruz sell out when he endorsed Trump?
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