Well-known member
while homosexuality is not a mental illness homophobia does technically qualify as one. How willing would you be to submit to therapy?
Every heterosexual person has "homophobia."
while homosexuality is not a mental illness homophobia does technically qualify as one. How willing would you be to submit to therapy?
I am not sure how required it should or could be.
What's the legal stance on other mental illnesses?
Is therapy legally required for schizophrenia?
Those aren't rhetorical questions, by the way.
I am seriously asking.
In the spirit of fair play, did you not vote, ACW?
Come on now - I keep on answering your questions. Be fair.
I take that as a "No, none of my supposed Christian friends have shared God's Word with me, specifically dealing with human sexuality."
Maybe they just figure that hanging out with you and chit chatting over various things will help you with your moral confusion instead of addressing it directly?
Oh wait, as far as I can tell your supposed Christian friends (patrick jane, glassjester) seem to be as morally confused as you.
When can we talk about the brutal murder of 13 year old Dylan Redwine and how laws prohibiting transvestism/transgenderism most likely would have prevented it?
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I really wanna know if you believe that therapy for those who engage in homosexual behavior and people with gender dysphoria should be optional or required by law?
Please respond.
To my knowledge, God didn't make mental illnesses like schizophrenia a criminal act punishable by death in the Old Testament (nor did He destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because it was inhabited by schizophrenics). Come to think of it, westernized civilization for 2,000 years, unlike homosexuality, didn't make mental illness a criminal act, punishable by incarceration. When it comes to LGBTQueer indoctrination: Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the flesh in the New Testament pretty much said that those behind the psychological and spiritual molestation of innocent children by LGBTQueer activists should receive 'millstone therapy'.
Matthew 18:6
Without a doubt those that had gone through horrific things as a child (rape, psychological abuse) things that were behind their same sex desires, are in need of therapy to help deal with or hopefully overcome those unnatural desires. But the LGBTQueer agenda and those behind it are evil and need to be stopped dead in their tracks, and only righteous laws (along with cultural mores) can do that.
Answered several pages back when the guy who was offered oral sex in college by another guy graced my thread with his presence.
My absentee ballot (all WA State voters vote via absentee ballot now) sat on my dining room table until the day of the election. Being that I had not one ounce of respect for the 'Republicrat' Party for nominating a pro LGBTQ activist as their Presidential candidate, I seriously considered not even voting. Knowing that there were other issues that needed my attention, I opened the envelope and examined who and what I would vote for. When I looked at the options for President I didn't know whether to leave it blank or check another Party as a protest vote. Knowing the past platform history of the biblically based Constitution Party, I marked an X by it's candidate.
Your turn: As a supposed Bible believing Christian why did you vote for and continue to support to this day someone who you knew was a LGBTQueer flag waving activist?
No confusion here you silly man. Most Christians in my experience don't have a pathological obsession with sex or wish to police everyone else's lives, that's more the remit of crackpots like yourself, not that you'll ever have the chance to do so or see your barmy premise come into effect.
Yet your new bestest friend thinks that cross dressing/genital mutilation and same sex attraction/behavior are a mental illness.
God speaks about the standard He sets for human sexuality throughout the Bible. If so-called 'Christians' can't get something as simple as "one man, one woman, united in matrimony" right, then they better go back to Genesis and start at the beginning of the Bible to understand what God expects.
BTW Art: I was hoping that you'd explain why a cross dressing, diaper wearing, human feces eating father of two should be allowed to continue that kind of life, a life that lead to the brutal murder of his 13 year old son.!-Part-4&p=5074619&viewfull=1#post5074619
What's with this "bestest friend" crap?
It's GJ's prerogative to think such.
Carry on hoping, transgender people are usually not murderers and I'm not going to indulge your dishonest blanketing of people through a child's death.
What makes glassjester so acceptable in your world (and the world of others like you) is that he will disagree with you when it comes to ideology in places like internet forums, but won't do anything out in the real world to back that ideology (in fact he does the opposite: he votes for and continues to support a LGBTQueer activist).
I don't mean this as a challenge, but out of genuine curiosity: What have you done in the real world to criminalize homosexuality?
What makes glassjester so acceptable in your world (and the world of others like you) is that he will disagree with you when it comes to ideology in places like internet forums, but won't do anything out in the real world to back that ideology (in fact he does the opposite: he votes for and continues to support a LGBTQueer activist).
How about we both agree that cross dressing-diaper wearing-human feces eating people shouldn't be allowed to be anywhere near children?
Wait, that won't work as that would be saying that they're '2nd class citizens'.
