Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

If you voted for Trump and continue to support him yet call yourself a Christian, you need to read and fully understand the article.

If you disagree with the article, then let's discuss it.

How about I be your student and you can explain how this Christianity thing works?

Once again: How can you be a follower of Christ and ignore His teachings?

As a patriotic American, is there any chance that you made copies of the Scripture verses that you sent to former President Barack Obama and his wife, as I really would like to see what verses you shared with them?

You are consistent in this area I hope.

Back to the article entitled:

Civil Government: The Neglected Ministry

Here's a key phrase that we can start off our conversation with:

"The Lord established three fundamental institutions for the governance of men: family, the Church, and civil government. While these three institutions are separate spheres of authority under God, they clearly have mutually supportive, interwoven functions."

Any chance of you sharing how incensed you are at Castle for being so atrociously lax in his moral duty as to not support homosexuality being remade a crime and his views that the state shouldn't really have any business in that area?

Inquiring minds needz ta know...



Any chance of you sharing how incensed you are at Castle for being so atrociously lax in his moral duty as to not support homosexuality being remade a crime and his views that the state shouldn't really have any business in that area?

Inquiring minds needz ta know...


My protest vote against the Republican Party and your LGBTQ ally Donald Trump has already been discussed Art.

Do you have anything to add to the thread on the proper role of civil government or is this yet another one of your drive-by troll posts?

patrick jane

My protest vote against the Republican Party and your LGBTQ ally Donald Trump has already been discussed Art.

Do you have anything to add to the thread on the proper role of civil government or is this yet another one of your drive-by troll posts?
All you deserve are drive by troll posts. You compulsively demean, marginalize and talk down to every poster that tries to engage you. You have a repulsive demeanor, very abrasive.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
My protest vote against the Republican Party and your LGBTQ ally Donald Trump has already been discussed Art.

Do you have anything to add to the thread on the proper role of civil government or is this yet another one of your drive-by troll posts?

Your protest vote would have been moot as it was, considering your candidate doesn't go along with your ideas of the 'proper role of civil government', certainly not where it comes to homosexuality. Yet you won't criticize Castle in any way whatsoever over that.

Bemusing, and doesn't exactly reflect well on you when you're blustering away over other people's votes. You really should have kept this thread going as your own personal little blog instead of being that desperate to get some traction for it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
All you deserve are drive by troll posts. You compulsively demean, marginalize and talk down to every poster that tries to engage you. You have a repulsive demeanor, very abrasive.

Correction, he tries to. In his pompous, puffed up little mind he's a hero, a real crusader immune to error and with legions of fans, witty beyond words and with sharp riposte to any foil.

That's the mindset of the zealous blowhard.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Do you have anything to add to the thread on the proper role of civil government or is this yet another one of your drive-by troll posts?

All you deserve are drive by troll posts. You compulsively demean, marginalize and talk down to every poster that tries to engage you. You have a repulsive demeanor, very abrasive.

I guess I haven't caught on to embracing those who proudly engage in immoral behavior and/or promote a godless agenda. Do you give lessons?

If you think I'm abrasive, wait until you meet God on your judgment day. I somehow get the feeling that He's not impressed with those who mock His Word.

BTW: What is the role of civil government?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

My protest vote against the Republican Party and your LGBTQ ally Donald Trump has already been discussed Art.

Do you have anything to add to the thread on the proper role of civil government or is this yet another one of your drive-by troll posts?

Your protest vote would have been moot as it was, considering your candidate doesn't go along with your ideas of the 'proper role of civil government', certainly not where it comes to homosexuality. Yet you won't criticize Castle in any way whatsoever over that.

Bemusing, and doesn't exactly reflect well on you when you're blustering away over other people's votes. You really should have kept this thread going as your own personal little blog instead of being that desperate to get some traction for it.

I don't think you're aware of how lucky your LGBTQ movement is to have Donald Trump as President of the United States. Granted, he is a pompous pig, but being a liberal that supports the homosexual/abortion/sexual anarchist movement, you're use to embracing pompous pigs Art.

Let's do a quick review of why your LGBTQueer movement is lucky to have Donald Trump as POTUS.

1). Without a peep from the supposed 'conservative' Republican Party, Donald Trump stated that Obergefell v Hodges (i.e. homosexual 'marriage') is "settled law".

