Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Please provide evidence out of The Holy Bible showing that God would approve of your vote and currently approves of your support for sexual degenerate Donald Trump.

I will continue to discuss my vote as soon as you tell me which candidate I, as a Christian, should have voted for.

Let's deal with the cancer that is running amuck throughout the United States today:

People who call themselves "Christian" yet vote for ungodly men and women.


Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Please provide evidence out of The Holy Bible showing that God would approve of your vote and currently approves of your support for sexual degenerate Donald Trump.

Let's deal with the cancer that is running amuck throughout the United States today:

People who call themselves "Christian" yet vote for ungodly men and women.

Was there a candidate worthy of the Christian vote, or not?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Let's deal with the cancer that is running amuck throughout the United States today:

People who call themselves "Christian" yet vote for ungodly men and women.

Was there a candidate worthy of the Christian vote, or not?

Once we've established that a candidate who proudly held the LGBTQ flag of death 2 days prior to the general election isn't worthy of any God-fearing person's vote, we'll move onto what other options exist.



In case you don't know who Chris Barron is:


According to proud and unrepentant homosexual Chris Barron, Donald Trump is even more LGBTQ friendly than Hillary Clinton (and who are we to question a homosexual republican?).
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Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Let's deal with the cancer that is running amuck throughout the United States today:

People who call themselves "Christian" yet vote for ungodly men and women.

Once we've established that a candidate who proudly held the LGBTQ flag of death 2 days prior to the general election isn't worthy of any God-fearing person's vote, we'll move onto what other options exist.



In case you don't know who Chris Barron is:


According to proud and unrepentant homosexual Chris Barron, Donald Trump is even more LGBTQ friendly than Hillary Clinton (and who are we to question a homosexual republican?).

Who should I have voted for?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Once we've established that a candidate who proudly held the LGBTQ flag of death 2 days prior to the general election isn't worthy of any God-fearing person's vote, we'll move onto what other options exist...

According to proud and unrepentant homosexual Chris Barron, Donald Trump is even more LGBTQ friendly than Hillary Clinton (and who are we to question a homosexual republican?).

Who should I have voted for?

There is no doubt in my mind that you voted for, and continue to support someone who matches your worldview.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

Once we've established that a candidate who proudly held the LGBTQ flag of death 2 days prior to the general election isn't worthy of any God-fearing person's vote, we'll move onto what other options exist...

According to proud and unrepentant homosexual Chris Barron, Donald Trump is even more LGBTQ friendly than Hillary Clinton (and who are we to question a homosexual republican?).

There is no doubt in my mind that you voted for, and currently support someone who matches your worldview.

I don't think you voted.


Well-known member
The parents of babyboomers. Voting was private and respected, considered a privilege and a duty.

Opinions were not blathered in public such as the internet has brought, which is bittersweet.

Yeah, I can see there being benefits to that.

In this case, though, ACW hounded me for several posts demanding to know whether I voted for Trump. The least he could do is reciprocate.

Eagles Wings

New member
Yeah, I can see there being benefits to that.

In this case, though, ACW hounded me for several posts demanding to know whether I voted for Trump. The least he could do is reciprocate.
My post was meant as a general statement. Demands to force people to give info they'd rather not is ignore worthy.


Well-known member
My post was meant as a general statement. Demands to force people to give info they'd rather not is ignore worthy.

I wasn't really unwilling to say who I voted for (or else I wouldn't have said).
ACW just made a big deal out of it.

Still, I don't see why he wouldn't want to explain who the better candidate was.


I prefer the days when people kept their voting choice to themselves.

Two things:

If I'm silent about who I want running the country, it seems to be that I'd be ashamed of who I voted for.

Secondly: If you're putting immoral men and women into public office, you can't hide that from God.

Here's a question for you EW: If you were given the choice to drink two different poisons, what would you do?


My answer would be: "No thanks, I'll drink neither. I'll sit this one out and try harder the next time around to elect a God-fearing President."
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