As far as that "blanket" goes:
"Transgender fetish is the largest sexual disorder reported in convicted sex offenders.(4) Almost 100% of convicted sex offenders have a documented history of transvestism, crossdressing, free-dressing, Autogynephilia, transsexualism – in other words: TRANSGENDER.
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What makes glassjester so acceptable in your world (and the world of others like you) is that he will disagree with you when it comes to ideology in places like internet forums, but won't do anything out in the real world to back that ideology (in fact he does the opposite: he votes for and continues to support a LGBTQueer activist).
I was hoping that you'd ask.
Besides enhancing my spiritual growth by attending church/men's small groups, reading Holy Scripture and doing my best to be a morally disciplined and loving husband and father, if you've been a follower of this 4 part thread you'd know that I reach out to 200-300 people a day in an attempt to promote traditional family values.
Hopefully some of those people have been positively influenced.
Besides enhancing my spiritual growth by attending church/men's small groups, reading Holy Scripture
and doing my best to be a morally disciplined and loving husband and father,
if you've been a follower of this 4 part thread you'd know that I reach out to 200-300 people a day in an attempt to promote traditional family values.
What makes glassjester so acceptable in your world (and the world of others like you) is that he will disagree with you when it comes to ideology in places like internet forums, but won't do anything out in the real world to back that ideology
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What makes glassjester so acceptable in your world (and the world of others like you) is that he will disagree with you when it comes to ideology in places like internet forums, but won't do anything out in the real world to back that ideology (in fact he does the opposite: he votes for and continues to support a LGBTQueer activist).
I was hoping that you'd ask.
Besides enhancing my spiritual growth by attending church/men's small groups, reading Holy Scripture and doing my best to be a morally disciplined and loving husband and father, if you've been a follower of this 4 part thread you'd know that I reach out to 200-300 people a day in an attempt to promote traditional family values.
Hopefully some of those people have been positively influenced.
Ok. Going to church is going to recriminalize homosexuality? Well I do that, too!
I do my best to be a loving husband - hopefully a father sometime soon! Again, though, not sure if you're really going to recriminalize homosexuality by doing this...
Wait, wait, wait... you said promoting ideals on the internet isn't enough! What real world things are you doing to recriminalize homosexuality?
Remember what you said?
So besides promoting your ideology on internet forums, what are you doing out in the real world?
Come on, there must be something.
(I mean this now as half challenge, half curiosity)
Loving your family and going to church are good things to do. But be honest with yourself, doing those things will not result in the recriminalization of homosexuality.
And if that's what counts as real world action (that you accused me of not taking), well then you're wrong. I do those things, too.
Once again he's dropped himself in it.
I do wonder what his goal is, in doing so. And whether he's actually accomplishing it.
Thanks for the sincere response. I did mean it when I said to ACW that I'd be happy to discuss the topic with you. Like how I arrived at my beliefs, having been of an opinion similar to your own, at one point. Or discussions I've had with my older brother, for example, who currently believes as you do, when it comes to organized religion. Such conversations force me to reexamine my own beliefs, and I welcome the opportunity to do so.
I understand this is a topic most people do not wish to discuss with much of anyone - let alone with people they don't know. So I hope I haven't overstepped any bounds by suggesting it.
He can either admit that he does nothing "in the real world" to criminalize homosexuality, or he can admit that I do the same things he does to criminalize homosexuality: love my family and attend church.
Or... he can refuse to address the illogic of his argument, and go on a Trump tirade.
Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!
If "homosexuality" is considered a sin that MUST be recriminalized, there is a wide array of other sins identified in the Old and New Testament that deserve the same treatment!
If all Christians consider themselves to be sinners (Donald Trump excepted), and "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23,Romans 8:1), then all sin should be criminalized - and all of us, including "aCultureWarrior," are no better than those "homosexuals" against whom he has been conducting an unrelenting campaign!
Is this yet another one of your drive-by troll posts jgarden or are you seriously interested in debate?
If all Christians consider themselves to be sinners (Donald Trump excepted), and "the wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23,Romans 8:1), then all sin should be criminalized - and all of us, including "aCultureWarrior," are no better than those "homosexuals" against whom he has been conducting an unrelenting campaign!
Ok. Going to church is going to recriminalize homosexuality? Well I do that, too!
I do my best to be a loving husband - hopefully a father sometime soon! Again, though, not sure if you're really going to recriminalize homosexuality by doing this...
Wait, wait, wait... you said promoting ideals on the internet isn't enough! What real world things are you doing to recriminalize homosexuality?
Remember what you said?
Loving your family and going to church are good things to do. But be honest with yourself, doing those things will not result in the recriminalization of homosexuality.
And if that's what counts as real world action (that you accused me of not taking), well then you're wrong. I do those things, too.