2). Without a peep from the supposed 'conservative' Republican Party, Donald Trump made the evil monster Rex Tillerson who turned the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of America into the "Boy Sodomizers of America"* his Secretary of State.

3). Without a peep from the supposed 'conservative' Republican Party, Donald Trump nominated (and republicans confirmed the nomination) LGBTQ/abortion activist Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

4). Without a peep from the supposed 'conservative' Republican Party, Donald Trump nominated (and republicans confirmed the nomination) LGBTQueer activist Besty Devos as his Secretary of Education.

I could go on and on, but I realize that the attention span of your average LGBTQ'er is that of a gnat.

*Credit goes to AFA's Bryan Fischer for that term.


Well-known member
Well, I think there has to be provision for other candidates if the only viable ones for office suck, and the others represent your views more than the main parties. It all depends on whether you only count a vote as wasted if your constituency or state doesn't get the politician you want...

I think it's just a matter of choosing the best possible solution, given what you know about the possible outcomes.

Let's say the best solution to a problem is A, second best option is B, and C would actually worsen the problem. But the catch is, I know solution A is not viable, and in fact, by attempting solution A, I actually increase the odds of C. No matter what I do, I can't get A. So what must I do? Opt for B.


See what I mean about aCW though? He won't answer you...

Yes - he doesn't seem to hold himself to the same standards as those he criticizes.


Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Brain

Well, I think there has to be provision for other candidates if the only viable ones for office suck, and the others represent your views more than the main parties. It all depends on whether you only count a vote as wasted if your constituency or state doesn't get the politician you want...

I think it's just a matter of choosing the best possible solution, given what you know about the possible outcomes.

Let's say the best solution to a problem is A, second best option is B, and C would actually worsen the problem. But the catch is, I know solution A is not viable, and in fact, by attempting solution A, I actually increase the odds of C. No matter what I do, I can't get A. So what must I do? Opt for B.


Wow, your use of the ABC's as an excuse for moral relativism to make a point is profound.

I prefer numbers when I choose a candidate:

If he or she can grasp 1, 6*, 7, 8 & 9 it's a good start.



*Murder, not kill.


*Murder, not kill.
Bible corrector. It says kill, because killing is immoral. If you knew anything about law or Sacred Scripture, you'd know that killing itself is inherently disordered. What you're trying to say is that there is a type of killing that is forbidden in the Ten Commandments, not all killing, but 999 killings out of 1000 are murders, so what's your point in correcting the Bible?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not as much as I hate having to come here almost daily to expose the LGBTQ/sexual anarchist agenda and deal with people who profess to be followers of Christ yet promote things that He abhors.

Who's forcing you to come here and post? You hate your own blog? You hate "having" to boast about an unimpressive view tally for a diary you keep propping up?

Seriously dude, who do you possibly think you're kidding at this stage?

Look man, do yourself a favor, just quit obsessing about gay folk okay? There's no chance whatsoever of your 'premise' coming to fruition so try and enjoy life a bit. Take in the air, go for walks, appreciate the surroundings and stuff. You'll be happier.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I think it's just a matter of choosing the best possible solution, given what you know about the possible outcomes.

Let's say the best solution to a problem is A, second best option is B, and C would actually worsen the problem. But the catch is, I know solution A is not viable, and in fact, by attempting solution A, I actually increase the odds of C. No matter what I do, I can't get A. So what must I do? Opt for B.


The chances are that A, B & C or even D/E wouldn't make that much difference in the machinations of politics. Ok, I'm a cynic...

Yes - he doesn't seem to hold himself to the same standards as those he criticizes.

But who could uphold those imaginary ones apart from himself? :eek:

He can't answer without 'exposing' himself, so he'll do everything to try and bury the double standard until it goes away and he can come out of his shelter.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

My protest vote against the Republican Party and your LGBTQ ally Donald Trump has already been discussed Art.

Do you have anything to add to the thread on the proper role of civil government or is this yet another one of your drive-by troll posts?

I don't think you're aware of how lucky your LGBTQ movement is to have Donald Trump as President of the United States. Granted, he is a pompous pig, but being a liberal that supports the homosexual/abortion/sexual anarchist movement, you're use to embracing pompous pigs Art.

Let's do a quick review of why your LGBTQueer movement is lucky to have Donald Trump as POTUS.

1). Without a peep from the supposed 'conservative' Republican Party, Donald Trump stated that Obergefell v Hodges (i.e. homosexual 'marriage') is "settled law".

