Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Eagles Wings

New member
Two things:

If I'm silent about who I want running the country, it seems to be that I'd be ashamed of who I voted for.

Secondly: If you're putting immoral men and women into public office, you can't hide that from God.

Here's a question for you EW: If you were given the choice to drink two different poisons, what would you do?


My answer would be: "No thanks, I'll drink neither. I'll sit this one out and try harder the next time around to elect a God-fearing President."
Christians don't even agree about the definition of God-fearing. Would this person be dispensational, evangelical, reformed, baptist, trinitarian, etc?

Some consider chemotherapy a poison, with both risks and benefits.


Well-known member
If I'm silent about who I want running the country, it seems to be that I'd be ashamed of who I voted for.

Let's hear it, then.

My answer would be: "No thanks, I'll drink neither. I'll sit this one out and try harder the next time around to elect a God-fearing President."

That's not how elections work. If you don't pick one, one will be picked for you. You don't get to "sit out" of having a president for four years. So you might as well try to pick the least poisonous poison.


Quote: Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Two things:

If I'm silent about who I want running the country, it seems to be that I'd be ashamed of who I voted for.

Secondly: If you're putting immoral men and women into public office, you can't hide that from God.

Here's a question for you EW: If you were given the choice to drink two different poisons, what would you do?

My answer would be: "No thanks, I'll drink neither. I'll sit this one out and try harder the next time around to elect a God-fearing President."

Christians don't even agree about the definition of God-fearing. Would this person be dispensational, evangelical, reformed, baptist, trinitarian, etc?

Some consider chemotherapy a poison, with both risks and benefits.

Are moral absolutes 'debatable' amongst so-called 'Christians'?

For the benefit of those that hadn't read Selwyn Duke's article the first umpteen times I posted it:

Why many American Christians really are un-Christian

...Let us be blunt: It is simply not possible to espouse relativism — which holds that right and wrong are opinion — and be a true Christian.

Why? It's simple: Jesus did not die for our opinions. Jesus did not say that His blood was the blood of the new and everlasting covenant and that it would be shed for you and for all so that opinions may be forgiven; He did not say, I am a way, a truth, and a life; He did not say, let he who is without opinion cast the first stone; He did not say to that dark tempter, "It is said, 'Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God,'" but, hey, Satan, whatever works for you.

There are many doctrinal differences among the denominations, and good people could debate them ad nauseam and still not settle every one. Yet, if anything is central to Christianity, it's the belief that Truth is spelled with a capital "T," that it is absolute, universal and eternal. And also central is a corollary of this belief: that there is an absolute, universal and eternal answer to every moral question; that right and wrong are not a matter of opinion, that they don't change from time to time and place to place...

In fact, understand that moral relativism does nothing less than render the foundational act of Christianity, the sacrifice on the cross, incomprehensible. Why? Simply because Jesus died for our sins, and this presupposes that sin exists. However, if what we call morality is simply opinion, then there can be no such thing as sin. For who is to say? "Hey, I have my truth, you have your truth. Don't impose your values on me!" protests the relativist. And if there is no such thing as sin, there was no reason for Jesus to sacrifice himself. After all, what does anyone need to be forgiven for if there is no sin?

Now we come to why this piece isn't just for Christians. The concept of Absolute Truth lies at the heart of Judaism, Islam and, in fact, philosophy itself. Why philosophy? Because, properly defined, philosophy is the search for Truth.

Read more: http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/duke/100301




That's not how elections work. If you don't pick one, one will be picked for you. You don't get to "sit out" of having a president for four years. So you might as well try to pick the least poisonous poison.

You picked someone who as shown didn't hide his activism when it came to the LGBTQueer agenda. Be proud of your LGBTQ President gj, you knew what you were getting when you voted him in and you know what you're getting now.

While you could apologize to the innocent children and others who are impacted by Donald Trump's support of the homosexual agenda, I think you should spend your time and effort making yourself right with God.