2). Without a peep from the supposed 'conservative' Republican Party, Donald Trump made the evil monster Rex Tillerson who turned the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of America into the "Boy Sodomizers of America"* his Secretary of State.

3). Without a peep from the supposed 'conservative' Republican Party, Donald Trump nominated (and republicans confirmed the nomination) LGBTQ/abortion activist Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

4). Without a peep from the supposed 'conservative' Republican Party, Donald Trump nominated (and republicans confirmed the nomination) LGBTQueer activist Besty Devos as his Secretary of Education.

I could go on and on, but I realize that the attention span of your average LGBTQ'er is that of a gnat.

*Credit goes to AFA's Bryan Fischer for that term.

Your bloke Castle is an LGBTQ ally by your very own criteria. Once again aCW, put the diary down, go venture out into the world and take in the air dude. Enjoy things. Embrace life and put that stuffed shirt down for a bit.


Originally Posted by Nihilo
I hate this thread.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Not as much as I hate having to come here almost daily to expose the LGBTQ/sexual anarchist agenda and deal with people who profess to be followers of Christ yet promote things that He abhors.

Does it make you angry?

I guess I haven't become indifferent to things like child indoctrination/molestation.

This thread doesn't make me angry, it just makes me want to poke it with a stick. I hate it in that way.

By chance is the subject matter hitting a little too close to home?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
*Murder, not kill. (aCW corrects the wording of the #6 Commandment).

Bible corrector. It says kill, because killing is immoral.

So if you were to use deadly force to protect your life or the lives of loved ones against an unlawful aggressor (i.e. a criminal), that would be immoral in the Eyes of God?

If you knew anything about law or Sacred Scripture, you'd know that killing itself is inherently disordered.

Yet in OT chapters like Leviticus God uses killing as a form of punishment for many immoral acts.

What you're trying to say is that there is a type of killing that is forbidden in the Ten Commandments, not all killing, but 999 killings out of 1000 are murders, so what's your point in correcting the Bible?

I'm saying that God justifies killing, not murder.

Why is "You shall not murder" in the Ten Commandments?

There are two different Hebrew words (ratsakh, mut) and two Greek words (phoneuo, apokteino) for “murder” and “killing.” One means “to put to death,” and the other means “to murder.” The latter one is the one prohibited by the Ten Commandments, not the former. In fact, ratsakh has a broader definition than the English word “murder.” Ratsakh also covers deaths due to carelessness or neglect but is never used when describing killing during wartime. That is why most modern translations render the sixth commandment “You shall not murder” rather than “You shall not kill.”

Read more: https://www.gotquestions.org/you-shall-not-murder.html


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I don't think you're aware of how lucky your LGBTQ movement is to have Donald Trump as President of the United States. Granted, he is a pompous pig, but being a liberal that supports the homosexual/abortion/sexual anarchist movement, you're use to embracing pompous pigs Art.

Let's do a quick review of why your LGBTQueer movement is lucky to have Donald Trump as POTUS.

1). Without a peep from the supposed 'conservative' Republican Party, Donald Trump stated that Obergefell v Hodges (i.e. homosexual 'marriage') is "settled law".

2). Without a peep from the supposed 'conservative' Republican Party, Donald Trump made the evil monster Rex Tillerson who turned the once God-fearing Boy Scouts of America into the "Boy Sodomizers of America"* his Secretary of State.

3). Without a peep from the supposed 'conservative' Republican Party, Donald Trump nominated (and republicans confirmed the nomination) LGBTQ/abortion activist Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

4). Without a peep from the supposed 'conservative' Republican Party, Donald Trump nominated (and republicans confirmed the nomination) LGBTQueer activist Besty Devos as his Secretary of Education.

I could go on and on, but I realize that the attention span of your average LGBTQ'er is that of a gnat.

*Credit goes to AFA's Bryan Fischer for that term.

Your bloke Castle is an LGBTQ ally by your very own criteria. Once again aCW, put the diary down, go venture out into the world and take in the air dude. Enjoy things. Embrace life and put that stuffed shirt down for a bit.

Now that I've reminded you how fortunate the LGBTQueer movement is to have Donald Trump as POTUS, how about we get around to talking about what political figure(s) in the UK you've backed in previous elections?

Surely there is an LGBTQ'er poltiician that hasn't been accused of raping 14 year old boys over there? (they're hard to find over here).
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