Well-known member
You picked someone who as shown didn't hide his activism when it came to the LGBTQueer agenda. Be proud of your LGBTQ President gj, you knew what you were getting when you voted him in and you know what you're getting now.

While you could apologize to the innocent children and others who are impacted by Donald Trump's support of the homosexual agenda, I think you should spend your time and effort making yourself right with God.

Are you ashamed of who you voted for?


Well-known member
He won't tell you because he knows he's on the ropes if he admits it. He put in a vote for Castle from the Constitutional party except Castle doesn't support anything like the measures aCW does and when presented with this, aCW runs for the hills and hopes folk don't realise it.

I'm on the fence about voting for non-viable candidates. It seems equivalent to not voting at all.

Then again, Clinton won my state, so did my vote really count?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

You picked someone who as shown didn't hide his activism when it came to the LGBTQueer agenda. Be proud of your LGBTQ President gj, you knew what you were getting when you voted him in and you know what you're getting now.

While you could apologize to the innocent children and others who are impacted by Donald Trump's support of the homosexual agenda, I think you should spend your time and effort making yourself right with God.

Are you ashamed of who you voted for?

I'm proud that I put a lot of effort into supporting Ted Cruz for President. I'm proud that I exposed sexual degenerate/LGBTQueer activist Donald Trump for what he is and didn't sell out God by voting for him.

How about you, are you proud that you supported and continue to support a homosexual activist?

I pulled this post up from a hundred + pages ago talking about the nucleus of society. Until Donald Trump grasps the importance that the traditional family plays in society, he'll forever be lost in his governing.





Oh look, another drive-by troll post.

So on November 8, 2016, you voted for ted Cruz for president?

My protest vote against the Republican Party and it's Presidential nominee has already been explained.

While I know that you won't touch this with the proverbial 10 foot rainbow colored pole, I'll ask anyway:

How can you profess to be a follower of Christ yet vote for someone who openly promotes things that God abhors and continue to support him?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm on the fence about voting for non-viable candidates. It seems equivalent to not voting at all.

Then again, Clinton won my state, so did my vote really count?

Well, I think there has to be provision for other candidates if the only viable ones for office suck, and the others represent your views more than the main parties. It all depends on whether you only count a vote as wasted if your constituency or state doesn't get the politician you want...

See what I mean about aCW though? He won't answer you...

Eagles Wings

New member
If you voted for Trump and continue to support him yet call yourself a Christian, you need to read and fully understand the article.

If you disagree with the article, then let's discuss it.
My voting record has not nothing to do with being justified in Christ.

You may not mean to, yet you are basing salvation on a work.

As a patriotic American, I support the Office Of The Presidency, and the flawed man who holds that office.

I bought some nice stationary, to hand write Scripture verses to send to President Trump and his wife.

As of now, I turn from trash talking him.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

If you voted for Trump and continue to support him yet call yourself a Christian, you need to read and fully understand the article.

If you disagree with the article, then let's discuss it.

My voting record has not nothing to do with being justified in Christ.

You may not mean to, yet you are basing salvation on a work.

How about I be your student and you can explain how this Christianity thing works?

Once again: How can you be a follower of Christ and ignore His teachings?

As a patriotic American, I support the Office Of The Presidency, and the flawed man who holds that office.

I bought some nice stationary, to hand write Scripture verses to send to President Trump and his wife.

As of now, I turn from trash talking him.

As a patriotic American, is there any chance that you made copies of the Scripture verses that you sent to former President Barack Obama and his wife, as I really would like to see what verses you shared with them?

You are consistent in this area I hope.

BTW: Do you openly embrace "Christians" that voted for Hillary Clinton?

Back to the article entitled:

Civil Government: The Neglected Ministry

Here's a key phrase that we can start off our conversation with:

"The Lord established three fundamental institutions for the governance of men: family, the Church, and civil government. While these three institutions are separate spheres of authority under God, they clearly have mutually supportive, interwoven functions."
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